Trapped in the closet (Chapter 7)
Hello Readers!
This is Annabelle. I wanted to say thank you for all the support. I received alerts from the site about how many people love and follow myself and my stories, and I just want to say THANK YOU A THOUSAND TIMES!
The reason why I am writing this post is because I want to give you guys the opportunity to ask me questions. Right now I am not on my Facebook account that much, and sometimes I get messages from messenger from fans that unfortunately I don't get a chance to (because of my BUSY lifestyle!)
So if you guys have any questions about Un-finished stories, story ideas, sequels, etc. Feel free to leave a comment. I am still writing, but at a very slow pace. Like I said, BUSY lifestyle!
Also, anyone that is new or not, be sure to check out my links on my profile.
I hope that you guys continue to support me. That is my encouragement I need to continue to do what I do.
Kisses! Xoxo
Annabelle Naughty Princess Rose
Be sure guys to keep sending me reviews. I read those too. The more reviews sent, the more the story can keep going until it's completed.
The next morning, Rose woke up. She stretched her arms, rolling over to the other side of her bed. Opening her eyes, she found that Chad wasn't there. The last thing she remembered was she was with Chad on her bed, they were watching T.V, and she fell asleep from the painkillers. She didn't remember if he spent the night, obviously, he didn't because she spotted a piece of paper on her dresser. Rising up from her bed, She grabbed the paper and opened it.
Sorry I left on short notice. My phone went off and I had to get home. I re-wrapped your bandage, and I tucked you under the covers. I hope you slept well and I'll see you at school tomorrow.
P.s: Be careful with your wrist. Don't forget to take it easy.
Rose smiled once she was finished. She felt warm feeling in her stomach. She smiled, forgetting about what happened yesterday with a sign. she stared at the ceiling for a few moments before her phone rang. Grabbing it she looked at the caller ID and her smile faded.
"I know she's calling me about yesterday. She promise that she and her were going over some homework." Signing she hit the talk button and put the phone to her ear.
"Good Morning, Shana."
"Don't you good morning me! Where the hell had you been?" She asked her.
" school?" Rose lied. "You saw me yesterday..."
"No Shit! Rose. You were not at school. I looked for you all day!"
Rose's eye snapped open by Shana's harsh tone. To be honest, she didn't want to tell her the real reason why she skipped school and she didn't call her back. So, she came up with a lie.
"I had an ache in my neck from P.E yesterday. I went to the nurse's office she sent me home early. That's all."
"Bullshit!" Shana shot back. "Ryan told me he saw a boy that looks like Ryan Reynolds with blonde hair walked into you class yesterday. Only person that I know that looks like Ryan Reynolds with blonde hair is Sean. Did he stop by yesterday? What did he do?!"
"No!" Rose exclaimed. "He didn't. Ryan had no idea what he's talking about. Look I don't have to explain myself to you! I have to get dressed now Okay? I'll see you at school." And Rose hung up. The last words she heard was "Or never!"
"I'm sorry," she replied to herself. "I can't tell you the truth…I can never tell anyone the truth."
Pulling her car up to East High, Rose put her car in park. She groaned softly at the slight pain she felt from her bandage wrist. Looks like she didn't take Chad's advice about taking it easy. She realized she couldn't be seen with it…especially around Shana. Signing, she unloosens the tape and un-wrapped the bandage. Whatever Chad did, she could see that the redness had left, but it was still swollen and a little sore. Once she was done, she got out of the car and walked inside the school. Now all she had to worry about is to explain her to Ms. Schmidt.
A few steps from her was Sean. He was standing in the hallway watching the other students engaging in their conversations. He had on what appeared to be a disguise. He had a black cap that covers his highly blonde hair, and black jacket, and dark sunglasses. He was pissed that his moment to win Rose back was ruined by the pretty boy with curly hair. "Who the fuck he thinks he is?!" He thought to himself. "Rose is mine! And she will be mine for as long as I live. No one will stand in my way for having her back. Not even him!" He had been standing in the hallway for almost an hour waiting for a sight of Rose. Earlier he went to her history class and placed a dozen of beautiful roses on her desk to apologize for hurting her. One thing he remembered about Rose, she loved flowers. He also spotted Chad walking down the hall with his Girlfriend. "That looked really interesting. He all over my girl, But has one of his own. Greedy Motherfucker." Now following his true love, who didn't expect that no one was following her headed to her locker getting her books. She paused for a moment, a sudden feeling that she was being watched. Turning her head toward the direction, she found that no one was there. Closing her locker quickly, she turned around and out of nowhere ran in Zeke.
"Whoa Rose!" Zeke replied holding her arms. "You almost ran into me! Are you okay?'
"Y-Yeah, I'm okay!" Rose replied. "I'm sorry. You crept up on me."
"Oh, Uh sorry. I wasn't trying to scare you. I was on my way to class and was in a hurry. Sorry I ran into you."
"Its fine," Rose replied looking down.
"What class do you have?" He asked her
"History," she replied.
"Cool. I was on my way to science class. It's just in that direction. Care if I walk with you?"
"Sure," Rose replied swallowing a lump in her though before walking beside him.
"Are you sure you okay?" Zeke asked her again as they walked down the hall.
"Yeah," she replies with a smile. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Looks like you're…a little nervous about something." Rose looked at him.
"Nervous? No. I'm still trying to wake up from the painkillers. I'm still a little drowsy."
Zeke's eyes followed down to the slightly red knot on her wrist, and replied, "I see. That thing looks a little nasty."
Following his eyes, Rose quickly moved her wrist from his view.
"I meant, Painkillers form my neck." She lied. "I had P.E it yesterday, and a ball hit it. Nurse sent me home yesterday."
"That's terrible!" Zeke replied. " I'm surprised you made it to school today. Hey, what happened yesterday in class?"
"Pardon?" Rose asked him, wondering why Zeke would ask her about what happened at her class.
"Oh yeah, Ryan said a dude came in your class yesterday asking for you. He said you guys were shouting and Chad went to check it out. The he said you guys never came back. Ms. Schmidt was pissed." He finished.
"Yeah," Rose replied. "But you know Ryan. He can be dramatic." Looking up, she spotted Chad by his locker talking to Taylor. She wasn't sure what they were talking about. But it looked as though Chas wasn't there with what she was saying, and Taylor looked a little upset about something. She watched as Chad put his hands on her chest consoling her. That warm feeling was gone. Once again, her heart fell to her chest.
"Oh my! Are these roses for me?!" Sharpay Evans asked as she walked in the class room with her brother, Ryan.
"I'm not sure sis, but it strange that it's something for you considering the face that you don't take this class," Ryan pointed out. Sharpay shot him a look.
"I know that I don't take this class Ryan, because history is so boring. But who else, other than yours truly, would sent these beautiful fresh cut red roses?" Sharpay asked. "Whoever sent them has good taste."
"Hey look! There's a card." Ryan replied. As soon as he said that, Sharpay went into action, trying to find the envelope. But Ryan was quicker.
"Fuck!" Sharpay cursed.
"Yeah. Yeah. Mind the language sis. Remember my fast hands."
"Ugh! Just because you learned to play baseball, does not give you the right…Give me that envelope!"
"Thanks for walking me in class," she replied to Zeke with a smile.
"No Problem." He replied. Then the bell ring. "Oh…you know what that means…time for class."
Looking over once more, Rose noticed Chad was looking directly at her as he kissed Taylor on the cheek.
"I'll see you a lunch okay, sweetie," she heard Taylor replied as she walked away. Chad waved back to her.
"See you later, Rose." Zeke replied as he walked away giving Chad a wave.
"See you later," Rose replied back.
"Hey," Chad replied with a smile.
"Hey," Rose replied looking down at her feet before looking up at him.
"How are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm fine," she replied. "I found your note by my bed."
"Yeah," Chad replied. "I fell asleep beside you when my phone rang. I was like, shit! I overslept. My dad was pissed."
"What did you tell him?" Rose asked him.
"I was doing homework with Troy, and I crashed. Don't worry. Troy owes me one." he replied. "I re wrapped your wrist. He looked down and quickly noticed that no bandage was found."
"Where's your bandage?"
"Oh…"Rose replied, not realizing that she forgot she took the bandage. "I took off."
"Why?" Chad asked, giving her questionable look.
"Because I didn't want everyone asking me about what happened to my wrist. I had to lie to my mom by saying I hurt myself in P.E. and Shana…She's pissed at me."
"Okay," He replies. "I understand." Chad reached down and took her head once more examing her wrist. Little did they know, Sean was down the hall peaking around the corner watching with angry eyes as Chad ran his fingers down Rose's wound.
"It looks a lot better than yesterday. The red went away". He said. He added a little pressure and she hiss out in pain.
"Sorry," He replies.
"It's okay. But it's healed…just a little sore."
"Something like this doesn't heal in one day, Rose. Take a week in a half at least." She watched as Chad carefully turned her wrist over, reaching down to give it a kiss. Almost immediately Rose looked around to see if anyone saw them. But saw no one. At least not Sean, who was so mad, he wanted to punch the brick wall. Chad looked into her eyes, and Rose felt time had frozen. That look into his eyes awaken her lower regions…but she suddenly felt this wasn't right. There were in the school hallway. Anyone could turn that corner at any moment. Feeling that he was making the first move, Rose halted him.
"Chad," she replied, putting her hands on his fir chest. He responded back when she felt his hands creeping on her back.
"What?" He asked, looking into her eyes.
"Don't," she replied. He edged closer, closer enough that their foreheads touched.
"Don't what?" He replies in a whisper.
"Don't try to kiss me…" Just as she said that, she could feel Chad's hands gripped her a little firmer. She closed her eyes, feeling Chad's peppermint breath on her skin. She turned her head trying to avoid his lips. "Please, someone could see…" She gasped, when she felt his hands going down her backside. "Taylor…"As soon as she heard his girlfriend's name, Chad took a deep exhale.
"I know," he replied looking at her. Chad loosens his grip on her. They looked into each other's eyes. "I don't want upset her any more than she already is."
"She's upset?" Rose asked him, releasing her hold on him. "Does she know that you_"
"No," He replied with a chuckle. "She's nervous about her project. I told her she will be fine. She and Gabi got this. It's…a job trying to build someone's confidence. Taylor's lacking of that…sometimes."
" Let's not worry about that now. She will do great, she you would be the first person to congratulate her. Right now, we have to figure out what are we going to tell Ms. Schmidt. We better get to class," Rose replied.
She tried to walk away, but unexpectedly, Chad took her hand and pulled her into a passionate kiss. The kiss was so deep that Rose couldn't help but to wrap her arms around him. The fact of the matter is that Rose was falling in love with Chad. But the situation that he was with Taylor made it uncomfortable. Even though, it's hurting when you have to tell someone who you are falling for, to stay strong for his girlfriend. She meant what she said. On Chad's part, he didn't care. He attracted to this beautiful brown skinned redhead named Rose Waters. His only problem is Taylor. Rose didn't know this but for the past few months, the relationship between him and Taylor was decaying. One of the things that were being irritating for him was her constant complaining about everything…and yesterday what she said to Rose made his stomach turn. He could have broken up with her right there…but he's stuck. If he could find one thing. That one thing that would change to whole relationship forever. He would do it. Chad kissed Rose on the lips one last time before looking into her eyes that were full of lust.
"We better get to class," Rose replied again.
"Yeah," Chad breathed. His hands leaving her waist to her hands. "Let's go."
Walking inside the classroom, Rose and Chad looked around the classroom. Rose could feel eyes on her as she tried to make her way to her desk. She spotted two of the students having a conversation, but she wasn't sure what they were talking about. Chad sense her uneasiness.
"Relax," He whispered. "You'll be fine."
"I'm trying. Everyone's looking at us." Rose replied.
"Well, Not everyone." He replied looking over at the Evan's twins at their desk. "What the hell is going on over there?"
"Ryan! Don't you dare open that envelope!" Sharpay warned him.
"Why not?" He replied "I'm curious as it who it belongs to."
"it does not matter. I touched the roses. They're mine!"
"Whoa! Can someone tell me what the hell is going on, and why you guys are at our desk?" Chad asked.
"Trying to act presentable so she can sound convicing, Sharpay replied. Well, I was paying Ryan a visit before class to show him my beautiful roses that Zeke got for me."
"Nice try sweetheart, Zeke was with me earlier, and he sure as hell didn't have a dozen of roses in hand." Chad replied back.
"Yes he did!" She snap back him. "He gave them to me! I better get going. Because I don't take this class anyway, if you excuse me- Ow! Shit!" She cursed when a splinter went through her finger.
"Looks like he forgot to cut the splinters." Chad replied smiling.
"To Rose,
Here are these roses to tell you I'm sorry about what happened yesterday.
Love Sean. Xoxo."
Ryan read. Sharpay's mouth dropped. and all of the other classmates turned towards them.
"Well, it looks like these roses belong to you, Rosie."
"I don't want them," Rose replied.
"Are you sure?" Ryan asked.
"Yes. Sharpay can have them," Rose replied.
Sharpay squealed. "Ahhh! Thank you! You're my new best friend."
"Hey, Make sure you clean that mouth with some soap, Ice princess."
"Fuck off Danforth. You're the one that has a dirty mouth. Lord knows, that dog needs some home training. Catch you later Rose," and she walked away without saying a word to Ryan.
"Ryan, your sister is a bitch," Chad replied.
"I know. Don't remind me." Ryan replied sitting down at his desk. Chad followed suit, sitting next to a shaken Rose.
"He came here," She replied." He came he and he going to keep going back until,"
"Shhh! Don't worry about it. I got you and I am not going to let anything happen to you. I promise. Right now we have to figure out a excuse for the teacher."She smiled"
"Yeah," Rose replied back. He took her hand into his, giving it a squeeze.
"Everything is going to be fine."