Happy New Year everyone! hope that 2014 wil be a wonderful year for everyone!
Ok ok I know I'm soooo late with the next chapter, but what should I do, school was(and still) a pain! T.T
Here it goes!
It sounded like they both lost control of their selves.
The rampaging inside their hearts didn't stop for a moment, and they could even feel that their hearts would burst off of their chests at any moment.
It felt like an antagonizing eternity before Touma could make his mind, both of them were closing their eyes in fear, trying to control the urge to scream, not knowing how to control their burning feelings.
They say that a kiss is a prove for true love in modern world, it's the best affection and prove to show love to the other person you're bond to be with, so a love bite... Wasn't exactly the correct prof or form on love right?
But in Touma's "such misfortune" world he lives in, it was somehow the opposite in his current situation.
Once Touma's fingers made a contact with her skin, she felt a chill going down her whole body, she was about to scream and yell...
zapping everything around her.
Misaka Mikoto, the third rated Level 5, the Railgun girl, was in the grip of Touma's strong arms, who was about to "pretend" to bite her. He was putting one hand under her legs, and another one on her neck.
Tsuchimikado's grin went wider.
Mikoto opened her eyes slowly in fear, to be welcomed by the blushing, yet adorable face of Touma, who was sweating hard and gulping in fear, a mix of unknown feelings created an odd and unknown expression on his face.
They were close, as in too close and about to get closer, his grip made her shiver, she was afraid he could hear her trembling heart and body.
"I-I'm sorry Misaka..." whispered Touma to her, apologizing and hoping to not die after what he's about to do.
And there was the moment that Mikoto's heart literally stopped for a moment.
Touma made his move, his face leaned closer, adjusting her neck by his hand to get a perfect accuracy, and slowly biting the poor girl on her neck.
Well it wasn't a real bite, his teeth made a little contact with her skin for about a minute, he won't bite her for real.
(Oooh~ I can't believe he actually did it!) Thought Tsuchimikado in amusement while enjoying the scene in front of him.
Touma tried to be as gentle and soft as he can to the poor girl's fragile body, he was blushing and trembling himself, not knowing what he did to be punished by God so badly, or was it a bless at some point? he didn't know.
Much to Touma's blushing face, Mikoto's state wasn't better, you could say it was a much higher state of "worse".
Her heart was just not ready and she felt it like stopping, her breath became unstable and it was even hard to catch one, her face... a million shade of red of course and her brain lost the ability to comprehend a single thing of what happening.
She wanted to zap everything as to defend herself, yet it was futile due to Touma's right hand so she just surrendered to the fact that she's being bitten by her secret crush and most loved person in her heart, which some how made a slight pleasant feeling to come to her heart despite the fear.
"N-nh~" she tried to escape the fact with a short yelp, yet again it was futile to even try.
Once Index heard the slight voice from Mikoto, she opened her eyes, seeing no one around her trying to bite her, she turned her head in search for the said voice, to be welcomed in surprise by the scene in front of her which made her blush as well.
As much as it was obvious that Touma would eventually choose one of them to bite, she couldn't fight the urge to bite too!
she said in a scary tone that would make a person shiver from it, her face could make anyone scared, while her perfectly shaped teeth were glittering, ready to bite.
Index jumped on Touma's back and started to bite him where ever it comes, while Touma were yelling and begging her to stop, he lost his grip on Mikoto who gently fell to the ground while still being frozen.
"How dare you do that!" Shouted Index.
"I-It's not like I had a choice! retorted Touma while trying to get her of his head.
Index pouted and blushed."S-still! you could've..."
and the barking continued, leaving a fully shocked and frozen Mikoto, her mind were in a state of disbelieve, so did her trembling heart which couldn't get that weird feeling in her chest caused by Touma's touch, the only thing that brought back to reality was the sound of her Gekota phone ringing in it's usual tone.
She hesitatingly opened the phone while still blushing from the said "act", and she answered in a disturbed voice.
"Onee-sama?, what's wrong!"
The sound from the end of the line came replaying in a questioning tone, it was the sound of her one and only "Mikoto-obsessed" friend , Shirai Kuroko.
"A-ah Kuroko.." Sweated Mikoto. "n-never mind." she laughed nervously, desperately trying to change the subject."Anyway, what's up?" she asked.
"Well..." Kuroko started while taking a glance at her friends who were talking cheerfully to the kids, making her form a gentle smile while carrying on her speech. "Saten-san and Uiharu are making an exhibition for little kids and they seem to have fun, and we want you to join. Besides..." Kuroko's tone changed from happy to suspicious. " I only saw you once this morning and you were such in a hurry, not to mention that weird expression on your face and the blushing, I never got a chance to ask why."she commented suspiciously, demanding an answer.
Mikoto gulped. "a-ahahahaha I-It was nothing..." she muttered. "I'll be coming soon ok."
"You didn't answer me Onee-sama."
"I'm telling you it was not a big deal!"
her faced started to shin red, remembering how she ran off this morning, packing her custom in a bag, then going to get good candies for her idiot, making it an excuse so she can spend this night with him, and ending up spending the whole day on the bridge while trying to figure out a way to con-.
Wait did she really thought of it now?
Mikoto instantly and insistently shock her head sideways.
"Like I was saying it's really not a big-"
The sound of Index came interrupting her sentence.
"Touma you idiot!"
"L-let go of me! gahhhh such misfortune!"
"Touma-san?" Muttered Kuroko. " Who's exactly you're with Onee-"
Saten interrupted while gracefully taking the phone from Kuroko's hand, cutting her in the middle of her investigation with her beloved onee-sama,She must have quite
a good hearing cause once her ears caught the name of a boy, she instantly sneaked from behind and took the said phone.
"H-hey!" Complained Kuroko.
Saten didn't bother giving her attention, cause right now, knowing who is this "Touma-san" took the priority and she must know who he is, how he knows Mikoto, what kind of "relation" he have with and lots of other questions jumping in her head, she felt exited to meet the said Touma-san, and she want to meet him, now.
"Yo Misaka-san! Whoever is there with you make sure to bring /him/ with you ok!" she said in amusement.
"S-Saten-san... I... But..."
Mikoto's couldn't find a correct word to get her off this situation, it was bad enough when Kuroko knew, and now Saten just had to hear his name, trouble were likely making a spot for Mikoto this night, or so it seemed.
"No buts Misaka-san, I'll be waiting here with the others, hurry up~"
"Y-yeah..." Sighed Mikoto in defeat.
She dropped the call while her red cheeks continued burning her face, only to hear two hands clapping, driving everyone's attention to the said voice which was coming from Tsuchimikado.
"Iyah~ great act guys!"
"S-shut up! this whole thing was your fault."
Said Mikoto, turning her blushing face away from him.
" You gotta admit you all liked it after all nya~"
"WE DIDN'T!" They all shouted while blushing.
"And that's what proves my point."
Commented Tsuchimikado while waving his index finger in front of his face like saying. "I knew it all from the very beginning."
Then he leaned closer to Mikoto's face, muttering to her. " I saw "it" in your eyes Mikoto-chan~. I knew he would pick you."
It? what could he mean by it, most important, how did her knew he would pick her? Mikoto wanted to ask, yet her tongue felt numb, she couldn't speak as like there was a stone chocking her, after pausing for like 5
seconds, she finally got to speak.
"What do you mean?" She muttered.
"You know what I mean about "it" nya~, yet how I figured out who he was going to pick, well.." He paused for a second, then grinned. " I have my ways nya~!"
That was definitely "not" a satisfying answer for her.
Tsuchimikado took his basket(which was empty for some reason) and started to walk out of the room.
"See ya Kami-yan, have fun nya~"
"S-shut up, it was your damn fault you know." Said Touma, surprisingly still been bitten by Index on the head.
"I got used to that, now excuse me, Maika is waiting me, duty calls me so I better go~"
Tsuchimikado walked from the scene, leaving the three of them alone. Again.
In a near park, where a certain red vending machine took it's place, there were Kuroko, uiharu, and Saten, standing with a mob of little kids, each one of the kids wearing a custom and holding a pumpkin basket
Kuroko was standing on the corner, wearing a black leather shirt with purple strips drawn on it, with a black short skirt, her twin-tails were tied up with a bat-shape ribbons, and her hands were covered with two pairs of black cloves reaching the middle of her arms.
She was so busy trying to call Mikoto(for the 10th time) on her cellphone that she didn't notice anything else, so everyone left her alone.
"Really, Uiharu... I'm disappointed..."
Said Saten Ruiko while comical tears were pouring down her face, starting at her friend's figure. Uiharu was wearing a white T-shirt with a pink bunny face printed on the right side of it, with a white... short?
Yes, Uiharu was wearing a white short, almost 4inchs tall, there was two black ribbons tied up at each end of the short, it's strips almost reached the ground, and it was moving every second her body moved.
Saten wasn't pleased with this.
"S-saten-san, what's so big about it? At least you won't flip my skirt now."
Said Uiharu while pouting, intertwining her hands down sheepishly.
"What's the point if I didn't get the chance to know what color your panties are!"
Said Saten while her comical tears kept on going, surprising Uiharu on how much of an honest and "weird" person her best friend is.
"Mouhh Saten-san..." Sighed Uiharu. "Any way, how about you? You look like you're about to sneak to someone's house to steal the candy you know." She commented.
Said Saten, seemingly interested in the thought, putting her hand down her cheek.
"Saten-san! I didn't mean it for real!"
"Yeah yeah I know~"
She said while she putted her hood on her head, and putting black glasses on her face, making a "sparkle" pose, she was wearing a black jacket with a mini angry pumpkin face printed on the chest area, the jacket had a black hood, while the under shirt were dark orange, with black wide pants. She looked like a spy somehow.
On the other side, kuroko's thoughts were rampaging in her head.
"Tsc... What's taking Onee-sama so long!?" She said irritatedly.
(Maybe that ape I've heard his name on the phone is stopping her, telling her to spend the night with him...) she paused for a second. ( m-m-maybe they're d-d-d-doing it!... If that's true...!)
Ah dear, earthquake.
Once Kuroko's thoughts reached an end with the horribly wrong idea, her evil aura started to spread, her eyes were glowing and her hair was flying in a weird manner,she was so scary that her look would make died people and monsters who are supposed to come back to earth to get afraid and jump back to their graves.
Once Saten caught the glimpse of Kuroko's horrifying expression, she tagged on Uiharu's shirt with a scared face, pointing a finger at Kuroko, Uiharu's face turned pale as well, knowing the deadly consequences that Kuroko's rampage would do if she teleports to where ever Mikoto is right now, she hesitatingly shouted to the kids.
" Ok now kids, we're going to start!"
Her voice were loud enough to reach Kuroko's ears, bringing her back to earth(from whatever kind of hell she was in).
"We're already starting?" she questioned.
"Yeah yeah, so come here and help us."Said Saten while dragging Kuroko from her hands. "W-wait what about Onee-sama!?"
"She'll find her way to here, you come here now."
She said, turning to Uiharu and winking her as saying "mission complete! we bought enough time for Misaka-san!"
Uiharu gave her a bright smile, agreeing with her.
"Sa! Let's start!" Said Uiharu cheerfully.
"Shit... Isn't this bullshit over yet?"
Muttered a certain albino, looking at the little girl named Last Order who were walking cheerfully in front of him. He kept on his whimper, yet Last Order didn't seem to care, she only turned at him smiling.
"Ne~ look at all the candies I've got~, Says Misaka as Misaka feel happy about her work!" She said with a proud smile, holding the basket closer to her face. "Yet Misaka wasn't happy cause you scared some people, says Misaka as Misaka point a finger at you, demanding you to be more polite." She said, as much as she wanted her words to be demanding, she just looked so adorable saying them, even Accelerator couldn't deny that.
"tsc, like I give a shit about it, what should I do if everyone one of them is like a puss, they got afraid just cause I looked at them in the eye, bunch of basters."
It was clear now why Last Order got all those candies, Accelerator just had to look at them and then a mountain of candies would fall on her, there were people who didn't get afraid like the three students who were wearing Tokiwadai middle school's uniform(which reminded him of a certain Railgun girl), the girls were so polite and they kept patting on Last order's head, questioning if she's Mikoto's relative, expect one of them who were holding a Japanese fan while a huge snake were warped around her body, she kept saying nonsense and Accelerator wanted to blow her off, they also knocked the door on Tsuchimikado and Maika, who happily gave them some candy, while Tsuchimikado kept laughing at
Accelerator's look saying. "That's really adorable nya~" which blew off Accelerator's nerves, yet he couldn't help but to stay calm because of Yumikawa's words.( If you make her cry, or unhappy for any reason, I'll make sure to show you hell at it's finest.) he recalled her words desperately.
(also, what's wrong with that crazy girl) He thought to himself, recalling when they met a blond girl on the road few minutes ago(also wearing Tokiwadai's uniform), she had stars in her eyes, she kept hugging Last Order saying.( she's so adorable! she look like Misaka-san a lot~, mah as expected from her Imouto~, If only Misaka-san could be polite like this." She putted one hand on her right cheek, , slightly shaking her head. " she's such a tomboyish girl, responsible at some point, and love to deal with things on her own, it made quite a mess at the Daihaseisai festival~)
(A huge mess?) Accelerator questioned to himself.
(Are you talking about Onee-sama?, asks Misaka as Misaka notice your uniform which is the same as onee-sama.)
(Yes~ it's true~, ahhh you're so adorable~) she hugged her once more.
(I'm sorry dear, I have to go now~) she said and turned to Accelerator smirking. (see ya, take good care of her, or Misaka-san will get sad~.) she winked adorably.( Bye bye Accelerator-kun~) then she walked away.
Accelerator could only wonder who the hell is this girl, knowing about the Sisters, hell even knowing his own name, he only sighed.
"There's a lot of shit in this city..."
"You're so slow Accelerator, hurry up, says Misaka as Misaka wants you to walk faster!" Said Last Order with a cute pout.
"Sigh, and when this shit is going to-"
He stopped himself, as his ears heard a voice coming down the street which made the doors of his memory to open widely.
So? what ya think? is it nice or bad, whatever it is, u can tell me in a review! ^_^
Now~ can anyone guess who's voices Accelerator-kun heard? write to me your answers XD
Matta ne! *wink*