Primrose's P.O.V

I sat on an old wooden bench admiring the gorgeous scenery that lay before my eyes. A vast area of water lay ahead and various flocks of birds perched on the surface peering down into the gloomy water's below. Seal's bobbed up and looked around before diving under again. I watched as a bird dived under the water. You didn't know where it was going to pop up. You expected it there and then out the corner of your eye it popped up there, with a beak full of fish. If only my life was that simple.

My father left us when I was very young. I am the youngest of three and have to look after the household, as my mother is very ill. My two sister's, Gloss and Cashmere are useless and do not help me with anything, so most of the time I have to do it.

One afternoon whilst I was taking my mum up tea the phone rang. I picked it up.

"Hello..." I began

"Could I speak to the career of the house?" The man on the other side spoke. I tiptoed into my mother's room and placed the cup of tea on the bedside table. She was fast asleep so I decided not to wake her.

"Actually, my mother is very ill, could I take any messages?"

"It's the doctor surgery, we were analyzing some results and your mother needs to go to hospital right away. She has an extremely bad illness and she needs to be treated. She may or may not survive." The man spoke

"What?! But what about us" I whimpered

"That's for you to sort out. An ambulance is on its way" the man finished before hanging up.

I placed the phone back on the cradle and fumbled through the bedroom for my mobile. The only place we could go was to Wendy's place. Although that would mean catching a plane from here in London to Oregon and then catching a bus to Gravity Falls. I dialed the number.

"Hello?" Wendy spoke

"Hi it's Primrose, can we…"

"OMG! I have so much to tell you…" She began before I interrupted

"Actually, I don't have time to talk. Mum's taken a turn for the worst and us three need a place to stay. Would it be okay if we came over to you? A lot of pressure will be on me but I think I can handle it. Although she may or may not live so we may have to stay with you… forever" I quickly spoke

Wendy's exited tone dropped "Oh, I'm so sorry. Your always welcome here in our house hold… hand on." She placed the phone down and I could here muffle voice's " Curtis that belongs to Jacob please stop bickering! And Harry you should know better! Please stop!" Wendy's brother's reminded me a lot like my sister's. Lazy, always arguing. They can be a handful at times too.

"Sorry, Prim, where was I oh, your always welcome here" She replied

"Thanks', how bout we say one week?" I anxiously asked


'Welcome to Gravity Fall, Oregon' the sign read as the bus pulled down a winding road. The three of us sat at the very back of the bus. Gloss and Cashmere were arguing over a DS to one side of me and on the other three suitcases along with three bags were sat on the chair. I had my head in a book about Gravity Falls.

Gloss was wearing a black sweater and tracksuit bottoms. Her hair was cut into a neat, light brunette bob and on her feet were trainer's. Cashmere was wearing a purple hoddie and blue jeans. Her hair was scruffily tied back into a ponytail and a purple bow clip was placed to the right. Her hair was a light brown which complimented her eyes. I, on the other hand, had dark brunette hair, which hung loosely down to my shoulders. I had a white summery dress on and on my feet, white pumps. My eyes were a brown color and I had freckles all over my face.

Dipper's P.O.V

I sat outside the mystery shack with Soos, Wendy and Mabel we were on our lunch break and Grunkle Stan had gone out to get some groceries. It was a bright sunny day and I was determined to spend as much time as possible soaking up the sun.

"So Dipper" Wendy began speaking anxiously. "My three cousin's Gloss, Cashmere and Primrose do you think Stan would mind if they helped out at the mystery shack?"

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind. More hands mean's more profits I suppose!" I giggled nervously.

"Dipper, we'd better get back to work. A bus has just pulled up" Mabel sulked

The bus parked and two girls got out. They were bickering.

"Gloss, Cashmere!" Wendy waved. The two girls stopped bickering and waved at their cousin.

Behind them another girl was walking. She had three suitcases and bags, which she was dragging behind her and her head was stuck in a book. I ran to help her carry them.

"Thank you." She softly replied as I took two suitcases and a bag off her. "You must be Dipper, Wendy has told me all about you"

"She has?" I replied, blushing. I couldn't help it she was beautiful and resembled Wendy only slightly.

"Yep, how your always helpful and about your sister. I think it's sweet how you help her" She stated, "I'm Primrose, but you can call me Prim."

"Primrose!" Wendy cried from behind me.

"Wendy!" Primrose replied running into her cousin's arms. I could tell Prim and Wendy held a special bond, unlike Wendy with the other two.

I put the bags down in the porch and watched the four stood in front.

"Dipper, these are my cousin's, as you've probably guessed, Gloss, Cashmere and Primrose" Wendy introduced

"Hi" The three waved.

"Why have you three come to stay here?" I asked Prim curiously.

"Well our mother is very ill and is in hospital and she may or may not live." She answered, nearly in tears.

"I'm so sorry!" I replied. I didn't mean to make her cry.

Later on in the day I bumped into Prim in the mystery shack exhibit. She was admiring a fake white rose.

"Hi. Do you like that?" I asked

"Oh hi Dipper, yes I love it!" she replied

"Well I have one here" I spoke pulling a white rose from behind my back. "Would you like a tour?"

"Oh thank you, I would love one," She giggled, sniffing the rose.

"Also, tomorrow at 5.00pm do you want to meet me in the restaurant…for dinner?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, of coarse!" She agreed, "Can I have your mobile number?"

"Yeah sure!" I replied

Together we walked around the shack admiring the weird exhibits. I just couldn't wait until tomorrow.

Gideon's P.O.V

I sat in my bedroom alone. It was damp and cold but I didn't mind. The cold comforted me. On my desk was a glass ball and in the ball was a vision.

"Oh I see Dipper, you have a new hero. She's pretty too and now I can use her instead of Mabel to get to you!" I cackled.

Hope you enjoyed my new story :) If you have any idea's please feel free to PM me all idea may or may not help a lot :)

Review Please!

GravityFallsGirl22 x