Chapter Six, Nothing.

Sky's P.O.V

I slowly sat up, wondering if it had all been a dream.

It wasn't.

I didn't wake up in my room. Link didn't come wake me up for breakfast.

And it was all because of one mistake.

"I see you're awake now. How are you feeling, Sky?" A voice asked softly.

I looked up to see Master Gaepora, the headmaster of the Knight Academy. He was Zelda's father.

"You told everyone that it was safe. That it was natural. Not to be worried." I said, my eyes slightly watery.

He sighed and knelt beside the bed, "Sky, we thought it was. Truly. The Goddess has always protected these lands. Strange things have happened. Few, but still uncommon. After a knight had flown you and your brother back to Skyloft, knights were sent out on watch near that cloud formation. If another beast emerges, they will take care of it." He reassured me.

"Like me not getting a Loftwing. Then the strange cloud. Now parents." I spoke softly.

"Things will be alright now, Sky."

I nodded trying to believe it. "Where will Link and I stay?"

He smiled gently, "Here in the academy if you would like."

"Thank you." I spoke quietly.

He nodded, "I think it's best if you rest for the remainder of the day. Would you like me to bring Link up here?"

I don't want to hurt him. I'm the reason they're gone!

I sighed and nodded.

As he left the room, I stared at the wall.

I couldn't cry. All I could do was picture them dying again and again. I had been too afraid to try to use my power. Maybe I could have saved them.

The door opened again and Link walked in. His eyes were bloodshot and he was glistened on his face.

I looked away from him. I had caused this.

"S-sky?" His voice trembled.

I looked further away from him. Power flooded my veins. A dark, painful and cruel power. I was so ashamed. It felt as though each power were an emotion. Like a curse.

"Sky answer me." His voice shook in fear.

My hands began shaking. He was my brother, my best friend!

"I don't know what to say!" I cried, still looking away.

I heard his soft footsteps as he walked towards me and sat down beside me.

His voice was full of hurt as he whispered, "You won't ever leave me, will you?"

I looked down to see Link's hand beside mine, his pinky stretched out toward mine. My tears began to fall as I turned to pull him into a hug. We both sobbed. We still had each other. I wouldn't let anyone take that away, power or not.

Nothing could ever separate us.

Not even the darkness in my dreams.

That was a really short chapter, I know. I'm already working on the next chapter though:) Also, thank you to those that are giving this story a chance! I love to read reviews, they give me energy to write when I should be sleeping, lol.