I changed some of the movie dialogue. Disclaimer: Thor is owned by Marvel

A Promise Ch. 23

"You will return what is mine." The dark elf demanded as he advanced towards her and Frigga.

"You will not touch her," Frigga cried out and swung her dual blades. The elf dodged them, just barely. Frigga swung again and again, knocking him back. His face was a mask of surprise, clearly not expecting the matronly woman to be a master of swords. Jane watched in fascination as the queen relentlessly fought, her every blow moving her closer to victory. The elf growled in anger and leapt just out of Frigga's reach.

"Enough!" The dark elf shouted and stepped farther back. Frigga paused momentarily before poising herself for another attack. "Alrgrim, finish her."

From behind the elf appeared a massive and gruesome monster. His skin and arms were a charred black and his eyes were wild with madness and fight. The monster charged at Frigga, but the queen's great skill was soon overpowered by the unquantifiable power of the beast. He captured Frigga quickly and held her at bay with his sword pressed against her back.

"Run Jane!" Frigga hissed, just as Algrim's weapon was pushed through her chest.

Jane pushed a scream through her throat but it died upon her lips as the dark elf approached her.

"Now child," he started and reached out a hand towards her. "I will have what is mine."

She had no weapon to use, no strength to fight, and her protection lay crumpled in a bloody mess on the floor. Her only choice was to run. She spun as quickly as she could manage but the elf reached her first. He took hold of her arm and dragged her back against him. With the other hand he gripped her chin and forced her to look at him. His gaze searched hers, studying her expression, analyzing her reaction. Out of her peripheral she saw a fast approaching blur of red. Her hope was coming.

"You are not afraid?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Not of you."

The dark elf leaned in closer, his breath hot and rancid on her face.

"Then you will learn."

The lightning struck him next.

She awoke with a sharp gasp, and widened eyes. Her back was being rubbed in soothing, circular motions, with only a hint of shaking to rouse her.


She recognized Thor's voice and slowly sat up. The remnants of the dream began to edge out of her awareness, like a choking morning mist, taking too long to evaporate.

"Bad dream?" He asked with a tender stroke to her cheek. Started to answer before remembering that it was not a dream, but the recoiling memory of the previous night. He did not need to be reminded of it.

"I'm fine," she spoke strongly, doing her best to convince him of that.

Outside, the sky was darkening to signal nightfall. Jane looked at her lover's face and could see the residue of grief in his features. He must have spent himself of his pain while she slept. She could just make out the remains of a tear trails on his cheeks, and the red tint to his eyes were not disguisable. He was struggling, he was grieving, he was in pain, and it was all her fault.

"I came to wake you for the memorial," he informed her. Jane nodded, but could not find anything in her heart to say. No words would make this better. She had lost a parent before, and it had been terrible. But nothing was as hard as this. He helped her out of bed and reached for her dress draped across the plush chair.

Her whole body racked with pain from the battle's stress and the Aether was slowing down her movements. It had found its master and was growing far more insistent to be released. Jane felt Thor's eyes on her, his hand hovered above her lower back, as if he was waiting for her to fall. It was not fair. He had lost his mother, had his home nearly destroyed, and still had to contend with the Aether. Jane just wanted to make things right.

The palace grounds were filled to the brink with every Asgardian, man, woman, and child. Each wore the same solemn frown, and clutched a square lantern in hand. All waited in silence for the Allfather to approach. The king of Asgard looked more haggard than Jane had ever seen the man. His skin was as drooped as his posture as he shuffled to the balcony, overlooking the great lake.

It was clear from the attendance how dearly loved the queen had been. Jane expected a long eulogy, in an honor of Frigga, but no words were spoken. Thor handed her a lantern, already lit.

She watched as the Allfather raised his lantern and spoke softly.

"You are missed, My Love."

He lightly tossed his lantern in the air and the crowd watched for a moment before releasing their own lights. In the distance Jane could make out the decorated barge carrying the burning body of the queen towards the waterfall.

Next to her, Thor cried silently. It was the worst thing Jane had ever witnessed.

She knew she had to go.

Her heart ached with every step she took further away from the man she loved. The decision to leave had been the hardest she had ever made. After spending a year waiting for him, and now finally being here in Asgard with him had done nothing but bring him misery. She brought the Aether upon herself through her stupid curiosity, and now his mother was dead from defending her. The rift between Thor and his father was wider than ever; all of this was because of her. The best thing she could do was leave now; get out of his life, before she caused him any more pain. Let the Aether end her when she was far away and Thor was safe from her.

The halls were eerily silent, and unsettlingly guardless. She walked slowly, and painfully down the corridors in the direction of the Bifrost. But the darkness of the palace had her confused. And she felt so tired, so weak. Each step was a struggle. It felt as though the farther she moved, the more powerful the Aether grew.

A sharp rustle of clothing was the only warning she had of a presence behind her. Jane spun with knife in hand and came face to face with Sif.

"You cannot leave," the warrior woman spoke, her tone devoid of any emotion.

"Excuse me?" Jane replied, surprised.

"You cannot leave."

"What do you care?" Jane bit back. "You don't want me here anyways."

"No, I don't," Sif replied calmly. "But Thor does."

"I am doing this for him." Jane's voice wavered slightly.

"I know what you think you are doing, but the only thing your actions will bring is his devastation and heartbreak."

"That is all I have brought him now," Jane countered.

"He is stronger than you give him credit for."

"How many more people must he lose before I break him completely?"

"He would only need to lose you," Sif answered. "Losing you would destroy him."

"He would move on."

"Not from you, Jane," Sif sighed. "And certainly not from his child."

Jane was not surprised that Sif knew about the baby; the woman seemed to be aware of everything.

"The Aether will take us from him anyways." Tears leaked from her eyes, unbidden, as she tried to hide her grief.

"Jane," Sif touched her arm in an apparent attempt at comfort. "Have you no faith in him? Thor has never backed down from a challenge or gone back on his word. Yes, the Aether is stronger than any he has faced before, but I believe his love for you is strong enough to conquer it. Don't give up yet."

Jane hung her head in shame. Sif was right and Jane was embarrassed that she had to be reminded of it.

"Thank you, Sif. I know you don't care for me and it must have been hard for you to do this."

"Thor is my friend," she stated. "I want him to be happy."

"Lady Foster!"

A large group of soldiers rounded the corner and rushed towards her. She looked over her shoulder and noted Sif's disappearance.

"What is the problem?" Jane Asked, doing her best to remain calm.

"Lady Foster, you have have been ordered to come with us."

Thor stormed the halls towards the throne room, rage fueling his speed. After Sif had awoken him with the news of Jane's capture, it was all he could do to not fly Mjolnir into his father's chest.

The Allfather stood at the map with his Captain and councilors, unaware of the fury he had brought upon his son.

"So Jane is your prisoner now?" Thor shouted, accusingly.

The Allfather did not turn from his map, "Leave us." The others quickly dispersed leaving Thor and his father alone.

"Malekith will return for the Aether," his father finally spoke. "We must be prepared."

"By keeping Jane imprisoned?" Thor seethed.

"She has been made comfortable," Odin dismissed Thor's accusations with a wave of his hand.

"I do not wish to fight with you, Father," Thor stated, reeling back in his temper. He knew that arguing with his father would not bring about Jane's release.

"Nor I with you," the Allfather conceded.

"I intend to pursue Malekith," Thor turned to follow his father as he exited the throne room.

"We possess the Aether," his father replied simply. "Malekith will come to us."

"Yes, and he will destroy us!" Thor insisted.

Odin did not even turn to face him. "You overestimate the power of these creatures."

"No, I value our people's lives." Thor caught up to his father and moved to face the older man. "Let me take Jane to Malekith's homeworld and draw the enemy from Asgard."

Odin regarded him in silence. The king's anger was palpable. "Your only concern is removing the Aether from your mortal."

Thor bristled at his father's insinuation but bit back an angry retort. It was true that Malekith was the only one who could remove the Aether from Jane, but Thor had a plan. He would save everyone, not just his lover. "When Malekith draws the Aether from Jane, it will be exposed and vulnerable. I will destroy it and him."

Odin shook his head. "If you fail, you risk this weapon falling into the hands of our enemy."

"The risk is far greater if we do nothing," Thor countered.

"Only for your mortal!" Odin hissed. "She must remain here, in our possession."

Thor was stunned. What had happened to his father to make the man so heartless? Did he not understand that taking Jane to Malekith would save her life?

"How could you be so cold?" Thor asked his father, hoping that the king would show some sign of compassion, of being the man he once was.

"She will die anyways," Odin stated confidently, devoid of any sympathy for the lady.

It was then that Thor realized how far Odin had fallen. His own grief and bitterness had blinded him to mercy, to any emotion other than hate. There was no negotiating with him.

"You cannot keep Jane from me," Thor moved closer to his father. His voice was strong, and he hoped, intimidating.

Odin was not backing down. "Her guards have been ordered to attack you on sight. If you do not wish to spill Asgardian blood, then you keep your distance."

Thor had finally had enough. "You are no different than Malekith!" Thor shouted. "I will not sit by idly by while you endanger the mother of my child!"

Odin's eyes widened, almost comically. "What?"

"Jane is pregnant, Father," Thor spit out triumphantly at the shocked look on his father's face. "Mother was happy for me."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Odin staring flabberghasted and speechless.

Jane was shocked by the sudden appearance of the Allfather at her door. He came in wordlessly, not even looking at her. She watched him as he paced in front of the window for several, uncomfortable minutes.

She finally could not take the tension any longer. "Is there something I can so for you?" She tried to keep the sarcasm she felt out of her tone.

Odin stood facing the window, his shoulders were not quite as strong as they normally appeared. When he finally spoke, his haggard tone startled her.

"When I was young, so many years ago, I traveled to Midgard often. The people there revered me as a deity, something that I am ashamed to admit that I enjoyed. For all its primitiveness, Earth is...truly beautiful."

Jane remained silent, curious as to why he was telling her all of this.

"During one of my visits, I was exploring the mountainous region towards north of what you call Europe. I was overconfident in my abilities and quickly lost my way. I was stranded in an unfamiliar area with the snow growing taller and the temperature falling fast. My father was a stern man and always taught me that I would be responsible for getting myself out of trouble. I knew no help would come from him that night. I was on my own."

"As the night drew closer I began to doubt my survival. The more I walked, the more lost I became. After hours I finally stopped wandering and sat beneath a tree, ready to accept my fate for my foolishness. But out of the wild snow came a cloaked figure calling out to me."

"I thought she was an angel." He paused and she could hear the smile on his face. "Adelaide was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She save my life that day by leading me back to her village in the snow storm; chastising me the entire walk for venturing out before a blizzard. She buried herself into my heart that day, and I never wanted her out."

Odin chuckled at the memory. He left the window and walked near to him.

"I loved her, more than life itself." He stopped near the center table and picked up a piece of fruit. His hands kept busy toying with the outer ridges of the skin. His eyes drifted over to meet hers, and the looks he saw terrified her. "But she was a mortal and our love could not last; just as my father warned me."

"What happened to her?" Jane whispered the question, afraid that she already knew the answer.

"She died, just as you mortals do. There was nothing I could do to save her."

"I'm sorry," Jane apologized, and she meant it.

Odin shook her apology off like she would gnat. "I do not want my son to know the same heartbreak as I did."

He rounded the table and came within a few feet of where she sat.

"After Malekith has been defeated, and you are free of the Aether, you will be returned to Earth. I will ensure that you have everything you need you need to care for you and your child. But you will not see Thor again."

Odin stood staring at her, presumably waiting for a response, but Jane could think of nothing to say.

"it is for the best," Odin sighed and she wondered which of them he was trying to convince. When she made no word he moved towards the door.

"Wait!" She called out, not knowing what possessed her to do so other than the gnawing urge to know, "How did she die?"

Odin studied her for a very long moment before answering tersely, "She died in childbirth."

He walked out the door; leaving Jane stunned and alone.