Shane is a good kisser!
Last time I kissed it was barely a peck so there was no way to know, but now... His lips were so soft and gentle, moving against mine as he reached up to cradle my head with his left hand, both of mine still fisted in his shirt. I felt Shane's lips part and his warm tongue touched my lips. I didn't even hesitate to open my mouth and pretty soon we were making out. Thank God for a singers lung capacity as well 'cause we could go without air longer than the average person. I was acutely aware that when we did have to part for air I let out a moan when Shane kept kissing, little kitten nips at my lips as we tried to catch out breath.
"Damn, Woman." Shane sat back with a lazy grin, though infinitely closer than he was before, my unhurt leg now hooked around his hip and his right hand still cradling my head tenderly. "That's one Hell of a way to admit you're crushing on me."
"Shut up." I flushed, though I did smile shyly and bite my lip.
"So." Shane began after a short moment, his hand moving around from my neck to brush his thumb across my lips. "You know I'm crushing on you, and I know you're crushing on me, and that was one Hell of a really awesome kiss..." His cheeks were flushed pink too, it was kinda endearing. "Does this mean my plan to court you worked?"
"Not much of a courting process." I scoffed, but he just shrugged.
"This is still just the beginning, Babe, tonnes more courting to do." With that he leaned forward and kissing me again, slow and sweet. "I'm gonna court the Hell outta you."
"How romantic." I muttered dryly.
"I mean it though." He flashed me a shy look. "I wanna do the whole romantic thing if you'll let me."
"Kinda soon isn't it?" I asked nervously, not entirely sure what I wanted the answer to be. "I mean we never even talked before yesterday."
"I just had my tongue down your throat." Shane pointed out with a raised eyebrow. "Look." He sighed, "I won't lie, I'm not gonna say I wanna be your friend 'cause I don't. I want more than getting friend-zoned. I want you."
"What's wrong with friends? Lilly and Oliver were best friends for, like, ten years before they started dating." I reasoned, although Lilly and Oliver were 5 when they first met.
"You're really gonna say you want to be friends after that kiss?" I blushed, we definitely had chemistry.
"No." I had to agree with him. "But, that doesn't mean we'd work as more, we spent half of the last two days arguing."
"So..." Shane bit his lip and thought for a moment. "What about when we get out of here you give me a real chance? Go out with me?"
"Like a date?" I questioned, feeling butterflies in my belly.
"One date." Shane nodded with a smile. "And if you don't want to continue then I won't bother you again." He bargained hopefully.
"One date." I agreed shyly. We sat in silence for a while, I couldn't help but smile.
"Just out of curiosity; do you kiss on the first date?" Shane asked after a minute making me giggle.
"Nope." I denied, giggling again when his smirk fell off his lips. "So, I guess you're lucky this isn't a date." I grinned, leaning forward again and pecking his lips. I couldn't seem to get enough of his lips. His soft, sweet, perfect lips.
"We should slow down before I have to leave the room again." Shane warned, but he didn't pull away, instead he kept kissing me. His lips touched mine tenderly, plying my lips apart and letting his tongue into my mouth.
"Definitely slow down." I mumbled, when we parted for barely a second. I reached my ands up to his face, feeling the stubble on his jaw from not shaving for two days.
"Fuck!" He flinched away from me as he swore, holding his left hand close to him.
"What happened?" I worried, one second everything was perfect the next he was in pain.
"Can't keep my hands off that damn ass." Shane shot me a pained grin.
"Let me get you some aspirin." I decided, starting to move.
"I got it." Shane was up and at the first aid box before I could move an inch. "Shit, we should get some sleep." He muttered after swallowing two tablets dry. "It's, like, almost midnight." My eyes widened, how did it get so late without us noticing? Shane helped me move over to wear the sleeping bags were and carefully tucked me in before climbing in himself.
"I don't want to sleep." I hummed, propping myself up on my elbow to look at him after we switched off the torches. In the darkness the shadows made his lashes look even longer as they fluttered against his cheeks.
"What do you want to do?" I could see him smiling in the dark. I didn't answer again, I had a habit of not answering when Joe asked me something. I kissed him again.
When The Snow Comes Down In Tinseltown
I woke up feeling hot. Like, seriously hot. I was sweating and everything, I groaned and tried to shift away from the overwhelming warmth, but it was surrounding me. I forced my eyes open and found myself facing a wall... Well, not literally a wall, like bricks and stuff, but a wall of muscle. Shane was sweating in his sleep too and his shirt was sticking to his chest so I could see all his clearly defined muscles as he snored lightly.
"Shane." I mumbled, trying to move out of his arms, but he was strong. I was facing Shane's chest and his arms we wrapped securely around me, leaving no room for any movement, but it wasn't uncomfortable, he was actually really cuddly, but it was also way too hot.
"Stop moving." Shane's voice infiltrated my sense and I had to hold in a moan; rough, husky and low and right in my ear. God, he sounds sexy first thing in the morning.
"Let go of me." I muttered back, my hands pushing feebly against his chest. "It's too hot."
"I know you're hot, Miles, no need to remind me." Shane said and without even looking I knew he was smirking.
"Seriously, Shane, I'm frying my ass off." I complained, earning a deep chuckle in response, though he did let me go and roll over.
"Well, it is a nice ass." Shane grinned when I managed to push myself out of the sleeping bags and turned onto my knees. "Hate for it to fry off." I heard him moving as I crawled away a little to cool down.
"Sweet niblets, how did it get so hot?" I actually needed to fan myself from the residual heat.
"I'm hot." He smirked at me lazily. "You're hot and half naked." I blushed,, "two people like us come together it can't help but affect the rest of the world." He reasoned with a shrug, pulling his shirt over his head.
"What the Hell?" I gulped, my voice going high a little at the end. Why was he stripping?
"It's gettin' hot in here..." Shane sang, playfully tossing his shirt at me as he went to the first aid.
"Ew." I threw the shirt aside and couldn't help but admire the boy in front of me, now wearing his jeans and shoes. Now I just had to work on getting rid of the jeans...
"Seriously, it's hot and I'm hungry." He said, grabbing the bottle of aspiring before coming to sit next to me with a bottle of water.
"How's your hand?" I questioned, eyeing his fingers. Even the knuckles that weren't bandaged were bruised and cut.
"I'll be fine." Shane threw back two aspirin and a swig of water. "Here." He handed them to me. "An ankle is a lot worse than a finger or two."
"Thanks." I smiled gratefully. Now that I'd cooled down the chill in the air wasn't nearly as bad as the last few days.
"Hang on." Shane jumped after a minute, going over to the wall that had the tiny little window at the top of it.
"What are you doing?" I watched as he moved a few things around before climbing up onto a box.
"Checking the weather." Shane answered conversationally. "It's still snowing." He jumped down and he was smiling at me. God, he has a sweet smile. "But, not as bad, I think the blizzard or whatever has passed." He grabbed his sweater and tugged it over his head again before holding out his hand. "Come on, we can get our asses outta here without freezing them off."
"Fuck!" I swore when I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. Why did I put both feet down?
"Jeez, Woman, I want you to make it back without breaking something else." Shane shook his head after he caught me. "And just so you know, you sound freaking hot when you swear."
"Shut up." I bit my lip, my foot really hurt now. Dang flabit, I'm an idiot. What sort of idiot tries to stand on a newly broken ankle?
"Oh man." Shane ran his good hand through his hair, letting me sit on the small couch in the dressing room. "Sorry, I forgot." He sat next to me as I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the pain. "You wait here, I'll get the nurse or something." He bent down and pressed a chaste kiss before running out of the room.
"Shane, wait-" I called after him, though I had a feeling it was already too late.
When The Snow Comes Down In Tinseltown
I was bored out of my mind. I was really starting to curse not wearing a watch 'cause I don't know what time it was or how long Shane had been gone. Was Shane actually coming back? Maybe he changed his mind about liking me and had just decided to let me stay here for a while... Or maybe the snow was worse than he thought and something bad had happened to him. What if-
"Miley!" I let out a relieved breath and stopped thinking of bad things that could have happened.
"Shane." I smiled when he appeared at the doorway with Miss Delaney the schools head nurse.
"Oh, thank God!" Before the nurse could get to me I was bombarded with a face full of long brown locks of hair. Caitlyn. I hugged her tightly for a moment before the nurse separated us.
"Now can one of you explain exactly what happened?" Miss Delaney questioned, eyeing me and Shane.
"We got trapped." Shane shrugged, looking down sheepishly. "We should get her to the medical bay."
"Yes, Mister Gray, we should." Miss Delaney agreed after seeing the bandages on my head and foot.
"Where are your pants?" Caitlyn blurted out right then making all of us in the room freeze.
"I had to make sure she wasn't more injured than her foot." Shane mumbled, his cheeks flushing that adorable pink. I blushed too, because he didn't just look at my leg. Accident my ass. "Grab a blanket, would you?" Caitlyn obeyed, though not without rolling her eyes at Shane's back. He carefully draped the blanket around me from the waist down before picking me up bridal style. I saw him flinch and I frowned.
"You don't have to carry me." I squirmed a little, trying to get him to put me down. "You have a broken finger."
"If I don't carry you how are you gonna get there? You can't walk." Shane reminded, not letting me go. "And my hand will be fine, just don't move too much."
"What happened to your foot?" Caitlyn and Miss Delaney followed as Shane started to carry me out.
"I fell." I mumbled, blushing and looking away.
"Seriously?" Caitlyn laughed, "I knew you'd break something eventually, but how did you get both ends of your body at the same time?"
"She didn't." Shane laughed, sending me a smirk when I tried to bury my face in his chest to hide. "She tripped and hit her head on Thursday. Then she tripped and broke her ankle yesterday."
"Come on, Miles, you should be able to walk by now, I mean, you're only sixteen." Caitlyn shook her head teasingly.
When The Snow Comes Down In Tinseltown
"Cait?" I mumbled sleepily, knowing my best friend was there. She hadn't left my side since I got the the medical bay. Since the blizzard had grounded all flights and she was supposed to leave today she would have to stay another couple of days for the airport congestion to clear.
"Yeah?" Caitlyn was laying on the cot next to mine whilst Shane was on my other side fast asleep and snoring a little. Technically it was only supposed to be me and Shane here, but Miss Delaney had let Caitlyn stay with.
"I'm cold." Even though the blizzard had passed it was still snowing and there was still a chill that made me shiver. Without saying anything I heard Caitlyn get up a her feet padding against the tiles as she came over and climbing into bed with me.
"So, what exactly happened?" Caitlyn questioned after a moment, her head in the crook of my neck as we cuddled as close as we could despite the cast now stuck on my leg. "One minute you were yelling at the douche and then the next I was scared as Hell." I was just thankful she didn't follow us out there or something could have happened to her too.
"He tried to walk away when I was yelling at him." I absently looked over to Shane, his black hair slightly curly and a lot messy.
"So you had to follow him." Caitlyn shook her head and laughed.
"You know I like to get the last word in." I pointed out, the darkness hiding my blush. "When we tried to come we ended up in the concert hall and the doors were locked." I paraphrased.
"You like him now, don't you?" She asked after another short silence.
"Yeah." I admitted softly.
"Go figure, you'd fall for the guy that's been asshole to everyone for the last two weeks." Caitlyn snorted making me roll my eyes even though she couldn't see it.
"Turns out there's a nice guy in there." I sighed, I wouldn't tell anyone what Shane told me, not even Caitlyn, he trusted me.
"Not gonna tell me?" My best friend asked.
"Nope." I confirmed and she let out a sound of acceptance.
"Do I need to threaten him?" She continued making me smile, that's the great thing about best friends, she didn't try to make me talk or get mad that I didn't want to talk.
"Nah, he's okay." I denied, suppressing a yawn.
"Good kisser?" She poked me in the side and I knew she was grinning.
"Oh yeah." We both giggled a little before settling down.
"Love you, Miles." Caitlyn yawned this time, rolling over and slinking her arm over my stomach protectively.
"Love you, Caity." I kissed her cheek and closed my eyes.
Okay, don't hate me... My plan was to go to probably 15 chapter... I honestly didn't mean to end it this soon, but it just felt right.
Sorry about not updating for a few days; I had my Dad's birthday and I went to see Taylor Swift in concert last night!
Taylor is amazing :D She has great stage presence, great songs, great voice, and when there were technical difficulties she came out talked to us for a few minutes whilst they fixed it.
Okay, so since this is finished I'll try and finish Polar Express, and work on What I Go To School For (I haven't abandoned it, I jut bit off way more than I could chew with all these stories at one time.)
Smiler For Joe!