Hey. Hi. Hello.

So it has been an extremely long time since I have even glanced at this story, and I am sure that there are some of you who aren't totally interested to see where I was planning on taking this. I just want so say that I am sorry for disappearing for so long, it was mainly because I lost interest with the story and I was also trying to transfer to a university from my community college. I am actually at my university now, so I still don't have time to write as much as I would like to, what with finals looming over me and final assignments.

However, I have news for y'all. I have been glancing at this story recently and noticing that I don't like it as much as I did when I originally wrote it. And because of that, I am actually planning on rewriting this story. I want to go more into depth with Aeriol and her "pack" or werecats but there are some other changes.

1. Aeriol's named is going to be changed Arielle, don't ask why I just happen to like this name better now

2. Werecats are going to be very rare now, so the Aeriol's pack is going to be much smaller (She will still have her brother but they probably won't be twins)

3. The werecat pack is now going to be called a pride (I don't know why I didn't start going that from the beginning)

That's the major changes for right now but I am sure there will be more once I start rewriting. And heads up, the rewrite will most likely happen once I am done with school for winter break because studying for finals is killing me. But I will work on it during winter break and try to get a chapter or two up before I have to go back to university.

And if you have any comments about this or you just want me to leave Teeth and Claws the way it is, feel free to leave a review or send me an inbox message :)

Love you all,
