"Father?" My sister Miyako asked. "Can you tell us about our Mother one more time?"

Father sighed. "Alright. Sit down girls." We both sat in front of his chair. "This is the story of how I met your mother." He began. "I was born and raised in Japan, and on my 21st birthday, my ninjutso master was promoting me to a master. After the promotion, he took me to my favorite restaurant to celebrate. That's when I saw her. A blonde-haired, blue-eyed, young, American woman on a missionary trip. She was beautiful. My master nodded, and I walked over to her. I spoke to her in Japanese, and she responded with the most beautiful voice in the entire world. I told her she looked beautiful and gave her my number. She called the next night, and we went on a date. She could speak several different languages; English, Japanese, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, and Korean. She was very talented. But she had to go back to the United States the next day. About a year later, I decided to move to Washington state in the U.S., to start my own ninjutso school. It was really cool hearing my students call me, 'Master Daijiro.' One day, at a great sushi bar, I saw her again. She was so excited to see me. We dated for a few years then decided to get married. We were so excited when we found out she was having twin girls. But when you girls were around two years of age, she was killed by a ninja who was after me. That's when I decided to train both of you in ninjutso, so you'll be able to protect yourselves."

"Who killed her?" I asked.

"That information remains a mystery. No one knows." Father said.

"I wish she was still here. Tomorrow is our 16th birthday, that's almost 14 years without her." Miyako looked at the ground.

A large bang shook the house. Our father stood up. Another bang shook us, breaking glass and setting the house on fire. "Girls!" Our father yelled. "Get to the cellar outside, your weapons are there, be careful."

We ran outside as fast as we could. The snow-covered ground bit our bare feet. A few more large booms occurred, Miyako kept running, but I looked back. The entire house was in flames. It exploded with another large boom, anything inside would have perished. "Father!"

"Amarante! Come on!" Miyako was holding the cellar door open. I ran over and crawled inside.

We grabbed our weapons and waited silently. A large man crashed through the doors. Miyako held her ninjato swords in front of her, I aimed my yumi bow at the man. He was metal armor, covered in spikes. He had two blades on the armor on his right hand. A girl with short hair followed him in, she was wearing bright red make-up. He spoke. "Who are you?"

Miyako answered. "We are Daijiro's daughters. Where is he?!"

"He is dead." The man said. There was a slight pause. "We tried to save him, be we were too late. Do you have a mother?"

"No." Miyako responded. "She died a long time ago. Our only other family is our grandmother, who lives in Japan."

"Do you wish to stay in the United States?" He asked.

"Yes." Miyako nodded.

"Then come with me, back to New York. I can keep you safe." He said. We followed him out of the cellar.

That was nearly two years ago. Me and my sister have been secretly training with him. We're only allowed outside sometimes, to explore the city, but only in daylight. He has adopted us, my sister refers to him as a second father, I don't. His daughter, Karai, was the girl with him on the day our father died. His name is Oroku Saki, and he's known as the Shredder.