Author's Note: This last chapter is based off of a fan art picture of Calvin and Hobbes called "The Future: Don't put away your childish things. Save them for your child." Thank you to the fan artist who created this work of fan art for giving me the inspiration to write this chapter. And yes, there is a similar story on this website where Calvin grows up to become a comic book artist; but I had the idea of Calvin becoming a comic book artist before I read that fanfiction story (It's very well written. If you happen to come across it, please let me know! :) ). I do not own this piece of fan art or Calvin and Hobbes.
Chapter 4: The Future? 22 Years Later…

Twenty-eight-year old Calvin sat with his notepad and pencil in hand. This letter was important to him. If he didn't write this down on paper, he didn't know how he would ever be able to say it out loud. He sighed, and glanced out the window. The sun was shining in gold streaks through his window. If he could draw seven complicated comic strips a week, then he surely could write a letter.

Suddenly, the door creaked open. A tall, slender woman with short brown hair peeked in. "Hey, Calvin. I was just wondering if you wanted something to eat? I'm making Melissa her lunch."

Calvin grinned at his wife. "Not right now, Susie. Thank you. I'm kind of busy at the moment."

"Oh, okay. Another comic strip?"

"Actually, no. It's a letter to…" He broke off trying to find the words.

Susie smiled. "Is it time?"

Calvin nodded. "I think so."

"Well, good luck then."


With that, Susie shut the door behind her.

Calvin sighed once more, and closed his eyes. What was he going to write? He glanced outside, the sunlight hitting his face once more before inspiration hit him. He glanced down at the piece of paper in front of him and started writing.

Time flies by fast doesn't it? It seems like just yesterday we were lying on my bed staring up at the roof being grounded for who knows what? Now, I'm 28 years old, I'm a cartoonist, I have a beautiful wife, and a wonderful daughter. Speaking of which, you've seen her before. The other day you were saying that she looks like Susie but she acts a lot like me. Which, like always, you're right. She does.

But, here's the thing. I'm getting older, my job is getting more and more stressful, and it's kind of hard to squeeze our daily conversations together into my schedule anymore. It's not that I don't love you or anything. I do. It's just that, I've been too busy to talk to you anymore. Besides yesterday, I mean. You know how much I love talking to you.

But the thing is, my childhood's over. Melissa's has just begun. But I promised I wouldn't forget you either. And I never will.

Best friends come and go, but you never left my side. For that, Hobbes, I'm setting you free. You belong with Melissa now. But, I assure you, I have not left your side. I'm still going to be around, just like you were for me.

Teach Melissa everything you taught me, for she is my sunshine, and you are her protector. Please take care of her, Hobbes, for she will take care of you. I will miss you old buddy. Just, don't ever forget me, because I'll never stop loving you. I'll always be looking for you.



Calvin wiped a tear away from his face as Hobbes sat up next to him. "Calvin, what's wrong?"

Hobbes rarely ever saw Calvin cry, and when he did, it was usually for a good reason.

Calvin sniffed, then handed Hobbes the note he had just finished writing. "I didn't know how to say it, so I wrote it down for you."

Hobbes slowly took the note, wondering why Calvin was so emotional all of a sudden. As he finished reading it, tears started forming in his eyes too. "Thank you, Calvin." He hugged his best friend one last time. "I'll always be looking for you too."

Calvin smiled.

It was then Calvin took Hobbes out to meet Melissa. She loved Hobbes right away, and Calvin was thrilled.

"Come on, Hobbes!" Melissa exclaimed. "Let's go exploring!"

Hobbes laughed. "Okay! Let's go!"

As they ran into the woods together, Calvin waved to Melissa and her tiger Hobbes. Hobbes glanced wearily back, smiled, then said, "Thank you, Calvin. I'm glad you did this for us."

Calvin grinned. "You're welcome. I'm glad I did too." he replied.

Hobbes smiled his thanks once more, before Melissa called, "Come on, Hobbes! I found some cool looking bugs!"

"Oh, boy! I'm coming!" He ran off toward his new friend, looking forward to all of the adventures they would have together.