A/N Hey guys … No long note to begin with … here you go!
Disclaimer- I have nothing to do with The Vampire Diaries or The Originals except what my imagination stirs up!
Caroline POV
Had this not been both a vital and crucial moment, I could have quite easily doubled over in two laughing hysterically at Marcel's reaction. His face said it all, whatever element of surprise he thought he had he now knew was useless. Within seconds Elijah was on the balcony beside him, stretching his fingers securely around his throat, lifting him of the ground with ease. Even though it was a clear struggle Marcel still managed to gasp out
"My men are due back any minute"
Elijah chuckled as I stood there, my body physically shaking due to the bone chilling shivers that was wrecking my body, knowing I was so close to Klaus. I could feel the pull, as if I was tied to a rope and that was pulling me in his direction. I hadn't made the conscious decision to walk towards him; my feet had a mind of their own.
Before my hand touched the handle to the cellar door that would lead me to Klaus the entire atmosphere in the house changed, there were raised voices and the sounds of fighting. I spun on my heels to see what had happened, there before my very eyes were 10 or so hybrids, stalking in through any open door or window they could. How is this possible? Tyler was the only surviving hybrid after Hayley's betrayal and Klaus revenge filled slaughter party.
At first it was confusion but all too soon it became clear, they were here to help Marcel.
I looked towards Elijah who shared my shocked expression, jumping into action he snapped Marcels neck rendering him unconscious and out of the way to be dealt with later. Placing one arm on the banister he flung himself over landing gracefully on his two feet in a perfect fighting stance, both his hands stretched towards the two hybrids closest to him and ripped their hearts out, I knew he would not call in our reinforcements until he felt that it was our only choice.
Seeing a tall dark haired hybrid come towards me I prepared myself for what had to be done next, the mantra 'your life or mine' repeating in my head. He went for the obvious kill, something even I knew never to do. Ripping his heart out was a lot easier and satisfying than it should be.
My eyes automatically sought out Elijah, who was standing surrounded by the remaining 7 hybrids, they thought they had him, but they didn't know Elijah like I did. He was the underdog, the one you never undermine. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to get to Klaus I turned and flashed towards the cellar door, almost reaching the handle again before I could hear the sound of bodies dropping behind me.
I had turned the handle had even managed to take a step inside before the was a heavy hand on my shoulder, thinking it was Elijah I spoke
"It's okay Elijah, I've got him."
I stilled, feet glued to the floor. Slowly I regained control of my body and turned to face the very last person I ever expected to see here
"Tyler? What … why are you here?"
His expression mirrored mine only he had a hint more anger
"What am I doing? What the hell are you doing here? Helping them? Fighting with them … fighting for Klaus?"
Instantly my defence was up, the disgust was so clear in his voice. How dare he stand there and ridicule me, I was doing the right thing. Yes Klaus may be the monster that killed his mother but torture like this? I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, who just so happens to be the man in question.
"I'm doing the right thing, I'm stopping this madness. As if we don't have enough original problems, you want to help Marcel become one?"
"He's different Caroline, he can help us stand against them, and he can fight our corner. He won't turn out like them!"
My hand automatically went to my hip in a 'oh-so-sass' kind of way
"And what Tyler? Do you think that the Mikaelson's where always like this? Do you think this is what they were like as children? Just happen to grow up to be heartless killers? No Tyler they were innocent children who happened to have a crazy ass black magic mother and a psychotic father, they had no choice in what they had become just like you and I."
He shook his head as he took a step back
"Caroline, since when do you support them? Defend them? I mean can you so easily forget about everything they have done to us?"
I threw my hands up
"Have you forgotten for all they have done for us? As much of a pain in the ass Klaus is, he was useful. Elijah helped us out on many occasions granted he double crossed us but still the point remains the same, we have done as much bad and terrible stuff to that family as they have done to ours"
He took the step closer to me again and rested his hand on my shoulder, as he looked deep into my eyes
"You've been compelled"
He nodded then accepting that as the reason as to why I am so hell bent on saving Klaus' life.
"No Tyler, I am not compelled. I am here of my own free will, I am here because I want to be here and I am walking through this door to get Klaus because I want to get him and the only way you can stop me is by putting your hand inside my chest and ripping out my heart because quite frankly, without Klaus it's pretty God-Damn useless."
He wasn't the only one stunned by his words, hearing them out loud coming from my lips was a whole new feeling and experience. So long I have harboured these feelings, only letting the odd emotion out to either Elijah or Hayley.
I went to walk away, and I could feel his hesitation
"Caroline I'm sorry I can't …"
My head lowered to the ground, our break-up and agreement that we were dead to each other clear in the air. I turned to face him in a fighting stance and the dance between to ex-lovers began.
We sparred for what felt like ages, we both knew each other's strengths and weaknesses, knew what the other was thinking before they even thought it. It was Elijah's alarmed shout that stopped us both
Our heads spun towards him and we flashed up to Elijah, who sat half kneeling beside marcel who was … was desiccating, looking at his chest for the stake that would have been needed for the process I came up empty, what was going on?
Slowly, the slowest I have ever seen Marcel was turning that pale sickly dead colour us vampires reach when we are dead, I looked towards Elijah and smiled. I for one will not be upset over the fact that one of us didn't get to kill him, who cares? Not even taking the time to talk it over I flashed my way towards the cellar, using the moment of temporary confusion between both Elijah and Tyler as a clean get away.
Within mere seconds I was faced with a thick metal door, the last remaining barrier between Klaus and me. Just giving myself enough time to be vain enough to care, I fixed my hair and my clothes before I opened the door and when I did my breath caught in my throat.
There he was, strung up like an animal. His clothes covered in blood stains, some wounds still visible as he didn't have the blood supply or the strength to heal. There was a strangled crying noise in the room and it was only when he lifted his head towards me that I realised that it had come from me, relief flooded his face and his eyes closed with a content sigh.
I closed the distance, eager to feel his touch to see if our dream like meetings where real and as soon as my skin was on his everything changed, the room felt as if it was on fire, every nerve ending in my body was tingling, his skin felt like most precious fabric in the world. I had to feel more, a hand on the side of his face was not enough, I broke the chains that held him and prepared myself for the extra weight as he fell forward into my arms, and together we fell to the floor, a mess of limbs.
As I sat there holding him in my arms, physically having him close I wondered how the hell I thought the contact in our dreams felt real, I guess my mind wanted it to be real so much that I had convinced myself it was. There is so much I want to say, I want to tell him how I feel, how I know I can't walk away without giving him a chance how my entire life has changed these past few days.
His entire body was shaking, was he cold? Or was it the lack of fresh blood in his system? I have never seen a man so broken, and for once Klaus was not hiding it from me, he was letting me see this, his weakness and I cared for him even more because of it.
I ran my hand across his forehead smoothing his hair back; I placed a small kiss there before speaking
"You need a haircut"
It had the desired effect as I could hear a small weak chuckle followed by a whisper
"I'm here, I'll stay, I promise"
He pulled back from me slightly so he could hold himself up and look at my face, his eyes were so open and clear and I could tell how much those words meant to him.
"I...I'm sorry for..."
I silenced him by placing my finger over his lips
"Shhhhh, we don't have time for this right now, we need to get you out of here"
He nodded and lifted my hand up so he could kiss my knuckles and whispered
I smiled and nodded agreeing with him
With that we got up off the floor, I held him tight trying to support the most of his weight, even though he was subtly trying to push me away, silently refusing the help I was offering. Oh really? That's how he wants to play?
"Oh please Klaus get over it, don't be a typical man and let me help you"
He looked at my annoyed expression and had the good grace to give up and let me help. Slowly we made it to the door and I could tell that he was in pain by his rapid breathing; I clicked my tongue of the roof of my mouth
"Stop this isn't working"
He stopped and looked at me, waiting for me to finish that sentence
"You are in too much pain and you're too weak. You need blood!"
He looked towards my hands and the lack of any blood bags before he looked back to my face
"Looks like I'll have to wait"
I shook my head; I guess I am said blood bag. I pulled my hair back and threw it over my shoulder, giving him the perfect angle to my neck
His answer was instant,
"Drink! Elijah has been beefing me up all day to prepare me for this epic battle"
He shook his head
"I could drain you, Caroline your blood means so much more to me than just a drink. Your blood is my only experience of heaven, pureness, innocence, light and freedom, I might not be able to stop"
I will not lie, hearing such sweet words come from his mouth was amazing, and all I wanted to do was have a real girly giggle about it, but now is not the time to gush over such things.
"You won't I know you won't"
He looked into my eyes, I don't know what he was looking for but he must have found it as he straightened up to stand as tall as he could, he put his back to the wall and pulled me towards him, he positioned one arm around my waist and the other securely around the back of my neck, then slowly he lowered his head to my neck. I could feel the soft and tender brush of his lips as he kissed the spot he wanted to bite, holding his arms tighter he bit down.
The sensation took my breath away and I lost my footing and fell closer into his embrace, one hand falling palm down on his chest and the other looped into his belt.
My heart was stammering in my chest, reminding me that it was still there. I could feel him strengthen but most of all I could feel our connection. It's hard to describe, it's as strong as a brick wall but as soft as a feather, it's both happiness and sadness in one, it's like being truly happy and wanting nothing more than what you have in this exact moment, it was true and epic love and it was downright terrifying and then it was all over. He kissed the two puncture marks he had left before they healed and appeared as if they were never there.
He lifted his head up, eyes full of amazement and wonder, his cuts and bruises slowly healing. He wanted to speak but he couldn't, did he feel that the same as I did?
Instead of words he just placed his forehead against mine, neither of us willing to blink and disrupt the conversation between our eyes.
Finally we snapped out of it and came back to reality, he smiled at me somewhat awkwardly, and he nodded towards the cellar door.
A/N So, Love? Hate? Reviews!
Hope the grammar wasn't too bad but I was sneakily typing it up at work and had to do it quickly!
Love2bdifferent x