The boys stopped at an under appreciated Diner off I-64 near , Kentucky. It had been awhile since they had the time to stop and rest, just so happened this little place was one of Dean's favorite burger joints. He made the time and convinced Sam that it was well worth it. Really Sam just let him do as he wanted because he knew how a simple thing like a really good Burger could give his older brother a moment of happiness. And he would be the first to say Dean hadn't had nearly enough happiness in his life in general, certainly not lately. Castiel agreed because...well burgers, what more was there to say. Castiel almost always agreed with Dean, Sam noticed.

"Maybe it has something to do with that whole profound bond thing?" Sam thought to himself but didn't dare bring it up as to not ruin the few moments of joy his brother was about to have.

Sam sat his laptop on one side and himself all the way near the edge of the red and tan booth seat, leaving no room for anyone else. Dean reluctantly sat down on the other side and moved in so Castiel could sit beside him. He didn't like the angel being this close, maybe that's why he was having all these weird thoughts and dreams lately, it's just a lack of personal space. Which Cas convieniently never seemed to experience with anyone else.

Well hell, Dean couldn't blame him. He was pretty irresistable, the last time he checked the mirror. "I would have a hard time staying away from me." He thought and made himself chuckle out loud.

"Dude, why are you laughing? No one said anything." Sam quickly reacted to Dean's random outburst of laughter. Thinking maybe he'd missed something.

A slight blush crept up on Dean's cheeks as he remembered the things he was thinking about the angel before laughing. He just tried to blow it off as the heat on his face betrayed him. "I was just thinking about that night I picked you up after those creepy clowns attacked. You looked like you'd been tackled by a clan of overly anxious strippers." That story always seemed to make him laugh and he did as to not raise suspicion, and because well it was funny as hell.

Even Castiel's mouth upturned at the corners but mostly it was because Dean looked so happy. He hadn't seen the hunter this relaxed since Chastity threw him out of that small room and cursing him for trying to help resolve some of the issues her father left behind. Dean had laughed so hard that night. Castiel had been tempted to take up helping all of the ladies of the evening if Dean would laugh like that every time. Castiel felt that night may have been the first night he truly understood Human happiness and love. Dean had always been one of the most beautiful souls Cas had ever seen. Even the most robotic Angel could notice the handsome features of the hunter. Green eyes that could peirce the toughest of exteriors, a strong jawline, beautiful sandy spikes of hair on his head. Chisled muscles with strength you can only get from years of battle. Even when some of the years of fighting and abusing himself had shown up on his face, he was still one of the most attractive human beings to have ever existed. No, Castiel wasn't blind to that.

The friendly waitress sat the menus down with a smile, and said to give her a shout when they were ready. Sam didn't even really notice her but Dean wasn't in the habit of ignoring a really nice set of...eyes. He watched her walk away and even though she wasn't really Supermodel hot she was certainly a beautiful woman with curves in all the right places, and a nametag that said Kelli. (Everyone loves a girl who's name ends in i) He remembered how long it had been since he'd burned off some steam with a local on his way through and he decided maybe it was time again.

"We're ready to order Darlin," Dean tossed back over his head with one of his biggest smiles.

"I'd like a Double Bacon Cheeseburger, fries, Coke, and a couple peices of your Pecan Pie. Sammy?"

"Considering I'd like to live to see tomorrow I'll take the Baked Chicken, with extra Green Beans and a water."

"Cas, you gonna eat man ?" Dean said looking over at his angel and it shook him, Cas was smiling. His Angel was smling bigger than he had in a long time. Those peircing blue eyes digging into him while spouting off his order. Dean was so distracted by Cas' eyes that he didn't even hear what the angel ordered.

"Will that be all?" She said prompting Dean to look away from Castiel and join the rest of the world.

"Yeah, that's all for now sweetheart." He said with a wink.

Kelli blushed feircly, she wasn't going to question why the Greek God of mortals was flirting with her but she sure as hell was going to enjoy it.

The guys started discussing what to do next. Suddenly, the minutes had passed and their food was placed gently in front of them. Dean even made the conscious decision to not cram his burger down in case the waitress was watching. He doesn't mind that Sam thinks he's a disgusting pig but he didn't want to give the curvy brunette a reason to.

The guys continue discussing their next hunt and pretty soon they've all but almost finished their hot food and Dean slightly raises a hand while eyeing Kelli to get her attention. "I'll take that Pecan Pie now if you don't mind. Kelli, is it?"

She smiled her biggest smile, " It sure is hon, and I'll go get that pie for you. Dessert for you guys?" She said eyeing Sam and Castiel.

"I would ike a peice of pie as well." The booming deep voice said as leaning in closer to Dean in an effort to make certain the waitress had heard him.

pDean turned to see Castiel still smiling but much much closer, so close that his voice sent a shiver down Dean's spine. So close he could smell something sweet like the smell of fresh fruit coming off the angel. That sent heat much further down than his cheeks, and he did his best to play it off by snaking a look at Kelli's ass as she walked back toward the counter to get his pie. When he turned around after blatantly oggling her, Sam gave him an epic BitchFace and Castiel's smile had partially faded.

"What?" Dean said, the guys never had a problem with him picking up chicks before why is now any different.

"Nothing Dean" Sam said with a loud Huff. Which was Sam-Speak for I do not condone what you are doing and I expect you to be better than that.

He smiled when the waitress sat the plates down and thought about asking when she got off work but decided to not push his luck, Sam was a real bitch when he got all Holier-Than-Thou.

Dean having decided to give up pursuing the waitress was now officially scarfing the delicious gooey pie down like it was the last good thing on Earth. He was almost half-finished when he heard the most shockingly delicious sound coming from Castiel's mouth. Panic shot through him when he realized how much just one sound had affected his cock. He made the mistake of looking at Cas who had his mouth still wrapped around the fork and his eyes closed in pleasure. His pants grew even tighter, he was going to have to slow down to not look suspious when he didn't have another reason for not being able to stand up out of his seat.

"MMMM" Cas said again emphasizing the pleasurable taste the pie left in his mouth. He opened his eyes and knew exactly why Dean was staring at him but purposefully acted clueless. Dean's mouth was nearly fully open just staring.

Dean looked to Cas, looked back to Sam as if he were asking "Are you getting this?" But Sam was distracted by something on his laptop and completely oblivious to the sinful noises the Angel was making.

By the third moan Dean was finding it incredibly hard to focus on anything else. He hadn't had a bite of pie in what seemed like an eternity because he just couldn't focus long enough to pick the damn fork up and take a bite. Castiel had to be doing this on purpose, he had to know what it was doing to Dean, Didn't he?

Dean finally started internally screaming the words to "Gimmie A Bullet" long enough to finish most of his pie and trying his damndest to ignore the explicit sounds being released right next to him. When Cas slid his plate out to show he was done Dean started thinking of anything he could possibly think of to control his dick back down to size.

Sam looks up "Since when does it take you 30 mins to eat pie?" Genuine concern on his face.

"Look man, I'm savoring this shit. It's some good pie." Dean blurts before stuffing his mouth with the last bite. He'd calmed himself down enough to stand up.

Sam folded the bills from his wallet and shoved them on the table leaving a generous tip. "I'll be in the car." he eyed Dean, figuring he was going to make a move on the waitress.

"I must go as well." Castiel said before swooshing out .

Thankfully,no one noticed. "Cas should really think about this stuff before just popping out." Dean thought before opening and closing the diner's door.

When they got to the motel Sam made sure to get two rooms in case Dean was looking to go back and pick up that waitress from the diner.

Dean didn't complain for once, making Sam think it was the best choice but for a completely different reason than Dean thought so. Sometimes Dean just liked to be alone, have some free time even if it left him with nothing more than the palm of his hand. Sometimes it was nice to just walk around naked if he wanted, sleep naked if he wanted, not that he did that because he was a hunter and good hunters never slept naked or without a weapon close by. But it was nice to have that option if he wanted it.

Dean took a hot shower and stayed in maybe just a little too long but it was nice. The water pressure at this hotel was one of the nicest he'd had in a while. He slid his towel off his waist and laid down on the bed. He even took an extra second to slide under the top comforter before sliding his hands down his abs to his hardening cock. He tries to think of the waitress from the diner but before he can help it his cock is throbbing from the memory of the sounds Cas was making in his ear. His hand sliding slowly up and down his stiff cock. His eyes closed and lips parted enjoiying the feel of his hand wrapped tightly around the base. Almost as if it were a compulsion he moans loudly before saying "Please Cas,"

Almost instantly Castiel appears in his hotel room. "Hello Dean."

Dean jumped his throbbing cock still tenting under the blanket not sure what to do."What the hell Cas?"

"Dean you called for me? You prayed for me did you not?" Castiel tipped his head sideways slightly like he always did when he was confused. He walked closer as if that would help him understand what was going on.

"Cas Stop. Don't come any closer. I didn't mean to call you, uh you can leave. Now."

Dean's body was trembling. His blood ran cold but his skin was on fire. He didn't know what to do but he was trying very hard to not put his hand back down and finish what he started. He'd already talked his erection down once tonight he wasn't sure he could do it again.

"Dean you're shaking, are you not well ?" Cas asked concerned as he closed the distance between himself and the bed where dean was sprawled under the covers.

"Damnit Cas! I said stay there" Dean shouted, not meaning to be that harsh but he did warn the guy.

Castiel stepped back with a dejected look on his face. "As you wish," He said before vanishing.

Dean was screwed, he knew that if he continued to stroke himself that the chance of calling out for Cas was high. He hadn't been trying to summon the angel but he couldn't keep his mouth shut! "That's IT!" Dean thought to himself ... he just had to figure out a way to keep himself from talking. He quickly reached over to his bag and pulled out one of his old tees. Wrapping it around the bar behind his head he secured a knot over his mouth to stifle any moans he may be tempted to make. Dean smiles thinking of how clever he is. His hand is back in action fast! He's so proud of himself he just lets his thoughts loose. His hand moving faster up and down his throbbing cock. He thinks of Castiel's eyes, his barely stubbled jaw, the hard taut muscles he knows are there under the frumpy clothes. Dean hasn't felt this hard in a long time. He has to admit that the gag he's effectively put on himself makes things even more enticing. Dean's thoughts were going wild.

"Oh god, Cas Please! " He thinks as he imagines Castiel's mouth opening for his massive cock.

Once again Cas swooshes into the room.

"What the fuck?" Dean mutters underneath the shirt tied around his mouth.

Cas seeing Dean shaken and gagged with a tshirt his instincts kick in and before he knows what he's doing he's almost stradling Dean to untie the tshirt. It wasn't until after his brain had a chance to catch up he realized that Dean's hands were lose and he could have untied it himself. He also happened to notice he was being distinctly jabbed by something under the covers.

Dean had originally tried to push Cas away, certainly more than once before the angel strattled him and he felt his cock being rubbed against the blanket by Cas' hips. But no matter how hard Dean pushed it was as if Cas didn't feel a damn thing because he just kept on straddling him and moving his hips to get leverage to untie the knot. The t-shirt fell out of his mouth, but it was as if it was still phantomly there because he couldn't say a word.

"Dean, if this was restraining you why didn't you just remove it?" Cas said. Again tilting his head as if he was still confused.

Dean was still quiet.

"Dean?" Cas said again shifting his weight enough to realize what it was exactly that was poking him.

Heat rushed to Castiel's face and suddenly he was on the other side of the room. He would have left but Dean still hadn't spoken and he wanted to make sure he wasn't still somehow incapable of speaking.

"I'm sorry Dean, I thought I heard you calling out for me." He said shakily looking anywhere except for the man laying quietly on the bed.

Dean's face flushed but he had to do something Cas wasn't going anywhere apparently. "Cas, Technically I did call out for you it's just not what you think." Dean said trying his damndest to not break down.

Now Castiel turned his shattering blue eyes on Dean as if he was hanging on every word and more confused than he'd ever been.

Dean huffed there was no way he was getting out of this. "Cas, I was ... I was just... Cas I was jacking off." There it was out.. he actually kinda felt better.

"Yes, Dean I'm aware you were masturbating. What I'm not sure about is why you were praying to me."

"I wasn't I was just screaming your name." Okay that's not how he wanted to say it but it just came out.

"I mean, ugh, I just ..uh.. said your name I mean, it's no big deal." Dean tried to backtrack and make it less wierd but he's pretty sure that was impossible at this point.

Castiel's smile from earlier reappeared. Finally understanding what was happening. "You were thinking about me... while masturbating... you were masturbating ... while thinking of me." He knew it was repetitive but he said it twice because he wasn't sure he believed it the first time. His smile didn't sway though.

Dean smiled sheepishly, "Uh Yeah, Cas. I'm sorry that's probably not the highest level of morality considering you're an angel of the lord and what-not. I'm really sorry that you thought I was in troubl—"

Dean didn't have to look to know it was the press of Castiel's lips against his effectively shutting him up with tremendous force. His cock that had slightly calmed down, rammed right back into action when Cas straddled him again.

Castiel's hands slid behind Dean's neck pulling him in even harder if that was possible.

Finally needing to breathe Dean pulled away. He looked into the deep blue of Castiel's eyes and they were even darker than normal. His lips swollen and perfect. Dean had never been so excited his cock was aching with anticipation. He could feel the pre-come oozing out as the wetness was rubbed back against him with the cover.

"Uh Cas, maybe we should continue this at another time when I'm not naked and about to get off?" He said hoping that Cas would take it as a clue that he wasn't looking for something cheap and casual from the angel. Although he thinks maybe it backfired when Cas looks at him almost as if he were rejected and backed off.

"No Cas, It's not that I don't want to.. I just think we should talk some about whatever this might be." He said gesturing between them with a finger.

"Very well, Dean. If you should require assistance with anything else tonight you should call Sam. I won't respond to any more (Prayers) tonight." He said with a teasing smile before leaving the final time that night.

Dean finished himself off quickly screaming Cas's name knowing that even if the Angel didn't respond he'd know Dean was thinking of him. He cleaned himself off and slid pajama bottoms over his aching muscles before falling asleep against hardness of the motel bed.

Dean woke up with a pounding in his head that he assumed was a hangover until he remembered he hadn't had a drink last night. Nope, that was Sammy beating on the door.

"Give me a damn minute, Sasquatch" Dean yelled as he made his way over to the door.

"Dean, are you seriously just now getting out of bed? It's almost noon. Sam looked around the room as if he were expecting something or someone to jump out at him but the room seemed to be waitress clear.

Which means either Dean is smiling for some weird creepy reason or the girl had the good sense to leave before morning.

"Sorry Sammy, I guess I was just tired." He said before noticing his mouth creeping up into a smile. It almost felt wierd but when he thought about how Cas had kissed him last night he really couldn't be happier. So there was nothing to be weird about.. he was just genuinely happy.

Sam still a little wary, decided to let it go. They had a long drive ahead of them and they needed to get going.

They stopped to get some coffee before heading out. About 2 hours and 150 miles later Cas swooshed into the back seat. Dean was somewhat used to the angel zapping but it still threw him sometimes. Cas had a smile that matched Dean's and that was the first thing Sam noticed.

"Hello, Dean" Cas said. Practically beaming in the back seat.

"Hey, Cas! What's up? Everything alright?" Dean responded

"Yes Dean, Everything is wonderful . I was just wondering if now would be an acceptable time to discuss this." He said repeating Dean's gesture from the previous night by swaying his finger between them.

"Uh, Cas maybe we should wait until we're alone to talk about it?" Dean said hesitantly.

Sam completly baffeled in the passenger seat.. "Are Dean and Cas screwing?" He thought to himself... he mostly just shrugged it off thinking it really didn't make a difference.

Cas' eyes went darker and his face became more stoic. Dean could see the angel was a little angry by looking through the rearview mirror.

"We can't talk while you are masturbating, we can't talk when Sam is with us. I'd tell you to pray for me when you're ready to talk but we both know how that turns out." That was all Cas said before vanishing out of the car, leaving Dean and Sam both speechless.

Dean turned the radio up to discourage discussion, and Sam didn't mind because he didn't really know what to say yet. The brothers rode in silence for the next few hours before finally reaching their destination.

"Whaddya say Sammy, Let's go gank this bitch so we can get some chinese food, and some sleep." Dean says trying to act as if the conversation that happened earlier... well hadn't!

"Sure thing Dean, she's Buried at the Cemetary near the Library." Sam said letting it go. If Dean didn't wanna talk about what was going on with him and Castiel, Sam sure as hell wasn't going to ask.

It was already late that night and normally they would have to stick around and do research and a lot of other boring nerd stuff Sammy would love but this time they knew everything going into it. All they had to do was salt and burn the corpse. In the darkness they dug up the remains and finished the job.

"Okay, China House?" Dean asked hoping that Sam wouldn't argue. He could get all those stupid vegetables he liked and Dean could get big box of Sweet and Sour Pork and Dumplings. Maybe even a fortune cookie or two.

"Sure man, whatever." Sam said before shutting the trunk of the Impala and climbing inside.

After they picked up their food Dean got two rooms again but waited till they finished eating and hanging out for a little bit to give Sam his key.

Sam didn't argue just left for his room that was convieniently / suspiciously all the way on the other side of the hotel. He wasn't going to think about it.. thinking about it led to brain bleach moments.

Dean showered quickly this time and dressed in the best pair of jeans he had clean with one of his old band shirts. He brushed his teeth and spiked his hair up before spritzing himself with a little Ralph Lauren Polo. There were very few things the hunter really needed but Dean insisted on having some decent cologne.

"It's now or never." He thought to himself. He was nervous even though the passion in the kiss they shared told him Castiel was definately interested.

"Uh, Cas.. If you'd like to talk now I'm ready." Dean said. Shaking his head he couldn't believe he'd just not only agreed to but initiated a conversation about his feelings for his best friend, his Angel, for someone who could be EVERYTHING.

He waited...

"Uh Castiel? Everything alright buddy?" he said hoping that maybe there was just some sort of relay dead space like when the news anchors are asking questions to field reporters. Although it didn't seem to take that long for Cas to show up when he had his hand on his cock, he laughed a little at that thought. Wow, that's one way to get your crush's attention... bet Cosmo didn't put THAT in this month's issue.

He waited some more...

Dean was starting to worry but then he realized Cas could take care of himself so he sat back on the bed and flipped the T.V. on and thought about an old country song because the lyrics popped through his head.. "All dressed up and nowhere to go." Okay that's the last straw. He might be having a big gay crush on his angel best friend. He may even have debated taking it up the ...well you get it. But he is NOT finding old country songs and applying them to his life. His masculinity cannot take another hit like that.

He watched some program about some weird guy going around buying junk off of other wierd guys until his eyes started drooping down.

Castiel flew into the room, half exhausted, the other half so excited he could barely contain himself. "Hello, Dean." He said before noticing that the hunter was sleeping. Castiel moved closer and saw that the hunter's eyes were definately closed and his chest was rising and falling at an even pace. Castiel knew the Dean didn't like to be watched while he slept but sometimes he couldn't stop. All the worry lines on the man's face seemed to almost disappear most nights while he was sleeping, and Castiel didn't think anything could be more beautiful. With the literal grace of an angel he carefully picked dean up and slid him down the bed so he was in the normal human sleeping position. He pulled the covers over the gorgeous man and turned to leave.

"Cas?" Dean said groggily. Well that was a stupid idea Castiel thought as he mentally scolded himself.

"It's okay Dean go back to sleep." Castiel said turning to leave

"Cas wait, stay with me please?" Dean said with the voice of a boy much younger than the man in front of him.

"Of course. Dean" Cas responded sitting in the small rickety chair on the other side of the room.

"Cas, Really? I meant for you to come here, and lay down beside me.' He said opening the covers that were now somehow covering him.

Cas stood to move closer "Give me a second , gotta hit the head real quick." Dean popped up as Cas neared the other side of the bed.

Dean now more awake than he'd originally intended as the cold of the bathroom floor peirced his feet. He gave himself a little pep talk as he took off the clothes he didn't need anymore. He was all for making himself look nice for Cas but he wasn't going to sleep in the uncomfortably tight clothes he'd planned to show off with. His jeans discarded on the floor and his over shirt thrown haphazardly. He took another quick look in the mirror.. not bad.. He wasn't so naked that things would be awkward and he sure as hell wasn't constricted by those damn jeans anymore, so that was nice.

The bathroom door creaked open and he noticed Cas was laying fully dressed on top of the covers. He smiled before deciding he needed to explain pajama attire to the angel.

"Cas, you can't sleep like that!" Dean said with a small chuckle.

"Dean you know I don't require sleep." Cas said looking a little disappointed as if Dean was temporarily stupid because he had forgotten.

"No.. Cas I mean, uh .. I know you don't need to actually sleep but I mean you need to be comfortable when you lay down and rest for a little while."

"These clothes are not making me uncomfortable, if anything it's the anticipation of the conversation we may or may not have in the near future."

Dean stumbled back not sure if he wanted to laugh. 'Just trust me?" Dean said moving closer. Castiel stood as Dean's hands slid over his shoulders pulling the infamous trench coat over the incredibly toned bicepts and totally copping a feel. The suit jacket followed quickly after.'

"Take your shoes off." He said in a quiet voice that could hardly be considered a voice to issue an order. Castiel figured it best to comply anyway.

Dean unbuttoned the white dress shirt and pulled it off leaving nothing but a white tank top covering the angel's chest. Dean looked into Cas' eyes before asking permission to unbutton and remove the dress slacks. Castiel nodded in agreement although part of him was unsure about having Dean so close with very little clothing on himself.

When Dean finished Castiel was dressed in nothing but a white wife-beater and a pair of tight black boxer briefs, he would have second guessed himself if he hadn't been too busy oogling and admiring the angel's body.

"There now you look comfy." Dean said waiking around the bed to get in on the side he was originally taking. He picked the cover up again and motioned for the angel to join him.

Castiel slid under the covers before Dean's arm wrapped tightly around his waist and pulled him closer. He was quite happy about that. Most of the time when he got this close to the hunter, Dean pushed him away spouting something about a bubble and personal space. "Maybe that wouldn't be the case anymore" Castiel thought as a smile turned up his lips.

Dean could feel the toned abs under his hand and it was very distracting, he was really trying to be good but having Cas this close smelling of fresh fruit and feeling so damn good pressed against him, made things incredibly difficult.

"Dean, I know you're probably tired but I would be willing to discuss things if you'd like." Cas said secretly hoping Dean would jump at the chance.

"Cas you're right, but I couldn't sleep if I tried." He slipped his hand back to his side after turning Cas over to face him.

Castiel almost whimpered at the loss of Dean's arm around him. It had felt so right and now it was gone.

"What do you want Cas? I mean.. If you could have anything with me what would you want most?" Dean said, a little worried about what he might say. Dean never thought he was good for much except hunting and one night stands.

"If I could have anything with you Dean I would chose eternity." Cas said with his stoic humorless expression.

Wow! How is someone supposed to respond to something like that?

Dean couldn't help but to let out a nervous laugh. "Cas, I was asking if you wanted more than a friendship with me. I wanted to know .. uh I guess I wanted to know if you wanted to try a romantic relationship with me."

"Would there be sex in this "Relationship" " Cas responded. Looking like a deer in headlights.

Dean thought maybe he was nervous about sex.. which well the guy was a virgin he could understand some hesititation.

"Well to be honest Cas, I'd like that at some point but it doesn't have to be right now. I can wait. I know you aren't exactly the most experienced in that area and I want to make it good for you but not until you are ready."

A look of relief shot across the angels face. "I'm ready Dean." He said pulling the other man into him as hard as he possibly could without injuring them both.

This certainly was not what Dean expected when he recognized the excited relief that shot across Castiel's face. He figured the angel was greatful Dean wasn't pressuring him into something physical. Dean wanted to back off and take things slowly, I mean that's what everyone wanted for their first time.. even the couple of guys he'd known. They wanted it to be special and romantic, not quck and fast. But with Cas pulling at him and kissing him like this Dean didn't think slow and sweet were still in his vocabulary.

Dean had to break away to breathe and take a second to realize that this was in fact reality. and not the porn that typically played through his mind.

"Cas are you sure? I mean we could have a couple dates, get to know each other a little better, take things slow ya know?" Dean said completely unsure when he said it and it didn't help that the whole "get to know each other better" thing was utter bullshit. There was little he didn't know about the angel that he thought would be important. Hell with everything they had been through over the years he's not sure Castiel had anything left to say.

Castiel looked at him.. Well the proper way to describe it would be something like. " The angel of the lord looked upon the vortex of the human's soul and found it worthy" Or something like that but Dean didn't wanna get all cryptic and cynical.

"Dean, I've spent every moment since I dragged you from hell wishing , hoping, praying even, but mostly just realizing that this was probably never going to happen. Now that there is a chance that it will I can't find myself bothered to give a "flying fuck" that you didn't buy me flowers tonight or give me your letter jacket."

That was all it took Castiel's mouth was back on Dean's and even more handsy than he was before, and that was saying something. Dean gave back even more into the kiss but found that Cas could go a long time without needing oxygen so he broke away again. Sliding his kisses down the angel's jaw and around to his neck. Nipping and sucking and claiming the patch of skin under his ear. Cas arched against him and let out a tiny moan telling Dean to keep going. His tongue slid against Cas's earlobe and his breath escaped sending chills down to the angel's already very hard cock. The tank top slid easily over Castiel's shoulders and left him half naked.

"Dean please.." Cas whipsered.

"I've wanted you for so long Cas. I never thought I deserved you, hell I still dont. But I need this too badly to let you go." Dean growled as he straddled the beatiful being next to him. Dean lifted his shirt over his head, His amulet dropped back down on his bare bent down leaving small kisses down the now naked chest of his angel. All that was between them were two very thin layers of cotton and they both could feel the hardness of their cocks rubbing against one another. Dean slid down further, his mouth nipping at the waistband of Castiel's boxers. Cas ran a hand through Dean's hair hoping that would encourage more of this ecstasy.

Dean slid the boxers down slowly to reveal the throbbing hard cock beneath. Air from the room hit and Castiel moaned loudly. Dean took a moment to just look at it. There was enough light from the tv and a table lamp to see that it was big. Not incrredibly thick but long and extremely hard. Dean wasn't sure he could take it all but he wanted to try for Cas.

He spit on his hand and started to stroke it slow and easy. Castiel bucked up against him and Dean couldn't help but smile at the angel's eagerness.

"Cas I know it feels good but I'm about to put my mouth on you and I need you to try not move as much okay?" He said hoping the angel wouldn't take it as a criticism.

"Yes, Dean I'll try to control myself." He said with a smile. That put Dean at ease so he continued.

Dean flicked his tongue against the dripping cock wanting to taste so badly and now having no reason to deprive himself of it any longer. Even better than he'd imagined. Like fruit sugars playing on his tongue his angel's cum was sweeter than pie. It may have been sachreligious of Dean to think that .. but he couldn't help it and it just made him want more.

He slid the head between his lips and looked up at Cas who's head was arched backward and his eyes were tightly closed. He smiled before sliding down a little further and pulling more inside his mouth. His cheeks clenched tightly around the throbbing cock as his head bobbed up and down a little over halfway. He pulled his spit down with his hand making sure to coat the cock as much as possible before attempting to take it all in.

Cas used what seemed like every power known to an angel to keep his hips from bucking into the heat of Dean's mouth. This felt better than anything he'd ever experienced. He knew why he shouldn't.. He knew that some humans had gag reflexes and could choke if things were forced into their throats. But that was hardly something an angel couldn't help with.

"Dean. Uh, I don't know if you'd want me to or not but I can relieve the strain on your gag reflex temporarily." He said . Not knowing how he even managed to get words out with Dean's hand stroking him and his mouth sucking on the tip.

Dean was off with a pop when the cock slid out of his mouth. Castiel reconsidered saying things that Dean had to respond to if it meant he had to remove his mouth. Mentally scolding himself again maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"Do it Cas, I want to take all of you. Please do it." Dean said before blowing around the tip of his wet cock sending pulsing shivers everywhere.

Cas gripped the back of Dean's head and nodded as if to signal it was done.

Dean smiled sheepishly knowing what was about to happen leaving Castiel slightly confused.

Dean's head dropped down quickly on the Angel. Not sparing any time to work his throat open he just took and took until he couldn't take any more. The spit from his throat rushing out to cover Castiel's shimmering dick. Pushing himself down even further Dean can finally feel his tongue around the base and made sure to lick the bottom as if it were a trophy he won.

Cas Jerked as Dean took him in completely. Practically screaming out his moans for Dean to enjoy. His hips bucked as he felt the need surge down through his stomach climbing lower. The pressure to release was incredible and before he could manage to warn Dean. His orgasm split through him and spewed into the depths of Dean's throat.

Dean felt the hot cum rush down his throat. He was incredibly excited to know he'd just given his angel his first orgasm but slightly disappointed that he couldn't taste more of it.

Castiel rode out the waves of ectasy of his orgasm with the biggest smile Dean had ever seen on him. That was enough to make Dean happy for a lifetime.

Dean crawled back up the bed and Castiel pulled him in for a kiss. This one slow and delicate as to show the tenderness that he was feeling at the moment.

Castiel's hand slid down Dean's boxers to feel the thick cock throb in his hand. Dean gasped as if it were the last thing in the world he was expecting.

"I'm not done with you yet Dean, I beleve I'm something a human might call insatiable." He said with a smirk equal to any of the ones Dean had handed out.

Cas raised quickly to straddle Dean after he tugged off the last peice of cotton between them. His hips grinding on Dean's cock felt... well for a lack of a better word Heavenly. However, Dean had no idea what the angel was planning to do.

Like a flash Cas was gone.

"What the fuck?" Dean thought but before he could genuinely feel anything about it Cas was back on top of him.

"Cas you can't just pop out during sex man, its fucking weird." Dean said somewhat angrily.

"Dean I needed to procure an item and I knew it wouldn't take but a second." Cas replied with that I'm not putting up with any more of your shit Winchester look.

He opened a small tube and warm liqued flowed on his fingers as he slid them up and down Dean's cock.

Dean controlled his need arch up and just bit his lip instead. Castiel's hand was sliding quickly up and down Dean's thickness. With Dean's cock coated in lube Cas leaned forward pulling Dean's dick to line it up with the tight hole above it.

"Cas you can't.." But that was it Cas sat down on Dean's cock and there were no more understandable sounds coming from Dean's mouth. They both cried out moaning in pleasure neither of them had ever experienced.

A moment later Cas began to move his hips slamming down on Dean's hard cock and splitting himself open. It didn't hurt... there was a slight burn but it didn't hurt.

Dean's hands involuntarily moved to the angels hips and gripped into him. Cas rode him hard, really hard for a virgin Dean thought. But nothing had ever felt this good so he wasn't going to be the one complaining. He brought himself up to meet Castiel's hips as he hit the right spot Cas almost jumped in pleasure. So he repeated until Cas was shooting hot cum all over his stomach. Dean couldn't take it anymore and let himself go. His hot cum shooting into Castiel's tight ass.

They cleaned themselves up a little before cuddling up into the bed. Cas laid his head on Dean's chest feeling safer and more protected than he had in years.

"That was even better than I could have imagined it." Castiel said still somewhat shaking with excitement.

"Yeah, me too. You're amazing Cas. I don't think I've ever felt this good." Dean said before passing out asleep.

"I love you Dean," Cas said quietly knowing the hunter beside him was far too incoherent to hear him.

Dean stirred awake from the most peaceful night of sleep he'd experienced in years, maybe even EVER. He was holding Cas in close to him and he woke up with the tendrils of spiky hair swaying beneath his nose. "Was Cas asleep?" He thought to himself but it didn't take long for the angel to answer his question by grinding his ass back against Dean's already hard cock.

"Mm, you were right insatiable is the perfect word." Dean said before thinking of all the delicious ways his angel was going to kill him.

Cas reached behind him and grabbed Dean's ass pulling him in so he could feel the hardness of Dean's cock rub against his ass cheeks.

"Aren't you sore sweetie?" Dean said as he kissed Cas' shoulder. He thought it better to ask than assume the Angel was unharmed.

As if it were an insult, Castiel rolled over roughly to straddle Dean and pull the hunter's arms over his head effectively trapping him. "Dean, you cannot hurt me. I think that I'm quite capable of healing a slight burn within 9 hours while you were passed out recouperating." He said it stoically but it grew into a slight smirk.

"God, that's hot" Dean meant to think it internally but instead he accidentally said it aloud. Making Castiel's smirk grow even wider.

Cas leaned down next to his hunter's ear, with the deep gravelly voice he said "Your turn Dean."

"Cas, wait can't we talk about this first?" Dean spewed as instinct... not completely sure of how he felt about bottoming.

"No I think the time for conversation is over Dean, don't worry I wouldn't hurt you." Cas says as he removes his hands from Dean's arms and slides down.

Dean thinks it will be nice to have control over his arms and hands again but when he goes to move them it's as if an invisible force is still very much holding them down.

"Uh, Cas. Why can't I move my damn arms?" He said somewhat pissed off.

"Do I need to gag you as well or would you rather do that yourself? We both know how you feel about being restrained Dean." Cas said, riding even higher over the power he felt surging through him as he became the more dominant.

Dean felt himself harden and blush at the same time. Damn he couldn't even argue, the power trip Cas was on sent blood rushing straight to his dick. He was ready to trust his angel. He could do this for him. So he bit his lip and stayed silent.

"That's better." Cas said before sliding some lube across his fingers and slowly entering Dean's tight hole with a single digit. Dean's hole clenched but when Cas looked in his eyes it opened fairly quickly.

"Mmm that's it Dean open up for me, I need you to be ready for me." Cas whispered in the hunter's ear before kissing him gently and sliding his finger in deeper. Cas tugged at Dean's lips and even sucked them in his mouth while pressing against the edges of the tight hole.

Dean couldn't stifle the moan any longer it felt good. Really good, as in I didn't expect rainbows to fly out of my unicorn ass good. Cas took that as more than enough encouragment and slid in another finger.

Dean's tight ass squeezed around him but it was opening wilingly. Cas scissored his fingers making room for himself inside Dean. Finally, he thought Dean was ready. He slid more lube on his fingers before stroking it down his cock. He lifted Dean's legs and spread him open, lining up his cock he popped the head in and Dean's body shook. For a moment Cas thought he may have moved too soon but Dean let out a growling moan that would only imply that it felt pleasurable.

Castiel's smile returned and he slowly slid himself in deeper. The tight heat of Dean's ass was more than enough to drive him crazy so he tried very unsucessfully to focus on anything else. He pushed deeper, and Dean cried out again.

"Oh God Cas, Oh my God!" Dean screamed.

Cas smiled he was barely over halfway inside and Dean was already writhing under him. With a jut of his hips he slid in even further still leaving himself an inch or two to suprise Dean.

"God Cas, I think I can feel you in my stomach." Dean chuckled thinking the angel was finally all inside him.

Castiel pushed the last two inches in hard. His balls slapping hard against Dean's ass.

"Fuck" was all Dean could say before Cas pulled out almost entirely.

Dean wrapped his legs around the Angel's ass in an attempt to pull him back in.

Cas smiled. Using an inhuman amount of strength Cas lifted Dean's legs and pushed the hunters knees back to his chest and held them there.

Dean groaned with the excitement of being manhandled. He wasn't sure why this was such a turn on but it really was.

Cas slid desprately into Dean again. Hungrily taking more and more pushing deeper into Dean's body.

"Cas, I'm gonna cum." Dean screamed.

"Not yet Dean, Not until I say so." Cas slid a finger across Dean's balls and a surge traveled through him.

Dean was slightly confused. Until he felt his orgasm quiver to a stop. What the hell did Cas do to him? He thought about it but didn't slid in deeper and harder thrusting mercilessly while Dean had no choice but to be overpowered with pleasure.

"Fuck, you really are going to kill me Cas." Dean said as his legs were shaking uncontrollably.

Finally Cas tapped his balls again and they came together writhing and pumping through the orgasm.

Dean's body still shaking his hands fell apart, and his legs slid down when Cas pulled out of him.

Both men laid in silence for a little while just enjoying the peace that came with the feeling of them being together. The world slipped by as they just held each other.

A vibration on the night table pushed Dean back to reality as he picked up his phone.

"Hey Sammy What's up?" He said smiling into the phone.

"Dean, uh.. are you um.. ready to go?" Sam said it as if he didn't really want to know if he wasn't.

"Yeah, Sam give me a few to take a shower and we'll meet you in the lobby for Breakfast."

"We'll?" Sam said reluctantly.

Crap Dean hadn't thought he'd just opened his mouth. "Uh yeah, me and Cas we will uh meet you in the lobby." Dean said closing his phone, needing to not have this conversation before coffee.

Dean took a quick shower and Cas had thought about joining him but overhearing the conversation he thought maybe it was better to get to Sam as quickly as possible.

30 Minutes later they were packed and in the lobby with hot black coffee and warm buttery waffles. Dean couldn't imagine anything better than the last 12 hours of his life.

"So are you guys, like together now or something?" Sam said trying not to make a big deal out of it but he really wanted to know.

"Uhm Yeah, We are." Dean said smiling at Castiel bigger than Sam had seen in a long time. Castiel smiled back just as brightly and shook his head in agreement. That was all that was needed to convince Sam that this was a good thing, maybe even a great thing.

Sam smiled back at the two he could get used to this.

Sam answered his phone

" Yeah Bobby? Whatchya got?

"Oh really?"

"You sure Bobby?"

"Yeah okay man, Thanks. Call me when you got something."

Sam hung up with a smug and very new look on his face. Dean wondered what Bobby had said to make his brother look that way.

"Uh, Sam? What was that?"

"It seems that all the Supernatural evil in the Tri-state area was um... estinguished around 11:35 p.m. last night. Any idea what that was about?" Sam said as he chuckled to himself.

"No, what the hell are you talking about?" Dean said while Cas blushed ferociously.

"Well, Bobby said there was something like a Supernatural Angelic blast that hit the area last night and it seems to have taken out all of the demons, monsters, and all other things that go bump in the night." Sam said still smling, knowing exactly what it was.

"What would cause something like that? I mean shouldn't we be worried that something can just go around smiting all supernatural evils in a tri-state area?" Dean said still confused about why his brother seemed to be so incredibly giddy at this thought.

"Dean, I think what Sam was refferring to was the uhm activities that we experienced last night.' Cas leaned in to say it as quietly as he could but Sam still overheard and barked out a huge laugh.

Dean was mostly shocked and only slightly embarrassed. "So you're saying that us... last night ...we... we... ganked all all the evil sonsabitches in what a 200 mile radius? Wow, Well we should do that more often." Dean said with a chuckle.

All three of them officially laughing at this point. This was one of the few moments that would be treasured by all three of the Special men sitting in that beige lobby enjoying a Complimentary Breakfast offered at a reasonably un-shitty hotel. This would be the start of something even more beautiful and wonderful than the three had ever discovered.