Different By: I Am Shinigami

He shivered feeling the cold bite through the layers of his tattered coat. The gray and brown slush filled his ancient black combat boots, the leather and ties had long since been torn but Liam refused to accept more charity. He couldn't get a job either because of the Taelon DNA banks, most jobs required a listed profile and a referral. The clothes he wore now were donations made by Goodwill, the faded black and gray attire accentuated the young man's already intimidating presence and embodied, for all those that saw him, ignorance and hopelessness. After all, hadn't the taelons cured world hunger and brought peace? It was obvious that this boy was below their technologically advanced world, so the general belief was that he didn't belong.

Had they been able to see through the thick cloths wrapped around his palms they would be even more convinced. Therein lay his bane, his personal posion. Kimeran hybrid, enemy of the taelons and hunted by the Liberation as a bargaining tool. He was only a month old and already he had the appearance of a handsome man in his early twenties. Because Jonathon Doors had miscaculated by seperating Siobhan Beckett from Liam a few minutes after she was born, Liam had been unable to age any further. Liam's theory was that his body had grown to accomadate his ancestral memories or that it was an advanced defense mechanism.

Aside from the shaquarava in his palms he was unsure about how his body or blood would be different from normal human pysiology. So he had to hide in the shadows and try to understand why his father Ha'gel would want him to endure this pointless misery. His stomach rumbled and he clenche his fists as he felt a wave of pain go through him, almost like a knife being twisted.

He stumbled and almost fell as he tried to regain his balance, he could feel the familiar thoughts pulsing through his head. Invading, twisting and changing again, as he tripped over the curb and fell unto the deserted street he relived Thanksgiving with his parents. Feeling their warm embrace and tasting the turkey and cranberry sauce. As he lay there contemplating these sensations he realized that he didn't have a family, it was another inherited...he stopped suddenly as he heard a familiar melody. He smiled briefly as he gave the song words, silently repeating them for reassurance. 'O'narr kimera aa'mari s'fei...'

He stopped as he realized that someone was standing in the shadows watching him. He tried to avoid their eyes but found it impossible to move, this was the first time he'd seen his mother since his birth. She didn't seem to recognize him though and pointed her energy rifle at him. He then noticed that she was almost falling over and couldn't hold her gun straight, her arm kept drooping down. As she stepped closer to him he could see the blood that dripped from a gash in her forehead and ran down her face.

He held up his hands in surrender and tried not to think of what both the Taelons and Sandoval would do to him on the mothership. His impassive expression became fearful and he finally managed to tear his eyes from her to stare at the cracks in the sidewalk. Minutes passed and he finally got the courage to look at her once again. To his shock Liam realized she'd passed out and her gun was back in her holster. He couldn't just leave her here, in the bad part of town, unconcious and vulnerable. She could be recognized and abducted or worse, he decided to take her home. Her apartment was about a half hour walk from where they were now. His kimera strength assured that Siobhan wouldn't strain him for the long trek across the city.

All around him he could see red and green lights hung around trees and bushes. Liam's eyes widened as he realized that it was Christmas, he hadn't realized as he'd never celebrated it before. Through his parents memories he understood the concept but found himself unable to match the joy with which they had celebrated Christmas as children.

He felt the hollow ache inside him intensify, finally understanding that he would never share a holiday with anybody, he would always be alone. When he died no one would know his name, he was a public eyesore, the part of humanity that Washington and the world in general tried to hide from the Taelons.

After what semed to be an eternity of cold Liam finally reached Siobhan's apartment complex, he debated whether or not he should just leave her on the sidewalk underneath the canopy but eventually realized that she would catch cold and he didn't want to be responsible for her being ill. It was a calculated risk, although his morals wouldn't allow him to leave her outside, going inside meant that his face would be caught on camera.

He shrugged nonchalently and felt a familiar recklessness rise, it was at times like this that he realized he really was a child controlled only by his instincts and his impulses, no matter how irrational they were.