A/N: Alright guys, so i'm about to ramble a lot but it's all pretty important, so PLEASE READ!
So it's been NINE MONTHS since i've last updated apparently (probably even longer on some of the other sites that i've been using). i'm going to be completely honest: i've kind of wavered out of the fandom world? (i know crazy right?) Before you get upset, this doesn't mean i'm not finishing this story (i just wanted to say that now to get it out of the way so no one gets upset).
I'm still interested in a select few fandoms, but even then, i'm not as passionate about them as i was with these other tv shows and movies. i still appreciate them don't get me wrong, it's just i've stopped watching them and decided to just appreciate their existence. i don't mean to sound rude, truly, but i'm sad to say that i think my fandom days are over. Yes, posters will be pulled from walls, and sonic screwdrivers will collect dust in my tardis themed pencil mug, but hey, that's life. i just want you guys to understand that i haven't forgotten about you. in fact, i think about this story a LOT for not actually writing anything new in it. To be honest, i've forgotten about a lot of the tv shows and movies, and i also have never seen any of the new episodes/films for most of the fandoms represented in this story, so i'm just afraid to update now. Plus, i've written THREE other Phantom of the Opera related fanfics. I've finished one, and i'm working on the other two right now, and i think i keep updating those because i believe my writing style is truly expressed in those. In these chapters, i would only write as quick as i could to upload the next chapter. maybe one day in the future, i'll redo this entire story to fit my style (and maybe with a better plot). in that case, i hope you all are still around wattpad, or , or ao3 to re-read it:)
But for now, my goal is to try to finish this story as soon as I can, but i need your help. YOU guys are the experts here. my brain has been filled with other things, so the fandom things have taken a wee vacation to the dusty parts of my brain that i can't seem to access. You have all read the story, and you all know which fandoms come next and what would make sense for them to do. I still remember the key plot things and the little surprises i intend on throwing in the story (and how i'm going to end the story) so don't worry about that stuff. So, which fandom do you want next (wow, i can't even remember which ones are left O_o)? What do you want to happen? Please make you responses clear enough though so that maybe i can remember a few things. i hope that your ideas spark even more ideas in my head.
Also, i just want to make it clear to you guys that this doesn't mean that i will post a chapter soon. unfortunately, school starts in three days for me, and i've still got summer homework to finish... like i've mentioned before, i'm working on two other fanfics right now that i am so far happy with, and i've been working on those whenever i do get the time to write. Both of those fanfictions are relatively short though, so hopefully when i'm done with those, i can update this one for you guys:) SO PLEASE STICK AROUND AND KEEP AN EYE ON THIS ACCOUNT. I promise you all i WILL finish this story someday! you'll just have to give me some time to work on it.
I really am happy that I made this story though, because it seems to have made so many people happy which makes me happy. Although i've lost interest in many of the fandoms in this story, i won't give up on you guys because i know how many of you beg me in the comments to update this story (trust me when i say that those kind of help to get me thinking some more).
I will try to wrap this up now as quickly as I can before i ramble on. Thank you SO much to all of you who have stuck around with this story through all of the hiatuses and poorly written chapters. I'm truly sorry that i've taken so long to give you this update, and i'm also sorry that i've ended my fandom days in the middle of this story. Please don't give up on me as a writer though! I promise i've done better in my other fics! if any of you are interested in my writing style, i have three other fanfics that i've previously mentioned. Although they are all phantom of the opera related, i think that they can stand on their own, as i do somewhat provide a bit of context if it's needed (A pretty important writing lesson: always remember to write like the reader knows nothing about the subject you're writing about). My favourite one is called Mirrors and i'm so proud of that story as i tried really hard on each chapter to make sure that it was all perfect. it's a pretty simplistic plot, so anyone can follow it so please go check that out if you're curious, and keep an eye out on this story because hopefully in the next couple of months, i'll be able to give you guys more chapters:)
Also, i'm aware that i have posted an authors note like this before, but i just wanted to give you guys an update (as it's been nine months).
Again, thank you so much (and sorry for rambling)!