"Hurry mother!" cried Mr. Beaver as the group entered the dam again, "They're after us!" The urgency in his voice was as clear as day.
Mrs. Beaver jumped in surprise, but quickly regained her composure. "Oh, right then." She said, walking into the kitchen. She opened up the wooden cabinets and began packing jars and cans of food.
"What's she doing?" asked Dez. Mr. Beaver rolled his eyes at his wife. Honestly, they were being chased by the Witch's wolves, food is not the top priority in this situation.
"You'll be thanking me later." said Mrs. Beaver as she grabbed more food and stuffed it into the brown sack, "It's a long journey, and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry."
"I'm cranky now!" shouted Mr. Beaver as he threw his hands in frustration. Cassidy ran to the kitchen to help Mrs. Beaver. She grabbed everything within her reach. Bread, vegetables, tea leaves, anything.
"Do you think we'll need jam?" Cassidy asked Mrs. Beaver.
"Only if the Witch severs toast!" Cassidy gave Austin a look of annoyance and rolled her eyes. Now was not the time to sass someone, she thought. She opened her mouth to retaliate but the sound of barks and growls silenced her. The wolves were outside the dam. Their sharp claws started scratching at the wood, opening small holes. It would only be a few seconds before they would storm inside. They were practically sitting ducks inside the dam.
"This way." whispered Mr. Beaver as he led the group to a underground tunnel, the entrance hidden in a cupboard. The tunnel was small, narrow, and damp. The only source of light came from the torches that Austin, Peter, and Alice. Everyone's heart was beating in their ears, knowing that the worst fate imaginable was outside of the unstable dam.
"Me an' Badger dug this, should open up near his place." said Mr. Beaver, running on all fours.
"You told me it led to your mum's!" said Mrs. Beaver. Mr. Beaver didn't say anything. He shouldn't have let that one slip. Suddenly, echoed howls filled the inside of the tunnel and caused everyone to freeze.
"They're in the tunnel." whispered Trish.
"Quick, this way!" shouted Mr. Beaver. Ally and the others ran as fast as they could, but the low celling made it difficult for them. Everyone felt their stomach drop when they were met face to face with a dead end.
"You should have brought the map!" cried Mrs. Beaver.
"There wasn't room next to the jam!" Mr. Beaver blurted out.
Mr. Beaver looked around, panicked. He needed to find a way out. If only there was... Oh, he was an idiot. Mr. Beaver passed his torch to his wife and jumped up. He crawled through the hole and beckoned everyone to follow him. They climbed out as quickly as possible. Once everyone was out of the tunnel, Peter and Dez helped Mr. Beaver close up the hole using the things around them. Ally backed away from the group, her breaths quick and shallow and her heart racing. She felt her feet hit something hard and cold and suddenly found herself lying on the snow-covered ground. Her eyes widened in horror when she realized what she had tripped over. Stone statues of animals, their faces forever frozen in fear. Mr. Beaver solemnly walked over to a statue of a badger and placed a paw on it's hand. His wife walked up behind him and softly placed her paws on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry dear." Mrs. Beaver whispered softly.
"He was my best mate." said Mr. Beaver, his vision blurring from unshed tears.
"What happened to them?" Trish asked, looking at the rest of the animal statues. The group gasped in fear when they heard a booming voice come from the top of a small cliff.
"This is what becomes of those who cross the witch." said the voice. The group looked up to see a full grown fox standing on the cliff, looking over them.
"You take one more step traitor," Mr. Beaver threatened, advancing forward while his wife tried to pull him back. "And I'll chew you to pieces!"
The fox slightly laughed at the beaver's attempt to scare him off. "Relax." He said while jumping off the small cliff. "I'm one of the good guys."
"Yeah? Well you look awfully like one of the bad one." accused Mr. Beaver, his wife still clinging to his arm.
"An unfortunate family resemblance, but we can argue breeding later." said the fox. The barks and howls of the wolves sounded closer every second.
"Right now, we need to move." said the fox when the sound of scratching claws came from the covered up hole in which the group escaped the tunnel in.
"What did you have in mind?" asked Ally. The fox gave a small smile and looked up. Oh, how he hoped this would work.
The wolves bursted through the tunnel exit and landed in a small, snowy clearing where the fox stood in the center.
"Evening gents," greeted the fox as the wolves surrounded him, "lost something have we?"
"Don't patronize me." growled Maugrim. "I know where your allegiance lies. We're looking for some humans."
"Humans, here in Narnia?" laughed the fox. "Now that's some valuable information, don't you think?"
One of the wolves lunged at the fox, sinking it's teeth into the fox's neck. He let out a small cry from the unexpected pain. Up on the tall branches of the trees, the group looked down at the scene. Ally gasped in horror, put Austin's hand quickly covered her mouth, so that no sound escaped.
"Your reward is your life." snarled Maugrim. "It's not much," he laughed, "but still. Where are the fugitives?"
The fox let out another small cry of pain. His eyes quickly darted up to the trees where he had hidden the group and dropped his head down in shame.
"North, they went North." confessed the fox.
"Smell them out." ordered Maugrim. The wolf holding the fox by his teeth threw him aside and returned to his pack. Their howls echoed though the mountains as they ran. The fox laid down on the snowy ground and let out a sigh of relief.
Hey everyone! I hope you guys liked this chapter! It was kinda hard for me to write for some odd reason. Sorry for such a long wait. Anywho, till next time.
- Kaylin