
The Tesseract has awakened…

Your eyes fly open. Your skin feels strange: it is pulsing with fiery power but you are shivering. You were pulled out of the frosty ocean. In human time, that was seventy years ago. For you, all powerful you, it was hours ago.

Your memory is foggy. You barely remember Hydra, but you know something for sure: they exploited your power. And apparently, now again.

Your arms are wired to a silver circle. You are hovering a couple of feet from the ground.

You are angry. So, so angry. With a cry of rage, you activate your power and send blue energy waves at whatever you can reach. The silver ring contains them. You want to cry. Cry and return to your home planet. You don't like humans.

"Talk to me, Doctor," a man says. He walks into your line of sight. Black-skinned. They prefer to be called Afro-Americans. Seventy years ago, they were struggling for respect. Now, he almost glows with power. Not literally, like you. He seems to like the color black. Black coat over black clothes with a black eye patch.

Doctor. You invert the flow of the cables painfully inserted into your arms. You are no longer feeding the monitors information. The monitors are feeding you. Doctor. Healer. Wise. PhD.

"Tesseract is misbehaving." Doctor Selvig, your warden.

"Is that supposed to be funny?" Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"No, it´s not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, she´s… misbehaving." What is that phrase that humans use? 'Bitch, I might be?'

The annoying little humans continue arguing. Fury says Selvig should be ready. Selvig says he isn´t. Well, isn´t he a waste of everyone´s time?

"Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation," the Doctor explains.

"That can be harmful." If they don´t leave you alone, it can be very harmful, thankyouverymuch.

"Where's Agent Barton?"

"The Hawk? Up in his nest, as usual."

Oh, yes. The Hawk. You can feel his gaze piercing you from up high. You are not sure if he is wary or perverted. You really hope it´s the first one.

Fury is now arguing with Barton. The man has a really bad temper.

You idly close your eyes and let power waves go up and down your arms. This is slowly moving from annoying to utterly tedious. A scientist complains about this burst of energy. Good for him, but you ain´t stopping.

Fury´s and Barton´s conversation suddenly grabs your attention once more.

"If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end." Tampering? You can feel it now. You are not awake just because you felt like it. Someone activated you. You can hear his soothing voice speaking, whispering into your ear. Encouraging your rage. Promising your freedom.

"At this end?

"Yeah, the girl can create a doorway to the other end of space, right? The doors open from both sides."

Your chest explodes in a combination of pain and pleasure. The waves you are creating are too powerful for the silver ring to contain. They spread forwards and form a circle over a platform. It is a door. You can see space and stars. Oh, beautiful stars.

And a shape. The shape of the man who is here to free you.