It's a peaceful morning when suddenly, BOOM! Rayman comes rushing towards an outhouse, he need to go... bad. He goes in and reliefs himself in it. Then Globox comes in as well, wanting to go bad as well. He knocks frantically on the outhouse door.

Globox: Raaayymaaann! Globox needs to potty, too!

Rayman: In a few minutes! YYYEEEEAAAAHHH! (splash)

Globox: Globox can't hold it any longer!

Globox shakes the outhouse a bit, as Rayman panics by it.

Rayman: No, Globox! You know what happened last time!

Globox: No... (goes behind the outhouse and knocks it over)

Rayman: NOOOEEEESSSS! (screams bloody murder and then gurgles)

Globox: Rayman... are you ok?

Rayman busts out of the top with his fists and crawls out, all the water rushes out as Rayman throws up.

Globox: Globox needs to go now...

Rayman: Look what you did! WEEEEAAAHHHH! (screams at the top of his lungs as his tongue wiggles around and foam comes out of his mouth, makes gargling noises, collapses on the ground)

Globox: Globox better now...