Early SasoDei month present, because I love you all. :3 I will update every few days, instead of weeks, because this is already written, and I just want it up in my account. X3 So, For SasoDei month! (Or in my case, months.)

I'll update 2 chapters, just to get things moving, 'kay? :3

Based on the film "I am Legend", but slightly different. It may seem exactly like the film at first, but I promise it will change. I have a habit on basing my fics off films, don't I?

I don't have a lot to say, other than the above...I'm not really used to writing is Sasori's POV, but I'll try my best^^ It will probably swap to Deidara's POV later in the story.

I do not own "Naruto", or "I am Legend". I hope you enjoy, and I hope this story doesn't disgrace SasoDei month or anything...X3 Please review!^^

"The world of medicine has seen its share of miracle cures, from the polio vaccine to heart transplants; But all past achievements may pale in comparison to the work of Doctor Tsunade Hakuchō."

The news reporter turned to face the smiling, blonde woman. "Thank you for joining us this morning, Doctor."
"Not at all." She smiled.
"Dr. Hakuchō, give it to me in a nutshell. "

The blonde smiled, nodding her head. "Well the premise is quite simple. Take something designed by nature, and reprogram it to make it work for the body, rather than against it."
"We're talking about a virus?" The reporter replied.
"Indeed, Yes." Dr. Hakuchō responded. "In this case the measles virus, which has been engineered at a genetic level to be helpful, rather than harmful."

"Can you explain that in a little more detail, please?"
"Well, imagine your body as a highway, and you picture the virus as a very fast car, being driven by a very bad man; Imagine the damage that the car could cause..." The blonde began. "But then if you imagine that man with a cop, then the picture changes. That's essentially what we've done."

The other woman smiled, a fascinated expression plastered across her face. "Now, how many people have you treated so far?"
"Well, we've had 10,009 clinical trials in humans so far..."
"...And how many are cancer-free?"

"...Ten thousand and nine."

The reporter grinned. "So you have actually cured cancer?"
The blonde woman blinked, looking down for a moment. "Yes, yes. Yes we have." She smiled, looking up again."

Three years later, Sasori's POV.

As I drove through the deserted streets of Tokyo, my eyes trailed along the empty, dirty streets. Paper littered the roads, along with abandoned cars, and other goods. Billboards were aged, and it was hard to make out what they were exactly advertising.

I turned to face Tobi, my trusted companion. I had gotten the dog when I was younger, as a gift from my Grandmother. He was originally suppose to be in the police force, but he was blind in one eye.

I disliked dogs; Cats were much better. So I had no idea why the silly old woman would give me a dog, when she knew full well I hated them. Though, over the years, Tobi had grown on me.

I opened the window, so Tobi could poke his head out; Something he enjoyed. His eyes skimmed along the road, which had plants growing through it.

Wincing as we drove through a hoard of crows, I sped up; Hundreds of them fleeting away, as my car soared through them.

Frowning, I took a sharp turn around a group of tanks, still loaded with artillery. I was hunting; Looking for something specific.

Tobi barked as we passed a large, battered building. It was coated in a wall of plastic, indicating it was off limits.
"Calm down..." I murmured to the dog, patting his head. However, Tobi barked again. I groaned, pulling to a halt.

"What did you see?"

Tobi's eyes widened, and he looked to the side. Before I knew it, a huge buck jumped across the bonnet, letting out a startled cry. At least fifteen deer followed the animal, racing after him.

I let out a cry of victory, slamming down on the pedal, racing after the mammals.
"You're brilliant!" I grinned, picking up my sniper, whilst still driving.

I was never really experienced in driving. I was seventeen years of age when my grandmother attempted to teach me. All I can say, is that things did not go well. I ended up crashing into our neighbors new sports car. In my defense, he was a complete dick anyway.

Granny never bothered teaching me how to drive after that incident. So here I am now, Twenty-three years of age, and I still don't have a license.

Tobi whimpered as we went over yet another fence; Though I quickly shushed the mutt. As we passed the sprinting animals, I slowed down slightly, holding my gun out of the window, ready to fire at one of the animals.

Tobi let out a howl, and I slammed down on the brake. I was blocked off by a wall of cars, watching the deer prance over the cars, as if they were saying "Yeah, that's right, you're never gonna catch us now, midget!"

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the animals shat on my windscreen whilst jumping over the vehicle.

I grumbled, dropping my head against the steering wheel; So much for that little hunting trip.

But what the deer didn't know; Was that I am very, very stubborn.


Creeping through the overgrown blades of grass, I raised my gun, as I spotted the rear-end of a deer, standing behind a car.

I cussed quietly as the deer disappeared. This meant I had to get closer.

I followed her, crouching down behind a car. Tobi followed me, keeping his tail low.

I raised my gun when I felt I was close enough to make a successful shot. It had been so long since I had tasted meat.

I was never really keen on the food; It often got stuck in my teeth, and had a nasty taste. Though now that fresh fruit and vegetables were unavailable, meat was really the only option. Well, apart from what I like to call "Shit in a can", which was quite literally, worse than actual shit in a can.

I smirked, wrapping my finger around the trigger, pulling it a few millimeters.

I jumped as Tobi let out a bark, and I watched a lioness pounce on the deer, gnawing at her lean neck.

"N-No! T-That's min-"

I blinked as two cubs approached their mother, pawing at the food.

"C-Cat..." I uttered, watching the animals in total awe, resting my gun against the car. Tobi growled, giving the lions a fierce look.

I ran my hand through the dog's fur, shushing him, continuing to watch the animals.

So yeah, you could say I had a thing for cats.


Whistling, I made my way up the steps of my house. It was located in the center of the city, something I hated.

I wanted to move out before the outbreak, but my grandmother refused to let me. I had been born and raised in that house, so it was difficult to leave.

Despite being located in the city, the house was grand. Presented with two large, white pillars, and a door tall enough to let an elephant in, the house stuck out. The concrete steps which lead to the door didn't help either.

I emptied a bottle of fuel out onto the steps. This was my daily routine; I performed it whenever I went home, just in case an intruder was to enter during the night.

Before closing the door, I scanned the streets one last time. Not a person out there.

"We're home now, boy..." I smiled to Tobi, closing the door.


I whistled, scanning the contents of a jar of sauce. "What do you feel like eating?" I called to Tobi, who sat in the living room, watching television.

The dog barked in reply.
"No, we had that yesterday..." I groaned, putting the sauce back in the cupboard.

"Good morning , Naruto! It's looking great, I'll tell you!" A female voice boomed from the television. It was common of me to put News tapes in the television; To give off the vibe that I wasn't completely alone.

"Not only was this the biggest snowstorm in Tokyo history, it had to be one of the prettiest! Imagine waking up on Sunday, to 26.9 inches of snow in the city!"

I emptied a new type of sauce onto the cooked rice. "Here you go, just the way you like it..." I smiled to Tobi. "Disgusting." I added with a grin.

"Excuse me..." I chuckled, pulling off my apron, hanging it up behind the dog. "We can relax now~" I chanted.

I scanned the fridge for something to eat.

"However, it did strand planes, trains, and automobiles."

Sighing, I pulled out a plate of plain pasta, which I had made the day before.

"There was a report, a Turkish Airlines flight skidded off the runway. No one was injured, but for the most part, Naruto-

"There you go..." I smiled, placing the plate of food onto the floor for Tobi. I then pulled out a chair, sitting at the table, next to my companion.

"I'm gonna show you, attempting the Bob Hager rule of thumb here. I'm going to put the ruler in. In Tokyo, we have 16 inches of snow, Naruto! Back to you, Naruto and Hinata."

"Gosh. All right, it looks great. It'll be beautiful for the next day, at least!" A male voice chuckled. The screen flipped over to a blonde man, and a black-haired woman sitting at a news desk.

"And then it turns to slush..." The female smiled.
"If that. Anyway, thank you so much, Sakura, for that utterly amazing report!"

I chuckled. That Naruto guy was completely oblivious to the fact that Hinata had a crush on him. Which was ironic; I'd expect a guy like him to at least pay some attention to the shy girl. Especially with a rack that size.

I turned my attention to Tobi, who was pushing around his food.
"No, no, no." I frowned, glancing down at the dog. "Eat your vegetables."

The dog whimpered, pawing at the food. "Don't just push them around, eat them. I'm not playing." I sighed.

"Good morning. This morning, all up the Eas-

I glared at the screen. "Not now, lady."

"Look. You're going to eat your vegetables, right now. Otherwise we'll sit down here all night."

"The biggest challenge is getting back to work..."

I growled at the screen. "Shut the fuck up!"


"What are you whining about? Why didn't you just eat your vegetables?"

Tobi whimpered as I rubbed shampoo into his fur; He hated baths as much as I loved them. Which was a lot, by the way.

"All right, all right...Here's the deal." I began, sitting up. "You're going to eat twice as many vegetables tomorrow night. All right?"

The dog let out a whine as I held his head close to mine, not breaking eye-contact.

"How about this?" I smiled, turning around to face my I-Pod. Tobi whimpered, raising his head in question. I pressed play to a certain song, music starting. "Don't worry about a thing", by Bob Marley.

I chuckled, singing along to the song, earning another whimper from Tobi. Yeah; I wasn't the best singer.

"Sorry, sorry~" I smiled, continuing to wash the dog.

"I know you like that!" I chuckled, massaging more shampoo into the dog's scalp. "Who couldn't resist a bit of Marley, whilst reviving a bubble bath, from the one and only me?"

Tobi barked, smiling. I grinned, ruffling his fur.

"Three little birds~" I sang along, turning on the head of the shower. Tobi stood up, shaking his fur, soaking me. "Okay, okay, I'll stop!" I laughed.

I quickly rinsed off Tobi, smiling at the moment.

I paused my actions when my alarm went off, and slowly sat up.

I froze, not being able to move.

Tobi gave me a questionable look, and my mind zoomed out.

I noticed Tobi bark, but for some reason, I couldn't hear.

I'm going...

I'm going...

I'm goi-

Tobi's barks became loud again, and I turned my head, facing the mutt. My expression was cold, and my eyes were watering.

"I'm all right..." I mumbled, turning off the shower. "I'm all right, it's all right..."


I closed the iron doors behind the window, fastening the latch, leaving the room pitch black.

I did this action to every room in the house, until I was in complete darkness.

That night; I curled up in the empty bath, with Tobi. Gut-wrenching screams pierced my ears. I was scared.

I hated to admit it, but I really was scared. I was always scared.

I heard the distinctive cry of a lion cub, giving me a tight feeling in my stomach. It's mother was no doubt killed.

The cub cried again, before coming to a halt.

And the cub just joined it's mother.

I winced as the screams got louder and louder, until I blacked out.


"G-Granny!" I cried, running out of the house. "What the hell's happening? I tried to call you, but you wouldn't pick up!"
"Call service is down." The old woman replied, grabbing my hand, pulling me towards her car.
"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to pull away from the woman's grasp.

"You're going to Ebizo's." Was her reply, as she opened the door for me.
"What? No! Why?" I cried, being pushed into the car my a random army man. "I don't like Ebizo!".

Men with guns flooded the streets, followed by tanks, and other military transport.
"Strap yourself in." Granny demanded, getting into the driver's seat.

"We're at 30 minutes, elder Chiyo!" A man called.
"Copy." The woman replied, starting the engine.

"Thirty minutes to what?" I asked. "Why am I going to Ebizo's? We never go to Ebizo's! I'll die! I'll die!" I cried, kicking in my seat.
"Stop acting like a child!" Chiyo demanded. "I'm going. They're sealing off Tokyo."

I paused as the old woman began driving, following a police car.
"Sealing of Tokyo?" I asked, leaning forwards. "...Why are we going to Ebizo's then?"
"I lied." Chiyo replied.

I frowned, looking around the streets. People were running.

"Did you bring the money? How much?" Granny asked.
"Y-Yeah...S-Six hundred..." I replied, holding up my wallet. "Wait...Why did you say you were going...?"
"That's not enough, Sasori!" She replied, ignoring my question.

"Granny!" I cried. "You said 'you're going', not 'we're going'."
"When you get across, get to the ATM. Get as much cash as you can." She demanded, going through red lights.
"Ebizo will meet you there, and drive you upstate. I'll meet you at the farm. Bring enough food for two weeks."

"...Did it jump?" I asked, referring to the recent virus outbreak. "I-Is it airborne...?"
"It may be..." The woman whispered.

I let out a cry, leaning into my seat. "I-It's Christmas though...".
"A holiday wont stop a virus, Sasori."
"Where did you hide my presents?"

Chiyo sat up, looking at the radio. "H-He's announced it early..."

"Make no mistake, my friends. This virus-

"You left my presents in the closet, didn't you!" I glared. "Lets go back, I want my presents!"
"Shut up, Sasori!" The old woman cried, listening to the radio.

"-Threatens the survival of not only our nation, but of every other nation. So it is with great sadness, but even greater resolve, that tonight I have signed an executive order, initiating a military quarantine of Japan."

I paled, switching off the radio, giving the old woman a questionable look.
"...We can still stop this...If we find something within a week, or even two weeks, we can reverse the spread..." She announced. "I can still fix this."

I felt my knees go weak. "N-No granny...Please!" I sat up, reaching to touch the woman's shoulder. "Please! You can do the same work outside the city!"
"Sasori, we talked about this!" She replied. "This is ground zero, this is my site!"

"W-What are you doing...?" I choked, feeling tears in my eyes.
"What am I doing?" Granny repeated. " Sasori, you're 19, stop acting like a child! I'm not going to let this happen!"
"Let?" I seethed. "This isn't up to you. You can't control this-

I screamed as a man sprinted to the car, pressing his mangled face against the window, letting out a screech.


How was that then? I know, it may seem confusing, but I assure you, it's suppose to. Things will unravel later, and the fic will be a lot more different than the film, I promise~ :3

Happy Halloween, everyone~! Consider this as a...Halloween gift?


Fic or treat~!



Anyway, I'll update the second chapter in a second. I usually do this with fics, just to start things off...

Please review^^