Note: Hey guys, this is the first story I write in english, and my english is not so good so please forgive me if I can't make myself clear with some words and so.

I don't know if there's something like this already published, if it is please let me know, if not, well I'll keep going.

This is not just my story, is yours too 'cause I will need your help. This is the idea:

The chapters will be based on songs, yeap, lyrics but I won't choose the songs, at least not all of them. You will help me. You gotta read the chapter and then tell me what song could be used to the next chapter. Let's keep it going ok? I will choose the song from the reviews and based on the lyrics will write the story. If I don't get convinced by any song I'll choose it by myself and then we'll take the dynamic back. So, I think I'm going to stop talking or writing or whatever so you read.

Disclaimer: My name is not Dan Schneider so, I obviously do NOT own Victorious or any of the series' characters.

The years at Hollywood Arts had finished. Two years had passed since then and the gang was still in contact besides the distance. Beck and Jade were just friends now, since Jade told him she was in love with someone else and Beck just wanted her to be happy, but he knew she wasn't. The reason? She was in love with a girl, a girl who just happened to have a boyfriend.

Besides he knew Jade, and was sure she was afraid of lost control of her life and to Jade, tell the girl about her feelings would turn around her life completely.

The girl? Oh, come one, you should already have an idea. Yeah, she, the supposedly hated Tori Vega.

Unfortunately for Jade, Tori was in the same college than her. And the tanned girl was in a couple of classes with Jade too. It was no problem to have Tori close, 'cause, well they were friends now or kind of. At least Jade didn't treated Tori as she used to in H.A. but, still called Vega. The problem was Ethan.

"So, is Andre coming this weekend?" asked the Latina to Jade, who was immerse in her salad.

"I don't know, he has not answered my texts or calls" said Jade, still refusing to look up. "I suppose Juilliard is eating him alive. You should be the one calling him, he is your best friend" said the pale girl, finally meeting Tori's face to just look down at her food a second later. The girl she was in love with since the half two years of high school was kissing her boyfriend and she just couldn't handle it. "I'm going home" said Jade, taking her things and leaving the couple alone.

"Jade?" Called the guy. Jade met his gaze and waited for him to talk. "You forgot something" he said.

"What?" Said the goth, looking at the table looking for some book or her phone but seeing nothing.

"Yeah, what?" Said Tori, looking for something too.

"She didn't pay the salad" said Ethan, kissing Tori's cheek.

"We can pay it Ethan, don't be stingy" said the Latina.

"Babe, you know I'm saving money for that new guitar I saw las week, can't spend more than necessary" said the guy.

"You are really stingy aren't you? It's okay Jade, it's on me" said Tori, meeting Jade's eyes.

"No, he is right. Sorry" and Jade left the money on the table, meeting Ethan's eyes and seeing a smug look on them.

Something she could not believe was how in life, the sweet Tori Vega could be with a guy like that. Cocky, with a superiority complex. Ethan was a jerk but it seemed like only Jade could see it. Well, Jade, and Cat, and Beck and Robbie, and Andre but not Tori. Even Trina could see it! But Tori couldn't, and that was the fact that makes Jade think Tori really loves him. That or she is just a fool. But looking back, she always chooses the worst (Ryder, Steve or Steven or whatever and Danny). A player, a cheater and another cheater, having in mind the las one was with Cat and still kissed Tori. Yeah Tori had guilt on that but still the guy didn't think about Cat then.

Anyways, once at home, Jade went right to the study to find Beck sitting on the desk, typing really fast on his computer. They were renting an apartment together with Cat. The redhead was having an internship on the offices of a really known fashion magazine beside her singing classes, she was the most occupied person from the gang.

"And, what was the matter today?" Said Beck knowing Jade was standing at the doorway.

"How can she be with such an idiot?" said the goth, having a sit on the couch in the room. "Why does she always picks the worst guys? I mean, how in hell can she feel something for such cocky idiots?"

"I knew it was about Tori" said Beck. "You know, if you would have told her about your feelings four years ago besides of hid them, you would probably be together and she wouldn't be with a jerk" all of this, said without Beck stop looking at the screen in front of him. "I thought you were happy babe, you are the very best on your classes, you already have some appearances on some TV shows..."

"Minor appearances" interrupted Jade.

"Appearances at least and you have won your first, second and I'm sure you will win your third Short Films Competition at school. You are a promise for Hollywood, I would not be surprised if you get an Oscar at acting, writing and directing the same year. And I'm sure that won't change if you tell Tori you like her".

"She has a boyfriend"

"You had a boyfriend too, and even so you fell for her" said the Canadian, looking warmly to the pale girl.

"I don't know... I thought I would be happy by now you know? As you said, I'm the best at what I do. I finally have my dad's support, I'm reaching my goals and I'm under control. Why can't I just be completely happy?" was Jade's response to Beck.

"You have to start let things happen babe" he said. "Stop being afraid of get hurt, she would never hurt you, at least not on purpose".

A couple of months passed and Jade's life was ok. College was ok, classes were ok, but something had Jade out of control. There were three weeks now since the last time she or Beck or Andre had seen Tori. And by seeing she meant after college 'cause they both shared some classes but out of them she hadn't seen the tanned girl and this one always disappeared after leaving the class room.

"I found her" said Beck, entering the apartment and seeing Jade sitting on the couch. "She told me she's been locked in her dorm crying after she broke up with Ethan"

"They broke up!?" said Jade, after letting a gasp out of her mouth. "Wait, who dumped who and why has she been crying?"

"She dumped him, but the reason she's been crying in the dark of her dorm was that she found out he was cheating on her since the very beginning of the relationship" said Beck, letting his bag on the counter.

"That asshole was cheating on her!? I'm so going to kill him!" yelled out the goth, standing from the couch taking her keys and jacket.

"Jaaade, where are you going?" But Beck got no answer and Jade stormed out the apartment.


Tori's dorm was on the third floor at north of college buildings. She was silently crying on her bed when someone out knocked the door, most punching almost taking it out of its bracket. Still in bed, she did no attempt to stand up.

"Vega! You better open up the door or I'll bring it down" said Jade's voice on the other side. "I know you are here and you know I will do it" but only silence answered to Jade, before she started a countdown. "5... 4... 3... 2..." And the door was opened.

"You'll get me in trouble with my super" said Tori, avoiding to look straight to Jade's eyes.

"You are such an idiot, Vega" said the pale girl.

"Why thank you for the compliment, West" was Tori's response, before she got herself under the sheets, covering her body till the head. Half an hour of full and deep silence later, Jade thought Tori was asleep since there was just the sound of the Latina breathing.

"Tori, you still awake?" Asked Jade, followed by silence. "Vega, answer me if you are awake, I hate being ignored and you know it" and nothing was her response. Tori was awake, but she didn't want to talk, she wanted to Jade just leave her alone. Not that the Latina did not appreciate the goth's company but she had called her an idiot and even if that was true, she just wanted to be alone. Tori heard Jade stand up and walk to the door, but then the goth talked again. "He is such a dick, you did not deserve what he did. No one does but you specially deserve to be treated as what you are. A beautiful, amazing, fragile and at the same time strong woman." Tori heard Jade's words and her eyes opened wide under the sheets.

"Anyways, Ethan will just not get close to you anymore and I really hope you are not that stupid to go after him again. Oh and if you see him, remember, head up and wear that beautiful smile of yours... Besides the way he looks no one could help but laugh at him, he has really hard bones on his face you know?" And then Tori thought what have Jade done? Before she talked again. "I feel like I'm already losing control, so, what the hell... Anyways you are asleep. I kinda... No, not kinda... I like you Vega, and if I could... But I know is not possible" Jade waited nervously for some signal of Tori's body, but the Latina was shocked and did not know what to do about Jade's confession. She never had thought about Jade like that -hadn't she?- but somehow, knowing that made her heart bump faster. Jade just started talking again.

"Every night, before going to bed I think that maybe, tomorrow will be better. Maybe tomorrow I will be completely happy, 'I will tell her, I will let go of control and put my fear aside and tell her and accept whatever that happens' but every morning, reality is cold and I know I may lose the whatever-this-is we have and can't do it... Beck says it will happen, that I have to let it happen but I can't... I can't let you just happen... However, see ya later Tori"

And then the tanned girl heard the door open and shut. She kept herself quiet till she was sure Jade had gone; half an hour later she took off the sheets of her and sit up on bed.

"Oh... my... god... " she thought. "Jade likes me, and Beck knows it... I wonder if... No, that could not be the reason they broke up, right? I mean... She hated me at college, or at least did never like to be near me, or alone with me or... Oh my god... And what did she do to Ethan? Did she beat him?... Why? How?"

The rest of the day Tori kept thinking about Jade. Somehow she felt happy about it but otherwise she was confused. She had never felt attracted to girls, at least not more like a crush on some actress or singer but just a crush, something platonic. Was nothing deep, was just admiration and yeah, some envy but nothing like love or that.

But with Jade was always this need of being friends with her even if the goth just treat her like shit sometimes. She wanted to be Jade's friend and now she was. And now, she felt something inside her appear. The pain she felt because of Ethan was so small. It was still there but she was forgetting about the hurt and suddenly, she felt her own pulse in her veins, he felt a rush all over her body and thought of Beck's words to Jade.

"Gotta let it happen... Just let it happen..." And so Tori did. She left the spark inside of her burn, she let go her mind of control and knew, she was going to live, she was alive even after being fooled by an idiot and she knew it thanks to Jade.

"Well" she said to herself. "Is just a spark, but enough to keep me going". She smiled and got ready to go to sleep now that night had come, and just before to fall asleep, she thought about the pale skinned girl and smiled.

Well, that was all today. I hope you like it. Leave some reviews and don't be rude please D: haha

Song: Last Hope - Paramore