Ah, the first meeting between the real world girl and our lovely Hiccup. Next chapter we will see how things are going back at Berk. Sorry it's so short, but read and enjoy anyway! :D

As he was led through the underground tunnels toward the dungeons, Hiccup examined his surroundings. They were taking him down the exact same passage as they had the last time he'd been imprisoned there, but then they passed the cell he'd been in. Alvin had given him four Outcast guards to discourage any thoughts of even thinking about trying to escape, and Hiccup had heard him give orders that two of them would be stationed down the tunnel from his cell to catch him if he did somehow manage to get out.

Hiccup wondered why they wouldn't have two sets of guards, one for each direction of the tunnel, but he realised why only one pair was necessary when they reached a dead end. On the very end of the tunnel, there was a cell that seemed to be slightly larger than the others, presumably because they had considered continuing the tunnel but then changed their minds and stuck bars in the entrance to turn it into what it now was.

"Welcome to your new home, Dragon Conqueror," one of the Outcasts said as he opened the bars and another guard shoved Hiccup inside forcefully, making him stumble.

Hiccup caught himself and stood with his back to the bars, waiting for the steps of the guards to recede before turning around and checking to see if any of the gaps in the door were large enough for him to fit through. Some of the cells he'd seen had had opening that a walking toothpick like him could have gotten through, but not this one. He examined every inch of the cell, probing for a weak spot where he could try to dig, a loose rock that could be used for knocking out a guard, but the cold stone walls and floor were completely bare of anything useful.

With a sigh, Hiccup sat down on a slightly raised portion of the ground to let his mind wander, in the hope that it would stumble across a solution somehow, however unlikely that was. He heard someone moving around in one of the cells adjacent to his and looked up in surprise, then rolled his eyes and studied the ground again. He was on Outcast Island, home of Alvin the Treacherous, of course he wouldn't be the only prisoner in the dungeon.

His thoughts were interrupted again by more noises from that same cell. Curious despite himself to see who his jail mate was, he moved to peer through the bars and look into the other cell. His green eyes were met with a pair of gray-blue ones, which shared his curiosity. Looking past the eyes showed the other prisoner to be a girl, wearing a black shirt, a dark blue jacket, and a weird looking red hat. Her hair was light brown, and hung loose to around her shoulder blades. He couldn't really make out much else other than that, as it was hard to pick up details in the dim light.

The girl was looking him up and down as well, her eyes lingering on his prosthetic foot before her eyes widened in a stunned recognition that Hiccup couldn't share. If this girl recognized him, they had to have met before, right? But he couldn't recall ever having seen her in his entire life, and she most certainly didn't look like one of the younger kids from Berk.

Hiccup could catch a few snippets of the girl quietly muttering to herself. She seemed to be arguing with herself, saying, "Hiccup? But that's . . . but it can't be . . . oh, dang, oh dang. Oh, crap . . . isn't happening . . . cannot be happening . . . not dreaming? . . . can't be real . . . " she kept muttering, but Hiccup couldn't discern much other than her tone, which was alternating between shocked, disbelieving, and sounding like she was arguing with herself.

"Um, excuse me?" Hiccup said, and the girl looked up sharply.

"What?" she asked, suddenly seeming wary of him for some reason.

Hiccup cleared his throat, "Have we . . . met before?"

The girl seemed to consider that carefully before she answered, "You haven't met me before," the way she emphasized 'you' and 'me' seemed to imply that no, Hiccup hadn't met her before, but it might be a different story for her. Which made absolutely no sense.

He was about to ask her to clarify, when she suddenly asked, "How did you get caught? Where's Too- I mean, where's your dragon?"

"I- Wait, why should I tell you?" Hiccup was suspicious of the girl. She looked to be a few years younger than him, and didn't look like any trouble, but she was locked in the Outcast's dungeon. In what seemed to be the high-security section, considering how deep they were and how much thicker the bars were compared to the ones Hiccup had seen the last time he'd been there. She must have done something really destructive or irritating for Alvin to stick her this deep, but she also must be useful to the Outcast leader somehow, otherwise she'd be dead.

"Because . . . . . ." the girl cleared her throat, "Well . . . Actually, good point," an awkward silence stretched between them, neither really knowing what to say, but neither wanting to give up conversation as it would force them to sit in the dark with just their thoughts.

Minutes passed with no sound but a drip, drip, dripping from somewhere that started to get really annoying. Hiccup would glance up occasionally to see that the girl was still leaning on the bars of her cell, apparently deep in thought. A few times he saw her shake her head or mutter something indiscernible, and once they happened to glance up at the same time and made eye contact, both awkwardly looking away afterwards. This went on for quite some time, before both of them heard footsteps coming down the tunnel. Hiccup feared that it would be Alvin, come to try forcing him to train the dragons, but it was just an Outcast guard bringing food.

The guard stuck his torch into a bracket in the wall and walked over to set a bowl of something mushy and a cup of what was most likely water in front of the girl's cell, before taking his torch back down and turning to walk off. Hiccup was about to say something to him, but the girl beat him to it, "Hey, you! Why didn't you give Hiccup anything?"

The Outcast turned around and faced her, apparently as surprised at her outburst as Hiccup himself was. He appeared to think about that for a moment before saying, "Chief said to hold back that one's food until further notice, so he'll be more willing to train our dragons," the guard certainly didn't look to be the sharpest sword in the rack, so Hiccup could assume that he'd quoted his orders from Alvin to come up with that explanation. The guard turned and left before anyone could get another word in, and awkward silence returned.

I hope you all enjoyed that! First meetings are soooo awkward in this type of fic . . . I hope I didn't butcher it . . .

Anywhos, REVIEW YOU AWESOME READERS! I have cookies that I hand out to my reviewers, so you know what to do if you want any . . .