~*~ Day 30- Having a Baby ~*~
There were times when Kido felt extremely happy to be pregnant, which was of course most of the time.
When Hibiya and Hiyori had come over they both stared at her stomach with starry eyed fascination, as if the couldn't believe there was an actual human being in there. It was like they'd never seen someone pregnant before, and who knows, they probably hadn't.
"Your stomachs a melon!" Hibiya exclaimed still looking at her in amazement. From some other part of the house Kano burst out laughing.
Kido frowned a bit, but tried to remain cheerful. "Yeah," she sighed, "It is."
Hiyori elbowed Hibiya in the side. "Hibiya you're so gross. Show some respect." she hissed at him.
"It's fine." Kido assured, "You want to feel?" she asked.
Immediately Hibiya pulled back. "Ew, heck no." he said. But Hiyori was the exact opposite, "Ooh, I wanna feel Kido-san!"
Hiyori rested her hand on the fabric of the over sized shirt covering Kido's stomach. It stayed there for a second or two before she instantly pulled back. "I felt him! I felt him! He moved!" she said her eyes growing wide as she looked up at Kido. "It is a boy, right?" Kido nodded. "Hibiya, don't be such a wimp." Hiyori said hitting the back of the boy's head. "Feel it."
Hesitantly, Hibiya did as the raven haired girl asked and touched Kido's stomach. His eyes widened when he felt it and pulled back. "That... feels weird." he said, seemingly at a loss for words.
"Aww, Tsubomi, you let them feel the baby, but whenever I try, you always smack my hand away." Kano whined, leaning on the back of the couch.
"Maybe that's because you're always so rough about it." Kido retorted.
And then there were the times Kido really wished she wasn't pregnant, like now.
She tossed and turned the bed, trying to ignore the nauseating feeling rising from her stomach and into her throat. Kido didn't know exactly what time it was, but judging from the amount of light in the room, she could guess it was very late. Not really a time for pregnant women to be up.
Kano shifted next to her. "Tsubomi, you okay?" he mumbled sleepily.
Kido made the mistake of open her mouth to answer and ended up gagging and clamping a hand over her mouth. There was no helping it, it seemed.
After Kido stumbled out of bed and to the bathroom, it took Kano all of ten seconds to realize what was going on. He too then stumbled sleepily out of bed and to the bathroom. "Tsubomi..."
Kido was hovering over the toilet, one hand placed on her stomach and the other gripping the edge. Kano placed a hand on her back, rubbing up and down and feeling her body tremble and convulse as she vomited.
"Shu... Shuuya, go away." Kido said gasping, "I don't... I don't want you to... see me like this." She tried to shift away from him, but then again started chocking out the contents of her stomach.
Kano smiled sleepily in sympathy. "Tsubomi, you've seen me at my worst. And I'm pretty sure this is not you at yours." He took his hand off her back and pulled her hair away from her face.
"I thought... this should've passed... months ago." Kido groaned.
"I don't think it passes until after you've had the baby."
She groaned again at his words. "I think... I think I'm done…" she breathed out.
He helped her get up off the floor and she leaned heavily against him. "You wanna go back to bed?"
Kido laughed dryly. "I don't see what good it'll do if I have to throw up again."
Kano patted the back of her head which was resting limply on his shoulder, running his fingers through her hair. "I'll get you a bowl, okay?" Kido let out a soft whine and Kano thought she might start crying, but she just weakly nodded her head, relieving him of her weight and making her way back to the bed.
Kano soon joined her, bringing a towel and a yellowish-green bowl, which, now that he thought about it, didn't seem like a very good color to expose Kido to, but maybe she wouldn't notice it.
Kido didn't really end up going to sleep after that. She kept drifting in and out of sleep constantly by the feelings of nausea that swept through her stomach. She was always reaching for the bowl that Kano brought, most of the time just heaving up dry air that scratched her throat, but sometimes there was something.
And what was worse was that Kano was suffering with her. Whenever she started coughing and gagging, Kano was right next to her, rubbing her back and saying soothing things until she finished. He told her it was alright and that he didn't mind, but Kido still couldn't help but feel slightly guilty.
Kido was beginning to suspect that she might actually have a stomach flu and not just 'morning sickness' like she'd originally thought. She voiced this to Kano.
"If that's so, you want to take medicine for it?" he asked.
"But the baby-" she started.
"The baby will be fine." he assured her, but even so, she refused to take it.
It wasn't till the soft rays of the early morning sun started flooding the room that the nausea finally passed. Kano had fallen asleep, pressed up against her back and snoring softly, not that she minded though.
Her own eyelids were becoming heavy again. Kido might have gone to sleep, but a sudden, familiar feeling in her stomach startled her, making her jump and waking up Kano next to her.
"Hrm? What is it?" Kano asked trying to sound alert, but failing miserably.
"He moved." Kido said softly placing a hand on her stomach where she'd felt the sudden proof of life, "Here feel." She took Kano's hand and replaced it with her own.
Kano chuckled lightly as he felt it. "Ah yes, nature's miracles. Can I go back to sleep now?" he asked.
Kido immediately pushed his hand away, pricked with annoyance. First he complained she didn't let him feel her stomach, and then when she finally did he didn't even care. "Fine. Whatever, you jerk." she grumbled and closed her eyes tightly as if that would block him out.
But Kano snuggled closer to her, his hand rubbing her arm as he smiled against her back. "Sorry. I love you. Both of you." he said.
Kido sighed. Her eyes were still closed, but she smiled too. "Yeah. We love you too."
It is finished! I had fun writing this one.
Thank you to all the people who followed and favorited this. And Thank you also to all who reviewed: Mio-san, BunnyEllieAngel, Curry Pan, The Deceiving Maiden, fluffystring, and even you Guest. Your reviews all helped me keep going and I hope you all enjoyed this. Thank you.