Disclaimer: "I do not own Rise of the Guardians, Brave, or any other Disney/Dreamworks/Animated films. All rights belong to Dreamworks and Disney, etc."

Chapter 1 On Your Mark

Merida groaned from the sound of her alarm going off, and to make matters worse, so did her phone. The sun faintly peeked through the closed shades of her bedroom, alerting her that that a new day had arrived. She didn't bother picking up the phone, already recognizing the ringtone to be that of her mother's. It held a dark tune similar to that of Darth Vader's from Star Wars. Whatever it was that she was calling her about could probably wait until later. She had more important matters anyway, getting ready for work being one of them.

Tossing her sheets to the side, Merida stretched her limbs widely to the warmth of the sun. She cracked her back, taking the moment to turn off her alarm. Pondering a bit to herself, she got up and quickly prepared her morning routine. She entered the bathroom, and got out of her shorts and tank top. The faucet to the shower squeaked when she turned it on, causing her body to shiver slightly from the burst of running cold water. Immediately bringing up the temperature to a more satisfying degree, she began to brush her teeth. It felt natural and great to be home alone, especially like this. She gave a soft hum, enjoying the heat from the steam that was gathering around her from the shower.

The moment was destroyed though when her phone started to go off again inside her room. She sighed heavily in annoyance, ignoring it once more. Seriously, didn't she know what time it was? Granted, Scotland is only few hours ahead compared to New York's time, but still.

"Gah, Mother, just give it a rest," she muttered while brushing her teeth.

The phone went silent once more. Merida smiled with approval, hoping for it to remain that way—though that was just wishful thinking on her part. When it came to a certain assistant, her job as Chief Editor and Publisher for Guardian Fate could never be peaceful—and that was a fact she was going to realize all too soon.


Merida made it through the bustling crowd with a cup of Starbucks apple chai latte in her hand. She entered the sliding doors to her building, giving a short wave to the employees who worked there. The elevator door was already opened when she slipped in, taking a sip of her tea when it closed. When she reached her floor, everyone greeted her with respect. Sometimes being the boss of her own company felt uncomfortable to her—it wasn't something she was used to. Her mother was always the authority figure when it came to their family's background, so it felt sort of odd. She never thought to achieve such a position or career. It was nice, but it also felt awkward. She was just trying to be herself; she didn't need the attention besides that.

She walked through everyone's booths, greeting them with a wide smile while taking out an apple from her bag. She took a large bite from the dense fruit, letting out a loud crunch. Apples were her favorite delight in life, and she slurped up the juices happily from the taste. Walking pass one office in particular, she scowled. She was known to be late on occasions herself, but this was getting ridiculous.

"Hiccup?" she asked the attendant beside her, "Where's Jackson?"

He gave a nervous smile. "It appears he's running late again, Ms. DunBroch."

She sighed from his formality. "How many times do I have to tell you? You can just call me Merida." She placed a hand on her hip, obviously annoyed. "What could be taking him so long? He was doing fine during the summer arriving early."

"I'm sure he'll be here soon," he said, taking the time to pass some files to her, "In the meantime, these are some of the stories we managed to edit from your approval. All we need now is to properly select a cover for them to get published."

She nodded and took them from his hands, heading towards her office. "Thanks, I'll be sure to look over these. In the meantime, tell Mr. Overland to come see me when he arrives."

"Yes, ma'am…uh…I mean…sure thing, Merida!" he exclaimed, halfway in a panic.

She decided to ignore the correction he made, her focus being more on the files in her hands. They looked good compared to the mistakes they had before, mentally matching covers for the clients' interest. So far, the morning seemed normal and productive. However, once she entered the privacy of her office, her cellphone went off. Merida sighed irritably from the sound, knowing already who it was. That was about the twentieth time her mother had tried to call her—it was becoming difficult to ignore her. It must be something important for her to call her like this. Surely it could wait after work though, right?

She seethed and rubbed her temples, praying for the noise to stop. She had enough stress as it was from work, she didn't need family matters to be added on top of it. To make matters worse, her assistant was late—having no clue why.

Punching the surface of her desk, she shouted, "Where the hell is Jackson?"


"Mary, you awake yet?" Jack shouted over his shoulder, pouring some Lucky Charms inside a bowl for her, "We're going to be late!"

Jack's sister yawned and walked into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes tirelessly. She was wearing her pajamas still, much to her brother's horror.

"You're not dressed yet?" he asked, "Did you even brush your teeth?"

"Look who's talking," she said with half-lidded eyes, "Your shirt isn't even buttoned up." She pointed at his chest, his tie loosely wrapped around his neck.

He sulked at her comment, knowing the only reason she picked up such sass was because of him.

"We got to go!" he exclaimed, rushing forward and grabbing her from her armpits.

They went inside the bathroom, and he quickly shoved the toothbrush in her hand.

"Here, brush your teeth. I'll lay your clothes out on your bed," he said, buttoning his shirt when entering the hallway.

"You're going to be late either way," she shouted.

"Uh, yeah, trying to avoid that!" he countered.

He collided into the cabinet that had in the hallway, knocking down some picture frames that were placed neatly on the shelves. Jack hissed from the pain, rubbing his shoulder when realizing the photo he dropped was that of their parents. He frowned at the picture, a wave of memories hitting him. Quietly picking it up, he placed it back on the shelf where it belonged.

"I'm trying," he whispered to them.

Trying not to delay any further than he already had, Jack entered his sister's room and selected an outfit that would best suit her for her first day back to school. He nodded with approval and headed back into the kitchen. When he saw what time it was, he mentally screamed. There was no way Merida was going to go easy on him today—though honestly at this point—he didn't care. He liked the challenge; it gave him an opportunity to pick on her.

In about five minutes, Mary returned fully dressed and ready for the day. She climbed onto her chair and stared at her breakfast with disappointment.

"Cereal again?" she asked.

"It's the only thing I had time for to make," he said with guilt, "If it makes you feel any better, I don't even have time for breakfast myself."

She forced a smile to reassure him. "It's okay, I know how demanding work has been for you lately, so I'll try to make this quick."

He exhaled with appreciation. "Thanks, Emma. Now eat your cereal so we can go."

She saluted at him. "Aye, aye, Captain!"

Jack silently watch his sister eat, taking a moment to look over his story he made for work. It was stapled together and neatly typed, giving him the approach he needed to look professional. There was no way he could fail, but he kept trying to make sure it was perfect for his devil of a boss's approval. Each time he tried to present it to her, she had shut him down. Apparently the concept wasn't believable enough for children to grasp. What was so hard for children to understand? It was about a spirit wanting to be noticed and believed in by children, while knowing other fictional icons. These days, it was something everyone seemed to need lately, even her.

Mary dropped her bowl down on the table when she finished drinking all her milk. "All done," she announced cheerfully.

"Alright then, let's go," he said, already taking off to the door when gathering his things.

They left out of their small apartment that was located in the Bronx of Riverdale. The neighborhood was lively with people rushing either to school or to work. It was a bustling area they called home, containing many familiar faces. Jack got on his motorcycle, passing a smaller helmet for Mary to wear. She climbed behind him and fastened her arms tightly around his waist.

Jack turned on the ignition and pulled back the kickstand. "You ready?" he asked, slipping on his own helmet.

Mary nodded. "I'm ready!"

"Okay then!" he shouted, putting force onto the throttle, "Hold on tight!"

He took caution when taking off down the road, making sure his sister was safe when doing so. If their parents were still alive, God knows what they would say. They were always protective over Mary, and seeing her on a bike wasn't something they had approved of. Jack had earned his license at a young age, never been comfortable driving a car. He liked the speed the two-wheeler had; giving him the freedom he needed to feel the wind on his back. It was still warm outside, despite the calming cool air of fall approaching. He took advantage of the weather while he could, knowing it meant taking Dad's old car later during the winter.

It's been five years already since they passed away, and the memory was still fresh inside Jack's mind. Mary was too young to understand because she's always had him; but the accident had affected Jack in more ways than she could ever know. Ever since then, he's been more of a secondary parent than a brother. He had to grow up, but did his best to maintain his youth by the career he chose. He was always fond of children, and making children books was the path he thought fitted him best. Then again, he also hung out with kids, which made his research quite inspirational. Honestly, he wondered if his boss had such experience with kids to be the person she was. It was hard to tell, given her rough exterior—she was no Rapunzel—that's for sure.

Before long, he made it to Mary's school—just in time too—though he couldn't say the same for himself. She let go of Jack's waist and slipped off his bike, already spotting her friends.

"Sorry for making you late, Jack," she said.

He shook his head. "Don't even worry about it. I'm sure the she devil will get over it."

"Come on, she can't be that bad, is she?" Mary inquired curiously.

"Well, she's a tough one, that's for sure, but…" he stopped and continued in a more positive viewpoint, "She does make things rather fun and interesting."

She giggled. "That's what I thought." She heard the school bell ring, quickly running off. "I'll see you after school!" she said.

"Say hi to Jamie and the gang for me!" he shouted.

"I will!" She disappeared inside the building, giving him the signal to leave.

"Alright then," he whispered with a sigh, "Time to make the donuts."

He turned on the engine, allowing it to purr back to life. Rolling his shoulders, he let go of all restraint and sped off. Without his sister to worry about, he could finally focus in trying to get to work—hopefully he won't be punished for it. However, with a certain Scottish redhead in charge, he found it most unlikely.


Merida went over Rapunzel's portfolio first before Ana's. They had similar but different style when it came to their artwork—all unique and colorful. It was always hard to decide between the two, which was why she always had Jack around to help her. Speaking of Jack, he was now over an hour late—which was more than his usual time.

Merida tapped her fingers impatiently against the mahogany table. "Just where is he?" she seethed.

She paged her secretary, trying to keep calm. "Mavis, is Jack here yet?"

"No, Merida, and I suggest you stop asking for the tenth time," she said with exasperation, "I'm sure he'll get here soon. In the meantime, why don't you pick up your phone, I can hear your mother calling all the way over here."

"I don't want to," she answered childishly, "Why don't you do the same with your father?" she questioned back.

"Okay, this conversation is now over. I'll let you know when he arrives," she said, instantly hanging up.

Merida eyed her phone, watching it vibrate across the surface of her desk. She snatched it angrily, and hastily put it into silent.

"There, that should do it," she said proudly.

She had lost count by the missed calls she received. It was a good thing her mother didn't own a cellphone, or else she would be texting her like crazy. They were all under pressure of the deadline they were facing ahead, and she couldn't afford any distractions. Family was important, but she left Scotland for a reason. It was hard, but it was something she hoped her mother was willing to understand. Merida always had issues with her mother, but they have come a long way in making peace with each other. All she needed now was her mother to send her back home just because she was still single. True, she was entering her mid-twenties, but she accomplished a lot without needing a family to worry about. She had to prove to her that she could handle everything on her own, despite loving her so much. She had worked hard to get where she was, and didn't want to fail her without knowing things could be a success. If not, why the hell did she come to America for?

Snapping her out of her thoughts, her phone beeped of an incoming call from Mavis.

She immediately accepted the call. "Yes?"

"It's Jack, Merida, he's here," she said.

She gave out a sigh of relief. "Finally, send him to my office after he settles in."


Merida got up from her seat, carefully adjusting her suit. She hated dressing up all formal like this, but at least she had a choice not to wear a dress. Though it wasn't too bad, considering she was able to dress casual on most days in the office. Still, she had an image to keep, and some days she wasn't able to be so lucky—not with the board of directors being around during deadlines.

The door to her office opened, and Jack appeared with a casual grin on his face. "Hey there, princess. Missed me?"

She put her hands on her hips, clearly not amused. "Jack, where have you been? You're like an hour late! You know we have business to discuss!"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry about that," he said, making his way over to her, "Deadlines are end of this year right? So let's just get to work. Besides, not like you don't have moments in arriving late."

"I just don't get how you're early throughout all of summer, but now, it's a problem for you."

He sighed. "Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact I have a sister that needs to go to school in the morning."

"So? Can't she go by herself? Isn't she old enough?" she asked, "Can't treat her like a baby forever, Jack."

"Merida, how old do you think my sister is?" he questioned, actually curious.

"I don't know…twelve?"

He sighed, biting the inside of his cheek. "Unbelievable."

"Just be lucky I don't fire you for it!" she exclaimed hotly, "Now help me decide which covers to go for."

He folded his arms across his chest. "Not until I get coffee. I sort of missed out on that while trying to get to work."

"Are you being serious?" she asked.

He gave her a deadpan look. "Yes."

"Agh! Fine!" She pressed a button to her phone, surrendering to his request. "Hiccup, can you please run downstairs and get Jack his usual. It's the peppermint mocha."

"Right away, Merida!"

She cut off the call, motioning her hands in exasperation. "There. Happy?"

"Very," he said with a smile, "By the way, how did you know that was my usual?"

"I don't know, does it really matter?"

Left intrigued, he decided not to probe.

"So what are we looking at here?" he asked, examining the portfolios carefully.

"It's Rapunzel's, and Ana's works," she answered.

"Hmm, do you have the stories to match with them?"

"Uh, sure, hold on." She turned to fetch the files that were left on the table, her office phone soon going off.

It kept ringing, but she made no sign in answering it.

Jack cocked an eyebrow, and asked aloud, "Um, aren't you going to answer that?"

"No, it's not important," she said.

He sighed and shrugged. "Okay, if you say so." He fingered the binder inside his hands, taking the opportunity to speak, "Um, Merida, if you don't mind. I actually want to talk to you about something. It's about my story."

"Is it the same one from before?"

"Actually, yeah."

"Not interested then."

"What? Why not?" he asked with a bit of tension in his voice.

"Because, I told you already Jack, kids need something more realistic than a spirit who wants to be believed in," she said with a fatigue sigh, "This day and age, such fairy tales aren't what kids are looking for."

"Oh like you know," he said with a glare, "Geez, sometimes I wonder why I even bother being your assistant. It's not like you actually listen to me. Kids actually like what I got here, I even asked my sister and her friends. So why can't you just give me a chance to prove that?"

"That's nice, Jack, but again, I don't see it making any sells," she reprimanded, "So unless you have something else in mind, I suggest you don't even bother showing me it."

An awkward silence fell between them, and Merida couldn't help but frown from her behavior.

"Sorry, I'm just under stress," she said.

"Aren't we all?" he answered, unable to sympathize.

"It's just…"

He actually stood stun for a second from the tone inside her voice. It was rare, and it scared him a bit.

"Careful there, Red. You're soft side is showing, wouldn't want to ruin your image," he warned playfully.

She sulked at him. "Just what kind of person do you take me for?"

"Do I really need to answer that?"

Her face grew hot with anger, and the temptation to throw something at him was nearing its peak. Luckily, Hiccup came in to save the day before she could do so.

"Mocha peppermint like you requested!" he declared.

Jack took it gently from his hand. "Thanks, bud, going to need it."

Merida walked around her desk and sat down. "That will be all, Hiccup. You can leave now."

"Right," he said, closing the door behind him when making his leave.

Merida placed her arms on top of her desk, folding her hands together in deep thought. "Now, can we please get down to business while the day is still young?"

Jack glowered and decided to take a seat across from her. "Whatever you say, boss." He took a sip of his coffee, humming with delight from the taste.

Just before she could separate the files of the short stories that were given to them, her phone once again decided to go off. Jack got annoyed quickly from the sound, and seriously wished for it to stop.

"Okay, just who's calling you?" he asked.

"No one, just my mother. Like I said, ignore it." She separated some folders and handed a couple to him.

"Merida, you can't just ignore a phone call from your mother. Just how many times has she tried to call you already?"

She shrugged with the word guilt written across her forehead. "Um…I lost count?"

"That's it, I can't work like this." He reached forward and halted the mayhem of her phone—by doing the only solution possible—answering it.

"What are you doing?" she half-shouted amongst a forced whisper, twitching her hands up anxiously with gritted teeth.

"Hello? Merida?" Her mother's voice could be heard on the other line. "Are you there?"

"Take the damn phone," Jack ordered, forcing it inside her hands.




They both became quiet, staring at each other with tension in the air.

"Talk to her," Jack calmly demanded, "It's not right to ignore her like this."

"Merida, are you there, lass?" her mother asked through the phone.

"Jack, please!" she pleaded, "I can talk to her after work."

His expression fell into a deep frown before brightening into a full-blown smile. "Why hello there Mrs. DunBroch!"

Merida's face turned pale.

"Oh, hello? Who's this?" she inquired politely.

"I'm Jack, you probably never heard of me. I'm here with your daughter. Sorry for making you wait so long, but she's a bit under the weather. She looks terrible to be honest. I'm sure you can forgive her," he said, trying his best not to laugh at the death glare Merida was giving him, "She's such a forgetful girl, but I'm sure she would LOVE to speak with you."

"Jack, I'm going to…. kill you," Merida fumed quietly.

"Oh, that would be nice, thank you!" Elinor beamed, whispering over to her husband who was beside her, "What a nice young man."

Merida heard the compliment and couldn't disagree more. He gave her the phone, coxing it gently into her hands.

"You're welcome," he said with a devious smirk.

She silently cursed him to the seven layers of hell and decided to answer. "Uh, hello? Mom?"

"Well, you certainly don't sound sick," she said frankly.

"It's nothing, Mom. Why have you been calling?" Merida spoke casually, wanting to keep the conversation short and simple.

"Well, I have special news to tell you!" she answered excitedly, "But first, who was that young man that I was speaking to? He sounds quite handsome."

Merida blushed uncomfortably at the comment, especially when Jack was gazing intently at her.

"He's…." she started, her mother cutting her off.

"I hope you found a good man, Merida. It's been nearly six years since we've seen you. I had hoped to hear from you more since your recent promotion and position inside your company. I honestly hope leading such a business hasn't stopped you from finding love. I know you dislike talking about it, but I don't want to have to wait for the boys to grow up to be a grandmother. Plus, it's not good to be alone, especially in such a big country like America. I worry about you. We've grown so much since you were a teenager, but lately, I feel like I've been ignored," she explained dejectedly, "I hate to seem like I'm meddling, but I just can't help but be a mother either."

"You got it all wrong, Mother. I've just been busy. My life has completely changed since I left home."

"Oh, how so?"

"Well, you see, the gentlemen you were talking to is…well…he's my…." She couldn't even render her brain to think by the time the next words came out of her mouth; only that she wanted her mother to leave her alone. "…He's my boyfriend!"

Jack literally spit out his drink back into his cup, coffee spilling all over his chin and shirt.

"Excuse me!" he roared in aftershock.

Merida's face was completely engulfed with the shade of her hair. They were both speechless with no proper way to react.

"Please, tell me this is true?" Her mother asked.

"Uh, yeah, it is, we're actually pretty serious too. We've been dating for three years," she lied.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jack berated angrily.

Elinor cheered happily from the news though. "Oh, how lovely! I can't wait to see him then!"

"Wait, see him?" Merida inquired nervously.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot what I have called you for! We're going to America to come visit you! We already booked our flight and we'll be there this Sunday!" Elinor declared with a huge smile.

"What?" Merida shouted in horror.

"I know! Isn't it a wonderful surprise?" Her mother asked innocently, "We'll be there hopefully by noon at JFK airport. Please be sure to pick us up! I assume you have a car, right?"

Merida nodded lamely. "Uh…yeah."

"Then it's settled then! Oh! And be sure to bring your boyfriend with you! Jack, is it? Tell him I look forward in meeting him! Love you, dear! See you soon!"

Their conversation ended with a soft beep from Elinor's end, alerting Merida that she had hung up.

'Oh my God…what did I just do? What just happened?' she mentally screamed.

"Merida, what the hell?" Jack roared, "Now your family is going to come here thinking we're a COUPLE!"

She glared at him and did her best to apologize. "I'm sorry! I panicked! It's my mother! She has this way in getting to me, okay!"

Jack shook his head, refusing to be a part of her mess. "One thing is for sure, you're going to tell them truth when they get here! No way am I going to be your boyfriend!"

"You think I want you to?" she bellowed, "Just try to play along until they leave, please? I'm sure it's only a week or something. I just need this so my mother could get off my back in getting a husband is all!"

"Husband?" he choked.

"Gah! Don't worry! It's not like I'm going to tell her we're engaged or anything! Just that we're dating! We'll break up as soon as they go back to Scotland, I promise!" she said, praying he would cooperate.

He folded his arms across his chest. "I'm not doing it."

"What? Why not? What do you have to lose?" she asked, "Is pretending to be my boyfriend for maybe a week really so bad?"

"What if they stay longer, Merida? This is personal! I mean…this is your family," he said.

She flailed her arms up in frustration from the reminder. "Yes, I know! I get it already! You don't think I know how they are!"

"No, I honestly don't!" He sighed heavily, doing his best to settle his nerves.

They pondered deeply towards the situation, still practically in disbelief. A couple of minutes passed, and Jack finally came up with a decision.

"Okay, I'll be your 'boyfriend," he said while using quotation marks. Before Merida could say anything, he cut her off, "However, I expect to get something out of this, so I propose a ultimatum."

Merida rolled her eyes. "Should of known it wasn't going to be that easy. Fine, what is it?" she asked.

"You get to give my story a chance after this whole ordeal is over," he answered firmly.

"What? No, forget it!"

He shrugged passively, turning around to make his leave. "Well then, good luck in telling your mother the truth."

"No! Wait!" She raised her arm to stop him. "It's a deal," she whispered in defeat.

"Glad you could see it my way," Jack said with a satisfied grin, "Now, if I do recall. We have a deadline to plan for. So, where shall we start…babe?"

Merida cringed from the fake tone of sincerity inside his voice. Just what exactly did she get herself into?

End Chapter

Kiome-Yasha: "My first out of many ideas of Jarida stories coming to life xD. I'm going to have A LOT of fun with this one ;3. And it shall be rated M for REASONS that contains adult contents not suitable for children to read…besides perverts like me."