I'm updating this! Yay! I have four stories I'm working on, I'm starting a new one soon, and I'm drowning in one shots. Maybe I should slow down...Nah! I suck at transitions, so let's continue!

Disclaimer: We're all lucky I don't own turtles.

Donnie, if that's what his name was, watched the others as their eyes widened, mirroring the look of confusion he was sure he had. Judging by their reactions, he was supposed to remember them, and so he strained his brain, coming up with nothing. As though he wasn't there, the other three whispered frantically, glancing at him every so often.

He couldn't hear much, but he managed to get the essential gist of the conversation: They were going to take him back home, to someone named "Master Splinter", and see if they could get his memory back. As he waited for an answer to his previous questions, Donnie decided to study them. Hopefully that'd spark a memory.

They each wore a different mask: one orange, one blue, and one red. It was when he noticed this that Donnie realized he, too, was wearing a mask, but his was purple. The one in blue seemed to be in charge, as he was making the decisions. The crimson masked one kept giving Donnie a look filled with guilt and sorrow, and the smallest simply seemed concerned. The fact that they were humanoid turtles didn't seem of much importance, and Donnie suspected he was one, as well. But this did spark a new question.

"Um...are we brothers?" The three others jumped, and they have each other pained looks. The one in blue leaned down first, and with a sigh, he introduced himself.

"Yes. I'm the oldest. My name's Leonardo, but you call me Leo. That's Raphael, or Raph, and Michelangelo, or Mikey." He said, pointing to the red masked and orange masked turtles respectively. "And you are Donatello. We call you Donnie. You're between Raph and Mikey in age." Donnie nodded, carefully storing their names in his memory. This wasn't hard, seeing as his memory was nearly empty.

"Ok. And...are we skilled in Kung fu or something?" Leo gave him an almost patronizing look, but this look quickly faded into pity.

"We'll talk about that at home. But first, could you tell us Einstein's theory of relativity?" Donnie replied with a blank look, trying to give the name a face. "Can you tell us what temperature frost freezes at? The first 25 digits of pi? The name of the technology used in Metalhead?"

"No, I...should I be able to?" Donnie asked, growing more confused with each question. "Who's Metalhead? And what do you mean by his 'technology'?" Once again, they ignored his questions and went back to whispering.

"So I'm guessing you can't perform a simple kata using your Bo staff?" Leo asked, now acting slightly desperate. As soon as Donnie began to negatively answer, he cut him off. "Of course you can't! Come on, let's just get back to the lair and tell Sensei."

At this point, thousands of questions were flying through Donnie's head, but he chose to save them for later. But he took note of Leo's strained tone, and as he followed them out of the room, he said one thing.

"I'm sorry, I'll try to remember."