Warning: This chapter contains slight child abuse.

This Fanfic WILL contain spoilers

Chapter 1: New Life

"N-no please...I-don't want to be here..."

"Shut up brat, and if I were you I'd keep quiet."

3 beings passed through the jet white panels of the DPA, a mother a father, and a terrified 16 year old.

"M-mom...please..." The chestnut haired boy pleaded.

"I said quiet!" The father belted in his most hushed voice, a sharp blow to the boys head soon after.

The trio walked through the lobby and up to the front desk, people hurrying about in their day to day lives behind them.

"Hello, we're here to see Professor Dawkins?" The mother said whilst she swept her darkened hair across her shoulder, her embrasure elongating her back.

The short dark skinned woman scanned her computer a moment before bouncing up to the family.

"Oh, the Bryson's, Dr. Dawkins is waiting for you in his office. Just go straight down the hallway and it's the last door on the right." She said with a smile.

The mother thanked her, and the group began their journey through the now unlocked double doors. With each step he took, the boy felt as if his stomach was churning, he felt limp in his knees, and his fear began rising in his chest. With each door and overlooking light passed, his dread filled over the brim, and he anxiously looked towards the people in front of him.

As they approached the final door, the father made sure no one was looking before grabbing the boy's shoulders and throwing him into the wall. His body hit with thump, and the man pinned his young shoulders down with a dagger like grip. His ice cold stare of brown eyes dug into his gaze and the pain where he was gripping him stung harder.

"You listen here you little freak, I want no lip from you in there you got it?" He demanded in a punching tone.

With no response emanating from the boy, the dad gripped his hair and lightly slammed his head against the wall.

"I said do you got it!?"

"Y-yes..." The boy said as his own eyes feared for their lives.

The man let his grip go, and all three entered through the door. Inside was another small waiting room, small red chairs decking the corners and another door directly in front of them. Walking through the man knocked twice on the door before a faded 'come in' rang from the other side.

The first thing the boy noted was how cramped it was in the room.

Files and files of countless documents lay astray across desks and shelves, books lay clipped open and thrown apart, the light was dim and husk, and even the computer filling the room with a small dense blue hue couldn't mask that.

Nathan Dawkins sat behind the computer, his aged face and ragged blown hair crafting his image. His face hung in a frown as he continued on with his work until he glanced up to see his company.

"Ah! The Bryson's, come in, come in have a seat."

As each patron took their spot, mother and father on the left, son on the right, and the boy felt beads of sorrow dwindle down his neck.

This wasn't going to end well.

"Hello Kylir." Nathan said as they all sat down.

Kylir said nothing as he sat down, his brown hair brushing past his eyes.

"So let's cut to the chase shall we, Catherine, John, have you given any thought to my proposition?" Nathan asked as he folded his hands on his desk.

"We have, and we'd like to accept." John replied.

"Now are you sure Mr. Bryson? Your son will be gone for a very long time."

"We understand that. We would still like to accept the offer." Catherine said.

"Okay then, now I assume you'll need a few days to prepare your things?" Nathan asked as he looked to the boy now on the verge of tears.

"No need." His father spoke up. "He brought his things with him."

This surprised Nathan. "Well then, i guess you can go get your things and we'll move you in-"

Nathan's voice faded in Kylir's ears, his vision running stagnant and his breathing slowed. The only thing that registered within his ears was one simple sentence, the statement announcing the death of his old life, and into a new hell.

"Welcome to the DPA."

Blankets of unkempt snow fell from the sky as mid-December rolled around. Kylir sighed as he glanced up from his bedroom window, the outside world seeming so gloom within his own reality. He's only been in the Department of Paranormal Activities for about 6 months now, but every moment he wished he could just go home, or at least to a home. His so called home never cared about him, and he felt likewise.




It made no difference, for they simply threw Kylir out of their lives, broken and alone. They were afraid of him, and truth be told, so was Kylir. Ever since he was younger, he had found he had an adept ability to do certain things. If he focused in a certain way, he could get objects to move in directions he wanted them too. Of course across the globe people speculate they can do this, yet it's only by centimeters or by magnets. Kylir on the other hand, was flinging desks across the room at the age of 5. Now 17, his parents fed up with the teenager, decided to hand him over to the DPA. Nathan however did approach them months before asking about their sons talents, but they spontaneously denied the bludgeoned statement as they were too shallow to reveal it to the world. But do to some peculiar thinking, they decided the world didn't need to know they had a freak for a son, so they released him to the DPA, where he will now spend the rest of his days locked up as a lab rat.

Kylir glanced at his clock next to his bed.


"Better head to Nathan's..." He murmured.

Every night aside from Sunday's, Nathan had Kylir go through a series of tests to study his abilities. So far, Kylir was sick of it.

Pulling his body up from his hold, Kylir made his way out from his room into the hallway. The monotonous tic of the hospital drawing his senses into a dull, his body followed the lax motions of maneuvering throughout the building. The fogged perception clouded his judgment, and he soon collapsed to the floor with a searing throb to the head.

Groaning he looked up dazed to see a girl probably around the same age as him rubbing her forehead, her brown hair pillowing down her shoulders and onto her red hood.

"I am so sorry about that. I can be a bit of a klutz sometimes." She said as her brown eyes scanned the man in front of her. Kylir returned a smile as he helped himself and the girl up off the ground.

"It's no biggie. I wasn't watching where I was going." Kylir responded once helping her up.

"No, no, it was totally my fault. Besides, I think I was pushed." The girl murmured the last half of the statement as her eyes spat in the air at some invisible specter.

Kylir stared at her for a moment in confusion before he spoke again.

"Well I have to get going, sorry again."

As he began to walk forward, her voice called out to him once more.

"Wait, what's your name?" She asked.

"Kylir, you?"


YES, I have started a new fanfic. Don't hate me my rotg fans...I will be continuing silent slumber! I've seriously just been so swamped with so much work.

And here I thought Senior year was going to be fun and easy...

ANYWAY, I told you I was going to start a Beyond Two souls fanfic and here it is! I hope you like the O.C. I made. I'm not quite sure yet if I want him to develop a relationship with Jodie or just be her best friend. What do you guys think?

Speaking of Beyond two souls, I'm on my 2nd run through of it because I'm trying to get the "Uncontrollable" Trophies so I just basically have to kill everyone with Aidan...but can we just all take a moment to realize HOW FREAKING AMAZING THIS GAME WAS!?

It left me with so many emotions I don't even know anymore...the ending just completely blew my mind away and I seriously love this game/story etc. to death. It's a complete masterpiece.

Thanks for reading guys!

As always,