A/N: Disclaimer! I do not own D. Gray-man or any of the characters! Also, I have not finished the anime or manga series, so I have no knowledge of some of the characters I use such as Leverrier...Yeah I suck, but oh well. So If you can handle my lack of knowledge, continue on, if you can't, well you know how to close the page. If you'd like to fill me in on some things to help, it would be greatly appreciated! Leave a comment with your opinion on the story, and if you don't like it, please tell me why. If it's because of my lack of D. Gray-man knowledge, I understand. Enjoy the story!

The only thing he could register at the moment was the pain. The horrible, searing pain. He gasped and fell to his knees. His friends all turned and someone began to scream for help. Their voices sounded so far away. He managed to crack open one silvery-blue eye and was brought face to face with a worried Lenalee. Her purplish eyes were filled with worry and fear. Whether it was fear for him or of him, Allen did not know.

"Allen, what's going on?" she asked, her voice shaking. He opened his mouth to reply, but a cry of pain wrenched it's way from his throat. He could vaguely see Kanda on the edge of his vision, his normally passive face creased with worry. His knees could no longer support him, giving way and he collapsed to the cold, hard tile. He could feel the vibrations of footsteps, but he didn't raise his head to see who was causing the disturbance. Rough hands gripped his slim arms and forced him to his feet. Allen let out another cry, tears streaming down his porcelain face. The arms began to drag him away, leaving him to stumble along.

"Allen!" he could hear Lenalee shout behind him. The movement of walking started to become too much for the young teen and his vision began to darken. The last thing he heard were the startled cries of whoever had been pulling him along.