This is a poem I wrote about all the times Rory dies XD

"Rory Dies"

Rory dies and dies again.

The madness never seems to end!

First he was killed by a crazy old woman

'Twas only a dream, but he turned into sand.

And then his poor wife held his ashes and cried

The very first time that Rory died.

And then not much later, deep under the ground,

A Silurian shot him, the Pond to astound.

He was left there to die, the light to surround.

But did he really go, if he was never around?

And once, in near death,

He had lost all his breath.

Amy had to revive him with delayed success.

She managed to keep him away from death.

And then, in the TARDIS, while running away,

Amy found a dead Rory in a state of decay.

'Twas much more than that, for she found just his bones

But that was a vision, and vision alone.

And then in New York, Rory died once again

But this time an old man who is lying in bed.

He jumps off a building to kill himself so

He'd break the paradox and live once more.

Dead, alive, and dead again,

Will Rory's story ever end?

And then, with touch by angel's hand,

The madness just comes to an end.

Hope you enjoyed it, despite its being terrible XD Please review~