History Before The X-Men
By TimeAndLife21
It had been thirteen years. Storm thought to herself as she woke up in the middle of the night of October 7th.
She sat up, placing her left hand onto her forehead pushing back a headache. She pushed back her long white hair before getting up and placing a dark blue terry robe on. Before she left her room, she gingerly grabbed an old photo, placed it into her pocket and went downstairs to the kitchen to have some tea for the headache. As she passed the empty halls with practiced stealth, the memories of her past came back to haunt her.
"Ororo, if you come with me, I can take you to a place where you can learn to control your powers. I promise that my mentor will help you." A sweet soprano voice went though her thoughts.
She stopped in the middle of the hallway as the memories rushed at the forefront of her mind. Her eyes glassed over with unshed tears. She took a few deep breaths to make sure that her powers don't affect the clear night sky outside the mansion.
She could remember the light blue eyes that stared at her with comfort and safety with a pale hand stretched out to her in kindness. Storm shook her head and walked into the kitchen. It was empty tonight. She thanked the Goddess above that no one could see her. She turned on the light and went over to the cupboards. She knew that her favored tea for tonight was on the top shelf where no one can reach it. She grabbed a chair and stood up on it. Opening the cupboard she reached for her desired tea. She felt her hands grasp a box and she took it out and got down from the chair, and placed it back. She started up the hot water in the coffee pot and placed the citrus strawberry white tea into the water. She leaned back onto the counter waiting patiently for the tea to be done.
Thirteen years… she could scarcely believe it has been that long. Since the Elite X-Men had disappeared off the radar. Every year has been the same. Charles would check Cerebro every month with an intense 4 hours session to find them. He hasn't had any luck.
The Elite consisted of 4 mutants.
They were the Elite X-Men that disappeared on a mission thirteen years ago. They were hunting down a scientist that used mutants as expirements and was obsessed with their genetics. There were a lot of mutants at the time that disappeared off of the radar, and they wanted to stop the sinister man.
The coffee pot signaled that it was done making the tea and she poured it into her favored mug; a grey ceramic mug with an elegant handle and designs on it. She walked over to a table and took out the picture that she had put in her pocket earlier.
She placed it on the table where an empty vase was and propped it up. She could see the familiar faces.
They were her fellow class members here at the institute. Hellion currently is working for SHEILD. Banshee was in Ireland with his daughter Theresa, working for Scotland Yard. Sway was on the west coast working with a sci-fi director of a new series that appeared on TV. Dust went back Afghanistan to help her fellow women (Human or Mutant) by saving them from slave rings and setting them free back to their families, all the while searching for her mother. Surge was currently working as an electrical engineer back in Japan. Her dear friends that disbanded after the disappearance of the 4 older First Class X-men, she missed them so. But she was glad that they have found a place in the world. She wished that she could only say the same for the others. She took a sip of her hot tea as she stared at the picture. She looked only at the 4 mutants on the last row in the picture.
"Oh." She heard a voice behind her.
Storm looked up and saw one of her students up. It was the young Mississippi woman.
"Sorry, I didn't think anyone was down here. I just saw the light on an thought it was Kurt drinking the milk again." The young woman said with a southern twang as she pushed back a strand of white hair behind her ear.
"It's fine, Rouge. I was just thinking about things." Storm said as she looked back at the picture.
It was then that she noticed something.
Renegade had dark brown hair with stripes of white in it. Same as Rouge. Storm shook her head. It was a coincidence.
"About what, Storm?" Rouge asked as she took a seat by her teacher.
She woke up from the psyches again. They were bugging her and she went downstairs to have a glass of water before going back to sleep when she saw Storm staring as a picture that she had. Storm looked so sad. Storm smiled at her sadly.
"I was thinking of my old mentor. You know, she was the one who brought me here when I was young. About 14 years old." She said as she passed the picture to Rogue.
Rogue looked at the picture and was surprised. She saw a young Storm by a woman with dark brown hair with white stripes running through it and light blue eyes, she wore white short sleeved shirt and blue jeans with a couple of silver and gold necklaces on her neck. But she paid more attention to the hair that Storm had.
"Your hair is ridiculous, Storm. It's huge." Rouge smiled at her teacher, pointing out the massive curly white hair that Storm had had when she was young.
"It was the style back then. Nowadays I straighten my hair. It looks nicer that way." Storm lightly joked.
Rouge smiled back and looked back at the picture. She saw a man next to the striped haired woman. He was tall and he looked really handsome. His hair was sunshine blone and his eyes were a piercing green. He was wearing dark clothing. Black jeans, black shirt, and a black trench coat. She noticed something on his belts.
"Storm, who's this man?" Rouge asked. Storm looked over and smiled.
"That man is Blaze. He is Renegade's husband." She said gently.
"What are those on his belt?" Rouge asked.
"Oh, Blaze's guns. He often had them on him a lot." Storm said.
Rouge wondered why that man was allowed to have guns on private property, but didn't question.
She looked at the next man as he was standing next to Blaze. He had wild black hair with bangs that fell in front of one of his blue eyes, a goatee, and light tan skin. He has pointed ears, which was odd to Rouge, and was wearing a black with white pinstripe dress suit that look pretty good on him. He had a scar on his right eye that went straight down through it.
"That man is Azazel. He was Blaze's best friend after they met up. Never seen two men closer than brothers." She smiled.
Then Rogue's eyes drifted to a smaller woman in the picture. She was wearing long knee high heeled boots with a black skirt that reached barely the middle of her thighs, and a bright pink blouse, over that she was wearing a shorter version of a trench coat. She was wearing sunglasses so she didn't know what color they are, but she had a devilish smirk on her face that shows that she was definitely up to something. Her long red brown hair was up in a high ponytail and there were braids that were in the ponytail itself, leaving her bangs at eyebrow level and fringes framing her face, her skin looked sun-kissed in the picture.
"Her name is Spade. She is a dangerous woman to be around, but she was very kind to the younger students and myself. She would be a formidable ally to have, or a dangerous foe if you turn against her." Storm said fondly.
"They were the Elite X-men. They disappeared 13 years ago. We still have no idea where they are at." Storm said as she took another few sips of her tea.
"Elite? What does that mean here?" Rouge asked. She was genuinely curious.
"That only means that they have high level skills and they could handle themselves without much help from others. They were the first team assembled. But they didn't assemble under Xavier. No. Renegade was the one who assembled them." Storm said as she finished the last of her tea.
"So, they didn't work for the Professor?" Rouge asked confused.
"They did under different circumstances. They would go to different countries or states and find mutants that would have a hard time controlling their powers and send them here. But other than that, they operated in a completely different way. They would infiltrate terrorist organizations, corrupt governments, and even get information and send them to people who can take care of those problems. Sometimes, they may even…take out certain peoples should they threaten the mutant and human populace." Storm said.
"They are Assassins?" Rouge asked thinking of a certain red-on-black-eyed thief's enemies.
"No. They don't operate like them. But the last mission, they were told to dispatch a mad scientist. They disappeared on this day. Xavier tried contacting them, but he couldn't find them anywhere. But he can't say for certain if they are dead." Storm said as she got up and placed her mug in the sink and cleaned it out.
"But you don't think they are dead?" Rouge asked.
Rouge didn't see the tear fall down Storm's face.
"No. I know they are not dead." She said as she wiped the tear away.
"If I know them, they wouldn't die without a fight." Storm resolved.
She may be reverting back to a young girl of 20 who was given the news that her mentor and 'big sister' was MIA, but she knew that there was no way that Renegade and the Elite would die. It was childish of her. Yes. But it was a way of clinging to that hope, that somewhere they were still alive.
"Xavier." A voice whispered.
"XAVIER!" The voice whispered louder.
Charles Xavier woke up as he mind was assaulted by a screaming mind that was shouting at him.
"FIND US!" The voice screamed again.
He quickly, moved himself, still in his sleeping clothing and hoisted himself onto his wheelchair. He needed to get to Cerebro. Someone was contacting him, he knew that much, but he can't discern where it is coming from. As he reached the elevator to go down to the lower levels of the school, he was assaulted with a memory.
"You will never get away with this!" The male voice cried, his glowing emerald green eyes threatening a man with pasty pale skin and blood red eyes that I made him look like the devil himself.
"Ah, Blaze, it's a shame that I can't use your genetics for my experimentations, as every time I withdraw your blood and put it to someone else's, it destroys everything." A deep voice grinned in the dim light of what seemed like an operating room.
"Oh well," He spoke with flippancy as he flicked a needle filled with a green liquid.
"Let's hope in the future I can use your body when I have the right technology." He grinned.
"Espéce de Salaud! When I get out of this, I will blow up you body and send it to all four corners of the earth! Vous m'entendez, fils de puten!?" A woman shouted in the other room, her voice accented of her home country.
She shouted out a string of profanities.
"I'll get to you shortly, my dear!" The pasty man spoke with a smirk.
"Such a darling, and lovely eyes as well. Shame that I had to put your wife and Azazel already into stasis. Excuse me, I will be tending to my little Spade." He said as he placed the syringe on the table by him.
The man could only lay his head back and cursed the red-eyed devil. He knew he didn't have long. He had to contact Charles Xavier. No matter what the cost. At that declaration, he heard Spade's screaming.
"Ne vous avisez pas m'aprocher! Evadez vous!" He could hear Spade's screaming cut off. It was now or never for him.
"XAVIER! XAVIER!" he shouted in his mind.
It was a last ditch effort. One that he couldn't afford to lose.
The memory disappeared as he wheeled himself to Cerebro. He had one chance to find them. He was not going to let this mind signature disappear on him. Wheeling himself to the machine, he quickly placed the headset on his skull. He could hear Cerebro powering up but he pushed though and opened his eyes to find the missing X-men. He could feel his mind take flight over forests and deserts, from cities to small country towns. Until…
"There you are. I promise i will get to you." Xavier said.
He had found the 'Lost' X-Men.
TAL21: Just thought I would give this a shot. This has been bouncing around in my mind for the past month after watching X-Men: Evolution and a bit of the movies. Then something popped into my head. It is an 'What If' situation. And it is also slightly AU. But it will have romance between Rouge and Gambit and family time between Kurt and Rouge, and a few others (No spoiling). I don't want to give everything away. But i will tell you this, i wanted to give my bit of a spin on it. And lets see where it take me and you guys. I've always been a big Fan of the Marvel Franchise as well as the X-Men, seeing as it was the 90s cartoon that i grew up with and the newer cartoons were amazing! I originally wanted it to be in the X-Men: The Movie category, but the Evolution category fit it perfectly. Are you guys excited for the Days of Future Past? I know I AM! :D Well, tell me what you think of it and i hope to see you guys next chapter! Please leave detailed reviews and opinions! I'd love to hear from you guys!
Question Time!: What are your favorite couples in the X-Men Franchise? My personal faves are Gambit and Rouge and Shadowcat and Colossus.