"Kyouko, you need to get up, we have to leave in half an hour."
"Awwww, Aya-nyaaaannn, come back to bed, it's so early~."
However, Ayano Suguira was prepared for such a response and had a back-up plan, putting on her most seductive tone to lean in and whisper into her girlfriend's ear.
"What a shame, and here I was thinking you wanted to see me in my brand new biki-"
Ayano, unfortunately, was cut off by Kyouko who had snapped upright excitedly before she had managed to finish her sentence. Said excitement was quickly extinguished, however, when the blonde realised Ayano was not, in fact, in her bikini.
"Ayanooooo, you tricked meeeeeee."
"You didn't even let me finish! Now go get dressed!"
Kyouko sighed dejectedly, slithering out of bed and dramatically dragging herself towards the bathroom, still sulking about the lack of a scantily-clad Ayano.
"Sheesh, for 22, she sure is immature," Ayano mused. "But that's what I love about her."
At 22, Ayano and Kyouko had been dating for six years now, since the day Kyouko had finally summed up her courage and told Ayano how she felt. Poor Chitose was there at the time when the pair shared their first kiss in high school and had to be immediately rushed to hospital due to extreme blood loss. Ayano chuckled at the memory.
But now, the dynamic duo was far beyond high school. Their long-awaited holiday to the beach (that officially began today) had been planned months ago as a celebration of their college graduation. Kyouko had spent three years studying art, while Ayano was now the proud owner of a law degree, and both could finally relax a little.
In the hallway, Ayano checked one final time that all the bags were packed, meanwhile in the bathroom, Kyouko was busily combing her hair, before a mischievous plan hatched in her head and she leaned out in to the hallway with a big grin, sporting Ayano's signature hairstyle.
"Hey Ayano…..I'M YOU! Hahahahahahahaha!"
"Very funny, just get ready…it does look kinda cute on you though."
"What was that?"
"NOTHING! Just hurry up, we have to leave!"
"Pshh, you're such a party pooper Ayano, but it's okay, because I looove~ you" the blonde called flirtatiously, causing Ayano to roll her eyes.
After fifteen minutes, the sound of radio stations changing constantly was starting to get to Ayano, and she was toying with the idea of smacking her girlfriend's hand away from the knob when Kyouko cried out excitedly and turned the volume up.
"AYANO THEY'RE REVIWEWING MY MANGA!" Kyouko squealed in excitement.
Sure enough, Kyouko's latest published work was being critiqued by what sounded like a panel of otaku experts. "Some career", Ayano thought.
"The art is extremely good in this particular manga, with clean lines and a nice use of shading, however the plotline seems a little thin, I give it an 8/10"
Kyouko cheered in joy. "Did you hear that Ayano? 8/10! I'm so happy! These guys are the big-wigs of otaku culture and-"
"It deserved way more than that!" Ayano interjected angrily.
"What? But 8/10 is an excellent score, far higher than-"
"It deserved a 10! You are an amazing writer and a super talented artist! That manga deserved a 10!" Ayano yelled with surprising force, taking Kyouko off guard.
"Ayano, chill! It's fine, I'm happy with an 8, really."
"..But you deserve a 10" Ayano mumbled sadly.
Kyouko leaned in to wrap her arms around Ayano, who was having trouble keeping her arms on the wheel.
"Aww, my Ayano is so adorable when she acts like this!"
"B-Be quiet and let go of me, I can't steer properly." Ayano murmured, a slight blush rising in her cheeks.
"Keep your hands on the wheel, Ayano, I want to make it to the beach house!"
"What? But you…you're the one who…never mind" The tsundere sighed, defeated, as Kyouko unlatched herself and went back to pressing her nose against the window, making faces at the child in the next car over.
"Kyouko leave that poor child alone!"
"Aww, but she's adorable! You know I love kids."
"Kyouko, act like an adult."
"Yes, O wise Ayano-sama" Kyouko remarked cheekily, turning away from the window and shutting her eyes for a nap.
"A few more hours, then we'll be there. They'll call me, and I can pick it up from the shop tomorrow, I just have to keep Kyouko distracted for 15 minutes." Ayano thought, doing the mental calculations of how long exactly, it would take to pick up the item she had ordered 3 months ago.
"But where will I hide it once I pick it up?" She wondered. "Oh well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it-OH GOD BIRD, I'M GONNA HIT IT." The car swerved sideways violently, waking the snoozing girl in the passenger's seat.
"Ayanoooo, drive more carefully please, I'm trying to take a nap" the blonde groaned tiredly.
"Sorry Kyouko, I was trying to avoid hitting a bird", but Kyouko already closed her eyes.
"Wakey-wakey, Kyo-inu, we're here"
"Aya-nyan, what time is it? Did I fall asleep?"
"Yeah, it's 6 pm, we made it in good time. By the way, thanks for sorting out the booking, it was surprisingly responsible of you...Maybe I'll give you a special reward tonight" Ayano purred, making Kyouko's eyes big as saucers.
"Now c'mon, help me get the bags out of here."
"Can't I just go back to sleep?" Kyouko groaned.
"Do you still want your 'special reward'?"
"Allow me, Ayano, you go inside and relax, you must be tired after such a long drive!" Kyouko replied, renewed vigour in her voice.
"That's the last one brought inside!" Kyouko exclaimed proudly from the top of the stairs, dropping the final bag in the doorway to the bedroom and marching back down happily.
"Thanks Kyo-inu, you're such a sweetie"
"Do I get a kisssss?" the blonde-haired otaku asked gingerly, raising an eyebrow. Ayano could only smile.
"Come here you." and Kyouko was only too happy to oblige, skipping over to the couch Ayano was sitting on.
Ayano wrapped her arms around the neck of the person she loved most as Kyouko leaned in to give Ayano a loving kiss, her hands resting on Ayano's silky purple hair. Eventually their lips parted and the pair rubbed noses, Ayano giggling happily.
"I love you so much Kyouko" Ayano sighed contentedly.
"I love you too, Aya-nyan" Kyouko smiled, resting her forehead against her partners.
After a good thirty seconds of silence, Ayano finally mumbled:
"We still need to unpack, Kyouko"
"Just a few more seconds?"
Finally, the romantic moment ended, and the two trudged up the stairs, into the spacious bedroom to begin unpacking, Kyouko immediately throwing herself on to the Queen-sized bed.
"Ayano, join me! It's so soft!"
"Unpacking, remember? Can you please get up and help me?"
"Ayano, you're losing your tsun-tsun tendencies! You're so sweet all the time now!"
"Yeah, yeah, now help me unzip this one." Ayano replied, struggling with the zipper of an obviously over-packed case.
With some struggling and grunting, the case finally popped open, and the pair began storing the items in the antique wooden dresser of their well-furnished room.
Ayano busied herself in putting items away as they were handed to her by Kyouko, but after a few minutes, found she was holding out an expectant hand, but receiving no piece of clothing, and turned around to see Kyouko holding up her new pair of black-laced panties with a huge grin parked on her face.
"KYOUKO W-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LOOKING AT! GIVE ME THOSE!" Ayano swiped frantically at Kyouko's hands, beet-red in the face, but the item was held out of her reach.
"Ayano, when did you get these? Did you bring them just for me?"
"OF COURSE NOT…well, m-maybe, I mean, if you liked them, but I don't mind if you don't I-"Ayano stuttered, a finger gently being held to her lips by Kyouko.
"I love them, although, I'm not sure if I would prefer them on you or around your ankl-."
"JUST KEEP UNPACKING!" Ayano yelled, even more embarrassed than before.
"Such a tsundere…" Kyouko snickered quietly.
Ayano's phone rang later that night whilst Kyouko was in the shower, which she quickly answered, quietly stepping on to the porch outside.
"Hello?" She said softly.
"Hello Miss Suguira, your request is finished, we were just calling to confirm the pickup."
"And the…the engraving?" Ayano replied nervously, turning to look back inside to hear Kyouko humming from the bathroom.
"It's been engraved as you requested, 'Forever and Always'"
"Perfect, thanks. I'll pick it up tomorrow afternoon"
"See you then. Oh, and good luck with the proposal! I'm sure she'll love it." The kind voice on the other end replied, before the phone beeped and Ayano hung up.
"It's done." Ayano sighed in relief, stepping back inside and closing the door behind her.
"Forever and Always with my Kyouko" Ayano smiled to herself. "It's all I could ever ask for."