Disclaimer : I don't own True Blood.

Tara's Pov...

To be honest seeing myself as Pam's progeny isn't all that bad as I thought it would be. But let's be real about what the fuck had just happened. The woman had just up and left me alone and to take care of Willa. All for fucking Eric Northman. How stupid can she be. I mean she said that we are going to live in the wind. That we were going to be there together and all the shit that we've been through. She just up and leaves me to take care her little sister. A baby vamp that not even a year old yet taking care of another baby vamp. And to make things even worse my original mother came back again. This time begging for forgiveness for what she did to me in the past. Asking me to feed off her, telling me stuff that should done before the abuse even started. Yet somehow, I still feel sorry for her. So I give in, and began drinking her blood. For some reason, I took all this in stride, but I began to realize if she's doing all out of some found guilt. What would I look like? Some kind of fool that just been played for a sucker. Yet again by the hands of my mother. So I retract my fangs and allowed her to take my blood cementing the bond so I could get a general feel if she was in any danger. Then I sped off into the night, only to be pulled by another vampire to whom, I recently grew attached to. It was none other than Willa Burrell. She asked if I was ok. I told her that I had cemented the bond. And that I was going home. Willa then said she did the same to some little kid and his mother sitting across the table from Arlene. Then wanted to leave before things around here get crazy. So we left for fangtasia only to be surrounded by upcomming deranged sick vamps. I knew that we were out numbered and my only reaction was to grab Willa and get the hell out of there. So I grabbed Willa by the arm and sped off to the woods. Knowing my way around them pretty well. We both managed to get back to Fangtasia safely.

As we got inside I soon get the scolding of a life time. Willa soon shoved me into the nearest wall. The anger etched into her face. "Tara how could you just leave those at Bellefleurs. Nowing those deranged lunatic vamps are going to kill them once there in their line of sight. How can you just stand idlely by and just watch them suffer and die. You know what I'm going back out there and going to do something about it." Willa said as she soon headed towards to the door. I make it there before she does and said" Willa, you gonna have to listen here. And you gonna have to listen good, baby girl, we look after our own. Make no mistake that once we go back there to Bellefleurs that we are going to get involve in things that I could give a rats ass about. But if you go out there and get yourself killed. I will make you regret it. Cause knowing the states of these deranged vamps would attack anything just to appease the hunger for the blood they crave. " Willa soon smiled and we both rushed out through the night hoping to get to Bellefleurs in time for what's about to happen. Time is of the essence and sooner or later this going to hurt. And all we can do is wait for it to happen.