Metal fight beyblade doujinshi part 2

Warning: Yaoi, BoyxBoy, don't like then don't read! R-18 100% RyugaxGingaxKyoya

Chapter 14 – Happy Ending

Ginga: I.. I choose BOTH OF YOU!

Ryuga and Kyoya: ..what.. THE F*CK KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT!

Ginga: *blush* B-But you guys said I could choose.

Kyoya: Urrgh, we meant ONE of us!

Ginga: You never said I couldn't choose both though. Besides, if I only chose one of you would you honestly let that happen?

Ryuga and Kyoya: HELL NO, I'D STEAL YOU FROM HIM! *looks at each other* HEY!

Ginga: *hugs both* See? So let's just stay together..the three of us. This all started with the three of us and that's how I want it to end.

Kyoya: Hn, the three of us are dating now huh? We really are weird.

Ryuga: At least I won't be bored when I'm with you two.

After dating for a month and being lectured by Ginga's dad, the three made it work.

Koma Village. . .

The three entered Ginga's house with luggage.

Ginga: Thanks for spending summer at my village guys.

Kyoya: No problem, it was just nice of your dad to finally give us alone time.

Ryuga: My ears are still ringing. *in the kitchen* Hey there's a package in here with our names on it.

Ginga: Oh that's just a gift from my dad, a "welcome to the family" gift. *goes to bathroom* I need a shower.

Ryuga and Kyoya opened the box themselves.

Ryuga: Wh-Whoa..

Kyoya: this really from Ginga's old man?

Ryuga: Does this mean daddy gives us consent?

Kyoya: Wait until Ginga finds out.

Ginga: *walks in* Find out what? Forgot my soap-

He saw inside the box. Inside the box was a bottle of lube, a strip of condoms, and a letter:

"Take good care of my son. Safe sex. Love Dad."

Ginga: *blushes red* DAD YOU IDIOT!

Kyoya: *puppy eyes* You don't want to?

Ryuga: *puppy eyes* We haven't done it once since we started dating.

Ginga: Uuuu.. J-Just be gentle..

Ryuga and Kyoya: *tackles* OF COURSE!

Ryuga began kissing Ginga and stripping his shirt while Kyoya licked Ginga's neck.

Ginga: Mmnnhh..n-now? Mm..but I'm sweaty!

Ryuga: It's fine, I'm so pent up I don't care!

Kyoya: *sucking neck* Mmnn..Ginga's scent! I missed this!

Ginga: Hnnaah! Stop sniffing!

Once Ginga's pants were off Ryuga and Kyoya began blowing him at the same time.

Ryuga: You usually *lick* do this for us, so now we're spoiling you. Mmm..

Kyoya: *sucks* Mmnnhh.. don't hesitate to cum Ginga.

Ginga: *bright red* (This is too erotic!) Aahh.. w-wait! You're both licking so fast!

Kyoya: *nips foreskin* Let's peel this back.

Ginga: Aaaaahha! Wh-What did you just do?!

Kyoya: Making you a man so you can top me. *sucks and licks more*

Ryuga: *sucking* Mmnn..

Ginga: G-Guys! I can't- Nnhhh! -splurt-

Ryuga and Kyoya: *sticky faces* Guess we weren't the only ones pent up. Nice amount Ginga.

Ginga: *erect again* Uuuu..

Kyoya: *strips* Eager too, good, I've been wanting to pop your cherry.

Ryuga: *puts condom on Ginga* I can't believe you're okay with bottoming.

Kyoya: You took Ginga's other virginity, so this ones all MINE! *rides*

Ginga: HAAAAH! AAhh..w-wait! This is my first time t-topping! Aahh feel so warm!

Kyoya: *kisses* Goddammit, even like this you're so cute!

Ryuga: *lubes up* Don't forget me.

Kyoya: *flips over* Go right ahead, his ass is yours..for now.

Ginga: W-Wait! This is going too fast!

Ryuga: *thrusts in* Don't lie, you're sopping wet back here. Just enjoy it Ginga.

Ryuga kept thrusting and Kyoya moaned louder until Ginga came and felt dizzy.

Ginga: Uuu.. now I feel sticky.

Kyoya: Me too.

Ryuga: Shall we continue in the bath?


Ginga sucks Ryuga off while Kyoya took him from behind.

(There's not much talking going on in the next scenes. It's just going to be drawings.)


Ginga did it with Ryuga on the bed. Kyoya took a break.

Then Kyoya had turn while Ryuga took a break.

Ginga: *sweating* It's too hot and stuffy in here..

Ryuga: Then let's try over there.


They left the slide door open to let air in as they did it near the doorway.

Kyoya kisses Ginga lot while Ryuga licks Ginga clean.

Ryuga: I think you're loose enough to fit both of us.

Kyoya: Can he handle it?

Ginga: *blushes* . . .

Ryuga: *smirks* That doesn't look like a no. I knew you wanted to try it at least once Ginga.

Both managed to fit into the redhead and made him scream and orgasm one last time for the night.


All three laid in the hallway under a blanket.

Kyoya: *yawns* I guess we never went back to bed.

Ryuga: We used up the condoms too. Damn, didn't think we'd keep going.

Ginga: ZzzZzZZzZZZZzz.. *wakes up* Mm?

Ryuga and Kyoya: *smiles* Good morning.

Ginga: *smiles* Morning. Well..let's go make breakfast.

Ryuga and Ginga: *kiss* Sounds perfect.

A few years later. . .

Kyoya: *22* C'mon you two pick up the pace, WBBA is expecting us!

Ryuga: *25* Will you shut up already?! Our fans will wait for us no matter how late we are!

Ginga: *21* Now, now guys I'm sure we'll still make it. Err..which way was it again?

Ryuga: You forgot?!

Ginga: Ehehe, sorry.

Kyoya: *groans* Let me get tablet out.

Zero: *runs past them* Wait up Sakyo.. Shinobu! Don't go to WBBA without me!

Ginga: *turns head* Huh?

For an instant, Ginga saw himself, Kyoya, and Ryuga in their teens.

Kyoya: Oi Ginga!

Ginga: *blinks* Huh?

Ryuga: Something wrong?

Ginga: *smiles* Nope, nothing at all. Now let's go start the next generation, together!

Kyoya: Sounds like a plan to me.

Ryuga: I wouldn't have it any other way.

The End

HOORAY IT'S FINALLY OVER! NO MORE! THAT'S IT! WOOT-WOOT! I can't wait to draw this! It all ends Saturday~! Thank you all for voting. Here were the results by the way.

Fanfiction: Kyoya 3, Ryuga 1, Both 10

DeviantART: Kyoya 3, Ryuga 5, Both 16

Tumblr: Kyoya 0, Ryuga 1, Both 2

Total: Kyoya 6, Ryuga 7, Both 28

Both won. The fandom didn't want the Kyoya or Ryuga shippers to feel left out. I still can't believe Ryuga came in second place. I was personally rooting for Kyoya. But oh well, yaoi is in the eye of the beholder. Thank you all for supporting this doujinshi from 2012-2017!

-Won-Chan :3