A three part series. Ms. Wyatt told the class to do a three part art series for their project for finals. The theme? Emotions. The Medium? Anything they so chose to use, as long as it is reasonable. Okay that was easy.

The subject matter? Something they themselves found interesting. That was a little harder.

Steve didn't know what to do for the project, which made him worry. The project wasn't due for another 2 months, but Steve didn't like to put things off, especially when it came to his artwork, so he felt he needed to find his subject and find it fast. He pulled out his sketch pad and sat on the nearest bench, looking for something interesting to draw. Plants were too commonplace, so that choice was out. Steve looked around the concourse area, waiting for inspiration to strike.

And when it struck him, it did so like a speeding locamotive.

There sat a young man. Not that Steve wasn't young himself, but this guy looked like he should be in his last couple years of high school and not in college. The younger man had semi-neatly kept, dark brunette hair and deep chocolate brown eyes that looked like they held a whole other world within them. He seemed slightly small with a semi-slender body build. And there was a slight bit of fuzz under his lip, where it looks like he hasn't been trying to shave it in fear it would never grow back.

He wasn't doing anything extraordinary, he was just fiddling his iPad. But that is the action that triggered such a response from Steve; This guy's profile was absolutely stunning. Steve started to roughly sketch the male in order to see if he could get a feel of drawing him. The motions came so fluid and easily, and for a rough sketch it actually looked decent. His decision was made. Now just to ask.

Steve got up and rushed over to the male, a little too quickly maybe due to excitement. He stop in front of the younger brunette, receiving an odd look from the latter.

This was one of those instances where Steve didn't think ahead what to say, so he awkwardly said the first thing that came out of his mouth.

"Hey! Um, can I, uh, draw you?".

"...I'm sorry... What?".

The brunette looked up at Steve, a little weirded out.
Steve flinch in realization.

"Sorry! Let me start over. Y'see, I'm an art major here on the campus and I was looking for a subject for my final project coming up. Then I saw you sitting here and- sorry if this sounds weird- you have a great facial structure for drawing. So, I was wondering if you could be my subject matter...". Steve began to trail off near the end out of slight embarrassment.

The brunette looked at him questioningly for a moment before he spoke.
" I dunno. I'd have to see some of your work before I can just let you draw me. I don't just want some weirdo who has no skill drawing me and making me look bad.".
He gestured towards Steve's sketch pad.
"May I see some of your sketches?".

Steve looked a little nervous.
"I suppose, but they are just rough sketches. Most of my better work is all back at my dorm or in the studio.".
He started to hand over his sketch pad, but the brunette stopped him and gestured to the seat next to himself.
"Could you just set it there? I have a thing about being handed stuff. Its kind of a pet peeve...".

Steve obliged and set it beside the younger. The brunette then picked it up and perused through the pages. As he looked at the sketches, Steve got slightly nervous. The guy had a great pokerface. Not a sense of acknowledgement towards the sketches. There was a very slight reaction however when he reached the last sketch. It was the one Steve did of the guy. Steve's face grew hot as the brunette closed the cover.

"So, do you have a name?".
Steve jumped a bit at hearing the younger man speak again. He straightened his posture and stated his name.
"Steve Rogers.".
The brunette gave him a quizzical look.
"Well Steve- can I call you Steve?- For those being rough sketches, those are pretty good.". He stood up and extended his hand. He was a few inches shorter than Steve was, so he had to look up slightly to meet his eyes.
"The name's Tony Stark. And I would be happy to be your subject matter.".

Steve happily shook Tony's hand. He could tell that this was going to be an interesting project.