Harry Potter, the boy who lived. All of Harry's life, he's been praised for defeating Lord Voldemort. But, when Harry narrowly escapes Voldemort yet again in his sixth year, Harry realizes that it's only luck that's saved his life so often. When seventh-year Harry overhears discussion of a plot to dispose of Harry, he must prove that he can defend himself, which ends up being a much more difficult task than anyone could have imagined.

DISCLAIMER: IM NOT JK ROWLING!!!!! If I was I would be rich and writing real hp stories, not fanfic! But since im not, thisll suit me well enough!!


ONETHE ORDER WAITS. Albus Dumbledore paced back and forth in the Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Things were not going well, not in the slightest. First off, his accomplices were late. Second, no one had heard from Severus Snape in over a month- and Dumbledore was beginning to fear the worst. Most importantly, however, was that Fudge was not taking enough action in disposing of Lord Voldemort. In the past two years, Dumbledore and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix had managed to hold off the rise of the Dark Lord, with a bit of help from the famous Harry Potter.

Little Harry Potter. Dumbledore sank into a chair at the teachers' table, resting his head in his hands. Harry Potter had been so lucky, so many times in his life that Dumbledore doubted the boy knew it. Dumbledore thought carefully for a moment, trying to recall what year Harry would be entering in a few month's time. Seventh. Yes, that was it. Young Harry, so much like his father, was in his final year at Hogwarts. Dumbledore had no doubts that Harry was a strong wizard, but he simply wasn't strong enough to put an end to Voldemort. At least, not yet. For the moment, Dumbledore wished that Harry would have a few more years at Hogwarts, just so that he could keep an eye on the boy.

A door slammed open somewhere near the entrance of the great hall. Dumbledore, who'd been lost in deep thought, started at the sound. A clapping sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the entry hall, and in a moment Minerva McGonagall was running into the entrance hall. Dumbledore stood up quickly, just as McGonagall said loudly, "Albus! We've heard word from the Ministry!"

"What is it?" Dumbledore asked, stepping quickly away from the table and hurrying towards Professor McGonagall. He met her about halfway through the room. McGonagall, panting, said urgently, "Severus was sighted last Tuesday night in the company of several death eaters. Cornelius stated that the Ministry seems to think that he's back in league with you- know-who." McGonagall paused to catch her breath, then said, "And the last word from Mundungus was that the number of dementors in Azkaban has signifigantly dropped over the past week- but Cornelius hasn't relieved any of them from their duties."

Dumbledore stared silently at McGonagall, who looked back at him, just as fearfully. They stood in silence for a few moments, raindrops beginning to echo loudly in the hallway where a window stood open, facing a coming storm. Finally, McGonagall spoke.

"Albus, do you think Severus-?"

"No, Minerva, I don't," Dumbledore said firmly. "This news about Azkaban, however, is not good news at all. I don't suppose Mundungus had a specific number.?"

"No," McGonagall said, as though it had just occurred to her that she should have asked for one. "But I'm certain it was near a dozen. You-know- who couldn't be smuggling out many more than that without the ministry noticing."

"Has Mundungus informed the ministy?"

"Yes," McGonagall said. "Just after his suspicions were confirmed."


"Sirius transformed himself, and snuck in to count."

"Ah," Dumbledore said approvingly. It wasn't a well-known fact, but as the rest of the Order of the Phoenix was recently informed of, Sirius Black, alleged murderer and godfather to Harry Potter, was an animagus. It was his specialty to transform into a shaggy black dog, which signifigantly resembled a death omen in the wizarding world; a grim.

"Albus," McGonagall said a moment or two later. "You don't suppose. this isn't it, is it? Do you think that.that You-Know-Who has returned to power?"

Dumbledore sighed. "I fear that it is true, Minerva. He's simply biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike."

McGonagall gasped. Staring at Dumbledore, she asked quietly, "Has Arbella reported anything of Harry?"

"Just that things are going normally for him on Privet Drive," Dumbledore said, thankful for the first time tonight. "But we must keep working. Where are Remus and Allastor? They were supposed to be meeting with us over an hour ago."

"They got held up over in London," Minerva said. "Nothing immediately dangerous, though, because Remus sent an owl."

"Very well," Dumbledore said after a moment. "I shall wait here for them. Minerva, I highly doubt the rumors that Severus is in league with Voldemort. However, I should like it very much if you could perhaps do a bit of transforming yourself, and find out.?"

"Certainly," McGonagall said, and turned to go.

"Good luck, Minerva," Dumbledore said to her retreating back. She turned to him, gave him an extremely small smile, and hurried off.

Dumbledore stood for a moment, stroking his beard thoughtfully. Harry Potter was going to be Voldemort's next plotted murder, no doubt about that. So, within the next couple days, Dumbledore needed to find some sort of way to protect Harry, should the time come when Voldemort came looking for him-

Dumbledore jumped a moment later as a giant, shaggy black dog entered the hall. Dumbledore smiled slightly, and said, "Hello, Sirius."

The dog sort of gruffed something, then began transforming into a human. In a moment, Sirius Black was standing before Dumbledore.

"Yes?" Dumbledore asked.

"Dumbledore, I've just heard news from Fletcher. Is it true, what he was saying about Severus?"

"I think not," Dumbledore said, frowning slightly at Sirius. "I should think, Sirius, that you should have let go of childhood disagreements."

"I have," Sirius said, rather sharply. "It's just that I fear the worst, with Voldemort taking Dementors right out of Azkaban."

"You are right, Sirius, in thinking that Voldemort is returning to power. But I assure you that at the moment, your fears are un-necessary. Young Harry remains safe in his Uncle's home."

Sirius gazed at Dumbledore for a moment.

"I promise you, Sirius," Dumbledore said. Still, Sirius gazed at him.

"But when school ends, this year, he will have no where to go," Sirius pointed out. Dumbledore looked at him, not fully understanding.

"That is to say, Dumbledore, do you think it'd be safe.if Harry lived with me?"

Dumbledore looked at Sirius very carefully for a few minutes. True, Harry's Aunt and Uncle seemed to have made it clear that Harry would not be welcome anymore at Privet Drive. But with Voldemort on the loose again, there was really no better place for Harry to be, besides perhaps at Hogwarts.

"We'll have to wait and see how things turn out," Dumbledore told Sirius finally. His eyes, full of hope and determination, seemed out of focus, as though he was looking at something far away. "If things shape up. But until then, I don't suppose you could help Arabella keep an eye on him."