Part 1
Crash and Burn
Disclaimer: I own? You just keep telling yourself that. And while we're on subject, what color is the sky in YOUR little world today?
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The woman shivered as she pulled her worn coat closer to try to ward off the cold. She shivered in spite of it, the cloth too thin to be of any use. But it was still better than nothing. The roads were dark. Not that she expected anything else anyway. There were no streetlights here, not anymore. Hitler had taken over the planet before she was even born. Why would she remember it? Little Japan, who had a treaty with him, thought they were safe. And look where it got them? Second to his "Elite" race. What a treaty. She wished desperately for a time machine so she could kill the leaders of the time herself.
Her thick sky colored hair fought the scarf tied around her head, trying to get loose. Shaking fingers re-tied it. If one of the Aryans saw her exotic beauty, she could kiss her life good-bye. Not that she had much of one. Her home was close now. It wouldn't be well in the way of warmth, but she'd welcome any bit of protection it would bring. The medicine she'd stolen for her father clicked softly in her pocket. She slipped her hand around the bottle to muffle the sound of the pills.
In some other life, the woman may have been a brilliant scientist, inventor, or doctor. She was unnaturally intelligent, but that didn't matter here. What mattered was that she had to hide it. If she was found to be superior to the Aryan race, she could be put to death. Not a good thought. She swallowed hard and began to run. There were almost never guards on this section of road. Her skirts, torn and hole filled, flapped behind her. She grasped her scarf with one hand to keep it on. Three more meters and she was home free. The door was locked. She pounded on it lightly and waited for it to open.
A second woman, this one with black hair and coal colored eyes opened the door. She was several years younger than the first, couldn't have been more than sixteen while the first appeared around twenty, and had pale looking skin. "Bulma!" The woman breathed with relief. "You made it."
"Of course I did. Are you going to make me stand out here until I get caught?" Bulma asked, somewhat annoyed.
"If I say yes, would you be mad?" The other grinned and let her in.
"Take a guess. Where's Papa?"
"Over here. He's not doing very well. He's too hot and he's moaning in his sleep." Her face betrayed her worry. "We might be too late. I did all I could, but it may not be enough."
"Great. Well, I got the medicine. Do you think that will help?" Bulma held out the glass bottle.
"Kami-sama, it better. If not, he may die." She took it quietly.
"You can heal anyone, right Chichi? He's not going to die. You've healed people worse off, right?" Bulma's eyes grew wide.
"There's no telling what may happen. I've never seen this sickness, Bulma, you know that. If I could have proper training... but they won't allow that." Chichi sniffed. "He's as much my Otousan as yours. Especially since mine died."
"I know. You'll fix him. You haven't let anyone down before. I have faith in you."
"I'm glad someone does, I don't. If he dies, I don't what to do!" Chichi almost burst into tears. She gulped, and drew herself up. "There's no time for that now. I can cry LATER."
Bulma looked towards the small bedroom on one end of the house. "Oh, Chi-chan, I hope he'll be okay."
"Me too, B-chan. Me too." Chichi whispered, entering the bedroom.
Bulma looked around their small apartment. One minuscule bedroom and a main room. Chichi and Bulma slept in the main room, on simple cots that her father had dug up somewhere. They were old, but better than what most people had. Hers was currently missing. Her father was on it. She and Chichi were taking turns using Chichi's. The kitchen made up one corner of the main room, a stove with an oven and a small sink. One overhead cabinet finished the place.
It was dirty, not that anyone here would notice. To them, the small dingy rooms were the most normal things in the world. Bulma bit her lip. It had been seventy five years since Hitler had gained world domination and his grandson had taken over the throne. Bulma still couldn't figure out how Hitler, who was by no means brilliant, had done to gain world domination so easily. Still, things had steadily declined since he'd taken over. The non-Aryans were pushed slowly into slavery and select people had all been killed off. It would only get worse.
He'd probably start killing off people like her soon. The half Aryans were probably the bane of his existence. Bulma was one of many caused by rape and other situations that were running about the streets. She was the lowest of low life forms, never truly accepted by either race. She was one of the few that actually had an Aryan mother. The woman was such a ditz that she was amazed she'd actually had the brains to hide her pregnancy. But she had. And once she was born, she was sent off to live with her father, never too see her mother or know her. Part of Bulma's inner self suspected that her mother sent them the cots, and other needed but usually scarce items they had. It was no matter. She didn't know her father was sick, and it wasn't likely that it would have mattered.
Chichi re-entered the room and sighed. "His breathing is a lot better he's not wheezing quite as much and he's sleeping a bit more normally."
"That's good?"
"Yeah. Very good. That medicine was almost a miracle. I think he may live through this." Chichi smiled at her friend. "He's not quite so warm either."
"He'll get through this. He's done worse odds, right?" Bulma smiled. A strained and weary one, but a smile none-the-less.
"Yeah. We'll all get through this. Together."
> > > > > >
"Kakarotto!" Yelled a short man of about twenty one with flame-like black hair and cold black eyes. His form was regal despite his height; he stood tall and proud, sculpted muscles covered by olive skin gleaming with sweat.
"Hai, Vegita-sama?" The young man, only sixteen with wild black hair, cool black eyes, and the same olive colored skin tones bowed before the first.
"Where were you? You are fifteen minutes late!" The first shouted.
"Gomen nasi, my prince, but I was held up by Freeza. To make you mad, my prince." He explained, looking angry.
"I see. He needn't know of my anger, but you better be ready for a serious beating, boy." The prince scowled.
"Of course, my prince." Kakarotto nodded. The two crouched into fighting stances, eyes light with a wild joy and adrenaline pumping.
The two were of the few survivors of the Saiya-Jin race, a rather viscious race of humanoid beings with monkey-like tails. It was rare for any full blood Saiya-Jin to have any hair or eye color other than black, though tail color did vary a bit more, in various shades of brown. The king had been one of the few exceptions to the hair color, with a reddish brown shade, and the prince, while it not being nearly so obvious, still had a blood colored tint to his coal colored hair. His tail, a dark mahogany, was wrapped around his waist in preparation for the fight.
Kakarotto, the younger and taller of the two, had the normal black on black hair,which stuck out in all directions, though his tail was a warmer shade of brown, almost like cherry wood. The duo wore the traditional armor of their people, a spandex like material for the body suite, the prince's in royal blue, Kakarotto's in black, and the white chest plate with a gold half oval around both the lower back and stomach. There was fairly small shoulder guards attached to them, favored less by the race and more by the two warriors and the prince's breastplate had the royal symbol on the right side.
They flew at each other in a violent dance, their moves showing off both power and grace. Ki glittered about their bodies, plummeting their faces into sharp relief. Their hands and feet were blurs and their movements were unseen by the normal human eye. Vegita, the prince, was knocked back several feet by a wayward punch, blood dripping from his nose. Kakarotto took the moment's respite to catch his breath, a trickle of blood falling from the corner of his mouth. Their gazes met and they began to move in a flurry of blows once more.
"That was a good workout today, my prince." Kakarotto laughed and grinned at the shorter Saiya-Jin when they had both stopped.
"I'll give you that, third class." The prince agreed.
It was not obvious to anyone that didn't know the two were good friends that they even liked each other at all. Kakarotto was indeed a third class by birth, and had managed to gain as much power as the prince in less amount of time. He would eventually pass the prince, but he was loyal, and Vegita was well liked by the younger Saiya-Jin despite his violate temperament.
Vegita, on the other hand, would never admit he liked Kakarotto in any way though that was expected. The two were almost brothers, but Freeza didn't know that. He only knew what they showed him, that they hated each other and Kakarotto only served the prince because he was stronger. Neither of which was true.
The intercom beeped and they glanced at each other and then back at the intercom. "Ouji-sama? Kakarotto?" The voice was that of Kakarotto's older brother, Radditsu. "Freeza wants to see you both in his quarters. He has a mission for you."
Vegita cursed and Kakarotto sighed. He hated the missions and Vegita knew it. He only did it because it was his life if he didn't and the planet would be purged anyway. "Let's see what he wants." Vegita snapped, now in a bad mood.
"Hai, Ouji-sama." Kakarotto agreed, both fearing that their scouters had been turned on without their knowing. Freeza would not have found anything odd about their sparring session but friendly conversation would be looked into and they could not afford the investigation.
The duo went quickly to Freeza's quarters and stopped at the door. The frog-like creature by the side glanced at the two. "Vegita and Kakarotto here by Lord Freeza's orders." Vegita snapped. The being cowered and ran into the room.
"Good." The voice that was heard gave no hint of the being's sex, and while Freeza was considered male, no one was entirely positive he was entirely straight. He could even be asexual, and no one would know. Freeza kept all records about his species a secret and the few the Saiya-Jins managed to gain were few and far between, thanks only to both Kakarotto and his father, Bardock. They were geniuses with electronics and Bardock was an excellent scientist. "Send them in." The creature continued.
Kakarotto and Vegita exchanged looks and stepped into the room. "Milord." They fell to their knees as the creature laughed. Holding in a grimace, both Saiya-Jins touched their foreheads to the floor and remained in that position until Freeza bade them to rise.
The creature turned to the window and swirled what appeared to be wine around in a delicate crystal glass. "We have buyers for the solar system Zen-Ha. The planet Freeza 74. It is very close to Tor-Amisa. I want the planet cleared."
"Freeza 74 is clear, milord." Kakarotto looked confused.
"You insolent fool! Not Freeza 74! Tor-Amisa!" Freeza roared. Kakarotto gulped.
"Of course, milord." He agreed quickly. "I am far below your brilliance to understand such a thing."
Freeza appeared to buy the flattery. Kakarotto nearly sighed in relief. "You leave in two hours." He added, almost as an after thought. "Now get out of my sight!"
"Of course, milord." The two Saiya-Jins bowed quickly from the room.
"I don't know why he sends me on missions with you, moron." Vegita could be heard through the door.
"I do not know either, my prince." Kakarotto replied softly.
"Did I tell you to speak, third class? I don't think so!" There was a noise of flesh on flesh and Freeza grinned.
"I will find out all about you soon, Vegita." He whispered softly. "Very soon."
> > > > > >
(A/N) Well, something different! I thought my idea for half-breed
revolution was interest, should it be the regular humans in the part,
rather than Ananda and crew, so, I opted to write this! Ananda is not
in it (though her name may be if I run out of them). I'm not too sure
how it is, but I think it'll be interesting. Tell me what you think,
please! Especially if you want more! This story probably will be one of
those, must have reviews to continue since I'm not too sure about it!
But, hopefully not. I haven't done that yet, and I don't wish to start
Well, R/R, please!
Lady Foeseeker