Chapter 3: Stuck in Reverse

5 Months later...

The stone house was essentially in the middle of nowhere; through the forest, over hills, down a never-ending winding road, and past a mountain of rocks. It was not too big, after all there was only two people living in it. A lake rushed behind the spacious, well cared for garden, and the sun rose in the distance every morning. To an onlooker, there was nothing remotely strange about this home.

However, the inside was a different story.

The kitchen was silent, only the clanking of water running and dishes being cleaned was heard. This was not an unusual occurrence in this household. Kurt sighed and pushed a stray strand of chestnut locks behind his ear. After making tomato and spinach omelets for breakfast, it was near impossible to completely clean the plates. However, this did not stop Kurt from scrubbing furiously, much to the amusement of his company.

"Babe, you've been trying to get rid of that stain for a half hour. Just throw the plate out."

Kurt only rolled his eyes in response. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to be clean. Besides, I don't want to waste." He said tightly and resumed his task.

The man who sat at the counter only chuckled lightly to himself and took a sip of his morning coffee. "It's not wasting if the dish simply cannot be cleaned."

"I can clean it, okay?" Kurt responded frustratingly.

The man raised his hands in mock surrender, as he knew this was a fight he would not win. When Kurt set his mind to something, no matter how small, he achieved it. "On a different note, I was thinking we could stay in today. You know, maybe watch a few movies, stay in bed..." He trailed off suggestively as he leaned over the counter and shut off the sink water.

Kurt huffed and finally set the plate away. He was so not in the mood to act like a pathetic lovesick teenage girl. "No." He responded without thinking it through. It wasn't like he had much of a say in the matter. If the man wanted to watch movies, that's what they did. But before he could think of an adequate excuse for declining the offer, the man's quick temper fired up.

"Kurt! Why do have to be so damn frigid? It's not like you have anything better to do." The man yelled and slammed his fists on the granite countertop.

That much was true. Kurt spent most if his days gardening, learning new recipes to cook for dinner, and sketching designs for a magazine that had no idea he even existed. But most of all, Kurt spent his days staring at the sky because he knew it was the same one looking over Blaine. And for whatever reason, it made him somewhat happy to have that connection.

Kurt had also lived with the man's temper for hundreds of years, a little yelling hardly caused him to flinch anymore. It was what came after the yelling that truly scared him, and he was certainly not in the mood for it. "I'm sorry." He apologized meekly. "I didn't get enough sleep last night." He truly hoped that the excuse would be enough; after all it wasn't exactly a lie. It's been a long time since he's had a fully rested night.

Luckily, someone was on Kurt's side today and the man offered him a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry baby, you should have said something. That is only a better reason to stay in for the day!"

The domineering and threatening tone was completely gone as he tried to persuade the blue-eyed man. He rose from the seat and rounded the island, immediately wrapping his muscular arms around Kurt from behind.

"Please, Kurt, the flowers and dishes can wait a day. Besides, wouldn't you much rather spend the day with your amazingly attractive companion who loves you dearly?"

Kurt giggled and plastered on a smile. 400 years was more than enough time to fake a few emotions. "I don't know...the hydrangeas need to be watered at least twice day...and you're not that attractive..." He teased. God, he felt so pathetic.

The man pouted, but his eyes sparkled with glee. "Hmm...That's a bummer, especially since that new show you wanted to see came in the mail late last night. What was it called again?" He teased.

That immediately caused Kurt to perk up and turn around in the mans arms so that they were face to face. One of the only ways he could connect to the outside world was through the television. And Kurt was very grateful for that.

"Breaking Bad? I've read so many great reviews about it, and it won like so many golden globes this year!" He gushed as if he was speaking about his own child.

The man laughed at the overexcited reaction, he loved seeing Kurt so happy. Even if it was about something so minute. "Does this mean that the flowers can wait?"

"Yes, the hydrangeas will have to suffer. And I suppose I will deign to be around your sub-par appearances." Kurt flirted.

In a way, he was happy Blaine hadn't found him yet. Kurt was only a shadow of the man he used to be. He had no more curiosity and wonder for life. No more dreams for the future or love. He was weak and a coward. Blaine would hardly recognize him.

"Sub-par? Baby, I am Adam Levine and Andrew Garfield combined." The man bragged and gave Kurt a coy look before open his mouth exaggeratedly.

"I'm sexy and I know it.." He began to sing as he grabbed Kurt's hand and danced around him; despite Kurt's protests and groaning.

"When I'm at the mall, security just can't fight em' all.."

"And when I'm at the beach, I'm in a speedo try in' to-"

"God, please stop." Kurt said exasperatedly as he slapped his hand over the man's mouth, effectively shutting him up. "You are very attractive. However, before we can do anything, I need to go into town and get the groceries. It should only take an hour, than I am all yours for the rest of the day. Besides, I think we're both tired of hearing you complain about the lack of options in the refrigerator and pantry."

The man's smile quickly turned into sorrowful frown. "Kurt, I don't want you going into town by yourself. You know how bad the tension between humans and vampires is. You never know when things might reach a boiling point." He pulled Kurt closely and kissed the top of his head. "I would never forgive myself if something happened to you."

Despite the loving and warm words, Kurt felt sick to his stomach. The man who he hated and feared more than anything, the man who turned Kurt into someone he doesn't even recognize, and the man who ripped him from the arms of his soul mate, just declared his love. And Kurt could do nothing but accept it.

"Don't worry about me. The towns people don't care about me, they only want the money that we spend. If something happens though, I will call immediately. Trust me." His bright blue eyes shined and hopefully gave the possessive man reassurance.

"Alright." He huffed unsurely. "One hour. That's it. If you're not back by then, I'm coming looking for you. And you will not like what happens."

Kurt gulped at the underlying threat and nodded vigorously. "One hour is more than enough time."

"And don't forget the rules: Talk to nobody and don't make any eye contact. Your safety comes before anything else. "

Kurt merely rolled his eyes at the reminder; they went over this every time. " I've been doing this for quite some time, I've gotten the hang of it by now." He scrambled around the room, picking up his wallet, cell phone, and keys. To be honest, going into town was one of the only things that got Kurt excited. He was free from the confines of the home and was able to see actual people.

Just as he was about to open the door to his independence, a soft but demanding voice stopped him, uttering three words that tugged at his heartstrings in the most unpleasant way.

"I love you, Kurt."

Swallowing the bile in his throat, Kurt forced himself to reciprocate the gesture. No matter how untrue it was.

"I love you too, Sebastian."

"Good morning, class!" Blaine exclaimed jubilantly. His hazel eyes quickly scanned the entering students and could easily tell that they were all exhausted. "I know that this is a Monday morning, but today's class is very important." He tried to put as much energy in his voice as possible, but it was to no avail.

The students merely grumbled in response and tiredly rubbed their eyes.

"I can see that none of you got enough sleep prior to this class, but I need everyone's full attention on me." Blaine demanded. All the wandering eyes in the room immediately flickered to Blaine. Whenever he was in charge and used his best authoritative voice, the classroom belonged to him.

"As I'm sure you all know, the president of humans has recently taken our existence into consideration. He is being persuaded that we are all abominations and should be wiped from the planet."

The fledglings all nodded their heads in fear, and looked to each other. In the past five months, more killings had been reported and the human government was beginning to view vampires as less than humans, and demons that needed to be stopped.

"I'm not trying to frighten you, but Dalton has decided it would be best if all courses stopped what they were currently learning, and instead we prepare our students for the possibility of war."

Several gasps echoed throughout the room, as the fledglings trembled at the idea of having to fight, they had only been change recently and we're not ready to use their powers.

"I'm not saying that you will all have to fight, but it could happen and we need you to be prepared. If we do go into war, the human's army will be endless and we will need every vampire possible to fight." Blaine explained, in all his years as a vampire he had never been more terrified. But the students didn't need to know that, they just needed to be reassured that everything would be okay.

Slowly, a girl with fiery red hair and bright green eyes raised her hand nervously. "A-are you saying that we have to f-fight? I was only turned a few months ago...I'm n-not ready." She stammered, voicing the thoughts of the entire classroom.

Blaine sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, I'm not the person in charge. You know that the humans have the president, but the vampire government runs a bit differently. In each major city, there is a leader. For example, here in Seattle, Sue Sylvester is in charge. She is the one calling the shots; all I know is what I've been told. Okay?

The students all nodded their heads obediently, but apprehensively.

"Alright, we're moving on. Humans are already aware of several of our abilities. They know that we have enhanced strength and speed, the power of compulsion, and hearing. Since they are already aware of this, they will be figuring out how to best use it to their advantage. However there are still many abilities that vampires possess that humans are unaware of." Blaine knew that he was giving the fledglings a lot of information to take in, but if his predictions were true...there wasn't much time before war was declared.

"Like what, Mr. Anderson?" The same girl from before questioned.

"Well, for starters when you are with your mate, your powers are enhanced and you become almost twice as strong."

That caused several murmurs and excited eyes. These kinds of things were normally taught to fledglings several years later, when they became ready for mates.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson." Kurt giggled from his position on the grass outside. It was finally summer in Seattle and the blue-eyed boy was reveling in the warm weather and gentle breeze.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Blaine questioned as if he was speaking to a young child who stole a cookie from a jar.

Kurt hummed in response, but didn't say anything in return. He merely peeked one eye open and raised his hand to shield his eyes from the sun.

"You know, as your teacher I am obligated to get you back to class or report this."

Kurt whined and gave his best puppy eyes that had Blaine's stomach doing pleasant flips. "Please don't tell anyone, it's just that potions is dreadful. All you do is listen to Mr. Montgomery drone on and on about ingredients he discovered abroad in Brazil and how they give the right 'spice to certain mixtures."

Blain had to stifle the laugh at the idea of uptight and confident Wes boring his students with tales of ingredients from a foreign country. He also couldn't help but admire how beautiful Kurt looked under the sun. His perfectly coiffed chestnut hair swayed with the wind and his porcelain skin sparkled. The fledgling was stretched out on the grass, his signature skintight jeans were on and part of his designer shirt had rolled up, revealing a gorgeous expanse of skin.

At first, he felt somewhat conflicted about his growing attraction to his student. But there were no rules against it, and Blaine couldn't help but want to get to know everything about Kurt.

"Are you enjoying the view Mr. Anderson?" Kurt giggled as he watched his teacher blindly run his hazel eyes up his body. At first Kurt had been terribly shy at Dalton; he was terrified to even ask someone for directions. But, Blaine was determined to befriend the young vampire. Eventually, Kurt warmed up to him and they created a tentative relationship full of flirty banter and shy glances.

"Mmm." Blaine smirked in response as he thrust his hand towards Kurt. "Come on, let's get to class, you wouldn't want to repeat this year would you?"

"No, duh. But I don't plan on coming back anyway, I think I'll travel instead next year, I've always wanted to see Paris! And besides, school is boring." Kurt laughed as he accepted the hand being offered to him, not noticing the way Blaine froze.

What did Kurt mean he's not coming back, Blaine thought angrily; he was starting to make progress with the beautiful fledgling!

It was at that moment that Blaine resolved to go to every measure possible to see that Kurt returned next year. "We'll see." He said staring into ice blue eyes. "I just might convince you stay."

"Mr. Anderson!" A booming voice snapped him out of his dreamlike state.

"Y-yes?" He stuttered, trying to regain his composure.

"Dude you space out like every class...are you okay?" One of the students with broad shoulders and huge muscles asked. The class all laughed at the true statement and stated at their teacher expectantly.

Blaine sighed and rubbed his temples; these kids would be the death of him. He used to find joy in teaching and helping kids, but over time it felt more like an obligation. "I was just thinking, now moving on to how to best use your abilities..."


The wind rushing through locks of his hair, the sunset sprinkling the last rays of warmth, and most importantly: Nobody telling him what he should do.

Kurt Hummel absolutely loved the unfortunately minimal walks he took into town. Without a breath of fresh air and reminder that life beyond his sad existence lived, he would surely go crazy.

And though he would never say it to anyone or even admit it to himself, Kurt loved going to town for the hope. The hope that he would find Blaine still searching for him and run into his arms, full of love and forgiveness for taking so long. Or even the possibility that Blaine along with Jeff, Nick, and the others were on one of their crazy adventures and managed to find the town with a population of 113.

But reality was always a rude awakening, and Blaine Anderson was never there.

As Kurt walked into the desolate and run-down town, he noticed several things. First, it was more abandoned than usual. The atmosphere was almost unwelcoming and he shivered at the ominous waves. There was a not a single person as far as he could see, only last Sunday's paper glided through the air. And second, he had an overwhelming urge to run back home or call Sebastian to come pick him up.

Stifling the more than likely imaginary feeling, Kurt continued along the customary routine to the local market. However, the spine tingling feeling did not disappear and for the first time, all Kurt wanted to do was cook dinner and watch TV with Sebastian, knowing he was protected and safe.

Opening the thick wooden doors to the market, Kurt was greeted with the usual skeptical and disgusted glances.

On one hand, he was glad to see that people still inhabited the town.

On the other, he despised the way that their eyes would glaze over him; clearly judging every little detail about him from head to toe. He watched as their eyes widened at his obvious wealth, wearing Armani and Alexander McQueen didn't exactly blend in with the crowd.

And he noticed how their brows furrowed at the same time their eyes narrowed, clearly asking the question of why such a high profile man would be a regular occurrence in the poor town.

To be honest, they had had every reason to be skeptical of why Kurt was there. The town of Greyloch was smack in the middle of nowhere. No one entered and no one left. The people were all low-income families, struggling to get by. And Kurt Hummel was a mystery.

But luckily, the town's people minded their own business for the most part and didn't ask questions. And Kurt returned the favor.

He politely nodded his head in people's direction, and picked up a cart from the ground.






Kurt sighed as he recalled leaving the house in such a hurry that he completely forgot to pick up the grocery list. Sebastian would be pissed. Nevertheless, he practically sprinted down each aisle and threw whatever he thought he might need into the cart. His hour was almost up, and Kurt had no intentions of arriving home late.

After he was sure that everything Sebastian would want for the next few months was in the cart, Kurt breathed a sigh of relief that he could finally leave. Although he was never welcomed with open in arms into Greyloch, it seemed that everyone was on edge and evaluating his every move.

Getting behind an elder man in the check out line, Kurt began to tap his foot anxiously. It seemed that the universe was trying to delay his trip home as much as possible.

"Tommy! Been a while since I've seen yer around here!" A man behind the register exclaimed with a thick southern accent and a toothy smile he directed at Kurt.

Tanner Wilkes was one of the only people who had ever reached out to Kurt. He was in his early fifties, slim, and had a smile that made all the girls swoon even for his age. He was born and raised in the town and loved the simplicity of his lifestyle. He was not a wealthy or fortunate man, but he was happy. And Kurt envied him for it.

If Sebastian knew that he broke one of the cardinal rules of speaking to no one, Kurt doesn't know what would happen. So, to protect himself and Tanner from the inevitable wrath of Sebastian, he went by the alias of Tommy Green.

How pathetic was it that Kurt's only friend didn't even know his name?

"How have you been?" He asked as Kurt began unloading the items.

"Same old, same old." Kurt replied with a chuckle. "What about you?"

"Nothin exciting really happens here, the townsfolk ain't got much to gossip about. Your 'bout the only they talk 'bout."

Kurt smiled, he already knew that. "What's so interesting about me? I do nothing but buy food every one and a while."

"Well, I reckon its cause yer always gussied up like yer off to a ball." Tanner joked as he tallied up Kurt's bill and placed all his food into plastic bags. "You ain't got to worry. It's all harmless talk."

"I know. How is the family? Last time I was here, you said your sister was visiting?" Kurt inquired, even if it was just small talk about the weather or family, he enjoyed it. Talking to somebody who wasn't Sebastian was certainly a breather.

"She's good, living in some big city like New York or Chicago. I don't know how she does it, everything's so hectic and busy up there." Kurt smiled as he pushed down thoughts of living in Seattle and the never-ending craziness that he missed so much.

"Yeah, well thanks again Tanner. It was nice seeing you!"

"Alrighty Tommy, have a nice day."

Just as Kurt was about to leave, a wave of curiosity overwhelmed him. Normally, when he left the store there were several pairs of eyes watching him closely. But it seemed as if all the customers and half of the townsfolk had disappeared.

Doing something Kurt knew he would regret, he decided to set the bags down and turn back. After all, he had a few minutes to spare and he didn't know the next time Sebastian would permit him to go into town.

"Hey Tanner, if you don't mind me asking, I noticed that there seemed to be less people out today?" He asked in a hushed voice, leaning across the cash register and whispering into his ear. The topic didn't seem like something that needed to be broadcasted.

Immediately, the mood shifted. The air felt heavy as Tanner turned his stone gray eyes on Kurt. "I'm not so sure that's any of yer business." The once handsome and approachable man shifted into a slightly aged and scary man.

Kurt gasped and was taken aback by the obvious change in his acquaintance. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries, I-I just-"

"Slow down, kiddo. I didn't mean to scare yer." He laughed, but Kurt wasn't buying it. Tanner's jaw was set and his eyes burned with something Kurt had never seen before. The man looked back and forth suspiciously before turning his full attention on Kurt.

"We don't ask questions, I think we deserve the same courtesy back, eh?"

Kurt only nodded numbly as his hands shook with fear. "Okay, we'll I'll just be on my way-"

"No. I got an idea, how 'bout I answer yer questions and you answer one of mine?"

He knew it was stupid. He should grab the bags and leave to tell Sebastian that suspicions were rising and they would have relocate. Again.

But Kurt never knew when to quit while he was ahead. "Okay, you first."

Tanner smiled, but this time it was laced with something that made Kurt's stomach drop and twist uncomfortably.

"It's the vamps. They think they can come here, live on our land, and drink our water. But we got rid of that the second we knew."

"G-got rid of?"

"We don't want filthy bloodsuckers who think that they can leech of everything we work so hard for. Naturally, they had to go."

Blue eyes widened in realization and fear. "You killed them! But-but that's illegal!" He stammered as he tried to look to someone for assistance. But the market was empty, save for the two of them.

"Not for long. The president will declare war in few days. And when he does, there ain't be nothin stopping nobody. And the demons best pray to whatever god they believe in for help." Tanner laughed as he took in Kurt's shocked and terrified appearance. "Don't worry, Tommy. From what I hear, the vamps plan on putting up a fight. Apparently every one got to be heading home to their school for a bit of a refresher on what they learned. And It's mandatory."

Kurt needed to leave and he needed to leave now. But before he could even pick up a bag, a heavy, but threatening hand rested on his shoulder.

"Uh-uh." Tanner said in a singsong voice that reminded him of the agreement. "Yer still got to answer my question, it's only fair."

Fuck, Kurt thought. No doubt he needed to be home now, Sebastian would be angrily waiting for him.

"Okay ask away."

"How old are yer?" The man tilted his head, a sly smirk playing on his lips.

Kurt's heart halted before it rapidly began pumping blood. "24." He lied smoothly. He had only been asked that question once before, and it never meant good things. "Now, I best be heading home, its getting late." He answered tightly.

Tanner narrowed his eyes and looked Kurt up and down. "I think that be best. Now you skedaddle on home, Tommy." He said with a knowing spark in his eye.

A million thoughts raced through Kurt's head. Did Tanner suspect anything? How could I have been such an idiot? Sebastian is going to murder me! And what did he mean I am required to go back to Seattle? Nobody can force me to do anything, right?

But, despite the jumbled thoughts, there was only one prominent word that kept reappearing and rushing through his body: Run.

Leaving behind the groceries and a suspicious man, Kurt took off without a moment's hesitation. For once, he didn't blame himself for running.

Hi everyone! Please try to excuse the mistakes in this chapter, I didn't have time to revise or check it over. Nevertheless, I really hope that you enjoyed it.

First, I have been a horrible author and haven't updated in months. I am very sorry to you all.

The good news is that the school year is finally over and I have no excuses to not write. I have already written the next two chapters and I will be posting them each every Saturday.

Thank you to anybody who stuck around to read my story. The next chapter is where it all begins and when Kurt returns home, so I hope that you all will continue reading.

Please review with anything you have to say, even if its just saying that you are still reading.

Thank you!