Matthew's tactics turned sly after a few minutes, his body leaning in, legs framing Ivan's thigh to the point that the Russian instinctively raised his leg up to give more friction. Devilish tongue twisted with his own before a sharp bite to his lip caused him to jump; that wasn't something the blonde did often, and with the full contact and slightly fevered and rough treatment, their bodies were starting to awaken.

Realizing that Yao's kiss was still on Ivan's lips and needed to be erased- eradicated, Ivan's participation in their kiss grew more heated. He wanted to touch, to make Matthew moan and sigh- to show him that there was no other that he wanted or needed- and there was certainly no other who could arouse him so easily.

It was salty and wet from the few tears Matthew had shed, but soft, chapped, warm, pliant- Matthew hummed in delight, opening for him sweetly. It was so different- it started a fire in Ivan's stomach; a flame that greedily consumed the noise Matthew made and craved for more, growing larger as he fed it with the touch of his hands and skill of his mouth.

One of his large hands curled under the sweater once more, palming the Canadian's flank in a way he had found gave the boy shivers- a strange ticklish/ erogenous zone that would break his body out in goosebumps. The boy's hips bucked slightly at the gesture, sure enough, and Matthew moaned, wrapping his arms tighter around Ivan's shoulders to become more involved in their kiss- more filthy. Hands wove into silver strands and Matthew sucked on his tongue before teasingly biting at his lip again. It made Ivan growl, because it just suggested more to come.

"Take me to bed, Ivan."

Ivan's throat clogged with a groan. "You better mean-"

Matthew's body moved sensuously against his, grinding against his front and Ivan inhaled sharply as he felt the distinct arousal. "I mean take me to bed, and show me how this trade works in other ways."

"Da," Ivan breathed, wanting so badly to show him. He reached out, firmly holding the Canadian's hips and lifted easily, waiting for him to wrap his legs around before moving forwards, Matthew's back rolled under his hands as he grinded and Ivan kissed him passionately- needed to stop that sound, because Matthew's quiet moans were the death of him.

He hardly knew the layout of his hotel room, and he spared a quick second to realize that they were in England- in his hotel- in one of his rooms, and he laughed breathlessly as he brushed his shoulder against a door-jam, gracelessly. "Your father would be pissed-" He mumbled, finally finding the bed and falling over Matthew kissing him again.

"Which one- cause- I think France," he paused to pull his sweater and undershirt off and then began unbuttoning Ivan's jacket and shirt. "Would be quite pleased."

"The other one, da? I feel like I'm sneaking you behind their backs- it's exciting; it's like stealing their child away in the middle of the night to do…" He took a steadying breath as his imagination started to offer every single thing he could do to Matthew now. "Very bad things."

The boy laughed, "Only it's not stealing- I came willingly. Also, bad is an opinion I reserve to voice on until I've tried it." He squeaked in surprise as Ivan flicks a thumb across his nipple with his right hand, then ducks down to suckle on the left. "Ivan, that's good- but take these off-" He's fumbling with the Russian's belt, getting the button and zipper down but not having the reach to push them off his hips.

Ivan hums, which makes Matthew's breath catch beautifully. "Come on, I want to see you, please."

He leans back, instantly growling at the loss of Matthew's heat, smell, taste- he throws off his unbuttoned shirt and jacket, stepping off the bed to get his heavy boots off with minimum untying of the laces- his boxers and slacks are shoved off his legs. He takes the moment to lean over Matthew, undoing his own pants and tugging them down- watching his hips as they buck up to help the process. Matthew's cock is beautiful- pale but for the pink tip, curving up to his belly now that it's not entrapped in cotton.

Ivan climbs back over him, carefully kneeling between Matthew's open legs and running his hands across milky thighs, hoisting his knees up to Ivan's waist. He drank in the sight below; seeing it rarely with the intent of touching and taking things further between them; the times in which they were both nude and so close were few, and he was always too afraid of disobeying Matthew's wishes to purposefully put them in compromising and tempting positions.

Now, he took his time looking; their groins so close, in a way that it looked like Ivan could already be inside the Canadian- smooth expanse of skin, pert pink nipples- marks over the chest and neck already beginning to show because he put them there. Matthew's arms were over his head, hands gathering one of the pillows at the top of the bed to put under his hips- it left his entire middle open and vulnerable. His stomach, chest, neck, all open, and Ivan had to breathe because just the sight was enough to make him want to take.

Matthew allowed the starring; he grinned and stretched in a way to make Ivan's eyes darken further; until they were a dark violet, almost maroon- and he wasn't embarrassed to look at Ivan either. Ivan was big- everywhere, not just endowed; his shoulders were so broad the shadows from the above light practically covered him, his rough calloused hands covered most of his back thighs where he had them raised. He was strong, packed with muscles, but in a way that kept his abdomen looking softer, scars lined his chest and arms, front and back, Matthew knew, but that added to the admiration. In their world, these were battles, wars- tokens of strength and survival; with an impressive, thick cock, uncut and surrounded by almost white curls, Ivan had an amazing form. Matthew wanted to touch, to feel him against his own body- all of him.

He leaned forwards, sitting up enough to smooth his hands up from the man's forearms to his shoulders, watching his own hands as they trailed lightly between the pectorals and down the abdomen, loving the flex of muscles following his touch. He didn't hesitant to go further, but he did turn his gaze up to meet Ivan's when he brushed his palm against the man's arousal. Ivan's eyes flickered, almost shut, at the touch, and his hands tightened around his thighs. Matthew's fingers wrapped around the shaft, feeling the weight, the heat. He pulled slowly at the skin, rubbing his thumb at the revealed head, pushing against the slit and then smearing the wetness down to the underside.

Ivan's hips pushed forward and he groaned, obviously wanting more. "C-can you take- your scarf, would it be too much?" It was the only thing remaining and Ivan's lustful expression cleared enough for him to nod, looking concentrated on the present- their body's connections and what they were about to do- what it meant that he would bare his neck to Matthew, especially during this.

Softly unwrapping the cotton material, he folded it like he always did when he handled Ivan's most prized possession, and stretched back again to put it on the nightstand, taking off his glasses to set them on top. "Do you have anything for preparation?"

Ivan's suitcase was just at the side of the bed, he only had to lean over slightly to reach into it, coming back with a bottle that had a pump cap on it, setting it it beside Matthew's hips, he swallowed, panting slightly. "Let me know if you need more, when I start this- don't let it hurt."

Smiling, Matthew wiggled his hips, "I'll let you know, Ivan. Do you want to do it, or me?"

"I need my hands on you," Ivan almost growled, already spreading the slick over his fingers, he kept one hand under Matthew's thigh, though now that the pillow was wedged under his hips, it wasn't necessary- it kept him open, and Ivan's grip on it gave him a grounding. He became distracted by Matthew's cock, realizing he hadn't touched it yet; he needed to.

The blonde's legs twitched at the surprised change in direction, and he keened softly at the firm grasp. Ivan's lubed hand made it easy to caress, stroking from root to tip, getting it wet and slippery. He worked his palm over the head, keeping his fingers in a tight ring, grinning when Matthew let out a true moan of ecstasy, head back, eyes closed, mouth open.

Ivan leaned forward to capture those sounds, biting at the Canadian's throat and then roughly nipping at the man's lip. Hands once more settled in his hair, and a breathless "Ivan" was whispered into a sloppy kiss.

Ivan changed his grip, twisting it with every up-stroke, and Matthew whined, breaths picking up speed between Ivan's relentless kisses, licks, and bites. Nails digging into Ivan's scalp served as a warning to take it easy, and Ivan slows his hand, knowing Matthew would need the subtle decreasing touch rather than the sudden release. Rubbing gently one more time before reaching for the lube again, Ivan teased along the blonde's jaw and ear, listening to the huffs of breaths slowly come down to a less fevered pace.

"You make such beautiful sounds," Ivan whispered. The pump on the bottle made it too easy- he didn't even have to look to see; could keep his eyes on the blonde's expression; the blown pupils, the swollen red lips, the blush on his cheeks. "I have to find every place, touch you every which way- see what makes you moan so loudly- for me; you call my name like that and it makes me insane."

A coy grin was thrown his way- perfectly lighting up the boy's eyes and with the red on his cheeks and the escalated breathing, it just made Ivan's chest ache. "When you touch me, it's like sparks, it feels amazing."

Ivan kissed him again, unable to stop- he should really stop, let them both breathe, but he couldn't help it. "It's that bond between person and Nation. Focus on me; where I touch in relation to you. I can feel you, and you can feel me too. You're beautiful." His fingers, sufficiently slick once more, passed the man's erection to brush knuckles against his sack, teasing the pads of his fingers behind to the perineum and slipping them down to the opening. "I can feel your forests, the mountains, your rivers and lakes. That's just the surface." He rubbed around the ring of muscles, making sure the way was no longer dry before pressing in to the first knuckle. "The deeper we go- when I'm inside you, if we concentrate- I'll feel your people, the thoughts."

"I'll b-be able to feel you too?"

"Da," He trailed kisses down Matthew's throat, pressing his finger deeper, feeling the surprisingly easy stretch. He groaned thinking that perhaps Matthew had practiced. "You'll feel me- everything. If we were a union, it would be permanent, but this is better, intimate, it's about trust and a way to know what is weak, strong, or important. You can choose what a partner sees; if you try to block it- but it isn't as good. I want this to be good, Matvey." He wouldn't be blocking anything; he'll let Matthew see him, his Nation and the people- from the past to the present and his plans for the future.

A second finger breached and he curled them, pumping them to keep the movements easy. Matthew made a gasping whine, small and excited, his abdomen rolling as he worked his hips down to meet the fingers' thrust. "It's good."

Ivan's grin was a wicked kind, reminiscent of his cruel sadistic smiles, and he pressed the digits harder, faster, working them with the blonde's hips, suddenly adding a third in the middle of a grind that made Matthew groan at the sudden extra pressure. The arms around Ivan's neck squeezed and the rolling hips hardly stopped at the intrusion, still feeling much too pleasurable.

Leaning back, Ivan raised his upper body from its looming position, causing Matthew's hands to grab onto the blankets and remaining pillows above his head. He looked down, passed the straining cock, to the point where his fingers disappeared. From his new position, his hand and arm gained more leverage, and the trusts of his fingers changed. Matthew moaned, louder than before, back bowing from the mattress- every next push into the Canadian earned him a louder noise of pleasure, until Matthew's face turned into a pillow, muffling the sound as much as he could.

Ivan almost protested, but the barrier wasn't much of a muffler, and the body underneath him was slowly tightening with desperate need for release. He watched keenly as the blonde's legs quivered, the moans turned shaky and breathless- and he slowed his hand, no longer aiming for the prostate nor pushing with as much force.

The next groan was one of frustration. "Ivan!" Matthew took his face out of the pillow, looking up at the Russian with a desperate pout; complete with a face that just screamed debauched, it made him chuckle. "Ivan, come on, I think I'm ready for the big league- just; ah, don't stop touching me, please. You're doing this on purpose."

With a plea like that, Ivan couldn't refuse, and he chuckled with the blonde, unapologetic of the way he kept bringing Matthew closer to release so quickly. The pull at his fingers as he slid them away made him groan, knowing how open and warm Matthew's body was and the greedy muscles that almost clung to him- imagining what that would feel like sent a thrill of heat through his own belly.

Slicking up his own neglected member made him choke with forgotten need and he couldn't help the extra strokes, encouraged by the hot gaze of the Canadian watching him keenly. Matthew's eyes were narrowed with a look of want, and his red lips were moistened by his tongue- like he was remembering a taste. And the chill that crawled down Ivan's spine made him moan; because Matthew had tasted him before; that was one of the few instances of sex they had tried and just the memory of that hot mouth around him pushed him closer to the edge.

Squeezing the base, as uncomfortable as it was, staved off the sudden wave of orgasm and he took his hand away completely to smooth a palm up the blonde's hip instead. Leftover lube left behind a slick trail following his palm but the body underneath curled up to meet the touch and Ivan leaned forward to bring their bodies in alignment.

The first slide in was long, full of jolting movements that made them both grown under the too much- not enough white-hot heat, as their legs shifted to accommodate the new position and weight. Ivan buried his face into the other's neck, stalling his hips for a mere second to breathe out before pulling back. Matthew's legs wrapped tightly around his waist, and he was seemingly not under any pain as Ivan glanced up. The Canadian was pushing and pulling, without any pause, to get their rhythm going, meeting his thrusts with more confidence every time. His cock was pressed between them, moving slickly with the lube from before, stimulating him from both inside and out.

Ivan kept one elbow to the side, holding part of his weight up so he wouldn't completely fall on Matthew, but the other swepped up and down the blonde's side, sometimes holding on for a particularly rough rut, and causing those shivers of sensitivity to run down Matthew's back. "Matvey," He tried to call, but it came out as more of a moan, his lips right next to the Canadian's ear. "Focus on it."

Trying to keep himself open; to pointedly think of an invitation, he felt the beginnings of this bond forming. An exchange- no a merging of information; forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, cities, farming fields, oil fields. The young, old, workers in offices, school teachers, students, children. The laughter, the tears, the opinions and culture. Canada's hockey, Russia's motor racing, traditions in festivals and holidays.

It all came slowly, in flashes and with surface information and knowledge. Suddenly, the hair brushing across his face were wheat grains, and the hand on Matthew's hip- touching Alberta. The heart beating against his chest, Vancouver. "красивый," Ivan breathed.

Then the images imprinted for longer, holding more meaning, more importance; the depths of Matthew's value- in his land, the people. The morals and the admirations; his peoples views, their worries. Like the constant state of his own only now there was an overwhelming knowledge of the differences between them and the similarities. The land they shared was expansive; rivers and mountains unending, and the people- so many of them, all so loud and expressive. From children to the elderly.

Ivan could pinpoint the exact identity of the few Canadians who Matthew cherished; the store cashier down the street of his home, the neighbor's eight year old son and his Halloween costume this year. There was a lake by the borders of Alaska that Matthew fell through on the winter of 1998, there was a protest Matthew went to in order to save that particular forest from being cut down. Maple- the sweet flavor of it, like the first time it ever landed on his tongue; combined with the trees being harvested for the rich sap. The love Matthew had for children, secretly spending as much time possible researching and helping students through the nation's schools; oh, how Matthew would love to be a teacher in another life.

How Matthew yearned for a child of his own sometimes; wanted love- wanted to be needed and held. The overwhelming wish to have someone there to kiss him and embrace him- to see him, always.

His feelings here, now. The chest aching love and affection directed at Ivan melding with the sense of awe and wondering amazement- because while Ivan is seeing all of Matthew; Matthew was seeing all of him. His secrets, his thoughts; his innermost desires.

He was seeing the scars of his past, the effects on his mind, the possessive need Ivan had to keep and protect; the sincerity of his affections, the way Ivan admired Matthew; thought of him like… an angel he didn't deserve but wanted so hard to prove worthy of.

His own secret wish for a family, but the horrors that came with families tearing apart. The way he wanted to be truly loved- despite his faults; the want-need-earn-take that bubbled up whenever he looked at Matthew and the things that stopped him; the respect he had for the Canadian, the way he could simply cherish the blonde, the wish that he could keep him close, tell him how much he was wanted...

Everything was all merging; feelings, opinions, lands, people, responsibilities and needs. It was a white-out of nothing but and Ivan had never felt such a huge connection, never had so much information coming in at once.

Matthew's keen echoed as he came, hands grasping for purchase on the pillow, one in Ivan's hair, tightening blissfully in a fist. Ivan felt it intimately; the places in which they touch burning and the cry of pleasure melding into the voices of millions of other people. Panting, the Russian just managed to hold on, continuing through the contractions around him, reaching down to encircle Matthew's cock and help him through the aftershocks until he was trembling and whining with oversensitivity. "Ivan, don't stop. Keep-"

"It's ok," He said, breathing heavily, trying to slow down his heartbeat, attempting to organize the scattered information in his brain. He didn't know what was his anymore, and he should be more concerned at that, but he couldn't; Canada was beautiful, inside and out and that devotion and love, he wanted to sink into it, be enveloped by it and never leave-

Hands on his chest pushed, and the Russian followed, allowing himself to be rolled onto his back, groaning in loss when his cock slipped free. He was still so hard, so desperate for release, and yet his entire mind was occupied with everything new and exciting, he didn't know what he wanted more.

Matthew straddled him, skin glistening with sweat and torso completely filthy with lube and semen- Ivan sighed at the sight, watching as he leaned down to connect their lips, he met him enthusiastically, though they more or less panted through their kiss. Slowly sinking down on him, Matthew steadied his weight with hands on Ivan's chest, legs too weak after his orgasm to reliably hold him up on their own. He kept a slow but sensual rhythm but with the added help of gravity and weight, Ivan was deeper than before, and the muscles Matthew was using to lift himself up, tightened around him in all the right ways.

Peppering kisses across his face, cheeks, jaw- hands running through his hair, Ivan felt it all, but was too consumed by the feeling of Matthew around him to do much else but groan. He was still experiencing the sparks of Canada, the images of land and people- he knew Matthew must be seeing him. He needed release; an escape of all the building pressure, the overwhelming need to consolidate everything he'd seen and touched. So much information, so many people; they were the largest countries in the world- he didn't know it would be so intense-

Wet kisses across the scars of his neck, warm pressure, and a soft but distinctive ridge of teeth set him off; a firm grip on Matthew's waist and a hard buck of his hips- he gave a hoarse groan, tilting his head forward to smother his face in Matthew's pale throat.

He kept a tight grasp on the boy above him, staying still as he came so sensitive to the movements between him, and even after, as he slowly started to soften. A light feathering hand rubbed up and down his chest, another in his hair, combing through the sweaty strands soothingly.

Slowly, the bond faded, as they both came back to the reality of each other; Ivan claiming his land and Matthew regain his, the eerie but amazing sensation of sharing a mind passed; the thoughts solely their own once more.

Ivan nudge his nose behind the Canadian's ear pressing a kiss and trying to get his breathing under control enough to speak. "Are you ok?"

"Oui, I'm fine." His voice was hoarse as well, but the tone behind it suggested there was a silly grin on his face. "More than fine, actually. You?"

"Da, more than fine," He repeated, causing a breathless laughter from the blonde. The shakes, no matter how subtle, sent sparks echoing through their bodies and Matthew's laughter choked off in a whine, thighs visibly trembling as Ivan caressed his palms down his sides; knowing now the lands he touched, though he couldn't feel it for himself anymore. It sent a small thrill of pleasure within to know this; among the few, if only, ones to ever know.

"Thank you, for showing me that- well, for all of it, of course, but… it was great. We should do it again."

Grinning himself now, Ivan leaned back to look at Matthew, nodding. "Da, we will definitely be doing that again." He looked down at the mess all over the boy, continuing to grin when Matthew did the same- his thighs were going to be dripping with Ivan's release soon, and the comforter on the bed as well as the pillow under Matthew's hips were probably ruined for the night.

"Uh, maybe until after a shower. Oui, shower time- oh, and we didn't eat yet," He shifted a bit, squeaking as Ivan slipped free and their bodies slid together, skin still sensitive and wet. "I'm hungry."

Smiling in a softer tone, Ivan nodded, propping himself up to move damp blonde hair away from that face. "I'll feed you." Moving out from underneath the lithe body, he sighed as he left the bed, taking the dirty pillow off and throwing it on the floor. "Start the shower, da? I'll get the food ready and join you."

It was a soft hand at his shoulder that stopped him from leaving, and Ivan curled his arm around the blonde's waist as Matthew bent to kiss him from his kneeled form on the bed. "I love you."

Sighing in bliss, Ivan nodded, trying hard not to let the blonde tempt him back to bed, it was hard with the Canadian wrapped around him, kissing his neck and jaw. "I love you," He mumbled back when he could, then smirked. "Are you taking a shower or not?"

"I'm trying to convince you to carry me."

"You're very convincing, da?"

"Mm, you think I'm cute- it works."

"You really are turning me into a marshmallow…"

"What, you didn't see that in my plans?"

Ivan grinned, twisting just enough to get his other arm under Matthew's legs, swinging the blonde into a bridal carry, he tucked the other's body close, kissing his temple sweetly. "I see many things in our future actually- I am okay with that."

With his lover in his arms, Ivan carefully stepped around their neglected clothing on the ground and into the little sitting area- the bathroom was just across. Giggling lightly, Matthew shook his head, "I promise to only use my powers for good."


"Ugh! Can I sleep now?" Kumajirou called.

"I do not know. The bathroom can very easily carry sounds, da? We might be loud."

"I'm going outside! I think France's room is nearby. Can I eat his boots? I think they're leather."

"Kumashwarma, non-"

"Da! That is a wonderful idea! Also, China has very nice silk shirts that might taste really good too, maybe you can try those first."


"Ivan, don't encourage him…"

"It would be funny! Besides,we will only mess with him a little. He deserves it, da?"

"... Just a little."

"Da… just a little, right Kumajirou?"

"Ha, of course."

Matthew nods, walking into the bedroom with his plate of take-out. Ivan leans over to reach his hand, palm up, for the bear to shake. They give twin smiles of deviant secrecy, and Ivan straightens, face blank, before Matthew can turn to see. "Just a little."

...Thank You...