Well here ya go! This is the expansion of "Sex, Blood, and Rock 'n Roll". I hope you love it!

Disclaimer: I don't know what it matters, but I recently decided it might be a good idea to invest in a disclaimer. So I don't own Big Time Rush- obviously.

Logan looked out over the crowd of people in his father's home. Men with their expensive suits with the puffy blouses beneath, some with top hats, the women with their fancy ball gowns and tight ringlets littered downstairs- usual looking bunch at a celebratory ball in 1903.

They were all there for Hector's birthday. Oh- big whoop! Hector was turning sixteen. Nobody cared when LOGAN turned sixteen, five years ago. And Logan had done WELL in school, stayed out of trouble, and did what he was told! Nobody cared about Logan, and truthfully nobody knew why. Logan was as handsome, if not more handsome, as Hector, he was older and very intelligent, he was polite, and he was very charming. Perhaps he was undermined because his brother was a different kind of amazing.

Hector was very tall and handsome, had muscles which he used to serve the town of Weston, Minnesota in many ways, and he was nice to everyone. The only thing was, he was dumb as a post. Logan still loved him, though- Hector WAS his little brother, after all, even if he DID overshadow his older brother.

"Honey, why don't you go downstairs and join the party?" Mrs. Mitchell asked gently, rubbing her oldest son's back with a gloved hand. They were on the area where the stairs split into two, wrapping around and dispersing into the huge lobby of the mansion.

"Tonight is all about Hector, mother," Logan said quietly, but he knew his mother heard over the band downstairs. "Besides- they don't want me to join. Nobody is looking for me."

"But you look so handsome- nobody could miss you when you walk by," she pouted. It was true- Logan's black hair was greased to the side and in waves, his face neatly shaven, his tuxedo very pristine, and his cologne thick.

Before Logan could protest, his mother had linked her arm with his and was guiding him downstairs, her long dark blue dress dragging behind her.

"There is someone I would like you to meet," Mrs. Mitchell said excitedly as she steered him through the crowd in their lobby. She finally stopped and tapped on a girl's shoulder, who turned.

Logan was sure his pupils must have doubled in size at the sight of the girl. He normally wasn't one to scout out the ladies- he would never admit it to anyone, but he fancied men more than women. But this girl had to be an exception. She wore a long golden ball gown, red and dark gold thread embroidering intricate patterns in the skirt and bosom. Her long golden hair was pinned up to one side and dark makeup decorated her hazel eyes. Red lipstick covered her full lips and a pearl necklace hung around her neck.

"Logan! You look so handsome tonight!" The girl grinned. He wasn't surprised that she knew his name and he didn't know hers- the Mitchells were rich and famous in Weston. Everyone knew Hector Mitchell- the nice young man who helped people build chicken coops or fix wagon wheels, and Logan Mitchell- the eldest Mitchell who was extremely intelligent and charming.

"Logie, this is Delilah Diamond," Mrs. Mitchell said cheerfully. Logan bowed shyly and the girl curtsied. Mrs. Mitchell beamed at the two- the girl whom she wanted Logan to marry was certainly charming her son- and left.

"That is a beautiful dress you have on, Miss Delilah," Logan said, feeling himself blush a bit.

"Please… Call me Lilah," she smiled. "And thank you."

"It was nice meeting you, Miss Lilah, but I should be going. The toast will be soon."

"Stay with me, Mr. Mitchell."

"I've got to-"

"Please? I came with a date but… He seems to have disappeared," she said, wiping a thumb slowly across her lips. "I don't want to be taken advantage of. The toast won't be for another few minutes."

Now, Logan didn't like girls sexually, but he was still a gentleman. And if a girl didn't feel safe, he wasn't going to leave her alone unprotected. Besides… This girl seemed to have him under a spell.

Logan seemed to be falling in love with every tinkle of Lilah's laughter, every huge grin, every touch of his arm, every purse of those red lips as they talked for a while,

"Mr. Mitchell… Can I call you Logan?"

"Of course."

"Logan, do you want to walk me home? I only live a small walk away and I am getting faint. I think it is the stuffiness in here," she said.

"The toast will happen soon. I must be here for that."

"But I only trust you to protect me," she pouted slightly. "It will only take a moment."

Logan found that he couldn't look away as her lashes fluttered and she reached forward to grip his jacket ever so gently.

"Alright, Miss Lilah. We will have to be quick, though," Logan said, offering his arm to her.

"WHERE is Logan?" Mr. Mitchell hissed at the platform in the center of the staircases. "He is to make a toast!"

"I don't see him anywhere," Hector said, looking over the crowd, all ready to toast.

Mrs. Mitchell grinned to herself. She hoped he and Delilah had gone out in the garden alone or to the stables to talk in private. He really liked Delilah.

"We will have to do without," she said to her son and husband.

"Could we go to the stable?" Delilah asked excitedly.

"I have to get you home."

"Only for a moment. Please, Logan?" she asked, fluttering her lashes.

"Oh, alright."

Logan guided her to the stables, where his horse, Mable was, along with a lot of others.

"She's beautiful. I wish I could see her better," Delilah said, patting the white horse's nose. It was very dark outside but the moon provided a good amount of light.

"Perhaps… You could come and visit sometime during the day and you could ride her," Logan said shyly.

"I would be too afraid."

"Mable is very friendly, though."

"You wouldn't let me get hurt?"

"Of course not," Logan smiled.

"You have very adorable dimples, Logan. Do you know that?" Delilah giggled. Logan blushed a bit, but was glad it was too dark for her to see that.

"We should be going," he suggested.

"I like you, Logan."

Logan stopped and just stared at her in awe.

"ME?" he gawked.

"Yes you, silly. Who else?"

"Well, pretty ladies such as yourself tend to fancy my brother over me," Logan said shyly.

"Your brother is much too big for me. And between you and I, I prefer an intelligent, handsome man over a dumb one."

"Hector isn't dumb… He just needs help sometimes."

They were both silent for a moment before simultaneously bursting into laughter.

"I like you, too, Lilah," he said quietly after they had calmed down. Delilah grinned and got to her toes to simply pressing her red lips to Logan's normal ones. When she pulled away, Logan's black eyes were huge. He had never kissed anyone before, although he was twenty-one years old. It was because he usually fancied boys over girls, and there were no boys who would do that with him in Weston.

He stared as she grinned up at him. That was the first time he noticed the long and sharp canine teeth she had, which curled inward toward the center slightly, and by that time it was too late.

"I want you to be mine forever," she whispered almost evilly.

"Okay," he nodded, in a trance from her kiss.

He watched as the moonlight glinted off of her hazel eyes. Just around the irises, red clouded and waved in the sea of green, like food coloring in water, but did not spread.

Her lips moved to his neck, where she placed a gentle kiss.

"Miss Liliah," Logan smiled flirtatiously as she placed another and another, unbuttoning the top few buttons of his blouse and uncovering his shoulder.

When she bit him on the shoulder, he didn't realize it until his knees collapsed and she caught him, slowly letting him down and sucking hard on the punctures her fangs made.

Logan only remembered feeling like he was on a cloud- no pain or anything, before sleep overcame him. He couldn't even marvel at how strong this dainty woman was or how hard she was gripping him.

"Logan!" Hector gasped as he knelt beside his unconscious brother in the stable the next morning. He was there to take care of his horse, like he always did, and he was surprised to find his brother on the ground after not coming home last night.

He knelt beside his older brother, noticing that his shirt was unbuttoned and pulled away from his shoulder. His eyes widened when he saw two puncture wounds and a bruise around it. He must have been bitten by a snake!

Hector slumped his brother over his shoulder and quickly brought him back to the house, where he laid him gently in the bed and called for the nurse to tend to him.

It's a short chapter, but I decided I wanted to try short chapters again. Just an experiment for this story. I know when I read I hate long chapters. BUT the good thing is that I can pop out short chapters faster. :D

Did you guys like it?

I'm going to modify it a little bit from what I wrote for the Halloween collection, but it'll be really similar to that history behind them. :D There'll be a few chappies about Logan, then he'll meet some other people.

Question. What era should James be in? I'm thinking the 50's- but I don't want him to be a douche greaser or soc... Any other ideas? It's just for future reference.