I don't own Yu-gi-oh

Chapter 1 Trying to get away

Yugi started to run. He hoped they wouldn't catch him. Then he ran into someone. 'OH NO!' he thought. The person who he had run into was one of the bullies that were chasing him. He grabbed Yugi's collar of his jacket and dragged him to an abandoned ally. He struggled to get away, but it only made it worse. "Please! I'm sorry!" he said. "Too late for that." the bully said. "Hey guys i found the little runt!" The other bullies came running to their leader. (Did i mention he's the leader of them? No? Oh... Well you know now.) They started to hit, punch, and kick Yugi, until he couldn't even stand. It wasn't like anyone was going to come to help him. Yugi had been being ignored by his friends for the longest time. It had been 6 months since Yami had gotten his own body and was attracting everyone's attention. Yugi was always left out and they never noticed he was in some pain since the bullies had gotten back to their job of bullying him. They left him laughing and saying "Don't worry we'll be back tomorrow!" they kept smiling and when Yugi was sure they were gone, he got up and walked to the park. It was starting to rain and Yugi was tripped by some other bully and he fell in the mud. "Hey are you ok kid?" he heard a voice say. He looked up to see Bakura holding out his hand to help Yugi up. "Yeah perfectly fine." he said. "You don't look ok... Are you really sure?" he asked. "Yes, Bakura, I'm completely sure." Yugi said. "Well you better get home Yugi." Bakura said as he helped Yugi up. "Yeah I will." Yugi said. He ran home leaving Bakura staring after him. "Thanks Bakura." he yelled over his sholder. When Yugi got home he heard his friends laughing and playing Duel Monsters. Joey came out when he heard the door open and slam closed behind Yugi. "Hey Yug!" he shouted. "Where ya been?! We had to actually get up and get da sodas ourselfs! SO GO GET US SOME MORE!" "S-sorry! I'm going!" Yugi squeaked as he ran to the fridge to get them. He grabbed the sodas and brought them to them. "H-here you g-go." he said. "It's about time!" Yami yelled. Yugi flinched. That night after everyone had left Yugi stared out the window watching the rain come down. (It's supposed to rain all night) 'I can't take it anymore' Yugi thought. He then opened the window and jumped down onto the sidewalk. He ran to the park and was soaked to the skin when he got there. He sat down on a bench in the rain and closed his eyes for a minute. He had tripped and fell in some mud on the way there, so now he was all muddy. He had scraped his arm against the concrete too so he was bleeding a little bit. He started shivering then jumped when he felt a hand on his sholder. He looked up and saw Bakura and Ryou. He realized he was crying too. "What's wrong Yugi?" Ryou asked softly in a gentle voice. Yugi just looked down at the ground. "We should get him home..." Bakura said. "NO! I-I DON'T WANNA GO BACK THERE!" Yugi yelled. They all looked startled. Then Yugi said quiter "No... I can't go back there... I don't want to, please don't make me!" "Well ok then..." said Ryou. "Wanna come to my place kid?" asked Bakura. "Anywhere but the game shop!" Yugi said. "Well ok then..." Bakura and Ryou said.