Author's Note: I do not own Once Upon a Time or any of its characters.

The following story will have some Swanfire. It takes place after Hook says "As you wish" at the end of Good Form, episode 3.05. The first two chapters will be short, since they are Emma's and Hook's perspective.

This is my first published story, so reviews are appreciated.


Emma floated towards the campground, not feeling her feet touch the ground as she made her way towards the others, her mind reeling from the warm, soft lips that had passionately made contact with her own just moments before. She raised her fingers to touch her swollen mouth and smiled to herself.

'As you wish.' She knew he had no context of knowing the implications of what he said to her. Scenes of The Princess Bride replayed through her mind as she compared the recent events to the movie she loved growing up. She didn't want to overanalyze his words, but she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach at the thought of what he could have meant by them. She shook her head and chuckled to herself. 'What am I thinking? This is ridiculous. Hook? Hook being in love with me?' She discounted the idea and decided to cast the thoughts aside until she could at least feel her limbs.

She continued down the path slowly, not really feeling the urge to get back to camp quickly, when she heard rustling in the foliage behind her.

She stopped in her tracks and put a hand on her hip, trying to sound as annoyed as possible, even though the butterflies and excitement in her stomach suggested otherwise. "I thought I told you to wait five minutes." She said as she turned around to face her stalker, one eyebrow raised.

"Hello Emma."

Emma froze when she saw him, gravity pulling her down to earth unforgivably, filling her limbs with lead. She blinked slowly, seeing if doing so would make the apparition standing before her disappear.

"Neal." She replied breathlessly. "Is it…are you…" She lifted one lead-filled leg and inched closer to him, the emotions lodged in her throat, rendering her speechless and nearly immovable.

Neal didn't speak. Instead, he met her within three strides and swiftly pulled her into a hug, one hand cradling her head while the other squeezed her shoulders. But Emma froze, her hands shaking at her sides. She couldn't sift through all of the feelings welling up inside of her. Everything was happening too fast.

"Yes Emma, it's me. I'm here. I'm not dead… I'm not dead." He whispered. She felt the walls start to crumble against her will, and cautiously wrapped her arms around his middle.

"It's okay, Emma. It's okay." Neal said as he stroked her hair. The dammed emotions lodged in her throat suddenly erupted into uncontrollable sobs. She laid her head onto his shoulder, clinging to his shirt desperately, and let every pent up emotion she had tried to drown surface through her tears.

"Shhh, it's okay, Emma. I'm here now. Everything is going to be okay." Neal comforted again, tears of relief escaping his own eyes as he rocked her back and forth, swaying where they stood. They stayed like this for what seemed like ages, until Emma's rational thought came back through her clouded brain, quickly repairing the crumbled walls.

"Neal." Emma sniffled, stepping back from his grasp to read his face and wipe her eyes. She needed to know if this was really him, or some trick that Neverland had conjured up. "Can you tell me what happened? How…how are you even here? You were shot. You fell into that portal. How do I know it's really you?"

Neal reached his hand up and cupped her cheek, wiping another tear away from her face with his thumb. "Because I meant what I said right before I let go of your hand, Emma. I love you. I never stopped loving you."

Neal closed the gap between them and kissed Emma gently, rendering her motionless a second time. Doubt still clouded her mind as she second-guessed the reality of the situation. She tried to reason with herself, but her thoughts, and the kiss, were interrupted by the sudden clattering noise that came from behind Neal. They both turned to observe the source of the disturbance.

Hook stared back at them, unmoving, with a pile of wood scattered at his feet.