
Few Months Later…

And thus like clockwork, time ran past and knocked Hadrian on his arse…at least not literally anymore.

The grand dining hall of Sleeping Forest Academy was abuzz with chatter. The professors had informed the students a week ago about what was happening so they could help get the different zones tidied before the other schools arrived. Seeing the Headmaster stand the hall quieted.

"This year as you've all heard, we will be hosting the Triwizard tournament." Thanks to his years on the battlefield Hadrian didn't need to cast a spell every time he wanted to be heard. "Before the other schools arrive let me give you all fair warning. School secrets and knowledge will remain in the school, and be weary on who you trust. The full official uniforms will also be worn. If you are alone with any of the foreign teachers or headmasters set off your emergency portkey or alert pendant. This goes double for the Hogwarts Headmaster." Even though he was talking to the students he was really directing the warning to the teachers. He'd noticed that Dumbledore had spotted Harrison sitting at the Hatter table the last time he visited, he was happy that day that he hadn't had to sit next to the man. "As I know some of you will wish to remain separated from the foreign students, the half the tables will now be floating." Unlike at Hogwarts the tables here were circular most of the time with the long pews only coming out when they were practicing their etiquettes. Snapping his fingers twice the tables in the hall rose to about halfway up the wall. Another snap and some new empty tables appeared on the ground. Maybe he should keep this arrangement? Encourage the students to use wind Magic outside of the classroom?

"The Heads of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving with their short-listed contenders in a moment. Dinner shall be served when the foreign students have arrived." Taking his seat he sent the signal to the other headmasters that they were now ready for them. The shocked pause when the first two schools entered was amusing, but they still continued regardless which he had to give them credit for. The Hogwarts students were another story. Only the Weasley twins and Luna didn't freeze out of the group, with the Slytherin's soon following to perform their number. But the rest of the students were still frozen in a group before the door.

"Please take a seat when you are ready Hogwarts." Clapping his hands twice the feast began to descend in a spiral onto the tables. They'd unfreeze eventually or miss dinner. While Hogwarts had toned down the level of magic on display to not scare off the Muggleborns, where Sleeping Forest Academy had done the opposite; the area within the wards was so saturated in natural magic that the land literally appeared to glow. Watching Dumbledore make his way up he noticed that instead of McGonagall, Snape would be the accompanying professor. This complicated his plans somewhat but he could still work around the man…maybe.


The sounds of male orgasm echoed through the hall. Turning to stare wide eyed at the table the Gryffindor's had claimed he didn't know how to react to the fact he had in avertedly given Ron Weasley and orgasm with food alone…the muggles had a word for that didn't they? Glancing at the others on the head table he saw a multitude of emotions ranging from amusement -'Intimacy' Magic Professor Mira- to disgust -Snape-. He could hear the Weasley twin's laughter along with the laughs and giggles of the other students. The rest of dinner was punctuated with conversation and the occasional giggle. Leaving the food on the tables he rose once more to inform the students as the hosting headmaster. Dumbledore had tried so hard to get the position it was a wonder the man's face wasn't screwed up with the amount of lemon drops the man had ate.

"Welcome visiting students to Sleeping Forest Academy." The hall silenced once more as his voice carried around the hall. "I require your attention while I give out a few notices. Mrs Yam, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Ever-Bashing Boomerangs due to the property damage that occurred last year." Hadrian stared pointedly at Lee when he said this. "The full list can be viewed in Mrs Yam's office or the H1 library. As you all know the Triwizard Tournament is to take place this year; an event which has not been held for over a century due to the rising death toll.

I know some of you do not know what this Tournament involves or its History so I will be explaining the basics. The Triwizard Tournament was first established nine hundred and eighteen years ago, as a friendly competition between the three largest European schools of the time that were founded by the then current Emperors of Magic. The original participating schools were Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang; with Sleeping Forest acting as judge and organizer of the event. A champion was selected to represent each school through a variety of means, and the three champions competed in three magical tasks. The schools took it in turns to host the Tournament once every five years in order to display the tournament to the host country, and it was generally agreed to be an excellent way of establishing ties between young witches and wizards of different affinities. It was eventually discontinued when the level of skill the competitors showed started to cause too much embarrassment to their respective nations." He could see a number of the students from the other schools wanted to argue with him on that point. Despite it being true to a point; only Hogwarts had disgraced their nation that badly.

"There have been over several attempts over the century to re-instate the Tournament, none of which have been very successful due to the uncooperative nature of various Headmasters or general lack of understanding on what is actually required to run the tournament. However, the British Departments of Magical Co-operation and Magical Games and Sports have decided for another attempt and made it further then their predecessors.

An impartial judge will decide which students are most capable to compete for the Triwizard Cup, the glory of their school, and a thousand Galleons personal prize money. We will be using the Goblet of Fire to select the champions for this tournament. All you must do is submit your name and school into the cup.

Eager though I know some of you will be, the Heads of three participating schools, along with the British Ministry of Magic, have agreed to impose an age restriction on the contenders this year. The only students exempt from this are the students from Sleeping Forest Academy. Only those students who are of age-that is to say, seventeen years or older-will be allowed to put forward their names for consideration. This is a measure we feel is necessary, given that the Tournament tasks will still be difficult and dangerous, whatever precautions we take, and it is highly unlikely that students will be able to cope with them without the proper level of education. Headmaster Dumbledore will personally be ensuring that no underage student cons our dear impartial judge into making them Champion.

To extend every courtesy to our foreign guests while they are with us, they will have the option to either study alongside our own students or with their own supervising teacher. Should any of you wish to take this path you will be required to take a placement test so you may be sorted into the correct grade. Also, do give your support to the champions when he or she is selected. And now, it is late, and I know how important it is for you all to be alert and rested as you enter your lessons tomorrow morning. Placement tests will be conducted the following day for those who wish it. Goodnight." Taking his seat once more it took everything he had not to just collapse as he had wanted. For the past month Dumbles had been pestering him about this 'n' that. He'd conceded the age line partly to shut the man up, and partly is anything was going to go wrong he could pin it on the old man.

It didn't take long for the students to leave with their escorts thankfully. And it wasn't long before he was collapsing asleep into his own bed either. Even after all these years he felt jittery with Snape being in the same room as him; a conditioned response from the man's potions lessons. The Fates had, undoubtedly, fallen out of their seats and were rolling around on the floor as they laughed at Hadrian's plight. He hoped the sadistic bastards would wet themselves for sending the sadistic man his way, without giving him time to prepare no less!


Durmstrang Apartment…

Igor Karkaroff marched before the Durmstrang students. Ordering them bluntly to take the placement test and score highly or else, before marching up into his own room to retire, with a sip of Dreamless Sleep Karkaroff knew no more.


Beauxbatons Apartment…

Olympe Maxime glided nervously before her Beauxbatons students, but kept them from knowing she was nervous through sheer willpower…and lots of practice.

"I know we're all tired, but our beds will need to wait for a moment. I encourage you to try the placement test to see where you stand compared to the other schools, but it is not compulsorily by any means. But above all during your stay you must not anger the Headmaster of Sleeping Forest Academy under any circumstances."

"Why's that Mademoiselle Maxime?" inquired cute little quarter Veela Gabrielle Delacour.

"He is a very dangerous man Mademoiselle Delacour. He is over a thousand years old with his title in Lady Magic's Court being that of Emperor. He is not to be crossed under any circumstances. Is this clear?"

"Yes Mademoiselle Maxime" intoned her students, she could only hope they headed her warning.


Hogwarts Apartment…

Albus Dumbledore skipped -not literally mind- his way through the Hogwarts apartment door with dear Severus trailing moodily behind. Seeing the four houses sitting in separate corners just added another bounce to his step!

"Good evening children! Just a little reminder to do your best while here, and to learn and make new friends! I must admit I am quite curious about this placement test the host headmaster has set up, I wonder how Hogwarts would compare to the other schools~?" he had already ordered the light side of his group to take the test as he needed them to get close to Potter. "It's even rumored the headmaster here hides the Library of Alexandria within his private library!" hook Ravenclaw, "but the most curious rumor I've heard of is that all that of our dear founders attended this school!" this was information he'd uncovered while searching for the Deathly Hallows. He'd quickly hidden the information from England when he'd become Hogwarts Headmaster. But he knew it was just another nail in the students coffin "For those of you who don't take the placement test you will be having all your lessons with our dear potions master Professor Severus Snape!" with the final nail he'd all but guaranteed the majority of the students would take the test.

"Now that my work is done I'm off to bed! Don't forget the academy is offering a small tour tomorrow~!" waltzing up to the first bedroom door in the apartment he felt some of his good mood vanish. How mean making the headmasters room with their students! How were they supposed to remain sagacious when the students could hear you snore? It totally ruined the mood!


The next morning for the visiting students was a too bright morning in their opinion. Most of them had forgotten to take Dreamless Sleep before bed, so were still running in their respective time zones. The Weasley Twins were not one of them. Making their way to the main room of the apartment in their 'official' Hogwarts uniform they saw the Muggleborn Ron was always complaining about already waiting. Just as they were about to scare the girl the door to the main entrance swung open. Emitting a gorgeous women with voluminous curves. The brightest ruby hair they had ever seen adorned her head in a short feathering style, two braids falling all the way past her waist were swinging merrily. She was dressed a bit odd compared to what they were used too, but it still wasn't the oddest they'd seen.


Covering their ears at the sound, they removed them just in time to hear the collective sound of 37 students and 1 headmaster falling out of bed. When everyone had poked their heads out of bed, clothed and not, the mystery hottie began speaking.

"Hello children, I am Ruby Lee Scarlet, Diamond Potions Mistress of Sleeping Forest Academy, and I will be your guide for the day." Sang Ruby happily to the congregated students.

"What was with that blasted wakeup call Ru!" demanded Snape as he exited his own rooms to see his old friend playing rooster this early in the morning. Didn't she ever sleep!

"Oh! Hello Sev! Didn't realise you were with this lot! The headmaster informed me that the Hogwarts students don't do mornings, so I decided that now they do~" chirped 'Ru' happily in reply before clapping her hands. Magicing the students robes on before anything else was said, she declared it was "Time for the tour!"

Waltzing down the hall with the Hogwarts students trailing behind like ducklings, she started her impromptu/practiced tour guide speech as she led the students to the dining hall. "Sleeping Forest Academy is currently ranked first in the world regarding magical education while ranking third in muggle. We accept anyone so long as their magical, including squibs we-"

"Why bother with Squibs?" demanded a little blond kid in the group, who appeared to have lice if you judged by his hair.

"Most 'squibs' -as their commonly called- simply possess underdeveloped magical pathways. Through a number of simple exercises these pathways can be expanded to the size of the average magical being. Sometimes it is required for a Healer of Diamond Master or higher rank to help with the process.

Sleeping Forest Academy accepts all forms of intelligent humanoid beings and creatures such as demons and Veela. There are technically seven main buildings though only four are magical. The school consists of 7 'buildings'; The school is set up similarly to Australian schools in that there is a Primary, High and Mastery school building and dormitory as well as an administration/staff housing office/building. The magical buildings are still linked making it appear as if it's all 'one' building from the inside. As you've no doubt worked-out Sleeping Forest Academy Caters to education from Primary-Mastery level education and accepts all forms of magic. All meals are prepared by the cooking students." Swinging the doors open to the dining hall she stepped aside "Eat breakfast and then we'll finish the rest of the tour" striding in up to the head table Ruby took her customary seat before connecting her communication crystal with the Headmaster's as she kept an eye on the students.

"How did it go?"

"So far so good. A friend of mine seems to have come along as a teacher."


"Severus Snape. Silver Potion's Master, though he's self-trained and barley knows anything more than potions."

Seeing the headmaster lift his hand out of the corner of her eyes, no doubt he was currently pulling on a side bang; the man's tell when he was thinking out a tricky situation. She didn't much know what to do either. Sev was a friend but everyone in the Potions Guild normally steered clear of the man because of his…lacking…education when it came to the basics of Lady Magic's gifts and her Children's culture. She'd met the man while gathering potion ingredients in the British Forbidden Forest. She liked the man but she wouldn't disobey her Emperor or students for him.

"Do you think he can be re-trained?" Hadrian inquired, he didn't know the man. Could never say he knew anything but the man's mask in both timelines. He'd had to be so careful to not interfere with history until 'his' birth.

"Perhaps?" the man was as stubborn as a two year old at times…she didn't know the man well enough to be able to manipulate him like that…

"I will support whatever approach you wish to take. Drop a hint about Harrison if you get stuck; he should know of him under the name of Harry Potter. He was tricked into an Unbreakable Vow to protect him a number of years ago" Hadrian finally decided to reveal. Unlike Dumbledore, if he had information that could help his people in a task, he told them.

"Thank you Hadrian" standing, Ruby made her way to the group of tables the Hogwarts students had claimed on the ground. A handful of students from the other schools had worked out how to reach the floating tables but the others didn't seem to have a clue! Maria and Windon had that lot.

"Are we ready for the next portion of the tour?" A chorus of 'Yes' soon greeted her. Spying Sev making his way towards the main entrance, she had an idea. "You wanna come Sev? You'd get to see our potion labs~!" the man raised an eyebrow but came to stand beside her regardless. "Great"

"The average number of students here per year is 84. Who are then divided into 6 class groups of 14 students…"

"Why do that?" and "What's a 'Mage Kit'?" were soon heard. She didn't even bother to look back to see who's said that. These kids seemed to love to interrupt her!

"The smaller number of students per class means we can focus more on each student then if the class was bigger. A Mage Kit contains the basics of what the Master requires to perform their primary form of magic. Weavers for example tend to carry different kinds of thread and a simple weaver or loom in their kit, while earth elementals carry the seeds of different kinds of plants with them in different pouches. The practice of making 'Mage Kits' originates with when the different magical guilds first came about, and the mages of the time would go on different 'quests' for money or goods."

"You said the school has muggle buildings before. Why is that?" inquired a bushy-haired girl. A little bit of work and she could be cute, but right now she just looked like one of those longhaired guineapigs in the pet shops to Ruby.

"Unlike most schools Sleeping Forest Academy hides in plain sight by masquerading as a muggle private school but with a strong illusion ward that makes it appear to muggles that is just a normal private school by the name of Ouran. The headmaster set the school up like that for a number of reasons" Ruby began as she lead them to the main classroom area for the H1 students "He wants the students to be able to interact in muggle society without trouble, as well as be able to find employment if required in the muggle world when they graduate. But the main reason is to have a muggle front should the muggles ever re-discovered magical existence. They are less likely to bomb a school they know contains muggle children after all."

"How would they know that?"

"Primarily the students attending the muggle institution are super wealthy muggles and some disguised magicals attending, but not being registered by the muggles as they're hidden by one-way glass in a separate classroom."

"As field trips are a regular occurrence here with some subjects such as 'surviving muggle', Language and ' Magical Trade Magic' the students from the magical side wear the proper school uniform which consist of a while suit/dress with gold trim, blue lining, and a red tie. The mastery rank students wear the same but their suit/dress main colour is black…much like the SS Agents off the anime Inu x Boku. Uniforms are only required for P1-7 and H1-7. The mastery level students are required to make their own uniform known as a 'Mage Kit'. Some exceptions are made for select members of the younger years when required."

After 15 minutes of walking they were finally approaching the first round of classrooms; the sound of metal and wood clashing was growing louder the closer they got. Erza should be in this one along with her other friends. Drawing the students and Sev parallel with a section of wall she activated the mirror property that the headmaster had installed. "Physical education is a mandatory class, with most students opting to take weaponry rather than sports."

"Why are there weapons all over the ground?" it was true. While some of the students were sparing there were different weapons, anything from swords to staffs, littering the ground in what appeared a random pattern, but was anything but.

"This is the Adept class for weaponry. They are currently learning how to make a smooth transition when switching weapons for when they start learning Re-equipment Magic." Even while saying that it was obvious what weapon each student favoured.

Moving along she gave a brief description on each class as they passed the students at work. The interrupting questions kept coming, but at least they were relevant to what she was showing them.

"All this must be expansive to run Professor Ruby…" the bushy haired girl trailed off, finally unsure of herself.

"Students help raise funds for themselves and the school by performing or creating products such as jewellery outside of the normal tuition fee. The 'cut' is normally divided evenly between all participating parties. Normally 25% each; School, Material, Student and Other if they had help; Student loans are an option because of this. Students are allowed off school premises without adult supervising by the time they reach H3." A pair of twin redheads perked up at this.

"Why was there a lady who looks like she's twenty studying with the younger students in the last classroom?"

"Sometimes the school offers some adults (such as single parents or the desperate) the chance to return to school and study again if the headmaster approves. This is rare but it happens."

"Does the school accept Muggleborns?"

"Yes. But when parents enter their accepted child into Sleeping Forest they are required to sign a binding contract that allows the school to take custody of the child from the parents pending an investigation if the Childs file should turn orange or red. Indicating the level of danger the child is in. when the file changes colour it appears on the headmasters desk as well their supervising teacher's.

Most students currently are children of previous students or magical royalty, but 25% of new students are Muggleborns who were scouted early by the school or who were sent to orphanages or mental institutions which the school will adopt as wards."

"Why on earth would the school take custody away from the parents! That's barbaric!"

"Hmm…maybe to someone sheltered from reality. Recently two students files had turned orange or red. The first changed to red during the summer holidays; it was discovered when the investigation team apparited in that the girl's brother was going to rape her, the team had arrived in time to stop him. When interrogated the boy admitted he had heard if you take the virginity of a witch something special happens. This belief is not uncommon. With the other student the file turned orange. When the investigation team apparited the student and his mother were confused as to why the boys file had turned orange. Upon further investigation it was discovered that the local Catholic Church planned to trap the pair in their home and burn them alive after one of the women had described the two year olds accidental magic to the priest."

"What happened to them?"

"The girl was taken from her parents when it was discovered they were only concerned with their son rather than their daughter, while the son was executed after being used in some of the headmasters experiments. The boy and his mother were relocated to the headmaster's private town while the church goers who were involved or those who knew but did nothing were tortured and then killed by their own murder weapon. Fire." The sadistic smile that graced her face cause all the Hogwarts students to shiver.

"While I don't condone what they did, you didn't need to kill them!"

"Why? They committed serious crimes in both muggle and magical societies."

"Their people-"

"They are monsters in the eyes of both cultures girl. Try to grow up lest the world eat you alive." Dismissing the girl and whatever naive comeback she would attempt Ruby continued with the tour.

"Due to the age of the teachers and some students special apartments have been appointed for those with children. These children are also taken to classes until the child is 5yrs old." They had just past the main entrance to the H1 dormitories when one of the children grew brave/or stupid enough to interrupt her with a question.

"What are they doing?"

"Crafting brooms by the looks of it for their Airo Magic class." Dismissed Ruby, not particularly interested in using brooms for flight. But she remembered Hadrian's charge was attending this class during this time period.

"Mr Potter, your runes must be deeper!" queue the revelation! Sev and the other students eyes had gone wide eyed at the name of the boy saviour.

"Potter? As in the Harry Potter?" stressed a redhead, before trying to get into the room. Only to be blocked by a shield Ruby had quickly cast at the entrance door. It didn't stop the idiot boy and his friends trying to get in or the girl insistence chatter.

"This class is currently in session boy. If you wish to attend then you must test into the H1 classes. Until such a time none of you are getting past my shield; the placement test will begin after lunch for those who wish to study here during your stay."

"What if we don't get into the year level we want?" demanded lice boy again with nitwit's agreement. Though both boys looked horrified when they realised this.

"Every two weeks you can request another placement test to try and move up a grade. But if your teacher believes you haven't passed their content let along another levels the mater goes before the headmaster to be decided." Using her shield to press the annoying students towards the dining hall they had to pass 6 hallways before nitwit would walk on his own, and the chatter hadn't even ceased!


Hadrian's head tilted for a moment as he assessed the situation presented before him, grinning at them in a manner that could only be considered cheeky. The students were babbling about Harry while Ruby looked as though she wished to skin the brats as she marched up to the head table, Severus not far behind. "Have fun Ruby?" inquired the headmaster with his cheeky grin still in place.

"You knew!" demanded an angry Scarlet as she plumped down into her seat, Severus not far behind her.

"Of course. Compared to the other teachers, you have the most self-control when dealing with idiots and take the afternoon shift with teaching. Perfect candidate."

"Headmaster Dragonet, may I be blunt." Inquired Severus Snape, the pair had forgotten the man had followed Ruby to the head table.

"Go ahead"

"How did Harry Potter come to attend your school?"

"No Harry Potter attends this school Mr Prince. The only boy currently attending with the last name of Potter is Harrison."

"How did Harrison Potter come to attend your school? My name is also Snape, not Prince, Lord Dragonet."

"Harrison is my direct descendant. When five days had passed without him being claimed by a direct family member I was alerted and retrieved him promptly as High Lord of the family. As the Prince heir you may not acquire the Lordship or your place on the council unless you carry your family name. As your mother ran away and was not in fact disowned you have full rights to the Lordship. As I also just acknowledged you as a Prince, when you go before the council for the first time you will be under my protection until you learn the ropes." The other headmasters had left to attend some meeting at their own schools an hour ago. He was glad to be rid of them.

"I was under the impression he was left with his mother's family."

"Petunia nee Even's was adopted. She has no relations to Lily Even's what so ever." He hadn't known whether to be pissed or elated when he'd learned this little titbit. It seemed for a moment Severus was fighting between the same as well.


Siting before him, ready to take the placement test, was what appeared to be a large portion of the foreign students. He'd heard the bragging of some of them from outside his door moments before they'd entered. Jellal hadn't been too happy to be pulled away from his research for babysitting duty.

"Your test are before you. Once you begin you may not leave, even to use the bathroom." he was hoping someone would still ask just so he could embarrass them using his favourite medic spell. "You have until dinner at 7 to complete as much of the exam papers as you can. Are there any questions?"

"Why is it so thick?" the pile of papers was at least the thickness of a large textbook.

"The test consists of the basic knowledge required for entry to each year. What is contained within each section is common knowledge for that subject and year. Begin." While some got to work quickly, some were much slower than others. It was going to be long afternoon.


Hermione was stumped. While some questions seemed harmless enough the fact she could only answer the odd question in each section led her to believe the questions she found easy might not be all that simple. Going from magical theory questions to questions on the practice of wandless magic and how to perform said magic was daunting to say the least.


Ron was pissed. Were these bastards trying to make him look stupid!? He couldn't answer any of these stupid questions! What Ron didn't realise was that even the toddlers who had never had a magical education yet could still answer a few questions on the test. It wasn't the test. He was just lazy stupid.


Draco was faring better than most having been raised as a proper Pureblood Heir, if a British one, but even he had to admit there were questions here on magic and customs that he hadn't even known existed let alone knew how to answer! But as long as he beat the Weasley's his father would be content.


Going over the results of each participating student the results he found were and were not surprising. Those with strong creature blood scored highest, being more magically knowledgeable in regards to magic and culture due to upbringing. While most of the Hogwarts students scored the lowest. Sending a list to the headmaster along with another list with the students the headmaster wanted to keep an eye on. It should prove to be an interesting few years if the headmaster got his way.


The dining hall was alight with the exhausted chatter of over a hundred students and teachers. Despite the exhaustion caused by the exams, the visiting students were hopeful that despite the difficulty they'd done well. Standing after dinner Hadrian addressed the assembled crowd.

"For those of you who took the placement test today your results are posted on the board to the side of the entrance door, a copy has also been sent to your headmasters. For those of you who don't know how to read the keys used, P stands for primary, H for high, and M for mastery. The numbers after the letter correlate to your year. P3 means you are in your third year of primary school, while the same can be said if you're in H1 or M4. Now I'm off to bed!" waltzing out of the room to the amused laughter of his students and guests. Hadrian couldn't help but snicker at the fate he was leaving Amar to.


Crowding around the board was fierce. Those who had already fought their way to the board seemed to be torn between shocked indifference, anguish, and frustration. When the Hogwarts students had finally made it a new composition joined the accompaniment of sound; growling. Lucius Malfoy and Albus Dumbledore would no doubt be hearing about this.