"So where are we going, America?" England stood close to America as they walked through the misty streets.

"Somewhere, but it's a surprise Iggy!" America yelled back at him, his hands inside his pockets, his breath forming under his mouth.

They passed through several buildings,stores, and other 'restaurants' as they walked. England doesn't see America's country a lot anymore, so he decided to visit and travel to Chicago with America to give a tour.

Too bad that America was bad at giving tours. England could see the bright lights in the city surrounded by snow falling from the sky. It was very cold there in Chicago, but England didn't seem to mind, as well as America.

"Are we almost there? It's starting to get late you git," England ruined the silence as they walked the cracked and weathered concrete.

"Yeah, but I know you'll like it!" America grinned and felt confident and sure he would make England surprised at what he would show him.

"Guess it better be, it's starting to get really cold out here." England hugged himself as the wind started to blow and snow kept on falling on the two nations.

America replied back with only a smile, and looked at the scenery around them. Until America suddenly stopped walking and England seemed a bit confused.

"What the bloody hell are you doing America? Did you find the place we were going to? Or did you just get hungry again?"

America snapped out from his trance and looked back at England.

"Nothing, but I need to get something from that store over there,"

America began to walk in another direction and England also followed as well, but America soon stopped him.

"Stay here, it's for the surprise that I'm taking you to." America smiled and ran off to the store while England stayed on the other side of the road.

"I'll be right back!" America yelled out and left his sight.

England stood there in the freezing cold as he waited for America. He crossed his arms and tried to warm himself before he could freeze to death.

Where is that bloody wanker? He better not be buying more snacks or food or something like that in there.

England continued to wait for America but started to grow impatient as each minute passed. It has already been five minutes in the store, what exactly would America be buying at this time?

England had enough of it, he was freezing out here in this weather and wanted to know what America was doing.

He walked towards the small store, storming off until he heard a loud truck horn coming his way.

England turned to the direction the horn was coming from and barely had time to react.

His eyes widened and it was like he was frozen in time, like the snow falling froze him at that spot.

The horn got louder as the truck came closer, England stood there expecting the impact drawing near.

He heard the sound of an elevator opening from the direction of the store.

"Iggy! Sorry that it took a while it's just that-" America opened his eyes in time to see England before he was going to be hit.

"England! Get out of the road!" America shouted as loud as he could, but England was still stunned from the truck coming near.

America ran into the street, but...

It was already too late.

The scene was gruesome, blood splattered and surrounding England, and even got it on America's clothes. One of his arms looked bent out of place, and it looked like he wasn't breathing.

America quickly dialed 9-1-1 on his phone and desperately waited for someone to pick up. Tears poured down his face as it mixed with the blood on the concrete.

"America?" England whispered so weakly yet America came forward to hear his voice. He held England's hand as America began to sob over England's crumbled body.

"England, stay with me here, just don't die on me, please, just do that for me." America could barely contain the tears dropping on England's cheeks.

England couldn't breathe any longer, his body was in this mess, and his vision started to form black spots around him. He wasn't able to see America anymore.

"England, please," His sobs were broken as he heard ambulance sirens coming from the distance.

England wanted to respond, but slowly fell into unconsciousness.

England, don't go...

Everything went pitch black.

It was dark, I couldn't see a single thing, just pure darkness.

I felt numb inside, like I couldn't feel my body when I walked or moved.

Even closing my eyes seemed to give me more light than what was around me, I could see your face and your smile.

But every time I tried to see your face again, my mind erases you from my mind. I couldn't reach you even if I tried.

I kept waiting for something to happen, waiting for you to appear and for me to return to the real world with you.

It didn't happen.

I was surrounded by darkness every minute of every hour of every day. Who knew how long I was in here?

Still, I could hear your voice, as well for other nations and the nurses and doctors. You sounded so worried for me, staying by my side even when the doctors told you to leave.

I could hear your sobs and you pleading for me to come back, waiting for me to answer to you.

Everyday those sobs and noises that I would hear would get louder every time I heard them.

Hearing you was the light I needed to see through this darkness. Hearing your voice made me smile and wanting to see you again.

Until I saw the light, I could see in the darkness, and I went towards the light shining through.

It was bright and yet I continued to run to the light to see where it came from.

I ran constantly until I reached the end, I didn't stop, I wanted to see you again.

I reached out for your voice, reached for your smile.

And the darkness devoured me once more.

England opened his eyes to find himself in a hospital bed, and could hear the sounds from the machines beside his bed.

He looked around to see if anyone was in the room, but he was all alone except for the surveillance camera following his every move.

"He's awake?!" England heard a voice coming from across the hallway.

Is he talking about me?

He could hear the sound of footsteps running through the hallway and the door slammed open.

He found a man who looked very familiar to him. He could see the tears forming in his blue eyes, and forced a smile as he came towards England.

"England, I'm so glad you're awake," he whispered to him as tears fell down his face.

"I... what happened?" England could barely speak as his hand was grabbed by the mysterious an next to him.

"You were hit by a truck, England, and you were unconscious for about a month. But you're awake now."

England's eyes widened, but he couldn't recognize the man before him. Who was this person on his bedside?

"Angleterre? You're awake!"

England looked at the doorway to see another man, but he know automatically who he was.

"France? What are you doing here?" England seemed to wake up fro his small trance. It was strange to see France here and be worried about England's safety.

"Well, after America here called me immediately after the crash, I came here as quickly as possible. Many countries came to see how you were doing and America came each and every single day to see if you would wake up." France smiled and looked towards America.

"Yeah, I was so scared about you because on that day I was going to-"

England stopped America for a moment. He didn't understand why England stopped him.

"France," England whispered to him and looked back at America.

"Oui, England?" France kept a smile on his face even though he was far concerned.

"Who is the person sitting next to me?"

Both France and America gasped at what he said.

"It's America of course! Who else would it be?" France explained to England, but he started to become worried.

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea who America is,"

Who is this America? Am I supposed to know who he is?

America began to shudder and grabbed England by his shoulders, England didn't understand why the person in front of him was shaking him.

"England, it's me. It's me, America, you have to remember that right?" England could see the boy sobbing as he held on to his shoulders.

England grabbed his hands off from him and said straight to his pale face,

"I don't remember you, I don't know who you are."

America collapsed to the floor and cried out broken sobs while England can only stare.

Finished with the intro! This will be my first story divided into chapters and I'm not so sure how I'm able to make cliffhangers later in the future.

Please favorite and review because that would make me full of joy!

I'll try to post new chapters every now and then...

I do not and will never own Hetalia.