Hiya! I hope you still remember Commercial Life. Sorry I haven't added a vignette for so long, but for a long time there weren't any nice commercials to spoof, and I wasn't really paying attention to the commercials, anyway. I hope you like this one.

This one is taken from that Jollibee commercial.


One fine summer morning, Kaoru and her only student went out to go to market. Kenshin was not available that day to do the shopping; Chief Uramura wanted his assistance in a case of some sort. He told Kaoru-dono he would not be back until the afternoon, so she had to go shopping for them.

"Does that mean, he's not fixing lunch today?" Yahiko asked her.

"Probably not, but he'll cook dinner," Kaoru answered.

Everything went well that morning. Despite appearances, Yahiko was a very useful assistant. He knew where to get the best deals and where to find the freshest produce. Kaoru appreciated all the help, and for once she did not scold the boy when he took the liberty of getting an apple for himself.

As they finished the marketing, they passed by the local temple.

"Wait, Yahiko, let's go in for a while," Kaoru told him.

"You, pray?!" Yahiko asked in disbelief. "Aren't the spirits scared enough of you already, you old hag?"

"Shut up and follow me," she whacked him on the head and marched up to the entrance.

Kaoru and Yahiko did all the preliminary bowing and buying of incense before going on the main worship area. Yahiko still did not know what to make of all this, but resigned himself to tagging along.

She finally stopped at the altar, and placed in her incense sticks. She elbowed Yahiko to do the same, and he fumbled at two sticks and put them in slightly askew.

She clapped twice and bowed reverently. Yahiko just raised an eyebrow.

"Yahiko...come on, you have to do this, too," her voice warned of thirty strokes if he did not comply. So he clapped weakly, but his hands together, and lowered his head.

"Oh, great Kami-sama, I come to you today with my petitions...." Kaoru began.

"So do I, Kami-sama," Yahiko muttered to himself, but wondered. What the heck was he going to pray for?!

"Keep the dojo safe from all harm.....and let me have more students..." she continued.

Yahiko had hung his head and looked up at the ornate wooden pillars, still confused about what to ask.

"Please, may we have more sunny days during this summer....."

Yahiko still thought and thought. Asking for Tsubame was asking to move the moon and the stars, so he did not feel worthy of asking for that.

"Please, take care of Kenshin....."

Kenshin! That's right! He just remembered something very, very important! THAT was surely something he had to pray for, very hard!

"Please take care of him as he goes back home......" Kaoru droned on.

Yahiko put his hands together tightly, bowed his head, shut his eyes hard, and began to pray with all his might.

"Please, Kami-sama, make him notice me, someday, hopefully someday soon...." she continued.

Sweat began to form on Yahiko's forehead, so intense was he in praying.

"Oh, and take care of Sano, too....and please stop him from always freeloading on us...." Kaoru murmured half-heartedly. "And take care of Megumi, too, and Tae and Tsubame....."

"Please, Kami-sama, have mercy on me!" Yahiko murmured in the meantime. "I'm a good boy....at least I try to be....please have mercy! I beg you!"

"Thank you, Kami-sama, for hearing my prayers," Kaoru ended, clapped twice again, and gave a short bow.

Yahiko gave a sigh of resignation. His prayer was not getting answered. He looked miserable as they exited the main temple grounds.

"Thanks for coming along, Yahiko," Kaoru smiled at him on the way out. "You even saved us a little money. Tell you what," she patted him on the shoulder, "let's have lunch at the Akabeko today, alright? I don't feel like making lunch for the two of us."

Yahiko could not believe his good fortune. He put his hands together, looked to the heavens, and almost shouted, "Thank you, Kami-sama! Thank you so much!"

Because that was what he had prayed for. Since Kenshin would not be around to cook lunch, he had begged Kami-sama that they would eat at the Akabeko, instead of him suffering through Kaoru's cooking.

"What was that about, Yahiko?" Kaoru innocently asked.

"Oh, oh, nothing," Yahiko replied in kind. "I've just had my prayer answered," he grinned.


I'm not really sure how those things go about, so please forgive my inaccuracy.

A mother and her son prays in a local church. She prays aloud while he prays earnestly but silently. At the end, the mom says they will eat at the local fast food restaurant, to which he looks up to God and says, "Thank you po!"