Okay. This is my new story. I got the idea from last night, when I went to a circus, was my first Btw. It was so great. And when I watched the tigers in their cages, I thought what would happen if someone got stuck in there, so tada! i came up with this. Hope you enjoy it, and updates are faster with reviews.

At the circus

Adam Bree and Chase were walking in the circus tent, trying to find their seats. Everything was alright, until the loud music started playing. It was too much for Chase, so he blocked his ears, trying to ignore it, but he could still hear it. He was closing his eyes, and started walking with his eyes closed, trying to stop the pain. Adam and Bree found their seats, then they looked back, only to see another stranger behind them, and not Chase. They quickly looked all around them, looking for Chase, and where did they find them? Chase walking into the lion cage, eyes closed, ears blocked. He obviously looked in pain. Adam and Bree quickly shoved everybody away from them to get to their brother. They finally reached inside the cage. Adam held one of Chase's arm.

"Come on, we got to go!" Adam shouted

"THE SOUND! IT HURTS!" Chase shouted more.

"Adam, dont shout. It hurts him more." Bree told Adam. Adam nodded.

"Come on. Ill get you out." Adam assured his little brother, and started carrying him. They were getting to the exit, suddenly the cage door closed. Bree tried opening it but no use.

"Dont worry. Ill get it open." A circus employee calmed them down. But they couldnt stay calm. There were tigers behind them, who seemed angered. The circus employee was trying to open it, but he couldnt.

"I got this" Adam boasted as he grabbed the steels. Bree quickly slapped him on the arm.

"If you think you're gonna use your super strength infront of all these people, you got another thing coming." Bree whispered. Adam sighed.

"JUST SOMEBODY DO ANYTHING" Chase complained, getting irritated. The tigers roared from Chase's shouting.

"We'll try to help you guys. Just hang in there." The employee said, rushing to find a solution.

One tiger got up from its place, and slowly started coming towards Chase. Chase saw the tiger slowly coming. He backed up from his place. The tiger jumped on Chase, but before it did, Adam caught it. He quickly threw it way. The audience's jaw dropped.

"Mommy, look, the circus act started!" One boy from the crowd shouted in excitement.

The second tiger headed to Bree. Bree got so scared.

"What should I do?" Bree got so confused.

"They're thinking what we do it's a circus act. So do what you do." Adam helped. The second tiger roared loudly and ran to Bree. Bree super speeded to the other side of the cage. The lion landed on an empty space which should have been on Bree. Everybody clapped and chanting, and some were whistling.

"What can the other kid do?" A man from the audience asked loudly, thinking it was a circus act.

The third tiger started running to Chase. Chase was still blocking his ears, but when he saw the tiger, he activated his molecular kenisis, convinced everybody was thinking it was a circus act. Everybody looked in awe as Chase was levitating the tiger in the air. Everybody clapped more.

Adam liking all of the clapping and chanting, stood infront of the whole crowd, but he still was inside the cage.

"I can also do this." Adam entertained more, separated the steel away.

The three bionics got out of the cage from the small space that Adam opened. Adam bowed. Bree slapped him in the back of his head.

"Lets go before anybody asks any..." Bree was cut of by the circus boss.

"How did you do that?" The boss asked

"A magician never reveals his secret" Chase tried to not answer honestly to answer his question. Finally the music was lowered and he could hear well without pain.

"Well, how about you join us?" He offered.

"How about... no." Bree answered, running to the cafeteria with her brothers. The circus boss stood disappointed, until a strange men came up to him. He looked like he was very ill, because he wasnt walking very well.

"You want those kids to join you?" The strange men cught the attention of the boss.

"You know them?" His attention was very well caught.

"Yes. In fact, Im their boss. And I might consider giving them to you." He suggested. "Just hand me the contract and Ill get their signatures."

The boss gave him the contract. "Be back in a sec." He said, heading to the cafeteria. He saw Adam Bree and Chase siting at a table. They looked nervous. The man headed to them.

"Hey, I just saw you act, and I was thinking, can you give me your autograph?" He asked, showing handing them a paper. The paper was actually the contract, which was folded until you could only see the line which you were supposed to sign on.

"No, I dont think we should" Chase refused.

"But Im very ill, and if you do this, it would mean the world to me." The man said, making them feel guilty. Chase was feeling very guilty, so was Adam and Bree.

"Well, maybe an autograph wont hurt. Its not its the end of the world." Chase accepted. They signed their signatures on the paper.

The man thanked them and went to the boss.

"They're all yours. They're in the cafeteria." The man informed. The boss smiled

The man went outside in the dark. He took off his mask. Under the mask was Marcus, with his robot face.

"I might be run down and my battery will drain in a few days, but at least I took care of them." He told himself, smirking.