I don't own it.



Korra's hand quickly flew to her head. Korra had been meditating when Tenzin had called her, and she had hit her head on the branch above her.


"I'm coming, Tenzin!"

Quickly, the girl jumped to her feet, ignoring the pulsing feeling on her forehead, and used her airbending to rush to her destination. She found a very distraught Tenzin near the dock.

"Hey, Tenzin. Whatcha need?"

Tenzin looked at her frantically. "Korra, thank goodness. I told you about the ambassadors from the fire colonies in the far east were going to pay us a visit, right? Well, apparently their coming today!"

Korra stared at her mentor, completely confused. "Ok, so why are you worried?"

Tenzin glared at her like she was an idiot, but she wasnt sure why. "Because, Korra. After the equalists decided to destroy most of the city, the usual place for ambassadors to stay was destroyed. The council couldn't find a suitable place for them to stay, so they are staying here. What's more is that the colonies found out that we had to rebuild, so instead of sending some actual ambassadors, they are sending they're best bender team to help us rebuild."

Korra's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Why would that be a bad thing? Not only are they going to help rebuild, but they can help me continue training."

Tenzin shook his head. "Korra, when we say someone is the best bender in the world, we exclude the people from those colonies. These people are so good, it's rumored that a particular pair could've wiped the floor with Avatar Aang. They even have some airbenders that somehow, their ancestors survived the seige of the air temple. I fear we may unimpress them."

Korra had awe written all over her face. People better then the previous Avatar? This must be her early birthday!

"When will they get here?" She asked in anticipation.

Suddenly, a loud ship horn blew from the distance.

Tenzin gulped. "Now, apparently."

Tenzin and Korra raced to the dock, and arrived just in time to see a small group of people getting off of a large ship. Each individually bowed and gave thanks to the ship's captain and crew, and proceded to Tenzin.

A large and burly man walked up to him first with what looked like a younger version of himself.

"Hi! You must be Tenzin." The man said, holding out his hand.

"Yes, and you must be the ambassadors from the Eastern Colonies."

The man smiled as Tenzin shook his hand. "That would be correct. I'm Clark, your earthbending specialist, and this here is Conner, my apprentice."

Conner just looked at them uneasily, not seeming sure what to say. Clark just laughed. "He's a bit on the shy side, but he'll come around. Enough of my blabberin, though. I'll let the other's introduce themselves."

The next people who came up were quite strange. They seemed to be Air monks, but the young girl had the brightest red hair Korra had ever seen.

"Greetings, fellow airbender," the large monk said." I am J'onn, the airbending specialist from the Eastern Colonies. It is an honor to finally meet one such as myself and my niece."

The red head came up to Tenzin and bowed with respect. "Hi! I am Me'gann, J'onn's apprentice."

Tenzin smiled, and bowed at the pair. "We will have much to discuss later."

The next two were also fairly strange. One had golden hair and was quite tan, while the other had dark skin and yellow hair like what Korra assumed was his mentor.

"Hello, you must be Tenzin. I am Arthur, your Eastern Colonies water bending specialist. This is Kaldur, my apprentice."

Kaldur just bowed and said nothing, while Arthur observed his surroundings, seemingly pleased that he was on an island that was basically surrounded by water.

The next group seemed disoriented, both had bright red hair and were obviously of Fire Nation origin. The taller of the two came up to Tenzin with a smile on his face. "Hiya! You must be Tenzin! I really love your home, it seems quite impressive. Look at the detail of the paint on the- Oh, sorry, I seem to be rambling on again. I am Barry, your firebending specialist. The kid standing behind me is my apprentice, Wally."

The other red head seemed a bit bored, but had noticed that his teacher had called his name. "Oh, hi!"

Korra sighed in relief, believing that they were the last people to be introduced, but there still seemed to be two groups left. This confused her, as she had assumed that she had seen the professional benders of all the elements, so what could these people be?

Clark stepped up again, seeing as both Kora and Tenzin seemed confused.

"These two groups represent our specialist bending teams. Why don't you guys introduce yourselves?"

The group that looked to be made up of archers stepped up. A taller blonde with a beard to boot stepped up to greet the airbending master. "Hi, my name's Oliver, and I am your resident trick shot bender. These are my apprentices, Roy and Artemis."

Both Tenzin and Korra looked at the trio in confusion, and Oliver got the feeling that they didn't know what a trick shot bender was.

Oliver sweat dropped. "I am assuming you don't know what trick shot bending is?" The two shook their heads. "Well, we use special materials to enhance our bending. We use all manner of things, such as bolos, throwing stars, and, of course, our bows and arrows. Trick shot benders use firebending. Does that make sense?"

Tenzin and Korra looked somewhat enlightened, so Oliver decided to drop it and move on.

The last group to be introduced scared Korra a bit. They gave off an aura of power, so strong she was sure Tenzin could feel it, too. They were both quite pale, and had deep black hair and bright, if not icy, blue eyes.

"Hello, Master Tenzin. I am Bruce, a specialist in moon bending. This is my apprentice, Dick."

Tenzin's eyes grew wide, and Korra was pretty sure her mouth hit the floor. Moon bending was very dangerous to try, but if successful, could give you much power. It was something only waterbenders could do. This was when an expert water bender used the moon's rays, and used it's power to do extraordinary things, depending on the person. If used in a full moon, it could give the user Avatar like powers and control the four elements, but the number of times it had been recorded to happen was twice.

They were shaken out of their trance by the young apprentice.

"Thank you for allowing us in your home, master Tenzin." The pale boy, Dick, bowed.

"Of course, young man. My pleasure. Now please let me show you to your rooms."

Korra just stared at the strange group of people, and shook her head. This would be an interesting couple of weeks.