Sebastian's POV:
One year and five months. That was how long I'd had Kurt in my life, how long since I'd found him here, dancing like he was tonight. Only tonight marked the last night he would be dancing here. Kurt was officially retiring. This was his last show before he hung up the mask and his identity as the Raven.
I was proud of him for it. Not because I thought that there was anything shameful in exotic dancing, of course, it was beautiful when he danced up there, but because it marked a turning point in Kurt's life, the flipping of a page to a new chapter. I liked this new chapter. It had us in it, and Kurt's graduation from college, and Kurt's new position at Vogue, and our apartment together, and late nights and early mornings and lazy afternoons spent together, and hopefully it would include the ring that I currently had in my pocket moving to Kurt's finger.
I sat at the bar sipping a beer to calm my nerves and brushing my fingers over the felt on the box every few seconds to make sure it was still there. He looked stunning up there. The club had advertised his farewell dance for weeks and the turnout was incredible. He had every eye on him as he worked his hips to the routine he'd created just for tonight. I'd helped him this past month by acting as judge and audience, and sometimes as a distraction.
"You okay, Sebster?" I nodded.
"Yeah, Allen. I'm golden."
"This place ain't gonna be the same without you two around." He commented, drying a glass.
"I'll miss this place too. Maybe we'll come and visit some time."
"You do, and drinks are on me." I grinned.
"You're a good guy, Allen." I tossed him my cell phone. "Put yourself in. We'll stay in touch."
"Careful, or Kurt will be jealous." He teased as he entered in his number and handed it back. I flipped him off and went backstage to meet Kurt. I heard Allen's laughter fade away behind me as I weaved through people. I really would miss this place, but my new future, of school and doctors' logs and Kurt Hummel, beckoned me.
"Seb?" Kurt answered from behind the door when I knocked.
"The one and only."
"Come on in. I'm almost done." I pushed open the door to find Kurt already dressed in his street clothes. He was packing up an over the shoulder bag with his makeup supplies.
"It's weird seeing this room so empty." I commented taking the bag from him to carry while he put on his jacket. We'd pretty much emptied it out over the last few weeks.
"Yeah. Is it lame that I'll miss it?" He asked leaving the key's on the table and picking up his mask. He brushed his fingers over the lace.
"We can come visit whenever. And you can dance for me anytime you like." I teased lightly, leaning in to brush a kiss to his cheek. He smiled and turned to kiss me properly. "Come on, let's take a walk."
"Through this bad area in the middle of the night?" He laughed, putting the mask into the bag and taking my hand.
"Okay, let's take a cab to a better area and then take a walk."
"But I'm tired and I've been on my feet all day." He pouted.
"You are making this being romantic and spontaneous thing really hard on me, babe." I complained. So much for finding a park bench to propose on like a rom-com. Kurt laughed and pressed his face into my shoulder.
"Seb, I don't need romance and grand gestures. I need you and me, some Thai food, and some cuddles with bad TV in the background." I sighed.
Leave it to Kurt to throw a wrench in my plans. Cuddles on a couch did sound nice though.
"I'll call the cab. You call the food?" He jumped up and down and clapped excitedly.
I watched him the entire car ride home while he talked animatedly about the newest fashion trends. I was learning a lot more about fashion from being with Kurt. He'd managed to score us tickets to Fashion Week this year, which was apparently hard to do, so we were going together and surprisingly I was excited. When we got home it was only a short wait until our food arrived and we settled into the couch. I brushed my fingers against the box in my pocket as Kurt unpacked it. He'd ordered our favorite order to split with rice. He always split it for us so we get half and half in a white box each. And he transferred it like a pro without spilling a drop.
"Yo, toss me a fortune cookie, babe." I asked while I sat down on the couch.
"No!" He squeaked at me in outrage. "You know that it is bad luck to break open a fortune cookie before you eat your meal!"
"You Hummels and your weird superstitions." I grumbled accepting my food and chopsticks. He clicked on the TV to an old episode of Friends and settled in next to me.
"Shush. You love my crazy family." He scolded and I kissed his cheek.
We settled into eat and I found that I wasn't too nervous to eat like I thought I would be with the looming proposal. Kurt's body heat next to me soothed me. He was plowing through the food totally uncaring how he looked. It made me smile. He had rice stuck on the corner of his mouth and was trying to get it with his tongue. I leaned over and chased his tongue with my own. He giggled and let me get away with distracting him from his food for a few minutes before he pushed me away.
Yeah, I decided as I finished my food, I could be happy with this being my life.
"I'm sooo full." Kurt moaned rubbing his stomach. "I'm going to get fat now that I'm not going to be regularly dancing."
"We'll join a gym together. Or not and we'll both get adorably chubby together." He smacked my arm.
"More of you to love, babe."
"Sebastiannnn." He whined and kicked his feet dramatically before sitting up and stretching. "Want the fortune cookies now?"
"No. I'm too scared it will say I'm going to have bad luck or a fucked up future." I admitted. I touched that box again. Kurt cocked his head to the side. Why was I suddenly nervous now?
"You trying to win the lottery or something?" He asked.
"Hopefully something better."
"You are being so cryptic right now, Seb." I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. He took my hands in his. "Hey, look at me. What's got you worried?"
"Oh, nothing. Just everything." I grinned at him and he laughed.
"Okay. Now you have to tell me." I twisted from my seat to the floor, kneeling in front of him but not bothering with the one knee up part. Which was probably why he didn't start freaking out as soon as I did so.
"Okay." I agreed and kissed the tops of both his hands before untangling one to grab that fucking box.
"Sebastian, are you dying or something? You are starting to make me really nervous here." He bit his lip.
"No. No. Nothing like that." I soothed, squeezing the box between my fingers. He waited patiently while I gathered my nerve.
"Kurt, I- I had this really nice sort of speech thing planned but I honestly feel like we don't need any of that. Also I can't seem to remember what I was going to say. You know that I love you more than anything. Or if you don't, then I don't deserve the response I am hoping you will give me when I ask you this." I heard a slight intake of breath from him. I silent gasp. He'd figured out were this was going. No more putting it off. I took my hand out of my pocket, box clenched between my sweaty fingers. "Will you marry me, Kurt?" I asked softly, placing the ring box in his hand.
He stared at it. He looked like it was an alien creature. Then after a few seconds he blinked out of his trance and snapped the lid of the box open. Then his jaw dropped and his hand flew to his mouth and he stared some more. He looked really cute all flustered like that, but the silence was starting to worry me.
"Kurt?" His head snapped up to look at me and then almost immediately I had an armful of crying Kurt. "Oof." I huffed out as he almost succeeded in knocking the breath out of my lungs. "Please tell me those are happy tears."
"Yes!" He sobbed out, smacking my shoulder. "Yes, you asshole, of course they fucking are!" I pulled him away from me a bit to wipe at the tears that were staining his freckle covered cheeks.
"Well, you are calling me names so you must be happy." I teased and he laughed.
"Kiss me, asshole." I grinned and he wrapped his arms around my neck, the box still open in his hand.
"Very happy." I kissed him hard. He hadn't said yes in so many words. But it was pretty much implied. I, Sebastian Smythe, who used to hate all things domestic was engaged. I was engaged. I was engaged to Kurt. Kurt and I were engaged. I just kept repeating it in my head while I held him.
"I'm sorry I cockblocked your romantic midnight walk idea. If I had known it was for this I would have insisted on at least something classer than take-out." He apologized after we parted.
"Shut up. This was perfect. Why dress up and play fancy when the whole reason I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you is for things like cuddling with take-out boxes."
"That might be the sweetest thing you've ever said to me." I rolled my eyes.
"Let me put the god damn ring on your finger." I complained.
"I haven't even said yes yet!" He argued with a surprised laugh.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Was the happy tears and making out a 'no' then?" He smacked my chest.
"I just wanna say it. Okay? Let me say it." I nodded and waited, holding back a teasing smirk at his insistence. He suddenly became very serious and looked me dead in the eyes, his free hand pressed against my cheek in a firm caress. "Yes. I will marry you, Sebastian. I'd be a fool not to. I love you so much."
"Well, fuck." I muttered, feeling my eyes well up. He made me all emotional. Now he was going to get to tease me.
"Now you can put it on me." He coaxed, holding out the box to me. I took it from him and carefully pulled the ring out, remembering the care I'd taken in picking it. I'd wanted something that wasn't feminine, but was still pretty and elegant enough to be deserving of Kurt. Then I took his hand in mine and slid it on to the correct finger carefully, pleading with myself to not fuck this up somehow.
"Now what do we do?" I asked, staring at his hand. He shrugged.
"Change our facebook relationship statuses?" I laughed, startled.
"Kurt, you don't even uses your facebook."