"What just happened?" Melody asked herself as she swam around the expanse that was her room. "How does this all boil down to me?" She couldn't believe that Tip had been in love with her and Dash with Tip. When did all of that happen? What about Alex? How could he not tell her that he had met and that they were engaged? "Wait, why hadn't mother or grandfather told me?" She swam off to find Triton when she came across Sebastian.

"Oh Princess, hello. Why do you look so distraught?" Sebastian asked launching Melody into the whole spiel of what happened. "I see," the crab murmured when she finished her story. "Which of these gentleman make you the happiest? Whether you realize it or not, the only persons happiness that you are responsible for if yourself."

"Thanks Sebastian" Melody said as a light-bulb flashed behind her eyes. She swam off so fast that the surroundings became a blur of color. She headed towards the trio who were waiting for her decision. As she came upon the three solemn looking men who meant so much to her, a typhoon of debris surrounded all of them. The sea witch sauntered her way out into the eye without a spot of dirt on her.

"Don't bother screaming child, I'm just here to help along the inevitable." The sea witch explained sounding bored.

"Ok, um. Hi guys!" Melody said. "I think I've made my decision."

"Don't tell me you chose that pretty boy," Tip says bitterly.

"Let the poor girl finish," Dash responds.

Melody swims up to Tip, "as far as a romantic relationship goes, I want to be with Alex. To tell the truth; ever since I met him at the first ball and then in the ocean following, I knew it was him and I knew I was in love. I just didn't know how to express or even find him. I'm sorry."

"I changed my appearance to please you and you still don't love me?" Tip asked.

"That's the thing, you shouldn't feel obligated to change for the person you love. If you didn't feel that I would've loved you as a penguin, then why would you being a mermaid change." Melody explained. "Dash loves you whether you're a penguin or a merman. Whether you are friends or more than that. He has only wanted you to be happy."

Thankful for being in the ocean so they couldn't tell that he was crying, Tip turned to his best friend, "do you really love me that much?"

"I do," replied Dash.

"Sea witch-"

"I'm already on it," she rolled her eyes.

A swirl of bubbles surrounds Tip as he feels his appendages shrinking and fusing back into flippers. It's not exactly painful, more of a Jetstream of water grazing your skin. Next thing he knew, he was once again a penguin.

"Will you still accept me, even if I was a self-involved jerk," Tip turned towards Dash.

Dash felt a bubble of happiness inside his stomach that threatened to explode out, "I never stopped accepting you." All of a sudden Tip was in his flippers hugging him. Dash couldn't hold back and hugged the penguin with all of the emotion he had been fighting back since he met him.

"You know, you're not too bad. For a sea witch," Tip said as he let go of his favorite person in the world.

"I don't know why Ursula and Morgana felt that they had to be evil, must be their father's fault. I tend to stay neutral." The sea witch responded as she swam away leaving a trail of ink in her wake.

"Come on buddy, let's go out on the date you deserve." Tip says to Dash as they swim off.

"So, you were always going to choose me?" Alex asked as he looked to Melody, who still looked amazed at the turn of events.

"Oh, yeah," she blushed.

"Did you really always know it was me?"

"Yes, I knew from the start. Although I didn't know we were engaged." She retorts.

"Too soon?" Alex laughs.

"No. Although I expect a real proposal with fireworks and everything."

"I can manage fireworks," he smiles as he leans down to kiss her. When their lips touched, fireworks erupted behind in their eye and in their hearts.

Well that's the end. Let me know what you thought.