Chapter 1: Calm before the Storm

Mikoto walked down the street with a girl who most would assume was her twin sister.

"So how your week been Imouto?" She asked her apparent twin.

"Oh it's been rather nice actually, says Misaka with a happy if slightly distant look as she thinks back over her week." Said the girl in a voice devoid of emotion, who only seem to have one facial expression, who nearly always wore a pair of military grade goggles on the top of her head and who was currently carrying a small cat called Dog of all things (Mikoto sometimes worried what some of her possible future nephews and nieces may end up being called... she really did).

Her name was Misaka Misaka 10032 Imouto (or at least that was the full name she used when pushed. There wasn't a birth certificate on any other official paperwork on her anywhere) and she had been cloned from Mikoto cells behind her back for to take part in some nightmarish experiments, along with over 19999 others, most of whom had been brutally murdered.

But that nightmare was over, and through trouble did pop up now and again, the Sisters life's were happy ones by and large.

"On Monday, Touma and I took Dog to be have some important jabs. Dog didn't like them very much, but Touma gave him some nice treats after to make him forget, says Misaka proudly. On Wednesday we heroically saved some young children from a burning building and then last night, along with Index and Sphinx, we continued our epic quest to play through Touma's rpg collection and started Final Fantasy 10, says Misaka as she quietly wonders if Tidus is a natural blond."

It was funny really. Now she was somewhat emotional distanced from the whole matter, by being romantically involved with Kuroko, she could see Touma really was good for her little sister. She had a great respect for life, combined with a head full of facts on how to make battle... not two things that necessary always fitted well, but by protecting people alongside Touma, she could bring her heart and skillset into one whole, and still do silly little cute things with him too.

"Sounds like you had a nice week then." Mikoto replied. "Kuroko and Uiharu have both been really busy with Judgement work, so I've been mostly watching funny videos on the internet with Saten, through a lot of website's have been blocked lately, so this week has mostly been a frustrating one of seeing 'this website is blocked' way too often."

"Hum, that is curious, many of the other Misaka's outside the city have been complaining about there movements being restricted, I wonder if the two facts are related? Says Misaka with a thoughtful expression."

Mikoto shrugged.

"Doubtful, I mean most of the Misakas are in research intuitions right, Their probably up to something sensitive and don't want to risk leaks." Mikoto suggested.

"Perhaps, Misaka says with a doubtful expression."

"Anyway, we are nearly at the spot in the park we said we meet our partners and I'm pretty sure I can hear their voices." Mikoto said as she motioned towards the direction where two familiar voices could be heard arguing.

Meanwhile in another part of the city, a certain white hair boy was being teased quiet viciously.

"So Mr Honour Student has a date?" Misaka WORSE said with a mischievous air.

"It's not a date!" Accelerator replied defensively.

"Your meeting a girl in a restaurant who clearly likes you and you don't consider it a date?" WORSE replied sarcastically.

"I'm just letting her say thank you and being nice to the Brat!" Said Accelerator as he desperately tried to find a way out of the dam conversation.

"Is she pretty, does she have big bobbies?" Said WORSE as she continued her merciless assault.

"She has a flat chest, but is really pretty and has some really cute flowers on top of her head, explains Misaka as Misaka describes the nice middle school girl!" That Misaka was of course was Last Order.

"Oh so he chasing after a middle school girl too, this Misaka isn't really surprised all things considered." WORSE added with a cruel glint in her eyes.

"Please for the love of God, stop this!" Accelerator pleaded. "What have I done to deserve this torment!"

The two clones looked to each other, and then to Accelerator.

"This Misaka would like to state that karma is a bitch." Said WORSE before adding. "And that she would never drop by on your date and embarrass you at all, no she would never do that, Says WORSE as she tells a obvious lie and impersonates her sisters way of speaking."

"NO FUCKING WAY!" Said a certain white haired boy who's skin had turned a very distinctive shade of pink.

"Look I'm telling you, Bayonetta is way hotter than Samus Aran from Metroid. She has glasses, sucks on lollipops and dresses in her -magical hair-, how much hotter can you get!" Touma shouted loudly at Kuroko, who was sitting opposite him in the quiet little corner of the park they had agreed to meet up in.

"But Samus spends all her time locked up her suit, risking her life by fighting monsters to protect the galaxy, often fighting all alone." Kuroko argued. "Can you imagine how much pent up desire she must have locked up in that suit, can you imagine how great the rewards would be for the one who managed to release it?"

She had that silly look on her face, the one were she tended to stare at empty space and go slightly red. As a result Mikoto, had a pretty good idea what was going on inside her head and it wasn't angelic.

"KUROKO!" She yelled loudly. "Why is it that every time I walk in on your conversations with Touma, they're perverted?!"

"Well we started of discussing the relative merits of Sony vs Nintendo..." Kuroko explained.

"And I pointed out that with Sony you got to play Bayonetta." Touma added.

"And I counted that point with the point, with the point that Nintendo had large range of exclusives, including Metroid." Kuroko continued.

"And then I counted that point with the point that Bayonetta is way hotter than Samus Aran from Metroid". Touma explained, neatly bringing the conversation to where Mikoto had walked in on it.

"So basically it's all Touma fault." Kuroko said with a smug look on her face as she pointed towards the corrupting influence.

"Hey wait... wait one minute!" Touma shouted in a panicky tone as he noticed the growing electric discharges coming from Mikoto. "Your being completely unreasonable here Bri Bri!"

"Leading my angel towards the depths of hell." Mikoto muttered as she slowly marched towards Touma. "After all the work I've been putting into trying to fill her head with pure thoughts, you thought you could lead her thoughts back down to the gutter again and get away with it!"

Mikoto consider reaching for one of her coins, that corrupting idiot needed to be taught a lesson, however a third party intervened and put halt to her plans.

"Hello Touma, Says Misaka as she happily skips over and takes up her customary spot."

Said 'customary spot' was his lap, with her back leaning on his left arm (and -always- his left). She also had a habit of giving him a little cheek rub with her own as soon as she had settled in, and off course to top off the cuteness of the scene, Dog was in her lap, mewing happily.

"Your lucky my sister protecting you." Mikoto said in annoyed tone as she sat beside Kuroko. "Otherwise you be on the floor in serous pain about now."

"It's not luck, says Misaka as she enjoys her victory over fate."

"Victory over fate?" Mikoto asked in a puzzled manner. "Touma just tends to do foolish things, their isn't some mysterious enemy you can fight Imouto."

"His misfortune defies statistic plausibility, Misaka point out logically. The root cause is likely tied to his right hand, but there is a lack of a underlining theory on how it works, only conjecture based on it effects, Misaka continues. But no enemy is undefeatable with the correct strategy, says Misaka as she shows her will to defeat Touma's misfortune."

Mikoto looked to Kuroko, expecting some kind of support from her in regards to her sister's misguided and ridiculous crusade, she didn't get it.

"She wants her boyfriend to be happy." Kuroko explained with a slight shrug. "She's concluded the universe seems to be out to get him, so she is out to stop it. I think it's rather romantic myself."

"A war on misfortune." Mikoto said after sighing in defeat. "Next you be telling me your campaigning to have the sky turned pink."

"It does turn some interesting hues at dusk and dawn, but I feel that it be silly to try and permanently alter the sky hues based on personal preference, Misaka says as she remises of the time Touma and her watched the sunset."

So it seemed Touma was doing all the traditional romantic things with her sister... Mikoto couldn't really do anything romantic with Kuroko that couldn't be firmly hidden behind a solid (and preferably locked) door. It was frustrating when she heard of other couples having very public fun... but she could still remember that girl who got 'outed' in her first year.

While it wasn't uncommon for girls to hero worship others at Tokiwadai to the point were it was borderline romantic ( like what Kuroko 'seemed' to do), there was a certain line, a unwritten rule that it wasn't 'serous', that it would never go anywhere deep and meaningful. That girl had opened up her heart to another, one who worshipped the ground she walked on. She had started to think about the future, about a life with that girl... and that dream had been so cruelly smashed, that Mikoto, then just another Level 4, had nightmares about it for weeks. The really sick thing was the girl that she given her heart too, had been the one that had been the most vicious in the bulling, in making that girls life a living hell.

It still gave her chills.

"Bri Bri?" It was Touma's voice, he sounded concerned.

"Sorry." Mikoto quickly replied in a business like tone. "Was just thinking, nothing important, don't worry."

Touma gave her a strange look in return, but he didn't press the point.

"Anyway." He continued. "I've been thinking of taking advantage of the half term break that coming up to get away from the city for a few days, Imouto reassures me that she can sneak out Index and the cats, so they'll be enjoying a little culture trip on the coast with me and my folks, assuming her big sister trust me to look after her little sister for a few days."

"Don't do anything Kuroko would try to do in one of her less angelic moments." Mikoto replied as she relaxed a bit. "But I think you know the rules of what your allowed to do."

"Sure do boss!" Touma replied with a slight grin. Through he still tended to look tired all the time (which is perhaps why he tended to let Imouto do the talking when they were together), there was a certain optimism about him these days, that perhaps everything was going to turn out fine.

None of them knew what was coming to the city, none of them knew of the storm that would soon rage on all their life's.