Hey, everyone! Long time no see. I've been really excited about this chapter since I began writing it and I hope you guys love how it turned out. For the chapter after this, I would really love to do a Q&A session! Please leave questions/comments in the reviews for me to respond to and I promise to get the next chapter out in a week or less, provided there are enough questions. I'm hoping for at least 15, and considering I have 140 of you following me I hope that's not too much to ask! Please enjoy the next chapter of Sucked In 3.

The next few days had me fighting my nerves once again. Although Komui had agreed to let me rest for the next week, the time for me to show off my innocence was coming closer. Normally I wouldn't really care about putting on a show, as I did have a flair for the dramatic. But as the days went on it was very clear that no one's suspicions of me had dissipated. Even friendly Lenalee was cautious of how she worded things when I was around. And even if Lavi seemed friendly, the bookman apprentice had a suspicious gleam in his eyes when he looked in my direction. Anyone who wasn't looking for it would have missed it, though. And of course Kanda had no trouble outwardly expressing his distrust of me, similarly to the rest of the order I had encountered.

Knowing everyone was constantly expecting negative things of me had taken a slight toll on my confidence level, making me unsure of my abilities. I'm a powerful Exorcist, for my age and experience level. I've had no trouble flaunting that fact. And Komui at least knew my synchronization level, so he was no doubt expecting quite a show. I had to both prove to everyone that didn't believe in me wrong and live up to expectations. The thought somehow made my nerves worse, at the same time as it gave me determination. They wanted a show? I'll give them one.

As ideas began to swirl inside my head, Mana found me and twirled around my legs, nearly knocking me off balance. A gasp fell out of my mouth as I nearly tripped, just barely catching myself. I let out a sigh as I bent down to pick up the white akuma, stroking her head as she began to purr loudly. Continuing to wander down the hallway, I reached the entrance to the science department and poked my head in. The vast majority of the scientists were working on the piles of paperwork stacked upon their desks, but the main scientists were all clustered around Komui's desk. I paused to stare into the room as nostalgia worked its way into my system. Mana clawed her way up my chest to curl around my shoulders. I barely noticed.

The room began to blur as I fell deep into my own mind, barely being able to register that I was about to lose it. Images of my father swirled around my head almost too fast to comprehend, piles of paperwork and lab coats hanging on a hook by the door. Quick breakfasts at the cherry wood table in out kitchen as he rushed to work. Burns on his hands for experiments gone wrong. And his face, kind and understanding. Laughter lines and wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, but a strange loneliness in his eyes. Worry wrinkles on his forehead. My thoughts swirled even faster as my body sank to the floor. Polo shirts. Glasses. Trying to cook dinner for him for the first time and failing-

Hands were on my shoulders and I automatically reached up to grasp them before realizing where I was. On the floor. With everyone staring at me, and Reever's hands on my shoulders, caught in a death grip. I released him immediately, letting out a hoarse "sorry," and realizing there were tears running down my cheeks. Quickly wiping them away, I stood up while Mana meowed on concern. While the scientists working on paperwork had gone back to their respective tasks, Komui and Reever were still staring at me, for once with concern and not suspicion.

"Are you...okay?" There was a gentleness to Komui's voice as he asked. His hand hovered in the air for a moment before dropping back to his side. Was he trying to comfort me?

I let out a breath of air, loudly exhaling before giving him an answer. "Yeah, I'm okay." Pausing, I added, "Just...old memories." Komui nodded as Reever spoke.

"You had said your father was a scientist," curiosity colored his voice, "was he a good one?" Perhaps talking about my past was a bad idea, but I felt like a little girl again. Talking about my scientist father and being in a lab setting.

"He was brilliant. Always coming up with new ideas…" I trailed off. "He was so dedicated to his work, but he somehow still made time to take care of me." A faint smile crossed my face. Somehow I had found myself telling basically strangers more about my past than my best friend. I couldn't help it. The memory of home was so strong here. "I miss him more every day."

Komui was quiet for a time before he spoke. "Why don't you visit?" My mouth formed a sad smile.

"Sometimes it isn't that simple." I sighed. "I'm sorry for my outburst. I'll see you when I show you my innocence." Turning on my heel, I began to walk out. Not before noticing how their eyes changed, though. Slightly less hostile, more understanding. I was getting through to them.

The day that I was to demonstrate my innocence came with excitement. While normally not a huge deal, the anticipation of waiting had gathered quite an audience for me. Instead of catering to my nerves, it only grew my excitement and confidence. I woke up well before Allen did, managing to evade his grip and actually get out of bed. If drama was my goal, my outfit had to be carefully picked. Appearances were everything, after all.

Luckily, my 'magic' duffel bag allowed me to store away many more clothes than were strictly necessary. Rummaging through it, I found a pair of leather pants, a red , fitted top with bell sleeves, and the very same cloak that I had been wearing when Allen and the others had found me. Crimson red and made of velvet, it was the perfect piece to add flair. Knee high black combat boots ensured that I would have solid footing throughout my demonstration. I assumed I would be going up against another exorcist, and if Komui really hated me it would definitely be Kanda.

My attention turned to Allen when I heard the bed sheets rustling. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes with his hands and blinking at me slowly. Adorable. "Fever," he yawned before starting again. "Fever, why are you awake? It's so early…" I laughed lightly.

"Not everyone sleeps in, Walker. Besides, I have my demo today." Allen's back straightened.

"Oh, yeah." He pouted. "I can't believe you won't even tell me what it is."

"You know me," I smirked. "I love the drama." The white haired boy chuckled.

"You do."

Mana stuck by my side as I made my way to the training room that had been chosen. Allen was already there, along with Kanda, Lavi, Lenalee, Komui, and his main group of scientists. The exorcists must have been curious with my secrecy. Stepping through the doorway, I glanced around the room. One of the walls was lined with several different kinds of weapons. Perfect. I wanted to put on a show. To be remembered. I wanted to showcase my abilities as much as possible, since the caution others exercised around me made it extra important that I be 'worth it'.

Allen made his way to me, Lenalee by his side. She smiled sweetly in my direction. "I can't wait to see what your abilities are, Fever." Still, there was an undertone I couldn't quite place. Almost...hostile? "Good luck."

As she wandered towards her brother, Allen put a hand on my shoulder. "You nervous?"

A confident smirk worked its way onto my face. "Are you kidding? These are my abilities. No one knows them better than me. And they're pretttttty impressive, if I do say so myself."

A wide grin made its way onto Allen's face. "That's the Fever I know and love. You'll do great."

Komui called across the room, business-like. "Fever, I believe it's time for you to get started!" Alright. I rolled my shoulders and made my way over to the wall of weapons, picking one up. Komui's eyebrows rose, and Kanda scoffed. I was supposed to be showing off innocence, after all. I should theoretically have my own weapon. But that's not how I worked. Just as I relaxed my body, feeling the innocence flow through my veins, the slight burn of it, a loud 'BOOM' resonated throughout the chamber. The flow of magic instantly stopped as I startled and turned towards the noise. In the cloud of smoke following the explosion, a figure emerged. Short. Thin. A pointed hood... Oh yes. Just what I needed. I let my cloak fall over my figure, the hood obscuring my eyes so my mouth, the corners lifted, was all that was visible.

"I'm back, kiddos!" Still flaunting his age, I see. Definitely compensating for something. He showed off his sharp incisors with a wide smile before stopping short at my form. "Well, well. Look who finally decided to show up. I was wondering where you were when I didn't find you at home." Confusion blossomed upon the faces of nearly everyone in the room.

"Aw, did you miss me?" I raised my head, letting my hood fall back and my defiant eyes showing through. Placing a hand on my hip cockily, I smirked. "Are you ready for a rematch?"