"Fairy Tail" Regular Speech.

'Fairy Tail' Regular Thoughts.

"Fairy Tail" Flashbacks.

"Fairy Tail" Spells/Dragons and other Monsters Speech.

'Fairy Tail' Dragons and other Monsters Thoughts.

Fairy Tail Stating of year or place.

Thank you everyone! I keep getting all those positive reviews and it really makes me happy. I do wish that some of the guests did have accounts so I can reply to them. Well to all you guest viewers out there, Thank you for all your kind reviews I really appreciate it! It is really insane, last chapter I got like almost 20 reviews over 4 days wow... Thank you!

I've gained a lot of motivation to write at the moment, last chapter was quite hard to write but it seems like you people found it entertaining and I am really happy. Most of you seemed interested in the fact that Naruto and Erza are siblings.

I'm sorry for posting really late I had planned to write this chapter almost immediately but I do have a really good reason for not writing. I mentioned in earlier chapters that my grandfather had cancer, the last few weeks he haven't been fairing that great so I've spent almost every day at his place and I haven't been writing too much, and now 17th of March he passed away... I am pretty sad atm and if I don't feel like writing I wont. But sometimes writing can be relaxing in situations like these so if I feel like it I'll write. Now that the funeral is over with, life is slowly returning to normal and I can get back to writing.

Oh, btw I had the biggest writers block... I just couldn't get the chapter the way I wanted it no matter how many times I rewrote it...

Remember that I write these stories on my free time and I do not earn anything from it. Therefore I would love any kind of support I can get such as reviews, Favorites and Follows. I accept both Negative and positive Reviews. The Negative ones tells me what I can improve in future chapters while possitive ones tells me what I'm good at so that I can continue the good stuff and improve my story. Please remember that English is my second language and my grammar isn't perfect, I'm trying my best to improve so please bare with me.

"We don't die for our friends, we live for our friends"

~Erza Scarlet.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Fairy Tail. Kind of wish I did tho...

Chapter 6: Revelations

Sitting on a chair beside a table inside a rather big room with a dining table and several chairs around it was a small boy, he sat there unmoving with something in his hands. This boy was Namikaze Naruto, and he had just found out that during the last 7 years he had spent without any family only an adoptive father. He always had a little sister somewhere out there without himself knowing. The name of that little sister was Erza, the same name as the girl Naruto had saved only a few days ago.

Now why was his own sister not with him and his parents when he was younger? Where was she? How come she never lived with his family and he had never heard about her before this day. Naruto looked down at the picture in his hands, the picture made him feel warm and happy inside. He turned it over once again and read the letter.

He put the letter down and put his hand infront of his eyes and rubbed them before he once again picked the letter up and read it for what felt like the tenth time since he got it just minutes ago. He slowly read the letter one word at the time.

There was no mistake, according to this letter he had a little sister but somehow he couldn't quite believe it was true. He had spent so many years without any blood relatives and then suddenly he had a little sister. It felt so unbelieveable. But at the same time he was also very happy.

"What does it say?" Naruto looked to his left and found Erza standing there with her head tilted as she looked at him cutely. There's no way this Erza is his sister right? her hair is the same as his mother... But that could just be a coincidence.

"It's nothing... Ne, Erza do you have any family?"

Erza continued to look at him for a second before her eyes drifted down to her feet as she smiled sadly."No... I don't have any family, never had one, I've always lived in this orphanage. I don't know my parents and I don't know why they left me. Though the people here at the orphanage are really kind. Especially Hiromi-obaachan."

Naruto sighed in response and banged his head in the table and closed his eyes and started rubbing his temples. This was all so frustrating, it fits in so perfectly. His mothers hair no family, left by her parents."Aah what the hell do I have to loose?" He shouted, startling the girl beside him slightly. He stood up quickly and pushed back his chair.

He grabbed Erza's hand and took of running leaving the building."Where are you taking me?" Came the scream from the young red head as she tried to keep up with the older boy. However she recieved no answer as Naruto kept on running.

It didn't take them long until they arrived at the village's hospital, Erza tried once again to ask why they were here. But like the other times she never got an answer from the dragonslayer. The group of two entered the hospital, they had both been here several times during the last few days. Naruto mostly because he stayed there to recover after his battle with Kouta.

The hospital was still quite busy and several injured people was spending their days there. Most of the population was relativly unharmed but there was a few casualties and a few with life threatening injuries.

Naruto and Erza had entered through the main entrance of the hospital and they quickly walked up to the waiting room. Naruto turned around to face Erza. "Wait here, I'll explain everything soon." He walked away and left her there leaving no time to talk back.

Erza sat down at a chair to wait for Naruto to get back. She had absolutley no idea to what was going on. But she would find out soon enough. However she had a bad feeling for some reason.

She could see Naruto talk to a secretary for a while before he turned around and walked up towards her and sat down at the seat next to her. He let out a long sigh.

"Are you going to explain now?"

He looked down to his right to find Erza staring up at him he could see the confusion evident in her eyes, aswell as a bit of anger and the slightest glint of curiosity.

He sighed for what could've been the hundredth tine that day, this day just kept getting wierder and wierder. He wasn't quite sure wether he was happy or not that Erza might be his sister. He didn't want to get his hopes up. Of course he was happy that he had a blood relative but the same question as several times before popped up in his head.

Why wasn't she with Naruto and his parents when they were younger? Did his parents really leave her? Neither of his parents seemed to be that kind of people from what Naruto could remember. Especially his mother she was always very loving and cared about her family more than anything in the world.

"I suppose I do owe you an explanation." Erza nodded at his words.

"Well. Do you remember the picture you found about half an hour ago?" He asked her.

Erza nodded "Yeah, it fell out of that picture book you were looking in."

"Exactly. It was the first time I ever saw that photo and I've looked through that book hundreds of times." He continued slowly.

"So what's so special about it? Get to the point already!"Erza cut in getting impatient at his slow explanation.

"I was getting to that don't interrupt me! This letter was different from the other ones I have in my picture book. This one had text on it's back." He stared of into nothingness, seemingly lost within his thoughts.

"And?" Erza spoke shaking him out of his thoughts. Naruto shook his head as he brought his hand into his pocket and picked something up. The read head looked at the piece of paper that emerged from his pocket, as he unfolded the piece of paper she noticed that it was the same picture from earlier.

He turned the picture around to the back and stared at it for a second before he started to speak again. "This text unveils something that's quite hard to understand even for myself. No matter how many times I've read it I can't quite believe it. And it might involve you."

Now that surprised Erza as she blinked a few times."It involves me? What does it say? Don't drag it out just tell me what it says!"

Naruto looked at her for a second, her eyes were filled with curiousity and eagerness, and slight fear. He didn't know how she would react to this piece of information. "Acording to this you and I might be brother and sister."

Erza sat there infront of the older boy looking at the picture in his hands. At first she showed no change in emotions for a few seconds as she let the information sink in. However those few seconds felt like an eternity for both of them.

She blinked once. Twice. Her eyes started to slowly widen as she slowly look up from the picture in his hands and met his eyes. It felt as if she looked into the core of his soul, searching through it as if looking for any hint of lies in what she had just been told.

Naruto turned the picture around and gave it to her.

"L-look, it's the truth!" He stuttered starting to get nervous from her gaze.

She took the piece of paper without as much as a word and looked at it. The photo was turned around and so she was able to read the text on the back.

She didn't have time to read through it as a nurse with blonde hair set up in a pony tail walked into the waiting room. She had a notepad in her arms as she quickly looked down at it for a second before she looked up again.

"I am looking for Mr. Namikaze." She announced into the waiting room.

Hearing his name Naruto almost bounced out of the chair he was sitting in. He grabbed Erza's available hand and dragged her towards the nurse.

The nurse once again looked down into her notebook and quickly checked something of with her pen.

"If you would please follow me." She said as she walked past them and down the main hall of the hospital.

The nurse led the two of them to a small room a little bit down the hall and let them in, she told them to sit down and so they did as both of them sat down at two open chairs. The nurse herself sat down at her desk and wrote down a few sentences on a paper before she put her pen down and moved her chair infront of Naruto and Erza.

"My name is Harumi and I'll be taking care of you today." She started of with a smile on her face as she looked at the kids infront of her.

Naruto nodded and she continued, "Now if I am not mistaken you are here for a DNA teat, am I right?" Naruto once again nodded his head to confirm. The nurse took forth two different syringes and put them on the table infront of her.

"Lets go with ladies first." She said and picked up one of the syringes and moved up to Erza. Harumi gently took her left arm and rolled up her sleeve.

"This might sting a little." She said as she stuck the syringe into her vein and slowly started to take some blood.

"So what's your name?" Asked the nurse as she kept looking down at the syringe to make sure she took the right amount of blood and not more than necesaary.

"Erza." She answered. Naruto looked at Erza and noticed her eyes were glued on the piece of paper in her right hand reading it's content. She was barley paying attention to the nurse.

The nurse finished and quickly wiped of a bit of blood from Erza's arm and placed a patch where she had stuck her with the syringe. She moved over to the next syringe and onto the next person.

She repeated the same process with Naruto and filled the syringe with the needed amount of blood and gave him a patch.

"Unfortunatley it takes three to five days for us to analyze your DNA and so you wont be able to get the answers right away, but if you come back in three days I'll make sure to have the results."

Naruto bowed to the nurse. "Arigato Harumi-san we will return in 3 days, thank you for helping us out." Harumi giggled slighly in reaponse.

"It was my pleasure Namikaze-kun, take care! I'll see you in three days." Harumi smiled kindly at both of them as they exited the room and left the hospital.

During the walk back to the orphanage there was an awkwars silence between the two of them. But that was kind of suspected.

How were they supposed to talk to each other? It all felt weird, they were nervous and didn't know if they should act as they did before they found out they might be siblings.

Erza had always wanted a family, and now she might have one, she was always alone. No one to talk to, no one was there to comfort her when she was sad. She had a warm feeling in her chest.

As they walked down the road Naruto glanced down at the shorter girl walking next to him. "Ne Erza," He started.

Erza looked up at him. "What is it?" she questioned him.

"Have you ever wanted a family?"

Erza returned her gaze at her feet once again. Of course she wanted a family, it was awful to have absolutley no family out there and she had lived like that for years. All alone with only the other children at the orphanage.

Erza nodded "Yeah, I want a family, it's very sudden to find out I might have a brother, but... I hope that we are siblings I've always longed for a family and now I might have one."

Naruto let out a sigh of relief and smiled. " I am glad, I may not know you that well but I also want my family back. I hope we are siblings aswell, however... I don't want to bring your hopes down too much but, you shouldn't keep your hopes up too high. Be prepared for the worst but also the best, and if the best happens embrace it with open arms."

Erza nodded, she knew this already but she couldn't help but get her hopes up, but at the same time she knew she shouldn't keep her hopes too high. The dissapointment would be unbearable.

The two of them kept the rest of the walk back to the orphanage silent. Some of the previous tension removed and not as awkward as earlier.

The following three days passed by very fast for both of them and they both interacted with each other and learned things about each other, Naruto even experienced her cake abuse first hand... Not a pretty sight, it was very much like the ramen addiction he got into over the past years, if not worse.

As of right now the two of them were sitting next to each other in the same hospital as three days ago. They are both very tense and can't wait for the answers of the DNA tests to be revealed. The wait for their namento be called is unbearable.

Looking down to his side he could see Erza sitting there with her eyes on the floor. Naruto looked closer and saw a smile on her face, she had her fingers crossed and her eyes closed as she sat there waiting. He couldn't help but smile, he would be lying if he said he didn't like Erza. Not romanticly. More like a... Sister?

They sat there waiting for a while until the very same nurse as three days ago with a curvy figure and blonde hair once again emerged out of a room and walked down the hallway.

The nurse walked into the waiting room with a smile evident on her face as she called out

"I am looking for Namikaze-kun."

Like the previous time she called his name out he bounced out of his chair in anticipation. Erza looked up aswell and followed after Naruto as they quickly walked up to the nurse.

"Hello Harumi-san!" Naruto called out as he waved at her, the young lady giggled slighly and waved back at him.

"Hello Naruto-kun, Erza-chan. If you would please follow me and we'll take a look at those DNA tests." Naruto and Erza nodded as they eagerly followed her down the hall and towards one of the rooms further down.

"Are you interested in finding out the results?" Asked Harumi.

It was Erza that answered. "Yeah, I can't wait!" Harumi turned her head around and smiled kindly. "Let's hope for the best then, ne?"

Both of the children nodded eagerly as Harumi opened the door to a room and led them inside.

When they were inside the room they did like the last time they were there and sat down on two empty chairs in the room. Harumi quickly grabbed some papers from her desk and sat down infront of them and read them through.

When finished she coughed into her hand to gain their full attention and then she spoke up with a very serious voice, different from the one the two of them had experienced earlier.

The two children were eager to finally find out the results of the DNA test, the last few days of seemingly endless waiting was finally over and the answer was just about to be announced.

"Three days ago the two of you came here and asked me to compare the DNA between Naruto Namikaze and Erza. I took two blood samples and ran tests on them, the genetic information I recived in them are extremley close... They are close enough for me to be able to tell that Naruto Namikaze and Erza are biological siblings."

Harumi put the papers down and looked ahead at the two new found siblings waiting for a reaction. At first there was no obvioous recation betwen the two of them they let the information sink in. However, it didn't take long time until a reaction showed.

It was Erza that was the first one to react as her eyes widened before she smiled widely. The next second Naruto's chair was on the floor and Erza ontop of him. She was smiling as she hugged her new found brother. Tears threatening to fall down from her eyes. She finally had the family she had longed for, all those years without anyone was finally over. She had a brother.

"O-Oi, what are you doing?" Came the surprised voice from Naruto.

Naruto was rather surprised when Erza was suddenly dived at him, they were on the ground as Erza hugged him. He looked down at her, he was not used to these kinds of interractions. It was years since anyone hugged him like this. The last person to give him a hug was Kazumi, after the incident that occured with the Uchiha family he avoided getting to know people to well since he wasn't staying for long. And beacuse he didn't want to experience anything similar again. With Erza now hugging him and refusing to let go felt... Wierd... But in a good way?

The interaction between the two new found siblings which mostly consisted of a tear eyed Erza hugging the life out of her brother was interrupted by the sound of giggling. The siblings looked up to find Harumi looking down at them her hand in front of her mouth as she giggled at them.

Erza quickly jumped of Naruto to avoid further embarrassment. Naruto got up on his feet and pulled up the chair that had fallen to the ground.

The nurse giggled once again as she smiled kindly at the two of them. "I suppose this was what you were hoping for am I right?"

Erza nodded her head vigorously with a giant grin on her face. "Of course it was! I finally have a family." Naruto nodded to the side but kept silent. Harumi once again dispalyed her never ending smile on her face. " That's great I am glad for you. However I have other business to attend to and I have to leave." Harumi turned around to leave the room.

Rustling was heard behind her as she turned around once again. Behind her she found Naruto kneeling on the ground, his head touching the floor as he almost screamed out " Thank you Harumi-san!" The nurse giggled once again. " I'm just glad to be of help." She turned around and walked out of the room shutting the door behind her. 'This is just another amazing thing about this job, seeing people happy always warm my heart.'

Naruto and Erza left with the nurse and made their way out of the hospital and then started to walk back to the orphanage.

During the walk back it was quite silent and no conversation passed between the two of them. But this silence was not awkward. Naruto was walking down the path with his hands in his pockets with a small smile tugging on his lips. Next to him Erza was happily scampering about as she hummed on a tune, a giant grin on her face.

Erza slowed down and started to walk next to him, her smile faded as she looked down at the ground causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow at her change of behavior.

"Ne, Naruto.." She started slowly, her gaze still stuck on the ground beneath her feet.

"Y-yeah?" He answered back with a slightly unsecure tone, unsure of what she was going to say.

"Now that we are siblings can I call you Onii-chan?" She asked seriously as she looked up at him with a blush on her face, her face was surprisingly serious as she looked at him.

Naruto was taken back by the seriousness of something he thought was very insignificant." W-well I suppose that's okay I don't really mind."

Erza's facial expression changed once again as she jumped into the air her fist raised as she shouted. " Yatta! This is the best day of my life." She took of running ahead of him before she turned around and smiled brightly at him."Arigato, Onii-chan." She once again took of running ahead of him.

Naruto could only shake his head at his sister's behaviour, though he kind of liked being called Onii-chan, it gave him a warm feeling in his chest a feeling he hadn't experienced in years.

Naruto and Erza had spent the rest of that day with each other, and they even told Kagura about what they found out. She was very surprised, it also brought back a few memories. As it turned out her brother Simon had been one of the citizen that were captured by the invaders.

The siblings started to get to know each other well and that was great but the hard part was what the two of them were doing right now. Convincing a certain dragon to let Erza travel and live with them.

"Who is it we are supposed to find up here?" Asked a certain red haired girl as she walked up a mountain slightly outside the village together with her brother.

According to her brother there was something they needed to find up here, or rather someone they needed to speak with.

Naruto wasn't going to leave his sister alone in the village and leave to continue his training without her. No way. He had finally found his family, he might view the dragon as his father due to a lack of one in his life but this was his sister in blood.

"It's my father, I am traveling with him we have to make sure you can come with us on our travels!" He answered as he kept on walking up the mountain never noticing how Erza stopped.

When he finally did he turned around to find her staring at him with wide eyes as she whispered out. "Your F-father... Does that mean I have a f-"

Realising his mistake he quickly interrupted her mid sentence. "I am sorry Erza, but he is not your father. He isn't my father either, he's my adoptive father." he answered sadly.

He could see the dissapointment evident in her eyes as he walked up to her and quietly muttered an apology before he started to once again pull ger up the mountain.

It didn't take the two of them long until they were up the mountain and spotted the giant cave, Naruto walked up towards the cave dragging his sister with him. As they approached the cave they could hear the sound of heavy breathing. The red head was slightly disturbed by it.

The siblings entered the cave and Erza stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide at what she could see infront of her. A giant beeing with golden scales shining like the sun was on the ground infront of her, resting its head on its giant paws.

"Oh, Naruto you're back, took you long enough." Started the deep voice as its eyes drifted towards Erza. "And you brought someone with you... Great..." It continued with a sigh and a roll of its eyes.

"Yeah, I'm back, but I do have a reason for bringing her with me! I know you tell me not to bring anyone up here, but this is important to me." He said seriously as he looked at his adoptive father.

"Reason? Well then, let's hear your reason."

Naruto coughed in his hand before he continued speaking. "You know how you always wanted a daughter right?"

The dragon blinked. "What are you talking about? I don't want a daughter, I've got my hands full with an annoying brat like you."

Ignoring what Axagon said he continued as if he never said anything, annoying the dragon ever so slightly. "Well, since I know you want a daughter I brought this girl with me." He gestured towards the read head. " Her name is Erza and she is my biological sister." He continued.

"Now that you mention it, she does smell a bit like you... Whatever, get to the point already."

"The point is I want her to travel with us, she is my bioligical sister and I wont take no for an amswer." He said stubbornley.

"Yeah sure, whatever." Said the giant dragon as it closed its eyes and went back to sleep.

The blonde blinked a few times, that was not what he was expecting. "What? Just like that? No questions, no refusal? You're really just going along with this?" He asked dumbfounded.

The giant dragon opened its eyes to look down at his azoptive son. "I could change my mind if that's what you want. I really shouldn't take her i for reasons I'd rather keep to myself. But if you want a reason... See it as a reward for you, from me."

" A reward? For what? Did I do something or are you just up to something?" The blonde asked disbelievingly.

The only answer he got was a deep sigh from the giant dragon as it closed its eyes to let slumber take him.

"Okay then, Erza let's leave before he change his mind. I advise we leave the introduction for later." Naruto grabbed his little sisters hand and slowly left the cave. Leaving Axagon by himself.

The giant dragon opened his right eye to show his iris that was shining a blinding gold very much like the sun. The dragon shifted his body as he thought one last thought before he let his long awaited sleep take him.

'You've grown. I'm proud of you. My son.'

Well there we go, chapter 6 fininshed. I'll leave you with a hint for the next chapter. Year X777. I have an own 'arc' in mind starting next chapter.

No matter how many times I rewrote it I couldn't get it right... After leaving you with nothing for two and a half months I felt like I had to deliver something today, I hope you found it somewhat enjoyable atleast... Tell me what you thought in the reviews.

The scene with Naruto and Erza walking to the orphanage the second time... I took it from an anime I watched a while back. Dunno what its name was but I felt I had to put it in there. .

If you think I changed Erza too much, relax she wont change that much she will still be Erza, and she is happy right now with finally finding her family. She didn't experience tower of heaven either so I made her slightly more cheerful now that she is so young.

For all of you who didn't know, Fairy tail came back april 5th, and it was amazing! I was all giddy as I waited up all night so I could see it the moment it was released. I've been spending quite sometime to rewatch a few episodes. I was all giddy for the return of the series. Just watching my favorite episodes gave me goose bumps. My favorite ones are episode 167 and 175. The music, the feelings, the emotions! Aaah I love it. Fairy Tail have the absolute best music out of any anime by far! There aint nothing compared to Fairy Tail. Best anime by far.

Other than that, I wont rush the Naruto x Mira pairing. I want to put out good content and focus on the story and in time I will delve into their relationship and build it up. I don't want to end up pairing them up in like 2 chapters. Everyone loves when it moves slowly and other hardships with relationships. We will get there tho. First I need to introduce the girl. Oh and by the way for the few of you that were wondering. No I wont add another girl...

The final thing is that I'll try to get out more chapters faster in the future. Now that I wont spend as much time away at my grandfathers place I'll get more time to write.

While you are waiting for the next chapter. Review,review review!

Ja ne.