This chapter's really short. The next one will be a lot longer. Clary/Izzy AU. All human.

"Well it's his loss." Simon Lewis sat down at the table. He was trying his best to comfort his friend, Clary Fray. She and her boyfriend Jace had just broken up after all.

"Thanks." Clary slid into the seat opposite him. They were eating at Taki's. Clary liked Taki's; Jace had been the one to show her the diner. Ever since she'd been going to Taki's with Simon almost every week.

Her break-up with Jace hadn't been pleasant. Their relationship had started out ok, but Clary felt like something had been missing. When they'd kissed, they didn't really have much of a spark between them. It had been comfortable, but not exciting and fun like a good relationship should be like.

"He was a bit of an ass anyway." Simon looked over the menu.

Clary laughed. Jace and Simon hadn't got a long at all in the brief time they'd known each other.

"I think you're better off without him." Simon put down the menu, having decided on what he wanted to order. "You deserve someone better. Someone a little more...I dunno sane? He always seemed a little..."

"What are you trying to say about my taste in guys?" Clary glanced at him over the top of her menu. She was smiling though, he wasn't trying to be mean, he was just trying to cheer her up.

"That he wasn't exactly..." Simon searched for the right words and eventually settled with, "Good. He seemed the type to get in a lot of trouble."

"He wasn't that bad." Clary wasn't defending Jace, but rather defending her taste in guys. "You just didn't know him that well."

"I didn't want to." Simon folded his arms. "Anyway, do you have any plans for tonight?"

"Sitting at Luke's eating ice-cream while trying to get some drawing done." She'd had a mental block with her drawing for the past couple of weeks, and she was hoping that maybe her break-up could spark something.

"No your not."

"Why? What am I doing?" She asked.

"You're coming with me to a party. In Brooklyn."

"Why in Brooklyn?" Clary put her menu down.

"'Cause it's at this guy Magnus Bane's place. It's his party."

"This wouldn't have anything to do with meeting Maia would it?"

"Maybe. I dunno, she said she might be there but..." He shrugged as their waitress walked over to take their orders. She was a pretty blonde girl, with big bright blue eyes. Her name tag said Kaelie.

"How long do you think you'll be staying at Luke's for?" Simon asked after the girl had gone.

Clary looked down at the table. "I'm not sure. Until mom's better I guess, when we can get my apartment sorted."

"Sorry." Simon winced, he hadn't meant to bring up Jocelyn.

"It's fine." The waitress was back with their orders. They ate in silence.

"So," Simon said after a while. "Will you come to the party?"

"Sure." She nodded. "Only if you come to Pandemonium this weekend." Pandemonium was an all-ages club.

"Yes." He sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes. "The party starts at around nine by the way."

"Ok, look I'm sorry to ditch you but-"

"You have to go to Luke's?" To ask him if there's been any change in your mom.

"Yeah," She stood up. "Thanks for lunch. See you later."

"Don't forget about the party!" He called after her.