Chapter 1: The First Kiss

Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

After two and a half years of excuses, Harry had finally agreed to a date for the wedding.

At first, it was the remnants of the war and Harry didn't think it was the right time. They had to arrange for all the funerals of the war victims—then there were the trials. Then, Harry decided to go into Auror training.

Six months later, he'd decided he didn't wish to be an Auror. He'd seen too much crime and death in his lifetime already to want that as a career. He thought being a Healer would be better. He'd always had a desire to help people.

Months later, Harry acknowledged that it was a poor career choice as well. He was rubbish at potions, and anyone who he tended to was more interested in him as a hero than a Healer intern. Eventually, he only got in the way of the physicians who were trying to help the patient.

In the beginning, Ginny hadn't minded so much. Harry was trying to figure out what he wanted to do and she was busy with Quidditch. But after the first two years, she had gotten antsy.

"Are you sure you want to get married?" Ginny asked Harry during one of Harry's visits. Harry would often visit Ginny in Dorset during her practice season.

"Of course! I just don't think I can be a husband until I'm well established in what I want to do."

Ginny was understanding. She had always been understanding.

The big break finally came whilst they were out to dinner to celebrate the anniversary of when they'd first got together as a couple. The restaurant where they'd made the reservations, La Dolce Vita, was full because other patrons overstayed due to the storm.

"They don't have a table ready for us yet," Harry informed Ginny who was busy spelling her robes dry.

"What do they expect us to do, just stand here?" Ginny replied with frustration. "I know it's not their fault, I blame the damn weather!" She laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. "Why don't they just use an Extension Charm to make the restaurant bigger?"

"That's not a bad idea," a man said as he approached the couple. "But they still wouldn't have enough tables and chairs to accommodate everyone. Harry smiled at him. "I'm Sebastian Anderson," he added. "We arrived a little while ago and it turns out the other couple that was supposed to meet us probably won't make it given the weather. Why don't we all share a table?"

"They gave you a table?" Ginny asked. She immediately softened her expression realising that she sounded rude.

"I have a standing reservation here; they wouldn't dare give my table away," Alderson answered.

"Oh dear, you're that Sebastian Alderson!" Ginny exclaimed. "Harry, he owns Puddlemere United and has many investments in other Quidditch teams!" Ginny was clearly impressed; Harry just felt awkward for not knowing. "It's a pleasure, sir," Ginny added shaking the man's hand.

"So you wouldn't mind sharing a table?" Alderson asked looking towards Harry.

"No, of course not!" Ginny answered before Harry could say anything.

Over dinner Harry discovered that Sebastian Alderson was part of a very old pureblood family that owned several high-end tailor shops. They also had a huge involvement in the Quidditch League. He also said he had a proposition for Harry.

"A proposition, sir?" Harry asked.

"My daughter, Emilie, is turning seven next week, and we have decided that she's ready for her very first broom," Alderson said as Harry nodded still confused. "We know that..." he paused and glanced at his wife who nodded with a reassuring smile. "We know that you don't really have a career choice picked out for yourself, Mr Potter, and your fiancé is an extraordinary Quidditch player. We were wondering if you'd be willing to be my daughter's private Flying Instructor?"

"Oh, that actually sounds like—"

"I had been meaning to get in touch with you, Mr Potter, and imagine our surprise that you are here today and we just had to talk to you!"

"Harry that sounds wonderful!" Ginny chimed in, supportive as always.

"Yes, it actually is. I would be delighted!" Harry replied. "It's sort of perfect, actually."


A week later, Emilie Alderson had two delightful surprises for her birthday. She'd received a Silver "baby" Arrow, broomsticks designed for children who were just learning to fly, and the people to hand it to her were none other than Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.

Harry could see the excitement in Emilie's eyes when he asked her if she would "allow" him to become her flying instructor. She accepted by saying that all of her friends were going to be "super jealous."

It didn't take long before the news of "Harry Potter: Private Flying Instructor" spread everywhere. On a weekly basis Harry was receiving owls from parents requesting for him to consider taking on their son or daughter as a student.

Everything was going well: Harry finally had some direction towards a career path and he became his own business owner. Ginny had asked about Harry's decision on picking out a date for their wedding and Harry agreed. They were going to get married in four months' time, on the 4th of November. By then, Harry would have hired an employee to help him manage his booming business.


"This is too much!" Harry was exhausted; he moaned and threw his aching body on Hermione's sofa.

It had been almost two months after Emilie's birthday party and Harry had over ten students. His own wedding was less than three months away and he hadn't helped Ginny at all with any of the planning.

"What about hiring someone to help you?" Hermione asked. "I thought a month ago you said you were going to find someone."

"I don't need an employee, I need a business partner," Harry answered. He slouched back into the sofa and sipped on his chamomile tea.

"A business partner?"

"I don't just need someone to help me with the teaching. I need someone to help with managing the books, the appointments. Scheduling the fields where we can actually fly. Not everyone has loads of private grounds where their children run amok."

Hermione laughed.

"Besides, I've already gotten two letters from the orphanage asking if I can donate some time there. So—"

"You could place an ad. Ask for a business partner who is not against doing some charity work. I know someone—but, I'm not sure how open you'll be to that suggestion. He actually came in to the SPEW headquarters looking to donate some funds and asked if I knew of any worthy charities." Hermione looked uncomfortable. She was doing that thing where she speed talked; she often did that with Ron.

"Who is it?" Harry asked, intrigued.

"Malfoy," Hermione answered avoiding Harry's gaze. "He's changed a lot and he's a good flyer—"

"I hope you're joking, Hermione," Harry answered.

"I'm not. Ask him. I think you both can benefit from this partnership." Hermione sounded determined so Harry realised she really wasn't joking. "Otherwise, your only other option is to cut down the workload—you'll have to turn the charity down. Or you could get Ginny to quit professional Quidditch and help you instead. Your earnings from your business are just as much as hers right now and besides you've got the family wealth..."

"I am not going to ask Ginny to quit professional Quidditch so we can teach flying together. She'll want to have a family straight away and I'm just not ready for that—"

"Ready for what, exactly?" Hermione asked, her eyebrow rose with peaked interest.

"To have children. We are getting married in three months and I already think that's too soon, but I don't want to keep saying no to her. Then if we are around each other all the time, especially with children, she could completely hate children or love them so much that she'll want a ton herself!"

"If you're not ready to get married—"

"I'm ready!" Harry nearly shouted spilling his tea on Hermione's sofa. "Sorry." He stayed quiet for a few moments then spoke again. "I just don't want to be one of those blokes who is afraid of commitment." He looked up at her and she had her eyebrows raised still. "I just don't think that a couple should go into business together. She's got her life, I've got mine, and we are going to get married and that'll be fine."

"Are you assuring me, or yourself?" Hermione asked.

Harry didn't answer.


It was still unclear to Harry how exactly he'd ended up in front of the gates of the Malfoy Manor, but there he was. A house-elf appeared in front of him and escorted him into the Mansion where he waited for Malfoy to arrive. He was offered a glass of Firewhisky which he didn't turn down. This was going to be an interesting conversation, he thought, he might as well get some liquid courage.

"Granger told me you'd be arriving to speak with me," Malfoy said as he entered the room and took a seat in front of Harry. Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He really did not know why all of a sudden he wasso nervous.

"Oh, so you know why I'm here?"

"You need a business partner, and I need a good reputation in the wizarding world."

"What have you been doing these past few years—since the—"

"The trials?" Malfoy asked as he sipped on a drink. Harry thought it was rather too early to be consuming Firewhisky but let go of the thought.

"Well, I'll have to know if we are going to be business partners. I'm sure I'll be asked that question," Harry replied, carefully watching his words.

"Not much. I began travelling with my mother as soon as Father was sent to Azkaban. I was sort of "discovering myself" so to speak. Then I travelled alone after she decided to settle in France."

"Discovering yourself?"

"You're not the only one with unique gifts," Malfoy answered. His tone surprisingly wasn't sarcastic, Harry noted. "Back from being dead and all..." He smirked. Was Malfoy being charming?

"What are these gifts then?" Harry asked.

"All in good time, Potter. What do you want me for? Professionally speaking," Malfoy said as he leaned back into the sofa and finished the last of his drink.

Harry flustered, feeling himself turning red. "How else would I want you?"

"You wouldn't."


Malfoy raised an eyebrow and Harry gulped down his drink in one swift.

"Right," Harry said. "So basically, I need someone to help me organise my time. Take up half my teaching schedule and alternate with me with the charities. The Albus Dumbledore Orphanage is scheduled for every other Saturday for four hours. In three months' time, I'm getting married, and then I'll be unavailable for another few weeks. So I just wanted someone to take over my load then."

Malfoy nodded, listening intently. "And do you think the families won't have any trouble if I took some of your workload?"

"The biggest clients I have are the pureblood families. I really don't think they will have any trouble with you. The charity work—they'll take whatever they can get. And if someone else has a problem, then I don't really want to work with them anyway. Besides, I think alternating the schedule would be better because the student will only benefit. I'm sure I will probably overlook something that you might be able to catch."

"How do we work the finances?" Malfoy asked.

"Well, I donate ten percent of the monthly income to charity. So far it's been the Albus Dumbledore Orphanage, Hermione's SPEW work, that sort of thing. After that, I suppose depending on how much we work, we divide it by the hours?" Harry answered. He really didn't care that much about the finances and figured if Malfoy cared, he could come up with a proposal. He just didn't want to seem like he was ready to be a pushover.

"That seems fair," Malfoy answered. "Assuming I will be doing the paperwork as well, adjusting time tables and balance sheets, which can be counted towards the number of hours we work on a monthly basis?"

Harry nodded. It sounded fair. "Also just so you know," Harry said, "if the client cancels for whatever reason, even bad weather conditions, we still get paid. I don't enforce this rule with all the families, but it is there. So if you might be worried that the weather is too bad—"

"It won't be," Malfoy answered.

"What do you mean?" Harry didn't understand. "I've had five cancellations in the last two months because of the weather."

"I'm just saying, we don't have to worry about that. Not any more anyway." Harry raised an eyebrow and Malfoy seemed to have changed the subject. "We also need a name."

"A name?"

"A company name, Potter. We can't really go on calling it "Harry Potter: Private Flying Instructor." It needs a proper name," Malfoy stated.

"Alright, what do you think then?" Harry asked. He hadn't even thought about that. He was going to have a company and it was going to be a partnership. With Malfoy. His head was still wrapping around that whole thing.

Malfoy looked as though he was deep in thought. Harry watched him with great interest, trying to read his expression. Malfoy finally looked up, startled with the way Harry was staring at him. "Besom Buddies," he finally said.

Harry was pleasantly surprised by Malfoy's suggestion. "I like it," Harry said.

"Great, I'll get some cards printed," Malfoy answered. He stood up and brought out his hand for Harry to shake. Harry ineptly stood up as well and shook Malfoy's hand. "Looking forward to doing business with you, Potter."

"Yeah, me too, Malfoy."

Harry finished his drink and left.


The first week after Malfoy came on board was unbelievable, to say the least. He'd relieved Harry of half his caseload, organised his schedule in an understandable manner, and even created a "chart" per student focusing on their needs, strengths, and weaknesses.

The best part of it all, what Ginny appreciated the most, had been that Malfoy had helped clear up Harry's schedule for the two of them to be able to see each other more. Harry was more alert and vocal with the wedding preparations and ideas, and he was glad to see Ginny in a good mood.

Malfoy also proposed a weekly "business dinner" with Harry to discuss their week and planning ahead. The time both of their scheduled allowed was Friday nights. Harry was reluctant to tell the Weasleys that he would be missing their family dinners on Fridays because of "work" but they seemed to be understanding. The only person who had any problem with it was, to no one's surprise, Mrs Weasley. However, she too learned to let go.

To say that Malfoy was born to do this, Harry thought, was an understatement. He arrived at the dinner at Le Chateau with a summary of Harry's past few months, along with projected numbers for the future. He had a proposal on how to expand the business in the next few years and how to incorporate and recruit celebrities into donating more to the causes the Besom Buddies would support.

"Wow, Malfoy, this is...I don't even know."

"It's been quite fun, actually," Malfoy said. "I stayed up all of last night trying to get the numbers right."

"But didn't you have a lesson scheduled for nine o'clock this morning?" Harry asked, surprised. The waiter had just come by and taken their wine order and Malfoy ordered for the table. Harry had no clue what he was saying. Malfoy had insisted on going to his favourite restaurant and the only times Harry had ever gone to anything fancy was with Ginny. "Ginny would love this place!" Harry added.

Malfoy nodded curtly, almost dismissing Harry's mention of Ginny. "I take my work very seriously," he said. "I don't have any plans for the weekend-you've got the session tomorrow at the Orphanage, I plan on resting then."

For the rest of the evening, they didn't talk about work. The conversation was limited but entertaining nonetheless. They discussed Quidditch and Malfoy's travels, and Harry was surprised to hear that Malfoy stayed at a Tibetan Temple for six weeks and had disciplined himself to meditate rather regularly.

As the evening came to an end, Malfoy gave Harry his reports for him to look over.

"I know you're not going to even open them, but just take them with you," Malfoy said. "Maybe they'll help you fall asleep."

Harry laughed and promised to give them a glance over the weekend.

At night in bed, Harry thought about his dinner with Malfoy. He was surprised at how fun the evening had been. He had anticipated that Malfoy was going to be stuffy all evening, as though he'd have a stick up his arse, but he was surprisingly fun. Even if they had only just talked about work for the first hour.

Harry was starting to like Malfoy, as a business partner, of course. But now, the thought of keeping the business going and growing over the next several years was intriguing and not petrifying. This was a commitment Harry could make without losing sleep.

He rolled over and fell asleep almost instantly.

That was the first night Harry had a vivid sex dream with Malfoy. Harry woke, sweating; he'd come in his pyjamas. Groaning and spelling himself clean, Harry rolled over and fell asleep again. He'd vaguely remembered the dream the next day.


The weekend went by with a blur. Between having woken up almost every night with a sex dream, flying lessons with twelve eight-year-olds, wedding shopping, cake tastings and general Weasley smothering by Monday afternoon Harry looked forward to two things: lessons with his first and favourite student, Emilie Alderson, and Friday night dinner with Malfoy.

"He asks about you, you know," Emilie Alderson said when Harry asked her how she liked Mr Malfoy.

"He does?" Harry was a bit surprised. "Well he's a new business partner; I'm sure he just wants to make sure I'm alright. Just like how I've asked you about him."

"He doesn't just ask if you're alright," Emilie announced.

"Well enough about Mr Malfoy, let's hop on your broom and get to it!" Harry said, changing the subject.

Friday night arrived, and Harry entered Le Chateau and was directed to the table he and Malfoy had sat the previous week. Harry wondered if Malfoy also had a standing reservation at the restaurant like the Aldersons did at La Dolce Vita.

"Sorry, I'm late, Potter." Malfoy arrived a half hour later. "I was with the Sullivan boy, he's a —"

"Handful, I know," Harry said. "I was wondering what you would think of him when you met." Malfoy smiled and poured himself a glass of wine that he'd pre-ordered for the table. Harry was already on his second glass. "By the way, what did you say to Emilie Alderson?"

Malfoy laughed. "Why?" He took a sip of his wine and spoke again. "She's madly in love with you. She's even considered starting a Harry Potter fan club when she gets to Hogwarts."

Harry chuckled. "Really? I had no idea. The way she went on and on about you, I'm quite sure you've stolen her love from me!"

"No, she thinks I should teach at Hogwarts and be Vice President of the club. She's definitely even picked out a gown for when you and she are to be married in twenty years' time."

"Well then," Harry said, feeling a bit tipsy. "It's really too bad I'm marrying Ginny in a few months."

"Yes, it's really too bad indeed."


The weeks continued, Harry's workload really had decreased and he'd gotten nothing but time for wedding planning. Growing tired of it, especially since he didn't really have an opinion about anything, Harry owled Malfoy asking if he could give him a couple of more kids for the week and work on "recruiting" more students instead. Malfoy agreed. They decided upon a middle of the week dinner to discuss "strategy."

Harry was unnecessarily excited for his Wednesday night dinner with Malfoy. Additionally, it was his turn to pick a restaurant since they'd already been going to Le Chateau every week for months. The wedding was less than a month away and Harry claimed that he needed to do more "man" things before he were to get married and do more "couple" things. That's how he'd explained it to Hermione, anyway.

"Why don't you take Ron with you?" Hermione said.

"What, why?" Harry asked.

"Well you're saying you need to do more "man" things, maybe you should spend some time with your best mate." She had a point.

"I don't know. It's Malfoy, I don't really know how he'll react to that. Besides, we are going to talk about work—Ron will be bored out of his mind," Harry argued. Hermione raised an eyebrow. Harry knew it—it was the eyebrow of scepticism. "Why don't you tell Ron that we'll go out for drinks tomorrow night, at the Leaky Cauldron."

"Aren't you supposed to go for a tux-fitting tomorrow night?" Hermione asked.

Harry groaned. "Why do I need a tux-fitting? I thought I was going to wear just whatever wizarding robes you lot decided on?"

"Ginny wants to incorporate Muggle culture in to the wedding. Don't you remember, Harry?" Hermione sounded annoyed.

"Can you help me get out of it? I just don't want to stand in front of five people and get fifteen different opinions only to not have a decision be made." Harry was equally annoyed. "I think Ron would rather go to the pub with me."

"Ron would rather go to the pub any day," Hermione retorted. "Okay fine, I'll make some excuse. Just make sure you spend time with Ron tomorrow night."

"I will," Harry promised. In the end, it wasn't his fault that Ron ended up cancelling on Harry.

On Wednesday night, Harry confessed to Malfoy that he was starting to get really frustrated with "wedding planning."

"Why don't you just tell her you don't want any part in the planning, your job is to just show up?" Malfoy asked.

"I can't do that," Harry answered. "She's been so great through everything. I've delayed the process for a very long time and it's a special day for her. She wants me involved."

"It's a special day for every woman. She's nothing special," Malfoy replied. Harry didn't appreciate his tone. "I'm sorry, Potter," he said. "It's not my business."

"No, I know—I'm sure when Hermione gets married, she'll drag Ron through every decision and still make the decision on her own. It's just—"

"Potter, do you not want to get married?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Harry snapped. "If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked, I wouldn't have agreed to a date."

"You asked her when you were eighteen, now you're over twenty-one. You know you are allowed to change your mind. This is the rest of your life we are talking about," Malfoy said.

"I don't know—" Harry trailed off in his thoughts, unsure of how to reply.

"This is a nice place, by the way," Malfoy said, alleviating Harry's stress by changing the subject.

"Oh, yeah?" Harry said, delighted. "I'm so glad you like it. It's my favourite pub." Harry had chosen one of his private, favourite places to dine with Malfoy. They sat at a corner table in Wizard's Quest.

During his Auror training days, one of his associates had brought him here, and Harry had loved the place almost instantly. Even though the Auror career-path didn't pan out, Harry still went to Wizard's Quest to "get away from it all" and think.

"Yeah, it's casual but elegant. I'm glad I didn't completely dress down to come here, I expected more of a—" Malfoy hesitated.

"Go ahead, insult me, I know what kind of a place you expected," Harry teased.

Malfoy smiled. "I'm honoured that you introduced me to one of your favourite pubs, Potter," he said. "What does Ginny think about this place?"

"I'm sure she'd love it—but I've not brought her here yet. It's my—sort of my secret hiding place."

"Oh," Malfoy said. Harry wanted to know what he was thinking. "Well then I suppose I'm really honoured then."

Harry grinned. "Let's talk business now, before we both get too pissed to actually operate." Malfoy nodded. Two hours later, they were still at the pub and extraordinarily pissed. An hour after that, Harry and Malfoy used the Floo to Harry's flat and continued drinking. Malfoy eventually crashed on Harry's sofa and Harry went to his room.

Lightning struck a tree and a branch went flying into the window in Harry's bedroom. Glass shattered everywhere and Harry woke up startled from his sleep wondering if that had actually happened or he was dreaming. Malfoy knocked on Harry's door.

"Potter, are you alright?" He sounded panicked. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah I'm fine, come in," Harry answered and Malfoy opened the door. "It's just bad weather," Harry said. "I can fix it, it's no problem."

"I'm sorry," Malfoy replied. "I've got my wand; do you want me to do it?"

Harry shrugged and Malfoy spelled the glass together and fixed the window. "Why are you sorry?" Harry asked. "You didn't cause it." His voice was light and serene as he chuckled at Malfoy's politeness for apologising for the weather.

"Right," Malfoy replied. He began to turn around and take his leave.

"What time is it?" Harry asked.

"It's nearly eight o'clock in the morning," Malfoy replied. "We've got two lessons today, each."

"I know, but I reckon they'll cancel because of the weather."


"And you promised good weather for all the flying lessons," Harry joked.

"Perhaps not today, given my nightmare," Malfoy answered.

"I don't understand," Harry replied.

"Never mind." Malfoy was definitely hiding something. "I must be off. They will probably Floo the Manor cancelling. I hope they don't try to send me an owl in this weather."

"You can Fire-call them from here," Harry suggested. "We'll take turns, after breakfast."

"Breakfast?" Malfoy sounded interested.

"Yeah, what kind of a host would I be if I didn't offer you breakfast?" Harry grinned. "Besides, what are you going to do today, now that we don't have any lessons planned?"

Malfoy opened his mouth as though he was about to say something—but then closed it.

"And don't say paperwork," Harry added.

"I don't just work you know, Potter," Malfoy retorted.

"Oh yeah, what do you do for fun?" Harry asked gesturing Malfoy to come in his room and sit.

Malfoy sat at the edge of Harry's bed. "I read, and—"

"And what, go flying?" Harry teased.

"Well, I'm sorry if I haven't got fans fawning over me left and right like you, Potter," Malfoy roared. Harry panicked. He didn't mean to make Malfoy so upset. Malfoy was still as temperament as always.

Some things never changed.

Malfoy stood up shortly after, and began to walk away. The thunder bellowed outside the window again, and Harry was afraid another branch would come flying in shattering the window.

"Malfoy, wait!" Harry jumped off the bed and ran after Malfoy. He grabbed Malfoy's arm and pulled him. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean it like that. I know that it's been—"

"It's been what?" Malfoy snapped.

"I know it's been tough. For you. To ease back into society. Your friends have left and it's difficult to make new friends. I want you to know that I—I think of you as my friend, okay? Not just a business partner," Harry said. He squeezed Malfoy's arm lightly. Harry didn't realise how close he actually was to Malfoy's body and his arm was brushing against Harry's shirtless chest. Harry didn't mill when Malfoy, for a quick moment looked at him, then at his lips. He thought Malfoy had licked his own lips, but then he snapped his head in the opposite direction and nodded.

"Great," Harry said, letting go of Malfoy's arm and quickly grabbing a shirt from his dresser. "Let's contact those parents first instead, and then take our time making breakfast."

"You don't have a house-elf?" Malfoy asked.

"Have you met Hermione?" Harry asked causing Malfoy to snort and Harry began laughing immediately after.

They spent the day together, talking about everything but work. Harry was interested in hearing about Malfoy's experience travelling around the world. The rain didn't seem to let up and Harry didn't mind.

"I'm supposed to go out to drinks with Ron tonight," Harry said. "I don't know where we'll go if it keeps raining like this. His favourite place is this restaurant with an outdoor patio."

Malfoy nodded. He had a look in his eyes that Harry couldn't place. An hour later, when Malfoy was in Harry's shower, Ron Fire-called him.

"Harry the weather is too strenuous for us to try to go somewhere. Do you want to come by for dinner tonight?" Ron said. "Ginny is coming over to talk about table decorations with Hermione."

"I'm feeling a bit sick today, Ron. I think I'm just going to stay in. Can you tell Ginny I'll meet her for lunch tomorrow?" Harry had no interest in discussing table pieces.

"Alright mate, feel better." Ron ended the call and Harry was relieved. Ron was never one to ask too many questions. They both had had enough of that with Ginny and Hermione.

The thunderstorms and the rain didn't budge and Harry was finally beginning to think it was weird. After dinner, which he insisted Malfoy to stay for, Harry thought about asking Malfoy to spend the night again.

"Thanks for the offer, Potter, but your sofa isn't actually that comfortable," Malfoy answered as he poured them the last of the Firewhisky. "And you seem to be running out of crucial supplies."

"You can sleep in my bed," Harry offered, and Malfoy immediately raised an eyebrow. "I mean, I can sleep on the sofa."

"No that's just a bit weird," Malfoy answered. "Why didn't you keep the Black Family home? It was left to you wasn't it?"

Harry shrugged. "Too many bad memories, I suppose. It was just a reminder of everything that happened to my parents—the Order—I just wanted a fresh start so I bought a small flat. I'm not used to having too much space for myself. I reckon after me and Ginny get married, we'll look for our own house."

Malfoy nodded. "Alright, Potter. It's been an interesting day, but I'll take my leave via the Floo." Harry agreed disappointedly and Malfoy laughed. "Not used to not getting your way, huh?" Harry glared at him and Malfoy laughed again.


On the first of November, a mere few days before the wedding, Malfoy Flooed Harry saying he'd had an emergency and couldn't do his lesson with Emilie. Harry was supposed to go to lunch with Ginny and had to get out of it, which she didn't seem too pleased about. Harry adored Emilie, so he, on the other hand, didn't mind at all.

The lesson with Emilie was exceptional. The entire afternoon, she showed off to Harry all the tricks she'd learned from Malfoy and wasn't allowed to tell her parents about. Harry, technically, should have been upset, but he couldn't stop laughing at the little girl's enthusiasm. After the lesson, the Aldersons insisted on Harry staying for tea. Harry was due to meet up with Malfoy to talk about whatever "emergency" had held him up. For some odd reason, Harry felt that everyone around him that day was acting very peculiar.

After the tea and a private tour of the antique collection that belonged to Mrs Alderson, Harry was finally able to escape the Alderson home. He was over an hour behind schedule. Harry arrived at Malfoy Manor via the Floo Network and was informed by the house-elf that Malfoy was going to be waiting for him at the Leaky Cauldron. Harry groaned with exhaustion. He was really hoping for relaxing on the sofa with Draco and having a drink. No, relaxing on the sofa with Malfoy, and having a drink.

When did I start thinking about him as 'Draco'? Harry questioned himself.

The house-elf disappeared and appeared in front of Harry in a matter of moments. He offered Harry a small glass with Firewhisky. "Master Malfoy asked to offer you one when you arrived," the house-elf stated and Harry happily took the drink. Malfoy knew him well.

After being offered a second drink and instructions, "Don't get too comfortable in my house, Potter," Harry Disapparated to the Leaky Cauldron. He landed just outside the alley on the wizarding side and entered the pub.

"SURPRISE!" the crowd roared, scaring Harry half to death. He looked around the room and took in everyone he knew who was standing in front of him. Dean, Seamus, Ron, George, Charlie, Bill and even Percy were there, along with Neville, and Zacharias, really? The last person Harry saw as his gaze went along the room was Malfoy. He stood a few feet away from the rest of the group as though he didn't really know what he was doing there.

Slowly, Harry began to understand it all. His friends must have asked Malfoy to keep him busy that day so they could plan his surprise stag party. He had wondered why Ginny had been so huffy about cancelling their lunch date. She too had been putting on an act.

Harry smiled at his friends as they all hugged and congratulated him. He noticed that, by the time he'd arrived, they were all well on their way into the drinking and he was the only sober one there. Grabbing a tumbler of Firewhisky, he made his way through the crowd to Malfoy.

"This was your doing?" Harry asked.

"They asked for help," Malfoy said. "Your friends can't seem to get it together without Granger's help." Harry laughed. "She refused to plan a party she wasn't allowed to attend."

Harry laughed again. "Yeah, that sounds like Hermione."

Everyone at the pub bought Harry a drink that night and it didn't take very long for him to be pissed beyond all reason. By the time the night winded down, the only person who seemed sober was Malfoy.

"Malfoy, are you going to make sure Harry gets home alright?" Ron asked. "Or do you want me to—" Before Ron could finish his sentence he lost his balance and crashed into Neville. George tried to help him, but he too was far gone.

"Yeah, I think it best if you Weasleys look after each other. I've got Potter," Malfoy said.

"Malfoy is the best at taking care of things," Harry announced. His head was spinning and for some reason the light in the room made Malfoy's hair shine. He reached up to touch Malfoy's head.

"What are you doing, Potter?" Malfoy asked, surprised accompanied with a raised eyebrow.

"Your hair is so shiny!" Harry said.

"And you're drunk," Malfoy retorted to which Harry simply nodded. "Are you ready to go home?" he asked and Harry grabbed Malfoy's arm as a confirmation. After most of Harry's friends left the party, Malfoy decided to take him home.

They arrived at Harry's sitting room and Harry didn't let go of Malfoy's arm for several seconds.

"Potter," Malfoy said gesturing towards Harry's hand that was holding onto Malfoy's arm tightly.

"Oh, sorry," Harry said, "—I didn't realise." He sat on the sofa and Malfoy was about to say something, probably about leaving, when Harry spoke again. "Do you want a drink?"

"We were just drinking, Potter," Malfoy answered shaking his head.

"I know, but that was there and this is just us. You don't have to act like the responsible one anymore."

"It's not an act," Malfoy said.

"I know, I stocked up since last time—"

"Last time?"

"Yeah when you were here in that storm and said you were going to leave because I was out of necessary supplies, so I went shopping and filled the liquor cabinet. Ginny thought I was insane."

"You are insane." Malfoy turned to walk towards the tiny cupboard in the corner of the room. "Blimey, Potter, you weren't lying." He grabbed a bottle along with two glasses that were set up on top of the cabinet. "This is my favourite," he said. "Okay, maybe I'll stay for one drink."

Harry grinned and gestured for Malfoy to pour him a glass.

After Malfoy took a seat next to Harry on the sofa, Harry lit the fire in the fireplace with his wand. He gulped down his drink too fast and asked for another. Malfoy raised an eyebrow.

"It's my stag party-night, or whatever—" Before he could say anything else, Malfoy raised his hands in a surrender and filled Harry's glass. A few more drinks later, Harry took off his sweater. "I'm hot, are you hot? I'm so hot."

Malfoy just chuckled at Harry. Harry reckoned Malfoy had gotten drunk, finally. Harry raised his wand and pointed at the fireplace to dampen the flames. Malfoy poured himself another drink and turned to look at Harry. "What?" he asked.

Harry figured he must have been strangely staring at Malfoy because he was obsessing in his mind about Malfoy's hair again, wondering if Malfoy used any products, or if his hair was as soft as it looked. Harry reached up and ran his fingers through Malfoy's hair. Malfoy immediately leaned into his touch.

"You're so hot," Harry uttered.

"What are you doing, Potter?" Malfoy sounded confused.

"How do you manage to get your hair to be so soft?"

"I don't know, how do you manage to get your hair to stand up like a wild bush?"

"I don't, it just happens," Harry answered and looked into Malfoy's eyes. "Oh, you're insulting me."

"And you're flirting with me," Malfoy answered. "You're lucky I haven't been drinking as much. If I didn't know you were getting married in a few short days, I'd—"

"You'd what?"

"You're getting married in a few days," Malfoy said. He grabbed Harry's wrist and moved Harry's hand away from his hair. Harry didn't take his gaze away from Malfoy's eyes. "Why are you getting married in a few short days?"

"I'm getting married in a few short days," Harry said, suddenly realising what he was doing and placing his hands in his lap.

"Welcome to the conversation," Malfoy said.

"I—" Harry struggled with his words. "I just think you're hot," he said. It was the truth and that's all he could say, that's all his brain had processed so far.

"But not hot enough for you to call off the wedding?" Malfoy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why are you doing this?" Harry asked. He wasn't sure why he'd just placed the blame on Malfoy, but it seemed like the thing to do.

"You're flirting with me, and you're asking why I'm doing...this?" Malfoy gestured towards how close they'd been sitting, their knees touching. He stood up abruptly. "I should go."

Harry stood up right after him. "Malfoy, wait."

"Why?" Malfoy snapped.

Harry pulled Malfoy into a kiss. It was sloppy and took Malfoy completely by surprise and Harry bit Malfoy's lower lip too hard.

"Ow, Potter!" Malfoy yelled.

"Sorry," Harry mumbled. "That wasn't very—"


"Or hot."

Malfoy's eyes widened at Harry's comment and he pulled Harry into himself this time. Harry suddenly was very frightened. Malfoy grabbed the back of Harry's neck and gently massaged it for a second before his fingers trailed up and grabbed onto Harry's messy locks. Harry leaned into Malfoy's touch. The roughness of the way Malfoy tugged on Harry's hair caused him to inadvertently moan.

Malfoy's touch felt amazing. He placed his lips gently on Harry's and pushed, then sucked, then licked Harry's bottom lip with his tongue. Harry breathed in hard, taking in Malfoy's smell. He moaned again with want and parted his lips to let out a sigh. Malfoy pushed his tongue in Harry's and teased him.

Harry pulled himself into Malfoy's body; his desire taking a life of its own. Malfoy placed his other hand on the small of Harry's back and pulled him in further. Harry felt Malfoy's erection push into Harry's groin, Harry panicked; he stumbled back and broke the kiss.

"That was—" Harry didn't know what to say. Guilt built up inside him.

"Hot," Malfoy said. "Don't you ever dare—"

"You shouldn't have done that," Harry snapped, interrupting Malfoy. He was angry.

"When was the last time someone kissed you like that? When was the last time she kissed you like that?"

"I'm engaged to be married."

"That doesn't answer my question," Malfoy said. He took a step towards Harry and Harry stepped back.

"I've kissed Ginny like that," Harry argued.

"When was the last time?"

Harry didn't answer. He didn't know what to say. All he could think about was what Malfoy had done and he didn't want to think about that.

"She's hot," Malfoy said.

"Yeah." Harry thought Malfoy was going to trick him into something.

"And I'm hot," Malfoy said.

"You're Malfoy," Harry answered.

"Okay, I'll leave," Malfoy said, raising his hands.

"You should." Harry saw the look of hurt on Malfoy's face. He wanted to reach out and stop him from leaving. He didn't know what the hell he was doing. Why did he just bring Malfoy into the mess of everything that was his life?

Before Harry could say anything, Malfoy Disapparated. Harry collapsed on his sofa, unsure of what had just happened, what could have happened, what he didn't allow to happen. He closed his eyes and fell asleep and remained there for the rest of the night in his clothes.