Authors note: I hope you guys like it. ;)

"Has the jury reached a verdict?" The judge boomed through the courthouse.

A small man stood up from his seat and handed a small paper at the officer standing next to him. Regina shifted nervously on her Jimmy Choo clad feet, even though her expression was cold, she was dreading the verdict.

"Yes Your Honour, we have." The man said in a small peeping voice.

The officer walked over to the judge and handed her the paper, containing their verdict. She read it and gave a small nod. "On the count of involuntary manslaughter, what do you plead?"

The man shifted his gaze quickly to Regina before he looked at the judge again. "On the count of involuntary manslaughter we plead guilty, Your Honour.

That's it. Regina thought to herself. I'm going to spend the rest of my life jail.

The judge slammed her gavel down to silence the now noisy courtroom. "Order!"

She put the gavel down again and looked at Regina. "Mrs. White, you've been sentenced to 10 years in the Downeast Correctional Facility. On behalf of the State Of Maine, I want to thank the jury."

Regina felt numb. She looked at her attorney, a tall man named August.

He looked at her apologetically. "I'm so sorry Miss Mills."

She put her hand up. "Save it."

Regina stood up with all the dignity she could muster and looked over her shoulder. There sat her father. Henry Mills. Her mother didn't even come, she was too embarrassed.

She's never been there for me anyways. Regina thought bitterly.

She felt a nagging feeling in her stomach. She walked over to her father and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, daddy."

"No, darling. I'm sorry, I should've stopped your mother from forcing you to marry that pig."

She took some distance so she could look him in the eye. "You believe me?"

He smiled a sad smile. "Of course I believe you, darling."

"Mrs White, you have to come with us." The old officer said and he pulled out his cuffs.

Regina let go off her father and held out her hands. "It's just Mills now, not White."

"I'll be sure to remember that ma'am." He answered sarcastically and snapped the cuffs around her small wrists.

Regina wanted to snap back at him, but held her tongue. Instead she turned around and kissed her father on the cheek.

"Goodbye daddy, I love you."

"I love you too, my child."

"Let's go to your new home. Miss Mills. And just a heads up, they don't like cop killers there."

Just breath, Regina. He's not worth your trouble.

"Let's just go, shall we dear?" She said with a fake smile.

He grumbled something and pushed her not to kindly towards the doors of the courtroom.

Well at least I can do orange.


"Hey, Ruby!" Emma yelled at her colleague.

The slim brunette turned around and smiled. "Hey Em. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Granny asked me to come so I could show the new prisoner around." She smiled, Granny was the boss of this facility, her name isn't really Granny but everyone just calls her that because she has been here the longest of all the staff members.

"And what happened to your foot?"

"Oh this?" The brunette shrugged. "Victor and I were jogging and I fell. He was too slow to catch me."

"That's a real boyfriend." Emma said sarcastically.

"Yes, well what can I say."

"Well I've got to go." She said and turned around. She began walking into the direction of the concrete building


"So Jefferson. Who's the new prisoner." She asked the man standing behind the desk.

He handed her a yellow file and grinned. "You'll never believe it. Regina White."

"Regina White? The Regina White?!"

"The one and only. You heard of her?"

"Damn right I have! She's been all over the news. She killed her husband, Detective Leo White. Shot him right in the chest with his own gun."

He nodded. "It's gonna be rough for her here, nobody likes a cop killer."

"She claimed self defense, right?"

"Yes, but nobody believes her. Well except her father of course."

"I heard of that. Her father is multimillionaire Henry Mills, married to the notorious Cora Mills. I heard her mother wasn't even at the hearing."

"No indeed she wasn't. But perhaps it's a good idea to stop gossiping like school girls and start doing your jobs." The smooth, sultry voice came from behind Emma and she quickly turned around.

God, that voice is so hot. What?! Shut up Swan, she's a prisoner!

"Miss White."

I've died and gone to heaven. Emma thought while she looked over the beautiful brunette. Her body had perfect curves and she had the most silky hair Emma had ever seen. Delicious red lips and a small scar above them.

The brunette in question coughed and raised a perfect manicured eyebrow, signaling Emma that she had been caught staring.

She blushed slightly. "I'm correctional officer Emma Swan." She reached out her hand towards the brunette.

Regina rolled her eyes irritably. "Perhaps it would go easier if you would take the cuffs off, dear."

Damn she's hot even when she's being a bitch.

"Of course, Miss White." She stepped forward and reached into her pocket, pulling out the key.

Once the cuffs were off Regina rubbed her bruised wrists carefully. "It's Mills, officer Swan."

Emma, who was enthralled by the tightness of Regina's dress, quickly looked up. "What?" She asked sheepishly.

Region sighed. "It's Miss Mills, not Miss White. I'm not married anymore, I'm sure you know that."

"Oh right, because you killed your husband."

There was a flash of anger in Regina's chocolate eyes. "I did not. If you'd followed the news you would know that I pleaded self defense."

"Yes, well either way, nobody likes cop killers here."

"So I've noticed. If you wouldn't mind I would like for you to show me around this dump now. That was your plan, was it not?"

"Yes it was Miss Whi- Mills. But first you've got to change, we wouldn't want to get the other inmates jealous of your Prada dress, now would we."

Regina huffed. "Whatever you want, officer Swan. Just lead the way."

God this is going to be a long day...


So what did you think? Should I continue? Leave a review! ;)